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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. On 9/18/2021 at 10:52 AM, buttersister said:

    And everyone’s dear friend Bobby Flay on Zoom, hocking his new book, new season and taking a spelling test. I couldn’t make this shit up.

    Speaking of spelling, it's "hawking."  Unless he's getting a loan against the book at a pawn shop.

    I though the spelling test was funny.  And that he sent Sunny a gift basket...for her dog.  Consisting of items from his new pet products line.  Not exactly the invitations to dinner at his house that Katie Lee has mentioned. 

    Back to previous episodes: This afternoon, Mr. Outlier was having a sandwich called the Porky, which is just a bunch of barbecue on ciabatta, just plain, with potato chips on the side.  I had a few bites, and a few chips, and suggested, "Have you thought about putting a layer of chips on the sandwich?" and he said, "I would if I were Jeff Mauro." 

    He doesn't even watch the show!  I'm afraid that I may have spent some of our precious time together on this earth talking about Jeff's ardor for potato chips in recipes. 

    • LOL 5
  2. 11 minutes ago, eskimo said:

    No, no, no, you have it all wrong.  Amber wanted to go to school at some point in her life, therefore anyone in her orbit who actually does it only does it because it's what Amber wanted to do.  Hope that clears it up for you!  😅

    Tragically, I think you're 100% correct.

    • Love 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Spectator said:

    Also, on unfiltered Jose cavalierly recounted that this all happened at “1, 2 or 3 am”.  (The cameras showed her knocking on the other couple’s doors a bit after 1am, so at least the producers and the viewers knew what time it was!). The fact that he didn’t even know what time this all went down speaks volumes about his lack of concern for his wife. I would like to think that most men, no matter how angry they might be in the moment, would be extremely worried and hyper focused on the time if their spouses weren’t home safe and sound at a late hour. Yet Jose wasn’t even aware.

    I think he was aware, but having her not come home until 3:00 a.m. made him sound better than having her come home not long after she went out with the producer (presumably at about 1:00 a.m.)   

    Of course, that's assuming that the show was telling the truth when it put the times on the scenes of Rachel knocking on the doors.  Come to think of it--they showed Jose locking the door.  Did they put the time on that?

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  4. 13 minutes ago, eskimo said:

    I thought I read on this forum a year or so ago that Mackenzie said that Bronc's teeth issues were from a medication he had to take early on for....his heart, maybe?  I don't remember exactly, but that's what comes to mind.

    I remembered that, too, but did some searching and all I found was posters here who said they had experiences with medications causing tooth problems.  And some commenters to web stories about it said the same thing.  But as far as I can find, Mackenzie has never said that's the problem.

    Which I find curious because it's not like she's protecting his privacy or anything.  She posted all about the health problems he had when he was born.  I wonder if it just bugs her too much to deal with, because it's so opposite from that impressive set of chompers she has.

    13 minutes ago, eskimo said:

    Now Kristina's also going to school, getting a spite degree.  These people really need to get over their obsession with wanting to be like Amber. 

    Kristina has been in school for a while now, so if anything it's Amber getting a spite degree.  It's probably no accident that she's going for a "doctorate in psychiatry," while Kristina is in nursing school.

    10 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

    A lot of hallucinogenics have been shown to have therapeutic benefits, especially when used under professional supervision.

    Michael Pollan is on the psychedelics train. 

    But I don't know if that's what ketamine is.  I do know ketamine is what Elijah McClain was injected with to subdue him during the police stop in Aurora, Colorado, and he died.  So it doesn't sound like it's the sort of guided trip that can be beneficial to people who are having to face their own death, or who have PTSD.  The use of psychedelics for that is really compelling.

    My problem is that Tyler is so full of shit that I can't even be arsed to look into what he's doing. 

    • Love 5
  5. 18 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    Myrla is just not attracted to Gil.  It's just that simple.

