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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 23 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Last episode Kayla J's deal was they were perfect co-parents and she wanted to get back with him for real and have another baby with him. This week he's a bad co-parent because he keeps bringing new girlfriends into his life and exposing them to Mecca four hours away in Philly where he lives for some reason and she doesn't want him to take Mecca anymore. That's a huge leap for one week.

    It's not that much of a leap if you focus on the bolded:  she wants to be with him (and I think having another kid would be an attempt to cement that, but of course we all know it wouldn't work), but he doesn't want to be with her.  She tried to couch it in terms of his bad decisions, but I'm convinced that the only decision she really has a problem with is the one where he doesn't get back together with her.


    6 hours ago, MaggieG said:

    So according to her, Kayla J had a scholarship to go to college/was about to join the Army but instead went to a sperm bank and decided to have a baby with someone who is transitioning. Makes sense. 

    And usually it's "my dreams are dashed because I got pregnant," but in this case she had to take a lot of steps to get pregnant, so shut up about what you're missing out on because you just happened to choose a different path.


    6 hours ago, MaggieG said:

    Seriously. Her "I don't do long distance" was stupid. You have a kid with this man. So if Luke had decided to go back to Iowa to finish school, she would be done with him?

    And don't forget, she wants Luke to adopt the kid she had with the still-living-and-still-around Stephan. 


    6 hours ago, MaggieG said:

    I want both her and Rachel to move out and realize how hard it would be. They both treat their mothers horribly. Brianna is slightly better, only because I don't think she is as dumb as Rachel. Rachel's mom knows if Rachel gets her IUD taken out, it's only a matter of time before she's pregnant again. Because she's that dumb. I mean, she is talking to 4 other guys.

    I can't figure out the whole thing about Rachel using her mother's phone to call the doctor, and then Rachel getting ragey because her mother mentioned it and is now butting into her fucking business.  While I hate it when situations are produced just for drama, it's a much more acceptable option than for Rachel to be that stupid that she thinks she can use her mom's phone for that and her mom not react.  And...why would she have to use her mom's phone anyway?  If for some reason she couldn't use her own phone, of all the phones in all the world, that's the only one she could use?

    I'm gonna have to go with it was all set up, in the interest of my own mental health.

    • Love 11
  2. 15 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    So Cheyenne isn't allowed to have Zach at her doctor appointments due to COVID protocols at the hospital so she finds some random "place" in some "random" area of LA that allows as many as ten people in to see the ultrasound and the only person wearing a mask is the technician? What is this place? Some "pop up" ultrasound storefront pay in cash in and out barely legal joint? Seemed really sketchy to me...

    I skip Cheyenne's segments, but saw the beginning of this part.  As far as I can tell, she went to one of these 3D ultrasound places, which perform elective ultrasounds, as opposed to the diagnostic 2D ultrasounds that are done at a doctor's office.  In fact, I saw one just the other day in downtown Sycamore, Illinois, a small farm town.  So they must be everywhere.

    Because it's 3D, you get what looks like a photo of the baby, and the one in Sycamore advertises it as a bonding experience, hence the crowd allowed. 

    Here's a photo I found from a yelp review, which isn't quite as lovely as the ones on the facility's own website--this thing looks like a stalagmite.  And on the website, the owner calls her facility "the studio." 



    3 hours ago, Mothra said:

    Mackenzie *so* is not going to allow Bronx to repeat pre-K or whatever "grade" he is in, and that psychologist *so* believes he should--he's the youngest kid in his class, and the smallest, and that size difference is only going to become more pronounced throughout elementary school. 

    And even if she "held him back," it's not like he's going to be 15 going into kindergarten.  And he was born in August, so if he were in a school that started in September, if they had a strict cutoff for age, he wouldn't be able to go anyway, and wouldn't be being "held back."

    Even if he waits, he'll still be about the same age as other kids in his class.  It doesn't look like Broncs is going to develop into a kid the size of Lumpy Rutherford, so even if he's the among the oldest in his class, I don't think it will be a problem, and it sounds like it would do him a lot of good.

