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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. Still can't embed trailers.  It's here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVi9hlvQOrg

    It's in limited release in theaters, and on Amazon Prime.  I liked it a lot.

    Two black college guys come home to find a white girl passed out on the floor in their living room, and instead of calling 911 because black guys standing over a passed out white girl, decide to take her to the hospital themselves.  Kind of like Superbad, one night gone very awry, but with social commentary.  And with the changing friendship angle from Superbad, which I totally believed.

    And it has RJ Cyler, who I never recognize but look up when I get home and go, "Oh, that's who that is."  The one who so hilariously said "punk ass cat" in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.  I really like that kid.

    And if you are lucky enough to see it, be aware that there's a short scene in the credits. 

    • Love 1
  2. 23 hours ago, mojito said:

    ...and the guests could pay the rest!

    The only time I ever had my "host" pay for my hotel room was when it was my parents.  They were the ones who decided to build a house with one spare bedroom and five grown children, so it was their problem, not mine. 😀  (And I accrued the hotel points, too.  Take that!)

    But if I were visiting my siblings, or friends, I'd never let them pay for my hotel room.

    On 5/19/2022 at 10:04 PM, Grizzly said:

    Bristol, England. Do Europeans move to our country and demand American charm? What would that look like to them?

    Maybe craftsman style houses?  Or mid-century modern?  Did those take hold in Europe?

    How about tract mansions? 

    On 5/19/2022 at 10:04 PM, Grizzly said:

    Now I want to play badminton 🏸.

    I took badminton in college, but had to drop it because to pass, you had to be able to hit the birdie against a wall, above a line drawn on the wall, something like 100 times in a row, and even after a couple of weeks, I could do it zero times.

    At least with fencing, which I took the semester before, you could pass even if you lost every match (which I did).

    ETA:  I loved that one street in Bristol with all the different colored houses.  Talk about charm.

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  3. On 5/19/2022 at 7:43 AM, Grrarrggh said:

    The kitchen in the first NC house was a huge waste of space and badly laid out.

    It was so poorly laid out that even I noticed it.  The stovetop was on an island at least 10 feet from the sink.  Do people want to sit at an island that has pots of boiling water on it?  And carry the big pot of pasta 10 feet to the sink to drain it?  And the refrigerator was over there by the island, far away from where I assume people would be prepping stuff.

    I actually crossed that one off the list of possibilities when I saw that kitchen, only to find out that's what they bought. 

    • Love 4
  4. On 5/18/2022 at 6:46 AM, configdotsys said:

    There is no hint of "I would like to see my mom but Jason thinks we need to be independent now" or some such. There was no "I want my mommy" vibe in the hospital which most kids have when hurting or facing a huge fearful event like a birth.

    I didn't see any "I want my mommy" vibe in the hospital, either--just (disturbingly) wanting Jason there.  But on previous episodes, Kylen did say she misses her parents and wants to visit them more often, and Jason told her she needed to grow up and stop being such a baby. 

    On 5/18/2022 at 6:46 AM, configdotsys said:

    I have known kids that have had bad relationships with their parents but if one of them got sick, as "bad" as their parent may have been, the kid was affected tremendously by it. Kylen seems unmoved. That is not a product created by Jason.

    I've thought for a while that Kylen acts like a cult member, and the behavior you described is classic cult behavior. 

    Kylen seems to have no mind of her own, and I have no doubt it's because of Jason, but at the same time, I think she might be more susceptible to that type of influence because her parents don't seem like strong go-getters, and she probably didn't fall far from that tree.

    Which is not to say that strong go-getters can't come under the spell of a cult leader, but in Jason's case, he's a low-rent manipulator and has succeeded only because chose his victim carefully. 

    I really do think she's brainwashed, and because of that, I cut her some slack.  I like to think that if I were her parents, I'd take scorched-earth approach to the whole situation, but I've read enough about cults to know that that can be a dangerous tactic (although I doubt that's their reasoning). 

    • Love 9
  5. I still don't know how to embed trailers, but this website has a link to the trailer, and also a scene from the movie. 


    It's getting very limited theatrical release, but I gather it's doing all the streaming stuff.

    My question:  Where did Jerrod Carmichael learn to direct a movie?  This thing is solid, especially considering the tightrope act that directing a movie about two guys who are planning a double suicide must be.  There was a pervasive uneasiness, but at the same time an ease and chemistry between the two characters that made you believe they'd known each other forever.  And a layer of geniality over all of it. 

    I just loved both of them, and Christopher Abbott broke my heart while also making me laugh out loud.  I really want to be friends with the two of them, just hanging out, which makes their misery that much sadder. 

    Obviously it's not a movie for everyone, and I had qualms, but decided to trust it, and am glad I did.  Also, the film was shot in 35mm, and looks lovely.  And the soundtrack is spot on, including the diegetic use of "Give me back that filet-o-fish, give me that fish" in a very unexpected way.

