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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. I only vaguely know who Whitney is and don't even really know how I got here, but snark is always fun so I did some reading.  I obviously don't know the guy in the photo below, but at first glance, I thought, "Gah, one of those hairdos where they shave the sides and have a ponytail. I hate that."  Then I looked more and thought, "Those are dreadlocks going all the way to the floor!" 

    Alas, no.  Turns out he's in front of a hand truck.  

    On 12/31/2021 at 12:22 PM, Irate Panda said:



    • LOL 7
  2. On 12/27/2021 at 8:56 AM, Chaos Theory said:

    What I meant to say is "No one I know but me has seen idiocracy but half of the internet considers it brilliant."  

    Among the very few accomplishments in my life is that I saw Idiocracy in a theater when it first came out.  Even stayed up for a 9:30 showing, which is actually probably more impressive.

  3. On 1/15/2022 at 3:42 PM, dubbel zout said:

    I think that was the lamest story I've ever heard from someone in the Big Red Chair. Graham's expression was priceless.

    I about died.  Graham:  "I don't know how old Alice is, but how is it that's the funniest thing that ever happened to her?  I mean, that is a life not lived." 

    Graham was on fire.  The argument about Mr. Onions, and the tussle when Martin Freeman was wanting to ask James Morrison a question.  And then you have Nina Sosanya with her arm casually thrown over the back of the chair and Josh Widdicombe throughout.  Man, this was a good show.

    • Love 3
  4. 18 hours ago, izabella said:

    It's in the cut of the dress so that it is more narrow at the thighs and knees.  If you are familiar with trumpet or mermaid bridal gowns, you'll know how they emphasize the butt.  The narrower it is at the thigh and knees, the more the butt is emphasized.

    None of which matters for a Housewives reunion, where you're seated the entire time, except for when somebody jumps up to put her finger in someone else's face, or gets up to go hug a weeping fellow castmember.

    But that's almost never taken into account in what they choose to wear.  Maybe they should do a combo challenge--make the real housewives "walk" the runway in a wheelchair.  And one they have to push, to weed out dresses that will flash breasts if the wearer isn't sitting ramrod straight. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Kimboweena said:

    On a MAFS Facebook page I follow, someone suggested that Alyssa resembles Miranda Cosgrove (iCarly). I see a little resemblance, what do you think?

    Aah, it just occurred to me.  I think she looks like the folk singer Nanci Griffith. 


    I'm not familiar with iCarly, but if you had just shown me that photo of her, I would have guessed she was one of the Jenners.


    • Love 4
  6. On 1/13/2022 at 2:21 AM, endure said:

    In one scene it showed a photo of him without a beard and he looked pretty sweet.  Weren’t two of her wants, tall and bearded? 

    If I were her, I'd be saying, "But not THAT beard."  I wouldn't be able to get past it.  Like literally, I wouldn't be able to get past it to get to his face because it sticks out so far.

    On 1/13/2022 at 10:46 AM, Auntie Anxiety said:

    Olajuwon is exhausting and doesn’t know how to stop talking about himself. My ears were starting to bleed. That marriage isn't going to last long, especially since he won’t stop apologizing for his promiscuity which he suddenly realized wasn’t the right path for him about three weeks ago.

    I thought it was funny that she was having trouble getting his name, because I'm old enough that Hakeem Olajuwon rolls right off my tongue from watching him play basketball in college--it was always exciting when UT was playing the University of Houston because you'd get to see him, and marvel that the word "Olajuwon" was rolling off the tongues of Texans. 

    However, I find it endlessly irritating that MAFS Olajuwon has had this 180-degree lifestyle transformation, and hasn't tried it out on any regular women to see if it can stick.  At least with them, they're still just dating and things go south all the time and you break up and move on.  But at this point, it's an untested theory, which he's going to try out with some poor unsuspecting stranger. 

    On 1/12/2022 at 11:48 PM, Blissfool said:

    Steve has a very angular face and his eyes are too close together. When I first saw him in the matchmaking episode I thought he was very unattractive, but I guess I'm getting used to his sharply angled face because now I thing he's alright.

    You didn't mention his ears.  There was a shot of him from behind, in silhouette, with those jug handles sticking out. 

    21 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    I don't think she's going to be impressed by his lack of a job, that's for sure. I hope this is just something he's doing not because he has no choice but because he can.

    It sounds like he's choosing it.  He got laid off (maybe due to Covid--I'm not sure) and wasn't thrilled about spending the winter in Boston and decided to take a four-month trip down the east coast to Florida.  I get the impression he can get another job whenever he wants. 

    It also sounds like he was traveling on the cheap, staying in his car.  Taking this trip instead of immediately trying to get another job when the job market was tight sounds like a pretty good choice, especially if he was collecting unemployment.  I'm sure there are LOTS of people who would like to take a few months off to travel but just can't swing it.  He apparently could, so good for him for figuring out it was something he'd like to do and taking the opportunity when it presented itself.