    • LOL 3
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  3. 26 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I’m curious why Purdue University is letting Purdue Global use their good name?

    Purdue University bought the online-only Kaplan University and rebranded it as Purdue University Global.  The Purdue Global chancellor used the word "synergy" in his explanation of the purchase; you can draw your own conclusions.

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  4. God dammit, Amber.  You are not going to Purdue University.  Does somebody here have a Twitter or whatever account where they can ask her if she realizes this?  Because I'm beginning to wonder.

    I kind of love that Catelynn is having scheduling issues because of touch-ups or whatever.  Wouldn't this be something that the person you're apprenticing under would explain?  And classic Teen Mom--she'd had one appointment and was already talking about whether she should get her own building.  Like Jade, who before even getting rolling in her little cubicle space was talking about owning a chain of salons.  

    • Love 17
  5. 18 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I don't think that full-time RV life is as "simplifying" as people think that it is; especially if they are going to be moving around. I had friends - smart, well-organized people - who lived the full-time RV life for 6 or 7 years. One of their goals was simplifying life. What they learned was that it doesn't simplify life; there are just different chores that have to be done. You have less stuff but you have to plan better to do more with less. I don't see this working out well for these two...

    I've been living the full-time RV life for 18 years now.  And on behalf of myself and my fellow travelers, I'll just respond to Ms. Otis's doing this to simplify her life and repair her marriage with "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh, I can't breathe, seriously, I can't breathe, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

    Here's a crazy idea:  if you want to declutter and simplify your life, get rid of your stuff.  You don't have to move into a can on wheels.  Although the RV might help her desire to limit distractions, by being laser focused on "Where the fuck are we going to park this thing tonight?"  Because you're not unique, Jamie.  Everybody and his dog discovered RVs in the last couple of years, but nobody discovered building more places for them to be.

    The only good thing I can see coming out of this is maybe some actual reality--she's eager to tell everyone how miserable her marriage is, and I hope she can do the same with the RV life, as an antidote to all the people who are making money by pimping the lifestyle on youtube.

    • LOL 4
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  6. On 9/30/2021 at 8:01 PM, Jax7917 said:

    Some of the couples probably don’t admit that they consummated the marriage on television because they are hoping for an annulment .

    The Texas Family Code provides the grounds for annulment, and it's not a case of declaring (whether true or not) "we didn't have sex so we can get an annulment":


    Sec. 6.106. IMPOTENCY. The court may grant an annulment of a marriage to a party to the marriage if:

    (1) either party, for physical or mental reasons, was permanently impotent at the time of the marriage;

    (2) the petitioner did not know of the impotency at the time of the marriage; and

    (3) the petitioner has not voluntarily cohabited with the other party since learning of the impotency.


  7. On 9/29/2021 at 1:59 PM, IvySpice said:

    Kiaya got pregnant the old-fashioned way with a guy who's now in prison, during a breakup with Teazha.

    That would be X'Zayveon, who got a prison tattoo of Kiaya's name, which has made her reconsider her relationship with him, and not in the way I would be doing any considering after a prison tattoo with my name appeared on someone.

    I was going to post a long analysis of Kiaya's and Teazha's fight during the dinner on the apartment balcony, and was checking to see if we know what the status was of Kiaya and her father when he died, but I got distracted by some reports that Kiaya was arrested a while back for brandishing a firearm.  Her defense should be that her brandishing a firearm shouldn't cause anyone fear of bodily injury because in the time it took for her to thread her index talon through the opening for the trigger, even the slowest person could easily get to safety.

    • LOL 9
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  8. 20 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I think my favorite part was when Graham and Daniel Craig were so impressed with Ed Sheeran's lawn. "We are so middle-aged!" Hee.

    That was hilarious.