  6. Is anybody else not getting captions on TCM on TV?  I noticed it yesterday, during Holiday, even though the card at the beginning said it has closed captioning.  And same thing today with the Bowery Boys movie and O Lucky Man!  

    I'm getting them on other channels but I did a re-set of my DirecTV receiver anyway, and TCM still doesn't have captions.

    I'm wondering if this is something TCM is doing to everybody, of if it's just me.  As usual.  😀


  7. On 5/7/2022 at 10:40 AM, iMonrey said:

    I do kind of agree with Bill and Begala about college debt forgiveness, though.

    Oh, I absolutely agree with them, just because there's no way to do it fairly, where you don't reward people who chose to take out loans instead of working and paying for college as they go.  Or punish people who did take out loans but chose to go to a "lesser" school because it was cheaper and they wanted less of a debt burden after they graduated. 

    I wouldn't have a problem, though, with forgiving all interest.  The way student loans are paid back is a real mess, and it's actually impossible for someone to predict how much his payments are going to be.  Adding interest to that opaque situation can make the balance go up even if you're diligently making your required payments, and it's even worse if you're not.

    I loved Begala's suggestion about public service in exchange for college/technical school.  Especially the military angle because the military is a way to get people to rub up against all sorts of others in a way you can't just ignore them, and actually have to learn to trust them.  I've thought for years that we'd be a lot better off if we had mandatory military service for everyone, no exceptions.  I'm sick of only a very small segment of society bearing the burden of our wars, and even then, often because they're in the military because it's the only way they can see to get out of their current situation.  Let's see how we react to wars when the children of people who matter have to fight them.

    And let's see how people act when they have a common enemy, i.e., their superiors in the military. 

    On 5/7/2022 at 5:21 PM, hurrrz said:

    So I guess my point is - sure as a law, abortion is not allowed in Germany, but there is a process in place for access to safe abortions which is what this issue is about in the first place.

    It's about accessible safe abortions, and the requirements you cited for Germany are similar to the ones enacted in states in the U.S. that were trying to restrict access without running afoul of Roe--requirements that abortion advocates have argued are indeed too restrictive and deprive some women, especially certain women, of their right to an abortion.  

    On 5/7/2022 at 4:49 PM, rwlevin said:

    Nobody who gets an abortion after 20 weeks actually wants one.

    We don't actually know that.  I think the statistic Bill was referring to when comparing the U.S. to other countries is the availability of elective abortion after 20 weeks.  Apparently only seven countries allow that, and we're one of them, and I think that's where he was getting the idea that the U.S. currently is less restrictive than many places.  Then again, abortions at that point are very very few, so it's not a valid comparison for availability of abortion in the situations most women face.

    On 5/11/2022 at 1:26 PM, Tachi Rocinante said:

    I didn't see Tafoya as that bad - she agreed with rape/incest as valid and that there should be considerations made.  She did hedge a bit though.

    To me, people who argue for rape/incest exceptions are "that bad" because they're substituting their values and opinions for the pregnant woman's.  And I think that's Bill's point about you either like babies or you like women.  In the case of abortion, you're going to have to choose one or the other. 

    Of course we substitute "our" values for others' values all the time.  A serial killer doesn't think there's anything wrong with murdering people, but "we" do, so we don't let them do it. 

    And that was some of the genius of Roe v. Wade.  It took the pick-the-woman-or-the-baby out of the calculus for part of the time by relying on viability for there to be a baby to consider.  Of course that doesn't work at all for people who think a baby is a baby from the moment of conception, hence the ire, but as a framework, it's workable.  Which is why the majority of people don't have a problem with it.

    And at least the people who pick the baby every time, no matter what, are intellectually honest about their choice.  It's the baby.  Tough tacos to the woman carrying it.  Sucks to be you.  It's repellent, but makes sense as a framework.  And at least they're making their opinion about women clear, unlike those who are okay with abortion in the case of rape or incest, which sounds nice but really, it's demeaning to women because it doesn't allow them to decide what they think is proper grounds for an abortion for them.

    Now, as for the new rule about bullshit detectors, Bill's off base on that.  Everyone thinks they have an excellent bullshit detector.  And for some the bullshit they're detecting is coming from the New York Times.  So it's not a lack of a bullshit detector, it's the lack of an accurate bullshit detector, and then you get into what is "accurate." 

    And unfortunately, people are people, and they fall for all kinds of crazy shit, and I'm beginning to think that for democracy to survive, it needs to be in a sweet spot, where crazy theories are available only to crazy people who devote a lot of effort to finding them out.  It was in that sweet spot for a while, but I think it's not any longer.

