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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 2 minutes ago, aghst said:

    Other thing I remember were long metro rides to get anywhere.  Trains became packed as you got closer to the center and most trains didn't have AC and still may not

    When Adrienne was bad-mouthing the 16th, she said it wasn't just one train or one bus ride from work, and then said something about a 20-minute walk across the river to the office.  Would that be in addition to the train/bus rides?  It wasn't clear.

    If it really is a 20-minute (1-mile) walk to the office (which doesn't seem terrible to me, especially if you're walking through a city where interesting things are happening), is the commute via transit so onerous because of the train and bus routes that would get her to work?  That is, do they veer way away from the straight path you'd take while walking, and you have to veer back?

  2. 15 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    She said she had wanted to move to Paris to work for 20 years.

    After our snark about her not learning French during those 20 years, I re-watched her explanations and the voiceovers, and she didn't say that.  Or at least not in the way that some other recent ones have, one in particular who wanted to move to some Harry Potter-type place (or Lord of the Rings?) since she was little.

    The Calgary -> Paris HH had a grandfather and a father in the oil and gas business in Alberta, and she, too, worked in the oil and gas industry.  The narrator said a job in Paris opened up that would allow her to follow her dream of working in the climate change field (although actually, working in the oil and gas industry is working in the climate change field but not like most people think of it).  Nobody said her 20-year dream was to live in Paris with this career, although until I re-watched it, I thought they did.  At best, it's a little murky.

    What I was wondering was whether her shift to green is in atonement for previous sins.

    18 hours ago, Grrarrggh said:

    Eh, there are a lot of Parisians who speak English better than many Americans lol.

    She obviously wasn't filtering for that, to judge from the guy she did have a date with.

    47 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    I figured Adrienne wanted her to live in the “busy” area because she said she’d like to meet men! 

    Then Adrienne needs to get with it, because HH's work friend said the way to meet people is on dating apps.

    When I was 30, I moved into a condo that was in a complex with almost exclusively old people in one-bedroom apartments.  It was heaven.  They were so quiet, and were home all day to keep an eye on things even though the place didn't need it. 

    It's true that I didn't meet any boyfriends on the premises, or even in the neighborhood, but instead I met them at work or through friends or when I was out doing things.  Or in today's terms, on dating apps. 



    16th is further away from the places tourists visit.  The HH presumably don't need to visit those places but they are the things which make Paris beautiful.

    One of my major regrets in life is not knowing the ins and outs of all the arrondissements in Paris like I know the areas of many US cities.  In Paris, it's all nicely divided up by numbered areas.

    From what they showed of the 16th, it looked charming and I could see being happy walking home through there, looking at those buildings. 


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  3. 11 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Paris. It's been a while since we've seen Adrian.

    It can be a while longer as far as I'm concerned if she's going to be so insistent on imposing her wishes on her client.  And even worse, winning.

    And they did it again--in one of the apartments (I think the third one?), Adrian opened the wardrobe door a little and you could see all the clothes stuffed in there.

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  4. I just remembered something the HH in Los Angeles said--that she'd met the tenant in back and she wasn't interested in jacking up the rent because they (I don't know who all is living there) are a part of the neighborhood and maybe work there, or something along those lines.  And I thought (engaging in serious profiling), "Of course.  She's a social worker."

    Which made me think, "I'd love to have a social worker as a landlord."  And to further think that with the current housing crisis, for both people buying and renting, we should shove all the investors out and give big incentives to social workers to buy multi-unit properties to live in and rent out the other part.

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  5. 9 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Nooooo. Lab created????  He might as well go to JC Penny’s jewelry counter.

    Millennials are embracing lab-grown diamonds because of concerns about mined diamonds' human and environmental toll.  However, DeBeers is not going to go down without a fight.  It'll be interesting to see how they approach it, since they have a successful track record; after all, they're the ones who created the whole "tradition" of diamond engagement rings in the first place.



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  6. 16 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

    Olajuwon, you have stuff to work on, too. Like table manners.

    Mark holds his fork like a shovel.  And actually, I've noticed several of the men on the last few seasons doing the same thing.  But never the women.

    But I have to say that the photo of Olajuwon drinking out of the carafe kind of breaks my heart.  You don't know what you don't know, especially when it comes to social niceties. 

    I have a soft spot for people who do embarrassing things out of ignorance.  Fortunately, it does not outweigh the hard spots I have for Olajuwon and many of the decisions he's made, so I can continue to dislike him. 

    • Love 21
  7. 2 hours ago, rhofmovalley said:

    She claimed to be a designer and to have such a great sense of style, but she dressed, well, less than stylish. I wanted to take her shopping for flattering clothes. 

    Was she the one who did the french tuck with two different outfits of a bulky sweater and jeggings?  That looked awful.