    I'm not so sure.   I'm with @Blissfool, who thinks they're becoming a cute couple.  Maybe it's just editing, but they have very nice moments together.  Like when she was looking at pictures of her shoes on her phone and she asked his opinion on a pair and he said they were okay or whatever, and she said something like, "Come on.  They're fire." 

    In another episode thread, @Rae Spellman posted a link to Gil's previous TV experience, and his bodybuilding. 


    I'm wondering if he might should look at Myrla's lashes and whatnot as not so different from his bodybuilding.  They're both artificial. 

    I'm liking Myrla more and more every episode.  And I'm believing her about the physical thing.  I noticed how she reacted when one of the girls at the rage place hugged her.  She's definitely not a hugger, but she doesn't seem unaffectionate. 

    3 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    That wives' activity was horrible! I actually am with Myrla that it was a stupid, and potentially dangerous, waste of time and energy. Anyone who has that much anger needs to be in therapy (and NOT Dr. Viv!). My first thought was that Michaela was kept away on purpose, out of fear of what she may do given her energy and a deadly weapon. I don't think she wasn't feeling well.

    Oh, I can see the benefit of taking a sledgehammer to a bunch of shit (I feel like I need a cigarette after watching the scene with the copier in Office Space).  And when they said Michaela wasn't there, I thought, "Michaela's the one who needs to be there."

    17 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    as a mom …. I’ve called my  children by another child’s name.    It’s not the end of the world.  

    My parents constantly called us kids by the wrong name, and when they'd get it wrong, they'd try another, and another (there were five of us), until they hit the right one.  I'm actually recalling some incidents that ended with, "Whoever you are."

    I often call Mr. Outlier by the wrong name, usually the name of a friend I've had for 40 years, whose name rhymes with Mr. O's.  As others have pointed out, it was just in casual conversation. 

    And, I got really pissed off when Jose was telling the guys his version of what happened, and then reminded them that she'd cheated before.  One of the heroes actually said, "You think she's sleeping with someone else right now?"  And Jose had to admit he didn't.  Yet he brought it up.   Dick.

    17 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    The other men tried to make him feel better by making excuses such as "J-names" or "Johnny-Jose kinda sound alike." Probably Rachel told Brett during their little talk and then Brett went home and told Ryan like a good wife does.

    Actually, probably on Unfiltered, Ryan said he found out in a group conversation with him, Brett, Rachel, and one or two other women.  I liked that he was the only man in this little hen party. 

    8 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Did we ever find out where Rachel spent the night when she was locked out?

    Why would production let her stay there, the producer that was talking to them in the kitchen should have told Rachel to pack a bag and come with her, why wasn't Rachel cared for by production, you see a man flying off the handle and yelling at his wife not even caring that it is being filmed, you step in. 

    Rachel said she walked the producer out, I assume to her car.  They stayed out there talking for a while, and when Rachel came back, that's when she found out she was locked out.  Jose locked the door during the time Rachel was out talking to the producer.  (Which in his recounting to the guys, he was talking about 3:00 a.m., but according to what we saw on the show, she came back a little after 1:00.  And I wanted to punch him in the nose when he said, "I secure my property.")

    Anyway, I'm sure the producer asked Rachel what she wanted to do.

    5 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    I liked the way she stood up for herself.

    Me, too.  I was impressed, and I'm sure that person wouldn't have appreciated the producer, the night before, forcing her to pack a bag and come with her.  I also liked that she credited her parents with giving her guidance on how she can expect to be treated.  She deserves better than Jose, or certainly the Jose we saw in this episode.

    6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    I think he is used to the barbie doll look and Brett is not that. I think she is so pretty,  unfortunately just not his idea of pretty and he can't get past that. 

    I remember Pastor Cal saying that Ryan likes Instagram models, but that Cal thinks that's not what he really wants.  Which is kind of a good point--the choice could be (1) Instagram model, or (2) marriage.  But I think the usual way to get to a resolution is to date a few non-Instagram models and find out they're not all that bad, and eventually find one you're attracted to and want to marry.  I don't think being assigned a non-Instagram model to marry is a sound path, at least until you've tried a few out.

