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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. Spoon rings were popular in my high school in the 1970s.

    This episode made me realize I haven't had the hiccups in years, but my go-to remedy was drinking a glass of water upside down.  Bend over and put a glass of water up to your mouth so the roof of your mouth is acting as the bottom of your mouth, and you swallow "up."  I always thought it worked just because it takes such enormous concentration to do it, but now I wonder if bending over does something to the diaphragm.  All I know is it works every time.

    On 1/21/2022 at 8:42 PM, KaveDweller said:

    I mean, the bathing suits look flattering on those models, but I doubt they look great on everyone.

    Oh, I didn't think so.  The tightness on their torsos made the rest of them look out of proportion.  And as @UsernameFatigue pointed out, that one's back fat was scrunched together.  It looked like a butt placed on her back.

  2. On 1/21/2022 at 8:52 AM, dleighg said:

    I was kind of surprised that the judges watched the photo shoot. They made such a big deal that "the judges won't see the garment in motion." So I thought they would just see the final photo. I guess it makes sense that they also saw how the designer worked with the photographer and COCO ROCHA; it just surprised me.

    From what they said, I also assumed they'd be judging only the photo.  But now that I think about it, Christian specifically said there'd be no runway, so that's probably what was meant by not seeing the designs in motion.  But when watching the show, I was definitely surprised to see them there.  And agree that it does make sense.

    On 1/21/2022 at 9:53 AM, rhygirl720 said:

    Coca Rocha to me is a very typical editorial/runway model, tall thin and impossibly angular, if you saw her in person, I'm sure it's almost alien like, with that said she is superb. a chameleon. Watching her work those clothes was spectacular.

    I'd never heard of her, and I guess I've never watched an editorial model in action on a photo shoot, because I was amazed at the skill and  knowledge she brought to it.  I'm sure most people think models just stand there, or do only what they're told to do.  I love watching somebody who knows what they're doing, pretty much no matter what it is.

    23 hours ago, carrps said:

    I hated Coral's yellow, but, I agree, it really worked in that grungy warehouse. It was interesting that Coco said it was her least favorite dress (or one of her least favorites?), but that it was her favorite photo.

    That was the highlight of the episode for me, because it's an insight into that whole world.  And I agreed with her.

    17 hours ago, Maximona said:

    Bones essentially lost because they provided him with such terrible lighting that the color of his garment could not stand out.

    But it was also a garment that didn't allow the model to do what she's paid big bucks to do to make the dress look good.  Or interesting.  Or whatever the purpose of these editorial shoots is.

    On 1/21/2022 at 10:50 AM, Jordan Baker said:

    I'm a bit puzzled about why the other designers didn't offer to help her, even as they rushed to help (was it Chasity?)

    I still get these people kind of mixed up, but at the beginning of the show, when they were all sitting around on a couch, didn't Shantall say she was there to win?  That'll put you on everybody's shit list in a flash.

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  3. On 1/14/2022 at 2:45 AM, eyelash said:

    As a person with pendulous breasts myself, I believe what she is doing is taking her downward pointing breasts and "folding" them into the bottom of a bra cup in an effort to create a rounded breast and disguise that her nipples hang so low they could be tucked into her waist band.  

    I read the comments here before I watched the episode, and still was unprepared for what I saw.

    Every second I looked at that guest judge I was examining her cleavage and thinking about the folding process you described and marveling at the things I don't know.

    ETA: I was looking for a photo to show Mr. Outlier the tortured boobs, and ran across this.  I'm terrible at social media, but it appears to be from the show's official Facebook page, where they announced the guest judge.  Interesting choice.


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  4. With musical guest Elvis Costello.  How could he not have been familiar with Cat Stevens's song Sitting back when Gervais asked him to cover it? 

    One thing I learned is that Ricky Gervais has a back problem, so I feel kind of bad if my delight at the way he used to sit on the couch, leaning back with his hands on his belly, was based on his discomfort. 