    I'm glad to have the show back, but they really do need to do something about telling the guests which anecdotes they're going to use.  I don't watch any other chat shows these days, but back when, I never noticed such hesitation on other shows when the host prompts the anecdote.  Or maybe it's just the way Graham does it.  But I just cringe while the guest looks confused, and I don't like cringing.  "Wasn't there an incident with your grandmother......?"  Guest:  "Huh?"

    Also, it sounded like Rami Malek's was being asked about staying up late with some woman working on something, but the anecdote he told was completely unrelated.

    It's great to have the show back, but I thought this wasn't a particularly strong outing.  It seemed like Léa Seydoux's English wasn't strong enough for the banter, Lashana Lynch didn't really work for me (except for the Big Red Chair glee), Rami Malek seemed dour (except when calling some person a mother fucker) and he didn't know how to answer the question about his character's complexion and asked Daniel Craig to answer.  Weird.  Daniel Craig saved the day, except when he seemed genuinely confused about what anecdote Graham was asking about.

    And, about that Big Red Chair--I'm glad Graham flipped her because of the stupid comment at the end, which takes it firmly out of amusing embarrassing anecdote.  I'm sure they practice these things, but still.  And I'm beginning to doubt the anecdote itself--contraceptive pills are tiny and I can't imagine putting one on the counter to take later, never mind mixing it up with some sort of dog medicine.  "I didn't know whether to call the vet or my gynecologist."  Sure.

    • Love 3
  9. 20 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    PS: I grew up in a home where spit cups were a thing. It's probably better than smoking in a lot of ways, but let's just say there are certain sensory experiences that you never recover from... and you learn to never trust an open Dr Pepper can.

    Oh, god, yes.  Incredibly rank, with a touch of mint.

    • LOL 2
  10. Just now, annzeepark914 said:

    That last bit with the variety of French fries (getting cold on the plate) involved them creating dips for the fries. All I could think of was cold fries, no longer crispy. Blech.

    I guess when people make these things, they do all the various fries separately and keep them warm in the oven until serving?  When Jeff picked up the crinkle cut fry, it bent over.  Blech.

    But it's weird.  When I'm served french fries, they're hot for only a couple of minutes, and I end up continuing to eat them even after they become room temperature, and I think, "If they served them this temperature in the first place, I'd think, 'Yuck. These fries are cold.'"  But if I get a few hot ones at the beginning, then the cold ones somehow become palatable.  Well, until I really think about it, and then I realize I don't like eating not-hot french fries.

    • Love 2
  11. 12 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Rachel is still a shrieking lunatic who thinks she's grown.  When Mallory is the voice of grown up reason you know you are a freaking idiot.  I'm beginning to think Rachel has brain damage from the drugs her mom used to take. Good grief. And I think at this point her mom should just tell her to go and live her life the way she wants somewhere else if she's so grown and good luck.

    Not gonna happen.  Even in the scene we saw, where Rachel got in a fight with Malorie and stomped off with Coty (that name!) leaving Hazlee behind, her mother came and picked up Hazlee.  I don't see that doormat turning into a tough love master.

    • Love 4
  12. 17 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    I have a rule that my commute can’t take more than 45 minutes. I don’t care what method (walking, public transportation, driving, horseback, whatever), but it can’t take more than 45 minutes.

    I took a tour of the Lincoln Cottage in Washington, DC, recently.  It's on a high spot overlooking downtown and gets some breeze and is therefore cooler, so Lincoln would stay there during the summer and go back and forth by horseback.  It took about 40 minutes, which the tour guide said has always been, and remains today, the amount of time people are willing to commute to work, be it by walking, public transportation, driving, or horseback.

    21 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

    But for a couple such as Jose & Rachel, they literally work about 1 1/2 hours away from each other, so even if they work out (doubtful), the home situation will be difficult.

    If they moved somewhere exactly in the middle, that would meet the general acceptable commute standard.  However, I think it's gonna be tough to get Jose to move out of his house.

    • Love 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

    Amber really fucked up putting out those videos trashing Leah's parents.  I wish someone would make her understand that Leah isn't as upset over what Amber did a decade ago as much as what Amber did a month ago. 