    18 hours ago, ByTor said:

    True, but in the honeymoon phase I don't find it all that unrealistic.

    I know that arranged marriages can work, but I think I'd be resentful if I were in a relationship that didn't experience the "can't keep my hands off you" phase.  It's fun!  And in low times, it can be a reminder.


    • Love 9
  6. 1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

    Well, if she follows through on just pulling him from school the odds of him getting that help early go way down. 

    Especially since Josh thinks he's just a boy being a boy and will outgrow it. 

    • Love 4
  7. About Broncs's teeth--just do an internet search for Mackenzie Broncs teeth and behold the number of results.  I don't think she's ever explained what's up. 

    I think she's not a great mother, but I don't think she's so extraordinarily bad that it's causing her kid's teeth to rot out of his mouth, especially since she has other kids who don't have that issue.  And he wasn't born healthy, so who knows.  Way way way back when, I had a friend who had what we called tetracycline teeth.  They were stained gray, not rotten, but it goes to show all sorts of things can affect teeth.


    • Love 5
  8. 6 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

    Statistical Outlier, thank you for the information. I don't follow any of these people on social media,   and I know this all took place months ago.

    If you did follow her on social media, you'd think she'd been accepted to Purdue University.  The best way to get to the truth is to ignore social media entirely, except maybe as a starting point to find something to rebut.   😀

    The only reason I watched this episode was to see, with my own eyes, how the "acceptance to Purdue University" was portrayed.  Some kind person posted some sort of social media post by Amber here (I don't ever look at any social media), and I was curious how it would be portrayed in a more fleshed out manner.  I couldn't care less about Maci, I'm only mildly interested in a father saying Broncs's behavior isn't unusual and he'll grow out of it, and I just want Tyler to shut up.  Cheyenne doesn't even register (so thank you to the people who summarized the issue with her sister--good heavens). 

    One thing about it:  I never thought Amber's college plans would be the one thing that kept me interested in the show.


    4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    If Ambers mouth is movng...she's lying.  She knows it's a B.S. School but she's in!  Lol

    It's not really a B.S. school (if by that you mean bullshit, not bachelor of science).  People can get a real bachelor of science degree from that school.  My problem is that the school she's claiming she's in (Purdue) isn't the one she's actually in (Purdue Global).  And I just don't know if she realizes there's a difference.  Does she even know anyone who's been to college and might be aware there might BE a difference?  Who might think, "Hmm...I wonder why Purdue University has changed to having four-week terms instead of semesters or quarters"?  Other than the production toadies, of course.

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  9. 1 hour ago, jacksgirl said:

    And Amber is going to my alma mater (not the brick and mortar campus, but still....). I'm out for good. Time to pull the plug on these people.

    She's going to Purdue University Global, which is not the same as Purdue University, and not even the same as online courses at Purdue University.  I wrote about it in Amber's thread:


    It has an open admissions policy, which means if you meet the requirements (fluent in English and possess a high school diploma or GED), you get in.  Period.  There's no selection.  And if you get a degree, it won't be from Purdue University.  It will be from Purdue University Global, but that's nothing a little wite-out can't handle.

    You can read a transcript of an interview with the chancellor of Purdue University Global here:


    It's super long and I stopped after I confirmed that they have an open admissions policy.  But that wasn't until after I had to read where he talked about synergies with the respected Purdue University buying the for-profit online-only Kaplan University and slapping the Purdue name on it.  Any time anybody says "synergy," it sets off my bullshit meter.

    Anyway, notice that the letter she read from Purdue Global said, "Congratulations.  You've been enrolled in Purdue University Global."  Enrolled.  Not accepted.  And I do wonder if she knows the difference.  She held out her phone and crowed, "That says Purdue University."  Yes, it does, if you leave off the Global, which just happens to be what makes it not Purdue University. 

    I mean, it's definitely confusing for most people, but most people aren't paying to attend one of the schools.  So either she doesn't know it's not Purdue University that she's going to be getting her degree from, or she's lying.  I'd almost feel sorry for her, except I hate her.