    I never thought I'd say it, but this show is working just as well with the chairs.  There was a long stretch were Graham didn't say anything because all the guests were chatting among themselves, asking their own questions. 

    I love an engaged panel, and particularly love it when I guffaw when watching a chat show.  A show that devolves into superstar Cate Blanchett wanting a kitchen remodel but complaining that it's going to cost 15,000 pounds, and Ant and Dec saying they'll pay for it if Gervais answers this question correctly, then Gervais complaining, "She's not a charity--what's in it for me?"  And then Gervais knowing that an Oscar statuette is 13-1/2 inches tall AND converting it to centimeters during the discussion.

    • Love 6
  5. 12 hours ago, princelina said:

    Then say it - "I'm not attracted and I never will be - this won't work and I'm out."  Say it at the altar if you feel strongly about it.  Turn around and walk back down the aisle.

    Maybe I'm sympathetic because I don't think there's any way in the world I could do that.  Seriously.  I'm actually wondering what I would do if the man standing at the altar was covered with tattoos and face piercings, smoking a cigarette as his dog jumps on me as I walk down the aisle.

    My rational self would say, "No. Way.  What were they thinking??"  But there's always a little part of me that thinks, "You never know."  Even though I think I know, maybe I don't.

    The people on the show are obviously doubting themselves, or they wouldn't do the show in the first place.  And they've been sucked into the show's vortex, and they've signed contracts.  And they're in front of their friends and family and a bunch of strangers, with camera crews and producers all around. 

    Probably the main thing I'd be thinking would be to just go through with it and fix it afterward if it turns out how I think it's going to turn out, because if I run now, I'll never know.  I put total trust in these experts and if I were so smart I'd already be married so obviously I don't know anything and these people are experts.  They probably know me better than I know myself, because they're experts, and maybe I'm just not seeing, yet, what they're seeing. 

    • Love 8
  6. 10 hours ago, After7Only said:

    In fact she learned to like Hype and later got her own dog.  Myrla is actually a decent example of why it may be better to ignore some of the more superficial preferences when matching couples.   

    I'd like to agree with you and to think that anyone could come to love anyone regardless of looks, but I just don't think that's the case.  And anyway, that's what dating is for. 

    Also, I'm not sure if this is significant, but Myrla had a dog in the past.

    10 hours ago, After7Only said:

    Alyssa likely had a laundry list of must haves for a husband.   There’s no way the show would find a guy that met all of them AND would do this show.      

    Really.  What you always hear is how women can't find a man who wants marriage.  Seems to me if a man wants to be married, he could just barely broadcast it and women would be beating down his door.  Which makes me think--the women often say their picker is broken and that's why they're letting someone else do the picking, but do the men say that?  I just remember them saying they're ready for marriage.  So go pick among the millions of women who are also ready for marriage.

    8 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

    It was rude, I agree. I also didn't like when he told her he has ADHD, she immediately asked if he's on medication. That's  not really your business, lady. She could've asked him other questions, like when he was diagnosed, what are the positives of it, does he find it hard to manage at times, how does it manifest, etc. It just sat wrong with me.

    She no doubt could have handled it much more gracefully, but the entire wedding and reception is such a weird situation I cut people slack for things that (1) happen in the moment and (2) are shown only because of a decision on the part of the show.

    That said, when you add her rudeness about Olajuwon's name, she's pushing it.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

    Especially when your daughter is turning tricks to pay the rent.

    Oh lord.  I forgot about that.  At least it makes Mikey a little less despicable.  Relatively, of course.

    • Love 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Browncoat said:

    But it still beats me why Lil and Lexi even let Mikey in the house in the first place.

    Lexi sure tried not to.  She does know better.  But between his charm and persistence, she didn't stand a chance.

    I'd like to think that if I'd been in her shoes, I would have held firm, but I just can't be sure I would.  Which is what makes the whole thing so interesting, because on paper, I'd never let a person like Mikey be anywhere near me.  That scene the first morning in the kitchen, where Mikey's telling some looooong story about I don't even remember what?  I was thinking "This guy's fun!"

