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Everything posted by MV713

  1. Great link here for those of us who can't get enough snark :) http://cynicaljinxwelcome.blogspot.com/
  2. Yes purpleflowers I think you are right! This must have been in the works at the time of the reunion show there fore all the "Robyn shocking news" and Christine being upset, etc....
  3. Here's a link to a great recap site endorsed by the ladies of Mob Wives: http://mobwives.blogspot.com/ Natalie started the drama. She tweeted incessantly at Karen, calling her Miss Piggy, fat, a rat and basically slamming her whole family before she even met Karen. Karen retaliated with a picture she got from Nat D (not hacking Gnatalie's mom's FB Page). This set off Gnatalie's "dead beat Mom" tweets to which Karen's daughter got involved by tweeting to Gnatalie to leave them alone. This is why Karen was so upset and the girls rallied around her. Gnatalie did not admit to any wrong and kept saying that Karen started it, when she did not. Basically a hair pulling cat fight over social media, which was painful to watch and kind of pathetic.
  4. I think the whole "Brady Panic Attack" was reinacted. It was light out and everyone was going to bed? My dental hygenists have never taken my BP in the dentist office - so Im not surprised that Paulie took Brady to Rhonda. I follow the family on social media and Baby Huck appears to be doing well and is in a crib now...
  5. Saw on twitter just a few minutes ago that Carlie gave birth prematurely and they posted a picture of the baby in ICU. No details, and not sure how early this is for them.
  6. Yes, I have triplets, all from me, the ONE mom. They are not triplets :) I remember reading last season or watching the show, that Brady and Rhonda dated before he married Paulie and she was "the one that got away" so perhaps that is why she is a favorite.
  7. Are we not dividing this show up into episodes? Some thoughts I had: 1. Bangs ladies! When you have huge foreheads I cannot concentrate on the babble coming out of your mouth. Especially Rhonda suggesting adding a few "sex" nights in so sister wife Nonie can get pregnant? Gross! 2. I seriously think that whole post date "wifechat" was a set up for the show. No one wanted to be there hearing about Robin's ring/horse date. No one. 3. Bathroom for 30 people camping trip?
  8. this!! love it...he couldn't dumb himself down though to sink to the level of Bin.
  9. I have been stuck in the middle of this book for 4 years. I have decided since watching the series, Im going to start over... :)
  10. Just want to interject that I cannot wait for this show!!
  11. Bravo sure upped the eyeshadow and false eyelashes budget this season, huh?
  12. As for judges, I personally never heard of Russell Peters (have no idea how that can be), but I did go and watch his 2008 Red, White and Brown on Netflix and it was one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. Im a new fan! He is great. I really like Roseanne and Keenan I can take or leave.
  13. In the book Ned reveals who Jons Mother is (at least he alludes to it and names the lady). On the show its a secret I dont think anyone has revealed. Anyone know why? forgive me if this has been addressed already, I just started reading the books :)
  14. Thanks. I will read the books. I think it will help my withdrawal over the next 10 months!!
  15. I have a question. I have not read the books. I am in love with the show, and facinated by the book talk. Should I read the books, or will I just be eternally dissatisfied with all the "missing" elements that the show leaves out or twists? I dont feel like reading the book talk is ruining the series for me.
  16. Although I completely agree this show is staged to a degree (reinacting probably past scenes/setting up scenarios), I did feel the genuine emotions going on tonight. Robyn's drama; the pain of the mammo (ugh); the frustration with the naked boys and wrestling at dinner time; Rosey's concern for Robyn and her holding back on how upset she will be to postpone her anniversary yet again. I cant imagine the amount of pain and hurt these women walk around with. True they signed up for this life, and airing their grievances on tv. But I also wonder how they really feel when they watch the scenes beween Brady and each wife privately.
  17. personally I would like to see CJ, Dexter, Jessica, Sam, Jena go in that order and then a Caleb and Alex finale.
  18. Just an Alex comment, whom I love! When he sings he moves his feet and legs up and down and it really looks like he is trying not to pee his pants!
  19. obviously that was staged. I hardly believe that the camera crew is sitting in each wife's bedroom waiting for a dramatic moment to catch. Im thinking they staged this AFTER the Rosemary B&B to emphasize an instance where Paulie "took Brady away" from her. She always looks so sullen.
  20. I too got the weird feeling when Nonie was say "sex" "sex" "sex" in every reference to having a baby and offending her sister wives. It gave me the impression that they dont usually "engage in sex" unless they are trying for a baby. Maybe that is the "understanding" among the sisterwives? Otherwise how would it be offensive? I mean I would think that EVERY night your husband is sleeping with another woman would make you think of that. Or is that just me?
  21. This was filmed months ago. Anyone know if Nonie is pregnant?
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