    9 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

    I'm not a fan of tattoos unless they're small and inconspicuous.

    I have been a fan of exactly one tattoo in my entire life--back in the 1980s, a friend got drunk in a border town in Mexico and had a 1-inch random hot air balloon tattooed on the bottom of her foot. 

    • Love 2
  7. Here's a perspective from a dumdum.  I've never read Shakespeare, so I have no "ear" for the dialogue.  And speaking of ears, I'm hard of hearing and use caption devices at movies to fill in the gaps.  So Shakespeare would seem to be a tall order, but anything in black and white creates a rebuttable presumption that I'm going to see it, plus I'm a Coen fan, and I'm adventurous in my moviegoing.

    Further tipping the scale was remembering seeing Kenneth Branagh's Henry V and understanding it, and I saw The Merchant of Venice at that famous Shakespeare place in Staunton, Virginia, and managed to follow that too.   I'm not hopeless

    So I gave this Macbeth a shot, and I failed miserably by any measure other than sitting in a nice big theater enjoying the visuals.  For some reason I didn't consult the Cliffs Notes to get a little familiar with the plot, which I've been known to do with non-Shakespeare movies.  That was a mistake, although my understanding is that the plot was changed up because the two leads were much older than they are in Shakespeare's version. 

    The captions (which I had to be almost glued to) made it possible to know what the words being spoken were, but I couldn't process them from Shakespeare to English fast enough to be able to understand what was being said.

    All of this is obviously on me, and no fault of the movie.  But I thought I'd throw it out there, because if I'd read what I just wrote when deciding whether to see it, it would have helped me make a more informed decision. 

    On 1/11/2022 at 12:25 AM, Simon Boccanegra said:

    I will be giving this a second look, with hope that it lands better, when its streaming date arrives imminently. Reviews are overwhelmingly positive, so perhaps it's just me.

    I haven't gathered actual data or anything, but I'm starting to get the feeling that movies about movies often get better reviews than I think is warranted.  Like the reviewers enjoy them more because they're about something they love, or maybe they're reacting as insiders, or I don't know...it's just an impression that I've gotten.  And now I'm thinking that there may be a similar effect with movies about the theater.  I saw the Japanese movie Drive My Car, and a big chunk of its three-hour runtime was taken up by the characters working on a performance of Uncle Vanya.  It's getting rave reviews, and I wonder if the theater angle is contributing to that. 

    Of course Macbeth doesn't have a theater angle--it is theater.  But I wonder if this imaginatively filmed play with a good pedigree is getting graded on a curve.


    • Love 1
  8. 2 hours ago, GrannySmith said:

    I missed the beginning. How old was the son and what happened to him?

    According to the father (quoting from memory), "Our four-year-old son decided to unexpectedly depart from this world." 

    The "decided to" was so...odd.  Usually people deal with uncomfortable things by making them passive--"mistakes were made," or even "the flight path intersected the ground"--but this put it right on the kid.  I thought maybe he just got tongue tied a little, but usually people eventually come up with pat response for questions like this, and it had been two years.  And he didn't seem tongue tied. 

    • Love 3
  9. On 1/10/2022 at 6:24 PM, gingerandcloves said:

    There was a hint that the Alyssa-Chris match was a bust early on. If you look at the promo pictures of each of the couples...four out of the five are taken inside an apartment. One isn't...guess which one. Yep. 


    Look at her tan line.  I remember noticing a similar tan line on one of the brides trying on wedding dresses.  I wonder if it's an indicator of when this picture was taken.

    Or not.  Or it doesn't matter.  Probably just a Zapruder moment I'm having.

    But my main issue is what's up with her runway-pose foot placement?  I don't care if it makes me look like a galumph--I hereby swear never to do that to my legs in a photo.  Chris gets to stand like a functional biped, so I should get to, too.

    • LOL 4
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  10. 21 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

    The original was played on TCM Noir Alley this past weekend and so I watched it.

    I did, too, and agree with everything you said.

    The only thing I liked better in the original was the portrayal of the geek.  When I was watching those early scenes with the geek in the remake, I actually asked myself, "Why did I think I wanted to see this?" and even considered leaving, but decided to stick it out, and the cruelty abated, thank heavens.

    Anyway, in the original, you don't even see him, and just barely see any chickens being thrown, and I was happy not to see such a wretched situation graphically portrayed.  But to be honest, I'm not sure I would have grokked to exactly what was going on if I hadn't seen the remake first.

    And in that respect, I'm actually glad the remake was explicit because I'm almost never ahead of any plot, and when the new circus guy was being nice to Stan and then said, "It's a temporary job" I about jumped out of my seat.  The original didn't seem to have anywhere near that impact.