    14 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    She’s signed up for two big classes. English and psychiatry.  

    That’s a full load for Amber!

    I was trying to compare tuition at Purdue and Purdue Global (and gave up), but on the Purdue Global tuition calculator, it said most fulltime students take two classes per term, and unless your program requires it, you have to get permission to take three classes.  They have start dates four weeks apart, so I think they don't operate on the semester or even quarter system most colleges do, and their classes last for four weeks instead of three months.

    17 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Doctorate in psychiatry !

    I noticed that, too.  Sigh.


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  10. 5 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

    Only because people keep watching . . .

    Aah, but they don't know I watch.  My satellite has never been connected to a phone line or the internet, so no data about my viewing has ever gone back to the mothership. 

    And you best believe that if that somehow changes, and I have to watch this shitshow in any way that lets them know I'm watching, I'm done.  And probably better off because of it. 

    • LOL 5
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  11. 7 minutes ago, Charlie Baker said:

    SUTS=Summer under the Stars.  The stuff I saw from the day devoted to Heflin really impressed me. 

    Ah, thanks.  I've never embraced him because I find his buggy eyes off-putting (but I liked him in this).  So I don't like Alain Delon because of his twinkly eyes, and Van Heflin because of his buggy eyes.  I'm detecting a pattern.

    But speaking of eyes, what about the albino looking guy in Once a Thief?  I'm not sure if he was more menacing with those dark glasses on or off.  Either way, every time he went near the little girl I shuddered.  Dang, he was scary.  For good reason, of course.

  12. I just went to the Naples lady's website and looked at her resume.  I found these errors just skimming:

    Inside the Cheaters Mind (at least on the actual book cover there's the possessive apostrophe)

    airing in 147 countires including the U.S.







    professioanal (it could be that this is simply a term I'm blessedly not familiar with)

    Licesnsed Psychologist

    Apply speaking material to mental health professionals and correctional facilities. (Huh?)


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  13. On 9/20/2021 at 11:41 AM, Charlie Baker said:

    Back to recent TCM fare: guest programmer Dana Delany and Eddie Muller made a good pair for Saturday night's selections.  The first two films I hadn't seen.  Once a Thief is a mid-60s type noir, gritty and stylish.  Couldn't decide if Alain Delon and Ann-Margret (Whew, what eyefuls!) were really good or really overwrought. 

    I think they were overwrought.

    And Dana Delany was saying how they were the most beautiful people in the world, but there's just something about Alain Delon that keeps me from getting there.  I have the same problem with Michael Sarrazin.  I think it may be something about the twinkly eyes?

    As for Ann-Margret, the next day I was watching a show on the local PBS channel about towns in the Chicago suburbs, and they were talking about Swedish immigrants and they put up a photo of a little girl, and before they identified her, I thought, "That's Ann-Margret."  And it was!  I always think it's crazy when someone is so recognizable from a childhood photo, especially someone like Ann-Margret, who is simply beautiful and therefore probably not uniquely asymmetrical or something similarly memorable.

    On 9/20/2021 at 11:41 AM, Charlie Baker said:

    Jack Palance and Van Heflin (Whose SUTS day gave me an even deeper appreciation for him) were rock solid. A strong, tough watch. 

    I liked Eddie Muller's "Drop the gun!!"  I literally said the same thing, out loud.  Mr. Outlier came out from the other room to see what was going on.

    But, what's a SUTS day?

    On 9/20/2021 at 11:41 AM, Charlie Baker said:

    Man on a TIghtrope is based on the factual story of a circus escaping Communist oppression with an outstanding Fredric March and Dana Delany's favorite Gloria Grahame. 

    I started watching it even though I'm not a fan of circuses.  And stayed, mainly because of Frederic March.  I've seen plenty of things with him in them, but he's never stuck in my mind individually (like, say, Van Heflin or Jack Palance or Alain Delon).  I don't think I could pick him out of a lineup.