    • Love 2
  8. I definitely wouldn't want to sit in my therapist's living room, but I don't think I'd have a problem with an office at their house, as long as I don't have to actually go through the house to get to it, like if it's in a ADU or maybe just has a separate entrance.

    And keeping this on topic:  But if the separate entrance is there because the office is in a converted garage, I think I'd have to be a conscientious objector because I'm on record here as not liking the way houses with converted garages look.

    • Love 1
  9. A while back I was riding my bike sightseeing in an unfamiliar neighborhood and noticed a sign in someone's yard that said "attention neighbors" or something like that.  So of course I went over to read it.

    The homeowner was a psychologist who was wanting to run his practice out of his house, and had applied for a zoning change (no HOA there).  He had a flyer that explained who he is and what he does, how long he's been at it, etc.  And that he was doing most of his practice via the internet, but a few clients prefer face-to-face and he wanted to be able to have them come there instead of maintaining an office elsewhere.  He said they would be seen in an area that has a separate entrance than his house, that they would park on the street but would be there for only an hour, that most of his clients prefer not to come in person, etc.

    And if you have any questions, please call him.

    For all I know this is a "thing" (like inviting your neighbors to your party you know is going to be loud hoping they won't complain about the noise), but it would have swayed me if I were his neighbor.  Then again, that was in the early days of the pandemic and maybe people are more likely to go in person now, but even so, I get the feeling he was going to be careful not to be a nuisance. 

    Or maybe I'm just a sap.

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  10. On 5/12/2022 at 6:37 AM, 65mickey said:

    And is this something new with Kyle calling Mauricio Moe? I just don't remember this. She and her daughters were even doing this on WWHL. I guess Moe sounds cool.

    I'm not a faithful watcher of this show, but I've heard Kyle call him "Mo."  Maybe in older episodes?

    22 hours ago, Guy Incognito said:

    7) Leaving her kids alone to go to a party.  I dont care if this was filmed 2 weeks later, much less a few days.  NO MOTHER on Earth would leave their kids alone after an experience like that, for any reason, much less a party with your friends. 

    17 hours ago, Slakkie said:

    I am not saying Dorit was not robbed - I do not believe ANY mother would put her children in danger PERIOD. 

    Mothers do all sorts of awful stuff to their children.

    • Love 10
  11. Finally!  A HH reversed the handle on the refrigerator door!  I'm not sure which episode, but it was Wednesday night and I'm pretty sure it was a single woman HH.

    The refrigerator was in a corner, along a wall on the left side (as you're looking at it).  The handle of the refrigerator was on the left side, which means every time you open it you have to walk around the door to get to the contents.

    But I was thrilled to see that in the "after" scene, she'd moved the handle to the other side.  I wonder if the people who sold her the house saw the episode and thought, "Wait, we could have changed that?"

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  12. 1 hour ago, Spectator said:

    How could those other guys not feel bad that they didn’t do the same?

    Or they could be thinking they're smart because they didn't throw an expensive ring into a doomed marriage.

    1 hour ago, Rightside said:

    The ONLY reason I think O and Katina may still be together is in one of their talking heads, from a few episodes ago, O had tattoos all over his neck.  So this was filmed after the season ended.

    And don't forget the scene where he had his neck tattoos but it was supposed to be taking place right after they had their huge fight, and they were talking about how they'd made up. 

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  13. On 5/10/2022 at 8:12 PM, jah1986 said:

    Then I laughed out loud at "I can taste his thoughts".  Just a fun way to pass a night in.

    I laughed out loud when Brad Pitt said to Sandra Bullock about Channing Tatum, "He said 'irregardless'" and they both derisively laughed.  The way they had Tatum do it was a tiny bit tortured, but the payoff made it worth it.

    On 5/11/2022 at 8:42 AM, Impish Dragon said:

    @StatisticalOutlier if you haven't seen it already, Marry Me is worth a watch. 

    I go to the movies a lot and saw that preview probably every single time, and was just turned off by Jennifer Lopez--mainly the scene of her dancing in the classroom.  It just seemed like such a vanity play, which is the opposite of what Sandra Bullock was doing in Lost City, although I was frequently taken out of that movie by wondering what kind of industrial anti-nip-slip tape her character had while running all around the jungle.

    • LOL 4
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  14. 14 minutes ago, Boston said:

    And since when did Dr. Jason read that there was FENTANYL in an epidural.  I haven't read that.  He's an ass.  He maybe read about Fentanyl being anesthesia - which it is used for.  Kaylen wasn't going under the knife. 

    Fentanyl is used in epidurals for childbirth.



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  15. 3 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

    I appreciated seeing the hospital staff calmly and rationally take control of a difficult situation and have Jason escorted out. It was a nice contrast to the birthing center which Jason was easily able to control.