    Plus don't forget that Lexi did start having sex with him after a little bit, so there was something there.  I don't even have that excuse for thinking I'd find him entertaining to be around. 

    As for her mother, I think she had pretty much given up on everything and just went along with whatever was happening.  Having two former porn stars under your roof--one your daughter and the other irresistibly charming--can't be easy.

  9. 8 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

    Crap, he is letting it fly on Twitter:   ...

    "Sorry, Alyssa. Never judge a book by its cover. A big heart comes a long way."

    Last I heard, justices of the peace merely perform the administrative task of officiating at wedding ceremonies.  Where does he get off taking to Twitter to talk about the parties to a marriage he was paid to officiate at? 

    And speaking of, I bristle every time one of the officiants even mentions "love" in the vows, like "By your love you..."  They don't even know each other. 

    • Love 1
  10. 48 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

    She definitely let Mikey get away with far too much.  

    And why did she do that?  Because he's Mikey.  That's what I find so compelling about the movie.

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  11. 8 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    My point: Crooked teeth are not synonymous  with "bad teeth [that] can lead to health problems." 

    For a real eye opener, look at some color movies from the 1970s and notice how dingy people's teeth are compared to today's blinding white standards. 

    6 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    What does Chris actually do? His groomsmen made it sound like he was in some kind of professional coaching/teaching type thing. Alyssa said he looked like a realtor, but is that what he really does?

    He's a realtor, but also does online real estate videos where he calls himself The Professor, which the groomsmen said was appropriate because he's very much into (paraphrasing here) showing people the correct way to do things.  His condescension comes from his knowing that he knows more than other people, and he's in a unique position to explain it until they get it.  Maybe this was on the after-show?

    6 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    And where does frisbee golf fit in - just a hobby? Imagine that - an activity that COULD be fun, so of course, that is beneath her.

    It's more than just a hobby--he competes on a local professional level.  

    6 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    (And unless they edited it out, Chris was the only groom who sent his bride anything before the wedding.) 

    I'd bet my bottom dollar everybody sends something to their intended before the wedding, and I'm real sure there's prompting from the producers.  More fodder to edit from.

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  12. On 1/19/2022 at 8:01 AM, Browncoat said:

    The dog was pretty, and pretty chill.  I did sort of feel bad for Lonnie's father.  Otherwise, though, they were not a likable bunch.

    The donut shop lady was likable.  Even though she should have put her foot down and not let Mikey hang out there, but hey, it's Mikey, and like it or not, this is the sort of shit he gets away with because he's got some sort of Mikey hold on even responsible people.

    FWIW, I don't think anyone, including the writer/director, would disagree with your assessment of the characters in this movie.  That's what I found so remarkable about it.  I have nothing in common with any of the main characters in this movie, and am generally disgusted by most of their life choices, but I was somehow relating to these aliens on human terms.  It's impressive that Sean Baker can pull that off.

    And it made me think, because how can I be drawn to such a horrid, horrid person like Mikey?  I'm a decent judge of character, and he clearly has no character, and yet I didn't/couldn't hate him.  That troubles me.

  13. On 1/18/2022 at 8:28 PM, Colleenna said:

    I don't think it's a hand truck. I think what you're seeing is the frame of their baby's stroller.

    Oh, of course!  I can't believe that in this day and age I didn't immediately assume there'd be a stroller for the couple's baby in every proposal photo.

    • LOL 12
  14. How in the world did I make it almost to Medicare without ever sitting down and watching Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House?  I did a search in this forum and it bubbles up here occasionally, almost always very enthusiastically.  But somehow I missed it.

    What a fun movie. 

    (I just wish that on the plans for the house, they hadn't written "Residence of James Blanding's."  At least it wasn't on a sign hanging out in front.)

    • Love 7
  15. 8 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    I too wanted to post on how TCM was punking us with that choice, when I realized that MLK was in the movie!!!

    When I saw it on the schedule, I thought well obviously the MLK programming has to come to an end at some point, but that sure seemed like a screeching halt right into a brick wall, and possibly even disrespectful.  Now it's more like, Hmmmm.