    But he was fabulous in this.  I was exhausted watching him running around, and that encounter he had with the other circus owner was a joy to watch.  It turned into an unexpectedly good movie.

    And then, the very next day, apparently when I wasn't watching the show on PBS, I read an opinion piece decrying how the University of Wisconsin has removed March's name from its theaters.


    TCM had its fingerprints all over me last weekend.

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  14. 3 hours ago, pdlinda said:
    5 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    I guess Denise's education didn't include grammar - "starring Jim and I" should be Jim and me. So many people don't use the proper case (in this instance, objective) of personal pronouns, but still...

    If that is any indication of the intellectual depth of her "doctorate degree" (DPsy) I shudder to think of her ability to communicate with her "patients." 

    Many years ago, I had a friend who was applying to a doctorate program in psychology.  I read the essay he was submitting with his application, which was about how his upbringing influenced his desire to be a psychologist.  The essay began, "Me and my sister..."  And they admitted him!  I couldn't believe it.

    What I find so ironic is that people are terrified of the word "me," and will say "starring Jim and I," but turn right around and start a sentence with "Me and Jim."  So they hate the word "me" only when it's actually used correctly.  The worst part is that the "starring Jim and I" is so common it's starting to sound not wrong, even to this grammar pedant.

    Also, I noticed that you put "doctorate degree" in quotes, when mentioning her PsyD.  My brother is a PhD psychologist in private practice, and a while back I asked him about PsyD psychologists, if the PhDs look down on them, since it's a newer type of degree.

    He said the PsyD programs came out of a dispute in the field between academicians and practicing psychologists, because academicians ruled the roost.

    He knows several PsyDs and said there's no real-world distinction.  The only issue is whether the program is APA approved, so you can get licensed, and accept insurance.  PsyDs are less research oriented than PhDs, and they don't do a dissertation, but they do do a major research project. 

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  15. 10 hours ago, DancinCat said:

    It seems no one checked Brian Austin Green's package before airtime, because there were some weird editing glitches, with missing footage and out-of-sync video.

    Those weren't glitches or out-of-sync video.  They were intentional cuts, and dubbing.  I posted upthread about reading his lips: what his lips were saying was completely different from what we were hearing.

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  16. 1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

    Olivia Jade was exactly who I thought she would be, but wow, does she look like her mother. No, Olivia Jade, you did not 'take a break' from social media for self-reflection, you lost all of your YouTube sponsors.

    I'm kind of proud of the fact that I had no idea who she was, even during her introduction, until they mentioned the college admissions schedule.  I looked at her and realized she must be Lori Loughlin's daughter.

    • Love 2
  17. On 9/18/2021 at 5:12 PM, Meowwww said:

    Nooooo!!!  I can’t imagine anyone eschewing Torchy’s!  

    I eschew it because I've never found anything to eat there that I love.  When they first opened in Austin, they had some unusual fountain sodas, so I'd go for those and get something to eat just because, but the food was never the attraction.

    If I were with people who wanted to eat there, I'd go and I'd eat.  But if I'm out by myself and want to get something to eat, I'd never pick it.


    On 9/18/2021 at 5:48 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

    Re: Long hair parted in the middle. I see some of you missed 1967--1980. ✌

    Tue dat.  However, I do think there's an age component.  I think Michelle Phillips epitomized how young and fresh a girl with long hair parted in the middle could look, especially compared to the tortured hairdos girls/women had before that.  But once you get a little older, that style starts dragging down your face, and in Myrla's case, the look is even less successful if the hair is greasy looking and sticks to the sides of your face.


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  18. 47 minutes ago, Tink said:

    Suni is of Hmong descent, the transcription said Samoan, I believe. (My boyfriend likes the subtitles on, so now I’m just used to them) it irritates me that they can’t get a fact like that correct, seems disrespectful. 

    What you're seeing is captions, not subtitles like you see in foreign movies which are produced with a lot of skill and time.  I don't know much about how instantaneous captions are produced, but they're notoriously inaccurate, whether produced by humans or robots.  You could see the hesitation by the captioner before putting up "Samoan-American.  It just wasn't clear to the captioner what word was being said.  They're not getting a fact wrong because they don't deal in facts--they deal in what they hear, like a court reporter.