    (And totally off topic, but I still remember the first time I saw jeggings for sale.  I'm almost positive it was at a Walgreens, and I thought, "Who the hell would wear tights that are marked up to look like jeans?"  The answer, of course, is everyone on the planet.)

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  8. On 4/25/2022 at 7:45 AM, TooMuchRealityTV said:

    I can see why we don't get a lot of Dee.

    Plus in that social media fight between Tiarra and her kinfolk, they were heavily implying that Tiarra stole Dee from somebody else. 

    On 4/25/2022 at 7:45 AM, TooMuchRealityTV said:

    There is a reason a lot of people wait to have children until they are independent. If you live in someone's else's home you live by their rules.  With that said Emersyn is not a minor, why are they spending all their time at Emersyn's house?

    Because except for that one rule that Emersyn has stated she will not comply with because she doesn't like it, that's where Emersyn wants to be.  Near her mother, who knows a thing or two about babies.

    But speaking of her mother, she was complaining about Mason sleeping when Emersyn was having contractions, and judging him harshly for that.  However, it turns out that a few hours before that, they all decided to get some sleep, and Emersyn hadn't woken Mason up after she woke up, and refused to wake him up even when her mother was telling her to.

    Apparently Mason is a bad person because he's unable to read Emersyn's mother's mind when he's asleep.

    On 4/18/2022 at 11:37 AM, JeanJean said:

    I don't think she's not intelligent - she probably is, she's just very young and so somewhat unformed and at the age where the importance of having  a boyfriend overrides everything else. 

    I agree that she's young and unformed, but I've seen no signs of above-average intellect.

    And while PTH is an asshole and controlling, as far as I know, that's not illegal behavior.  I saw his "come with me to pee" as the teenage equivalent of "Dear, can you help me in the kitchen for a moment?" because it seemed like a way for them to talk about it without anybody listening. 

    And even if he really does successfully never let her out of his sight, that's troubling, obviously, but I don't think it's abuse for which he could be arrested, or for which authorities could step in.  Unfortunately, people have a lot of leeway in being treated however they want or accept, and when it comes to minors, it's up to the adults to do something about it if it hasn't become criminal.

    I am heartened by the fact that he drives a shitty looking car, so it looks like his parents don't give him everything he wants.  It's a far cry from supporting himself, which is exactly what an asshole teenager who knows absolutely everything about everything should be forced to do, but his parents clearly aren't going to do that, so a shitty car will have to do.

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  9. On 4/21/2022 at 8:29 AM, EtheltoTillie said:

    Yesterday I listened to a Fresh Air segment from 1992 with Terry Gross--she reposted it last week.  He was promoting the movie Aladdin at the time.  So funny.  Especially if you like impressions of Borscht Belt comedians.  And Jerry Seinfeld. 

    It was hilarious, made even moreso because Terry Gross couldn't help laughing, even though she was miffed that he insisted on being in character for the entire interview.

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  10. 13 hours ago, answerphone said:

    Everything looks so barren and dry in that area.

    I have a friend who always ribs our Albuquerque friends by calling their town "Bedrock." 

    I learned something in the Chicago episode.  I've never liked that gray stone that one house had on the front.  It always looks like the fake asbestos brick (or whatever it is) on houses in Queens, which I definitely hate.  But turns out it's a thing--lannon stone. 

    Next time I happen past a bunch of those houses on my slow-speed bike tour of an unfamiliar neighborhood, I'm going to make a point to look at them instead of averting my eyes and trying to figure out what street might have better houses on it.

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  11. On 4/9/2022 at 5:15 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Between this and Marry Me, maybe they're trying to make dumb romcoms better! Or maybe, as Alan put it, you shouldn’t dismiss even schlocky entertainment because it makes people happy. A good message there!

    There's very little intersection in the Venn diagram of my moviegoing tastes and the general public's, and there was no way I was going to see Marry Me.  But I saw the trailer for The Lost City a few times and it looked entertaining.  So based on that and the comments here, I went and it was a hoot.  I was kind of internally pleading with the movie to be good from the beginning, but then Brad Pitt ran up the palm tree and I thought, "That's it.  I'm in."

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  12. 2 hours ago, Meowwww said:

    Lindsay got rid of the fake eyelashes.  She looks great!  Younger and fresher.  Whatever fillers she might have had are tastefully done 

    I actually wonder if seeing herself on TV with the heinous eyelashes made her decide not to wear them.  "Younger and fresher" is spot on, and I wish many many more women would realize it. 

    I also wonder if Keisha regrets standing up for the group hug, because that outfit.  Yikes.

    1 hour ago, Retired at last said:

    I would not have recognized Lindsey, either. However, that said, was anything interesting actually said on the show? Lindsey often leaks out info that she probably shouldn't.