    8 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    I was 12 when this movie came out, and I remember all the controversy. 

    Me, too.

    8 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    I finally tried to watch it, but I couldn't sit through the whole thing. 

    Me, too.

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  16. I was scanning my local listings and saw something called NIGHTMARE ALLEY: VISION IN DARKNESS AND LIGHT (2022) at a couple of theaters and checked into it, and it's a black and white version.  Parasite also had a black and white version, and I don't know about the particulars behind that but Nightmare Alley seems like possibly a particularly good fit, and del Toro says he lit it with black and white in mind.

    I found an interview about it:


    The article says the black and white release started in NY and LA, but is expanding this week to Austin, Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco, and will eventually be expanding to 50-75 markets in the U.S.

  17. I originally thought it was a stack of those plastic molded chairs, but then I noticed the wheel at the bottom.  I spent WAY too much of my life analyzing that photo.

    Seems to me if you're going to have your proposal photographed by someone in what looks like Stars Hollow, you'd be alert to the presence of industrial equipment.  He obviously didn't just get carried away by the moment and drop to his knee.


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  18. The turkey episode is the first one in the new season (the tasting was canned cranberry sauce) .  My local station has shown episode 2, where they taste plant-based meat.  I'm maybe 50-50 with agreeing with the taste tests on this show, so I don't take them as gospel, but it did make me think I should try Impossible Burger instead of ground meat in this one recipe I make.

    A few years ago, I tried TVP instead of meat in it, and I hated it.  And then I tried Beyond Chicken in a chicken salad recipe and hated that, and called a moratorium on future attempts.

    My main hesitation on the Impossible Burger substitute is that I use 70-30 ground beef specifically for the fat content, and the fat isn't drained off for the final dish.  I fear that substituting oil for all of that will affect the flavor.

    On 1/5/2022 at 5:50 PM, dubbel zout said:

    I made the one-pan hamburger stroganoff (from season 14; Ashley is at home) for dinner tonight, and the flavor is terrific.

    Hmm...I wish they'd make it with Impossible Burger, as a test.  Then again, the stroganoff used chicken broth--not sure if that's a no-no when using fake meat. 

    I will say that I'm glad they didn't totally diss the Ocean Spray jellied cranberry sauce.  I love that stuff and keep it around as a side even when it's not a holiday dinner.  I'm tired of people hating on it.

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  19. 9 minutes ago, Tom Holmberg said:

    The Chicago documentaries were interesting.  My sister was in home room with him for 4 years with Fred Hampton (he overlapped me by two years).  He was very politically active even in high school.

    He had to have been, to be like he was when he was only 21 and too dangerous to be allowed to live.

    Also, apparently MLK is in I Am Curious...Yellow

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  20. 7 minutes ago, Tom Holmberg said:

    I was amazed that TCM showed "I am Curious (Yellow)". 

    Monday night was crazy.  They were celebrating MLK...with documentaries about the Black Panthers in Chicago.  I watched all of the night's programming because I'm fascinated by the late 1960s, but if they needed a "reason" to show them, maybe include them in a general Black History Month sort of thing instead of tying them to the commemoration of MLK.

    And then following that slate with I Am Curious--Yellow?  Yikes!

    But I now realize, upon reading a little about it, that I Am Curious--Yellow is in part an attack on capitalism, a theme that was certainly present in the two feature-length Black Panther documentaries. 

    And MLK was a critic of capitalism, as well.  So that's a possible through line, and maybe TCM was making a point about tone, with MLK and the Panthers and I Am Curious--Yellow as contrasts to each other.

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  21. On 1/11/2022 at 12:25 AM, Simon Boccanegra said:

    More often, these are actors delivering ancient greatness, on best behavior and in awe of the occasion.

    A poster on the TCM forums said, "Shakespeare in Coen's hands is a glorious burden where it should be a joy, despite the dispicable [sic] world that Macbeth creates around him." 


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