    1 hour ago, Bliss said:

    So far, so good. JMO. (I mute the host at times and then try to read her lips..)

    Speaking of reading lips, what was that mess in Brian Austin Green's intro, with the black screen, and then the dubbing?  I can read lips a little.

    He really did say, "You know me best as David Silver from Beverly Hills 90210."  The words and his lips matched perfectly.  But then it went to a black screen, during which we hear (but not see) him say, "It was an amazing experience but I will not be using any dance moves from the 90s."  Then the image comes back and he says, "I would embarrass myself" (which matches his lips).  Because of the black screen, I seriously doubt that was really all one sentence, and wouldn't be surprised if the "I would embarrass myself" has nothing to do with dance moves from the 90s.

    And then it got even worse.  We hear him say, "I'm doing Dancing With the Stars because of my girlfriend Sharna."  But his lips said nothing of the sort.  It was like watching a dubbed Sergio Leone movie. 

    What I think he said was, "Sharna and I have been dating for a while now. She's" and then there's a cut, and then I can't make out the rest but I  do see the word "passion."  The cut really gets me--if you're dubbing something completely different from what he was saying, why bother with a cut? 

    Really sloppy. 

    Also, I remember The Miz from The Real World, and just looked it up and it was 20 years ago.  He was doing the The Miz thing back then, and color me surprised that he turned it into something (I'm talking about the WWE thing, not DWTS, of course).  I just thought he was weird.

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  19. On 9/18/2021 at 5:07 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

    I think she might have gotten a little work done because her eyes most certainly did not look like that on the show or she has the most amazing makeup artist or is really good at photoshop.

    And here I was thinking that picture makes me think she was really bad at photoshop.

    • LOL 4
  20. I hate tricks like the penis soup.  Unfortunately, he'd already said that he thought it was kind of fatty, and obviously didn't love it, but I wish like hell when they revealed what it was, he'd said, "Oh" and continued to finish the entire bowl.

    14 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

    If Corey had even a speck of self-respect, he would've dumped Evelin on the spot. She obviously knew what the soup was and enjoyed humiliating him. Who would want to be married to someone like that? And when the sister said "Now you're going to finish it" or whatever, I would have told her to go fuck herself.

    I remember a scene when he came to Ecuador, and she didn't pick him up at the airport and made him figure out on his own how to get to whatever tiny village she lives in.  My reaction was, "She hates that guy."  And that hasn't changed.  And Corey put up with that, and continues to put up with similar expressions of her utter disdain.

    3 hours ago, Breedom said:

    The sisters are vultures who have found their victim and were going full-force with their bullying. Corey, why are you even answering their questions? They are not married to you, what you have or haven't done is no business of theirs. YOU ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO RESPOND TO THEIR QUESTIONS.

    He might be, if he wants to keep his job as "talent" on 90-Day Fiance.

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  21. On 9/17/2021 at 3:05 AM, aghst said:

    They chose Korea over returning to the US and were willing to put their younger child into a local school rather than an international school.

    But maybe it’s better for his pilot career to be in Korea.

    They can’t speak the language or know how to take the subway but there must be some other base families to socialize with.

    I think Korea over the U.S. is a great choice.  They get to move to a foreign country, but have lots of support, both institutional and social.  I think it's wonderful they're putting the younger kid in a local school.  What a great opportunity.

    Sure beats the hell out of spending three years at Fort Hood in Texas.

    The main thing I know Korea for these days is its superb internet infrastructure, so I do wonder if the wife's gaming had something to do with their choice.

    And...I was thinking that a calm demeanor would be an asset for a pilot, but this guy took it to a whole nother level.  On the one hand, he seems like he would handle a mid-air emergency just the same as he handles starting his car in the morning, but then again, wouldn't military pilots benefit from more of an edge?