    But see, not even Amber can figure out how to claim that putting out a video for public consumption trashing Kristina was a selfless act.

    As for someone making Amber understand what Leah's upset about, I nominate Leah:


    "What I will say is, your mom loves you," said Gary.

    "But I love Kristina, and she tried to hurt somebody I love," Leah responded. "I can't love somebody who tried to hurt somebody I love."

    I suppose in a perfect world, Leah would communicate that to her directly, but I think it would be hard for Amber to complain about Leah relying on a public video to convey the information.  "See mom?  I did learn something from you."

    • Love 5
  14. 6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Cheyenne was just Cheyenne.   I do like how she talks and engages with her daughter.

    I still laugh when I think about a scene in the past where they were out somewhere and Ryder was dipping a french fry in milk, maybe, and Cheyenne was like, "Don't do that" and it was too late and without pausing she added, genuinely, "Is it good?"

    Ryder's little smile is beyond cute.

    2 hours ago, 3outta5 said:

    Jayde and Ryder stole the show. They are *adorable*!

    It was faint and I wouldn't have caught it without the captions, but when Vaeda dropped something down the heating vent and they were telling her she has to be careful or whatever, apparently Nova said, "You'll learn, kid.  You'll learn."  Snort.

    2 hours ago, 3outta5 said:

    Amber acts like her one "selfless" act (gel) should bring her goodwill and parenting "points" for eternity.

    Not to mention that her definition of "selfless" is a little...off.  She went to gel because she didn't think she could fulfill the requirements of being on probation, and would end up in gel anyway.  That seems more like the path of least resistance to me.  Being selfless would mean doing what it takes to stay out of jail so you don't abandon your daughter, even for a finite period of time.

    And maybe she's right--she would have ended up in gel anyway.  But don't make it sound like a sacrifice you made for Leah, and especially don't say the sacrifice was in order to keep yourself alive for Leah, because all keeping herself alive has done is give her the opportunity to post videos trashing Kristina, someone who has proven she loves Leah.

    Also, that People article had what Gary said about forgiving that confused me: 


    "You can make bad decisions and still care about somebody," said Gary. "Your mom has made bad decisions. I've made bad decisions. You can still love and care about somebody even though you made bad decisions."


    • Love 11
  15. 1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

    Omg, please tell me what happened with Leah and Amber. 

    Yikes!  I didn't now there was going to be a test.

    Amber made a video.  Or, well, she wrote a letter to Leah, and made a video of her reading it out loud, and sent the video to Leah.  She gave props to the MTV crew for helping her set up her camera (but still managed to make it so the "Purdue" logo on her sweatshirt was backwards, so I wonder if THEY know she's not actually enrolled at Purdue University). 

    She sent Gary a message saying she was sending the video to Leah.  Gary didn't look at it himself before showing it to Leah.  (Why?????  It's not like Amber has a strong record with videos.)  Instead, he asked Leah if she wanted to watch it and she was ambivalent, and it was eventually decided that Gary and Leah would watch it together (with Kristina also at the table). 

    I was distracted by trying to see if there was a "Global" or should I say" LABOLG," under the "Purdue," and actually don't remember what Amber said, which means it was probably the usual.  Leah didn't care.  She said she loves Kristina and Amber intentionally hurt Kristina (I'm not sure if she actually cited the video Amber made trashing Kristina, but it was definitely edited to give that impression).  Gary said Amber was trying to apologize, and Leah didn't care. 

    Gary was giving examples of mistakes and forgiveness, but I was confused because he was wording it really weird, and I actually thought he was saying Leah had made a mistake.  Regardless, Leah didn't care. 

    Bottom line is that Leah made it clear that she loves Kristina, and she's not entertaining the notion of forgiving Amber for taking to social media and trashing someone she loves in a video.  I hope Leah's friends take note--this gal is ride or die.

    What was most striking, though, was how from some angles, Leah looks exactly like Amber. 