    I agree.  I kind of have a crush on the anesthesiologist/nurse anesthetist, just from what little we heard from him.  I was picturing him thinking, "I have worked way too hard and way too long to get to this position and I'm not going to put up with this ignorant punk."

    Normally I don't like the know-it-all attitude that can come from some medical professionals, but I'm making an exception for this one.

    2 hours ago, KBrownie said:

    I just wonder who comes first now that she has the baby.  Is she going to deny things her child needs because of Jason's ignorance?

    Well, she's already denying things she herself needs because of Jason's ignorance, so I imagine she'll do the same with the baby.

    And really, his ignorance is stunning.  For one, he pronounced "gynecologist" with a soft G, never mind that that wasn't even a gynecologist.  If he's such an expert on epidurals, I would think he'd know who it is who administers them. 

    And...did he say they have methamphetamine in epidurals?  I swear I heard that.  I'm no expert on epidurals, but I know that gynecologists don't administer them during childbirth, and I highly doubt there's methamphetamine in them. 

    Also, he focused on fentanyl in epidurals, but I don't think he really understands what fentanyl is.  Or, well, his familiarity is with fentanyl as a contaminant in heroin.  And I find this nonsense about Kylen being a drug addict from medicine administered during childbirth a little hypocritical coming from someone who uses alcohol and nicotine.  But that's our Jason!

    And finally--is that his mother or stepmother, the one with the weird hair and orange tan?  I couldn't really follow exactly what she was saying, but it sounded like she was defending him, saying whatever he was doing was for Xavier's benefit.  The hell?

    Add to that his father just rolling over, declaring that he's a monster but he loves him anyway.  I know it's not necessarily the parents' fault how a kid turns out, but I'm seeing a lot of evidence of it in this case.


    "We had a birth plan..." No, YOU did. And your "plan" came about entirely because you're a selfish, knuckle-dragging ass.

    And his cousin said they hadn't been to any classes.  So it appears this "birth plan" was just to have Kylen lie down and push the baby out, maybe biting down on a stick? 

    And what exactly is the deal with Kylen/Jason not allowing the midwives to check her cervix?  I'm wondering if she had any prenatal care at all.

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  16. 17 hours ago, TheRealT said:

    This entire episode struck me as odd in terms of most of the scenes being obviously staged to provide (phony) exposition. It was all very, "So, Dad, how do you feel about Leah's new boyfriend?" "Oh, I think he's great, son." Weird.

    I wouldn't call it odd, but only because most of the show seems like that, and has for several years.  I'm actually having trouble remembering what the episodes were like before they were full of these staged conversations, but I know it was different.

    • Love 5
  17. My recollection of the storyline with being pregnant with Stella was that Briana wanted to give her up for adoption.  It stuck in my memory because it seemed so ridiculous.  The majority of women who have abortions already have children, but I don't think that's the case for women who voluntarily give up a child for adoption.  I never thought for a second that Briana would actually give Stella up for adoption and was kind of insulted that MTV found it to be a worthy storyline.

    According to what we saw, Briana was pushing for adoption and Luis talked her out of it, and then bailed, as anyone with any sense would have predicted.

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  18. On 5/2/2022 at 11:56 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

    He’ll get another slap on the wrist and then feel like he can do anything he wants because he never really gets punished.

    But what has he done, really?  According to the article, he was convicted of negligent driving and assessed a fine, and then convicted of driving without a license and assessed a fine.  These punishments sound pretty standard to me.

    And the much touted eleven charges from the most recent incident include no felonies--there are four misdemeanors and seven "violations"--things like minor in possession of tobacco. 

    And don't get me started on the "This led to physical assault allegations" in that one article.  Sounds really serious, until you realize the "this" is conclusions drawn by TikTok watchers who noticed some holes in a wall.  For all we know, those holes are there because he chose to punch a wall instead of a person.  That would be a good thing, and we have exactly the same amount of "evidence" to support that as we do to support what these TikTok watchers are alleging.

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  19. The conversational crabgrass I find most annoying on this show is starting sentences with "I mean."  It's relentless.

    A couple of years ago I suddenly noticed I was doing it.  Right then, I vowed to stop.  Especially with "I mean," you can hear yourself doing it because it's at the beginning of a sentence and there's usually a short pause after it.  It's much more obvious to the person doing it than the peppering they do with "like"s.

    So every time I did it, I would stop my comment dead in its tracks, acknowledge I'd started with "I mean," and resume my comment. 

    It worked great.  I still do it every once in a while, but I let myself get away with it because I'm so trained that it happens only once.  If it happens more than once, you can bet I'll go back on my rigorous eradication regimen.

    If the HHs want an assist, they just need to wire me up to a microphone when I'm watching, because I audibly groan every time one of them starts with "I mean."  Just like dinging the bell.

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