    I don't think she leaked anything, but I did notice that she kept reaching over and putting her hand on Olajuwon's arm when he was crying.  Normally I'd see that as a tender gesture, but now that I see it through Mark's eyes it really bugs me.  And speaking of bugs and eyes, I did notice that at one point Lindsey reacted to something and her eyes got all big like Mark's, and was realizing that when people are together a lot they start unconsciously picking up things from the other person, and I hope this isn't one of them.

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  13. That guy in New Rochelle was like the low talker on Seinfeld.  I kept internally exhorting, "Speak uuuuuup!"

    I had a friend who had a fire hydrant in his front yard, and am thinking he got a discount on his homeowners insurance because of it.  (That's also how I learned that the blue reflectors you see in the middle of a street mark where fire hydrants are.)  I'm wondering if you'd get a big discount if you're next door to a fire station.  They could just throw the hose over the fence.  😀

    I missed the beginning of the episode, but later they mentioned dealing with sirens in the city, but I'm not sure being next door to a fire station in a small city would bother me from a noise standpoint.  I've found that I can tolerate noise a lot better if there's a good reason for it, like a truck going to put out a fire.  Or construction noise.  Or the beep beep beep of trash trucks.  It's barking dogs and loud music that drive me insane.

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  14. 2 hours ago, rhofmovalley said:

    As far as I know the letter mentioned nothing about the "race" of the letter writers. 

    It wouldn't have to mention it.   A buyer could include a photo, or even the buyer's name could indicate race.

    And FWIW, it could go the other way, too.  People in a neighborhood that is predominantly Black, for example, might prefer to hang onto that, especially in the face of gentrification.  Which, again, argues for having home sales be a strictly financial deal. 

    • Love 6
  15. 29 minutes ago, Johann said:

    I'm moving out of the neighborhood.   Even if I were prejudiced, why would I care?

    A bigot who is friends with his bigoted neighbors might want to help ensure the neighborhood stays as white as possible. 

    Also, the purpose of basing the sale on "love letters" is often to pick a buyer who will love your house as much as you did.  And the reverse could happen--not want a particular type of person to get to love your house.

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  16. 1 hour ago, aghst said:

    Is that old folk wisdom about not going swimming after eating true?

    I'd always heard you don't do it because you'll get cramps, and didn't really understand it.  Food in your stomach combined with dogpaddling will cause you to double over and sink? 

    But a few years ago, I ran across an explanation.  It's because [in my layman's interpretation, anyway] when you eat, your blood goes to your stomach to help digest your food, leaving less blood for other muscles, which could make the other muscles more liable to cramp.  It's not a big deal if you're dancing or running or fencing, because you can just drop to the ground when your calf cramps up bad enough.  But if you're in deep water, that cramp could prevent you from floating and you could drown.

    Which now that I think about it means it's probably okay to play around in the 3-foot water, because you can just hop to the edge of the pool if a limb cramps up.  But distinctions like that are usually lost on kids, so you just tell them you can't go into the pool for an hour or whatever.

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  17. 10 hours ago, buttersister said:

    In many markets, corporations are buying up houses to flip into rentals.

    The government in Cincinnati is buying 194 houses itself to combat this, perhaps ironically from an institutional investor that bought a bunch of properties after the last bust and is now in receivership.


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  18. On 4/13/2022 at 7:24 PM, chessiegal said:

    I've heard the term overlooking when referring to properties.

    Me, too, but like, "This property overlooks the canal."  I'd never heard it in the context of the subject property being the one that is overlooked by other properties, but after this discussion, it makes sense.

    And now I'm watching the movie Match Point and the guy is looking at an apartment in London.  The agent is reeling off the features of the apartment and says, "Lovely view, not overlooked." 

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  19. 2 hours ago, RoxiP said:

    Regardless of whether Tiarra and Dee are married shouldn't his children be covered (at least after birth) because they are his children?

    I looked at the Tricare website and military members' children (or step-children if they are married to the child's parent) are eligible for military health insurance through their military member parent(s).

    I remember Tiarra referring to Dee in a way that made it clear they aren't married.  So she wouldn't be eligible for Tricare, but Dee's children are.

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  20. Referring back to Tiarra's "I can't find my social security card so I have to have my sister fly here and then we fly together to Kentucky for my checkups" drama, I was just poking around my account on the social security website, and there was a link for "Request a Replacement Social Security Card."  I clicked on it, and the first thing it says, in big letters, is:  "Do You Really Need a Card?"  And under that, three bullet points:

     - You will rarely need to show your Social Security card.

     - Knowing your Social Security number is what is important.

     - Many organizations can verify your Social Security number directly with us.

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