    • Love 16
  16. On 9/27/2021 at 4:35 PM, TzuShih said:

    Ok!  I give up!  What the 'ell am I looking at here??  Is this an AARP optical illusion game?  (Now that I "get" the nude body suit look, WHY do I keep thinking that her feet look like they're on backwards?? 

    Now that you said that, I can't see anything else.  I try forcing my brain to make them go the right direction, and it just won't

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  17. 3 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Well...maybe the word "hawking" was said *without* the good old New Yawk accent. Thus, it sounded like hocking (remember the discussion about Don and Dawn?).

    It wasn't said at all.  A poster here wrote that Flay was "hocking" his book on the show.

    • Love 1
  18. On 9/27/2021 at 7:11 AM, mythoughtis said:

    He meant he’s not interested in any of the weirdness you see in many Law and Order episodes dealing with sex clubs  Dominatrix, S&M, bondage, etc.  

    What?!?  Years ago, Law & Order was the gold standard for TV volume--people knew that when you were adjusting the settings so your hard-of-hearing parents could understand dialogue, you'd use Law & Order because if they could understand that, they could understand anything.  I'm glad I'm not doing that any more. 

    • LOL 2
  19. On 9/24/2021 at 1:17 AM, Yeah No said:

    Years ago I always heard he was born in Queens.  But it doesn't matter where he was raised re: his vocabulary anyway.  Or whoever said the phrase as most of them whether or not from NY, are familiar enough with its culture by now to know those expressions.

    To be clear:  Nobody on the show used the word.

    I was surprised that nobody seemed to know what Cincinnati chili spaghetti is.  I mean I've had it, and I'm no food expert and I'm from Texas--nowhere near Cincinnati.  But then I realized that probably none of these people have ever been to Cincinnati, so why would they know?

    I once had a free plane ticket that was fixing to expire, and I decided to do a midwest tour--flew to Chicago and rented a car for 10 days and did a big loop, going to all these places that I figured I'd never otherwise set foot in:  Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Cleveland.  I don't know how I figured out I needed to go to Skyline Chili for chili spaghetti (this was pre-internet), but I did. 

    Everybody thought I was crazy for "wasting" my free ticket like this, but I thought it was worth it the time I was on a ski lift and doing the usual "Where are you from" and the guy said Cincinnati, and I said, "Oh, y'all have chili spaghetti."  But now I get to feel superior to various iron chefs and FN stars in my culinary knowledge.  I already bested Zakarian with my superior knowledge of parchment paper vs. wax paper, and now this. 

    But speaking of Zakarian, I have to say that the beef on wex looked wonderful.  It's always a battle to find rare roast beef on a sandwich.

    • Love 3
  20. I'm gonna try making an "all episodes" thread because there's so little action here.  Pulling these comments from other threads:


    I was surprised by Stephan actually being a voice of calm.  I’m sure he’s embarrassed by his “old ass” mom throwing punches. 

    I'm wondering why we're surprised, and if it might be because he's getting somewhat of a bad edit.  He's not saint, or even a charmer, but he was heads and shoulders above both Kayla and his mother.  And considering how his mother acts, I wonder where he got any ability not to be an idiot hothead.


    I need to start fast-forwarding through Brianna's segments again. Her inappropriate rage and screaming at her mother in front of her toddler are maddening.

    What I found maddening was how when she was at her alleged friend's house and Braeson repeated the word "pissy" or something, her friend was appalled and Briana said mommy said a bad word, don't repeat it, etc.  But when she's fighting with her mom, in front of Braeson, it's a barrage of fuck this and fuck that, with no oops, mommy said a bad word.

    I hate all these people.

    • Love 6
  21. 8 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    To which Myrla will reply, "You'll always have Hype."

    I have to say that, like Myrla, Hype is surprising me.  He seems to be pretty mellow.  I still wouldn't want to have to take him for a walk and pick up his shit, or deal with his hair or slobber, but if I had to be in an apartment all day long working, from what I see, he's not a bad one to coexist with.  Haven't heard him bark once.

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