  11. 2 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

    Maci and Cheyenne organize a family reunion with the cast of “TMOG” and “Teen Mom 2” in San Diego.

    What say you to turning this into an "all episodes" thread?  Maybe you can just change the name?  I don't think there's going to be enough traffic to warrant separate threads for each episode.


  12. On 1/10/2022 at 12:44 PM, buttersister said:

    That's nice for them. However, they're being paid to do a TV show and, imo, being annoying to the viewer would be a reason to stfu when someone else is blabbering.

    Even though I said they're talking over each other, I think it's more of what happens in real conversations in groups of people, where there's inevitably some overlap as different people speak.  Or the conversations I have, anyway.  There aren't pauses after each person's statement, during which other people can begin talking, one at a time. 

    My main problem with it is that sometimes the person interrupting can get shut out, and I'm left wondering what they were going to say (it happened with Katie in this episode). 

    I understand if people don't like this sort of banter, but if it's not a format that is appealing, why watch the show?  Shows where someone just stands there alone and prepares a recipe aren't interesting to me at all, so I don't watch them.  That's why I didn't like the quarantine editions of this show, and watched them only because it was a habit and I kind of felt like I knew these people.  And of course to see if Sunny was still outside.   (BTW, she said in this episode that she's still not going to the grocery store in person.)

    But I did do a lot of FFing during the quarantine episodes, and I almost never FF the in-studio shows, because I'm watching primarily to hang out with these people for an hour.  And I found out during the quarantine shows that I prefer them in a group.

    An example of what I like about this show is the lettuce soup in the latest episode:  a random comment that gets legs.  I actually laughed out loud when Zakarian said, "I accept written apologies."

    • Love 2
  13. 21 hours ago, kiddo82 said:

    While I don't think PTA is endorsing the relationship between Gary and Alana, I just don’t think the movie itself is a good enough satire to justify the storyline of a 15 year old in a relationship with a 28 year old.

    I don't think the movie is intended to be a satire.  In a Vanity Fair interview, Paul Thomas Anderson said it was an idea he'd had for about 20 years:  "What happens when an 8th grader asks a grown woman out for a date and she actually turns up to it? That was the premise."  And he has a lot of affection for the San Fernando Valley and has bristled at how it's been portrayed, so I'm not detecting a satire.

    Also, I don't think the character is 28.  Alana Haim was 28 in real life, and at one point in the movie she's asked how old she is (I think by Jon Peters) and she said 28 but quickly changed that to 25.  People see that as a flub, but I'm not so sure.  I wouldn't be surprised if her character was lying both times and she's actually younger than 25, but I could also buy her being 25.  But I see no indication the character is 28.

    As for the relationship, in a New York Times interview, PTA said:  "There’s no line that’s crossed, and there’s nothing but the right intentions. It would surprise me if there was some kind of kerfuffle about it, because there’s not that much there. That’s not the story that we made, in any kind of way. There isn’t a provocative bone in this film’s body."  So I think he is endorsing the relationship between Gary and Alana--the relationship he's portraying in the movie, not the one people are conjuring up.

    Personally, I was more in line with Alana's view (from the trailer):  "Do you think it's weird I hang out with Gary and his friends all the time? [pause] I think it's weird I hang out with Gary and his 15-year-old friends all the time." 

    • Love 2
  14. On 1/8/2022 at 11:22 PM, Gramto6 said:

    Mostly what I notice is Sunny and Jeff seem to tease/belittle GZ at every opportunity they get.

    I see it as much more good-natured teasing than belittling.  In fact, how would they even belittle someone they both acknowledge is their superior?  And I like the fact that they're comfortable enough to tease their superior (Sunny, in particular; I think Jeff and Zakarian really are friends). 

    46 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

    The last episode was a hot mess. They all did nothing but talk over each other the entire show, much more than the normally do. 

    I think I enjoyed this episode more than any other since the pandemic started.  Talking over each other is annoying to the viewer, but I think it's an indicator of a group that has an ease with each other.  They may not all like each other (I have no way of knowing one way or the other), but I think they get each other, and it shows in the banter.  Zakarian teases Sunny about eating vegetables, Alex comments on the excellence of whatever it is Zakarian was tasked with chopping up--that sort of thing.


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  15. 6 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

    Licorice Pizza is good. Not great PTA,

    It's up in the top for me, mainly because I liked the characters so much.  It's one of those that if it popped up on my TV screen unexpectedly (I'm old--these things happen), I'd stop what I was doing and watch it again.

    6 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

    but sweet and with some great pieces, like the delivery truck out of gas being steered in reverse through the hills.

    In the trailer, they should have had the scene where she says, "I'm going to blow through this" stop sign?red light?  And the kid says, "I trust you."  So people could complain that there are too many action movies out there.