    1 hour ago, tessaray said:

    I assume mainly via ads. Just like Youtubers make money off the number of eyeballs they have. Though some are probably influencers getting paid directly.  

    They also make money via direct payments from fans, which despite the misogyny in the community, might prove to be an advantage for a skilled and telegenic female player.

    I watched a Tetris tournament the other day on ESPN.  I was transfixed, but then again, I remember getting a Gameboy when I was in my 30s, and would sit there and play Tetris (poorly) until my contacts stuck to my eyes.  The gaming setups for the boys in the tournament looked pleasingly low-tech--a chair in their bedroom, and not even a comfortable looking chair.  Ah, youth.



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  22. 21 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    Gil could take her to Torchy's Tacos in Rice Village twice a week, and that would count as going out.  But that is to low class for her.

    There are a lot of people who object to counter-service places when going out.  And in Myrla's case, I can see her wanting some place with table service if she only occasionally goes out to eat, because it's more of an event.

    I eat out almost every day because I don't like to cook, so this explosion in quick service restaurants is great for me because I just want to be fed with something I like, and I generally don't like traditional fast food (McDonald's, Taco Bell).  (And I avoid table-service places because I object to the grossly inequitable tipping system.)

    But for someone like Myrla, who isn't eating out just to be fed, I can see eschewing places like Torchy's, and not because they're too low class, but because they just don't offer what she's looking for in the experience.

    On 9/16/2021 at 7:56 PM, ChiMama said:

    Sorry, but this all presupposes Myrla’s statements on Unfiltered are honest. I’m not feeling charitable enough to believe either one of these claims from her. 

    She doesn't come off as untruthful to me at all. 

    3 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    Gil is auditioning for when after he gets divorced, when 100's of women will be flooding his cell phone. He almost seems like the perfect guy! He massages your feet!  He offers to cook!  He has a quick wit! He flexes his muscles while he smiles!  He has all of the Box Checked, as Jose likes to say.  He is gonna kill it with the women after this show is over. 

    He hates sunsets.


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  23. 20 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I lived in that part of the country.   The trip up and down the hill from Cloud Croft will get old very quickly, and is hell on car brakes. 


    I grew up in Texas and always knew Cloudcroft only as a place where the Baptist kids went every summer.


    20 hours ago, rhofmovalley said:

    [Naples couple] seemed nice enough. They aren't harming anyone, but holy cow...

    Well said.

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  24. 3 hours ago, karenbrady said:

    There was something I liked about how Rachel said she and Jose were sitting around watching TV when she said she loved him.

    I agree. They were just chilling, nothing producer-driven. They looked like they forget about the cameras even being there. I'm sure it's exhausting, ugh.

    I don't recall the "I love you" being caught on camera.  And I think Rachel's account of it was done on her own phone, I think.

    I do wonder when (or even if) people forget about the cameras.  I know the first Real World people said they forgot, but I think they were the last "genuine" reality TV cast, and I now think everybody on reality TV is very aware of the cameras at all times.


    3 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Question about the opinion that Myrla is/was "rude": To whom? Is it "rude" to speak to a Third Party about someone else's domicile's being "in the middle of nowhere"? 

    At first I thought it seemed rude, but quickly realized she wasn't saying it to him, so who was she being rude to?  Then again, it was on camera so it's liable to be aired, and Jose will see it then.  (I honestly wonder if reality show people even think about this when they're doing talking heads.)


    Heck, I say that about the location of my college,  because it's true---and I LOVE my school!

    Yeah, but Myrla definitely doesn't love Pearland. 

    Anyway, I'm on the fence about whether it was rude or not.  Comments here?  Not rude, because the people being snarked on have no business reading here if they don't want to read snarky things about themselves.


    22 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

    As a fellow Texan, I am highly disappointed in Jose and all of these folks referring to this event as a BBQ. It was a cook out. Two very distinct things in TX.

    My takeaway is that Goode Company, a long-time BBQ place in Houston, apparently sells fried chicken now, to judge from the logo on the sack Bao brought home.  Yum!

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