    6 hours ago, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

    I guess all of us looking at it from a 2021-22 vantage saw where the Benny Safdie politician story was going way before everything was made explicit, but I can see it not being as obvious in the world of the movie.  

    When the weird guy started hanging around outside a campaign's windowed streetfront office, I was fearing a Taxi Driver turn. 

    • Like 1
  16. On 1/6/2022 at 10:08 PM, AryasMum said:

    Surprise surprise. The “real woman” that has the closest thing to a model figure wins. Again. 

    I think tall scrawny Leah (blonde from NYC, got the nude colored dress) has the closest thing to a model figure.  That said, If I were given a choice between having Luann's figure and Leah's, I'd take Luann's, even though it's got a lot more miles on it than Leah's.

    20 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    I noticed the rough appearance of the skin on [Luann's] thigh, and I think it was a combination of camera close-up and high definition television. All skin loses it elasticity as we age, even Luann's.

    I've noticed that a lot of the PR designers smoke,

    Luann smokes.  I was surprised that her skin looked so rough (i.e., like mine), because I have almost 10 years on her AND I assume she takes care of hers better than I do.  Maybe it's the smoking.

    15 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    But in this type of challenge, don’t the designers usually present sketches to demonstrate their vision? That would have really helped in this case. Housewife would have seen pants, said “ut-uh. No way,” and that would have been that.

    Their sketches almost never look like the finished product to me, and I honestly wonder if I'd be able to discern pants from the way some of them are drawn.  They're usually just a bunch of long vertical lines with a tiny orb for a head.

    • LOL 1
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  17. 10 hours ago, Leeds said:

    Speaking of snatch, since when did it mean waist?  For me it denotes a body part that is below the belt, so to speak.

    The term when applied to garments is "cinched."  I wonder if someone got it wrong once and said "snatched" instead of "cinched," and it somehow became prevalent.  It could take just one post by the right social media celebrity.

    4 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

    I'm going to disagree with a lot of you and say I didn't like the winning dress at all.  As a gimmicky "costume" it was great but as an actual dress it seemed too "Look at me!!! Aren't I quirky?  Don't I look just like some edgy celebrity?" 

    It looked a little home-made to me.  I noticed it particularly where the shiny fabric and the lace met, maybe because the shiny fabric was a little too puffy right there.  A lot of home-sewn clothes don't look quite crisp enough to me.

    4 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

    If that Dr. Wendy person was THAT adamant that she wanted a gown she should have simply stated that.

    Exactly.  And when Kristina was asked if Wendy told her she didn't want pants, and Kristina said, "No," Wendy should have said, "That's true.  I told her she could do whatever she wanted as long as it looked good.  Turns out it didn't look good, but that doesn't mean I was okay with pants because I specifically told Christian I didn't want pants."


    • Love 8
  18. 4 hours ago, JapMo said:

    The best part of the show, IMO, was the FIERCE dressing down Christian gave to Kristina when she was not paying attention.  Whoa!  The words were few, but combined with his heat seeking missile glare, there's no way she didn't walk away with singed eyebrows. 

    His snatching that purse out of her hands was real

    • Love 15
  19. 51 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Luann is a former model I believe, she's so sexy, her fucking LEGS on that runway, she blew my mind.  Nobody else came close.

    In a close-up of the slit (which looked to be perhaps too high when she posed on the runway), the skin on her leg look really rough.  I was surprised.  It looked like my skin, and I expect better from Luann. 

    And I thought the outfit made her hips look bigger than they are--on her show, she usually looks slim in the hips, even when rocking white jeans. 

    54 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    Gina was kind.

    I loved it when she chastised those girls for smoking.

    50 minutes ago, Koalagirl said:

    For those of you who don’t watch Potomac, Wendy has a near nip slip in almost episode.

    How would you even know, since it looked like none of the women who had their boobs hanging out even had nipples.  Or not where I'd expect them to be, anyway.

    48 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    Edit:   I liked Leah’s dress, but I SO did not want her to win!

    And I don't think she was acting when she said she loved it.  It seems exactly like something she'd wear, color and all.

    Just now, LotusFlower said:

    Christian asked Wendy if she wanted to wear pants, and Wendy replied no (emphatically).  She clearly said “whatever is your aesthetic” when Kristina asked her the same question the day before, so that’s the lie.  

    There was also something on the runway where they were discussing this, and Kristina and Wendy each gave their version of Wendy's comments on a gown vs. pants, and Kristina's version matched what we saw while Wendy's didn't. 

    • Love 13
  20. 5 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

    Never mind. Just wrote a long-winded answer about Meka and Michael and see that @StatisticalOutlier beat me to it.

    Did I get it right?  I was working from memory.

    3 hours ago, Koalagirl said:

    She also said that the morning after the bachelorette party she realized that Alyssa had blocked her on social media.

    I'll admit I'm old, and I don't do social media, but all this blocking people do just seems so dumb.

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