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  1. They didn't luck out Henry at least knew she was in their pocket to take the fall. This show can never make me believe in Rob and Yas are anything other than friends, and she's a shitty friend at that. I hope Rob no longer cares about any of this bullshit and that frees him up to be better at it, such a perfect commentary to have Rob kept on even though he's not cut out for it, when Gus wanted it so much and was cut. Maybe Gus can come back next season if Aurore continues to have a plot.
  2. Was Carolyn tied up the same in the movie and book? I don't recall it in the movie but it is referenced in the book wiki which I read so long ago I can't recall. It just seems to make Barbara being the culprit on her own so much less likely especially if Carolyn's body was moved as well. That is a lot of rigamarole to be doing by yourself and Ruth Negga is tiny. I do think the show is maybe going to make it be Rusty because he's behaving so unhinged re: the whole case. 1987 or 1990 Rusty could reasonably expect to not be caught out but this version not realizing he should of lawyered up/fessed immediately to the relationship and stalking if he truly were innocent is weird, so I'm thinking he snapped and doesn't remember killing her. But Tommy is also a strong suspect.
  3. I feel like it has to be and my #1 suspect was her kid so I feel the ending with Rusty's kid is obviously a red herring and probably her child as well, plus I feel like the hog tied piece rules out several people. That was intricate and so much work so maybe there are two killers. But part of me is hoping Rusty did it, he seems to have deluded himself into thinking no one would figure out he was fucking and stalking Carolyn and he lies like breathing so maybe he's just out of his mind and has disassociated from having killed her. If not him, I'm thinking Motola, his hatred of Rusty seems envious and part of it may have been Carolyn rejecting him for Rusty/power.
  4. Man such a good but abupt ending. So I cant remember if Rhett was in that flash forward to the oil rig Amy Autumn cult but after her warning to Maria about leaving before she's left, I think Rhett is going to hook up with Nia. I actually love that the show doesn't explain things too much and that it mostly avoids the whole time loop idea and instead seems to imply branched time streams, that sometimes leak through and sometimes don't. Perry doesn't vanish when his past self dies instead of Trevor, and Trevor's not suddenly around in the main "present" timeline, but Joy is in old photograph and her presences in 1886 altered Royal's path to the time hole. I am cool with this because I love Billy and don't really care about Luke and want more absurd all tongue kissing musical numbers in S3. I also wonder if Autumn really is Amy, CeCe basically said as much she isn't *our* Amy I am not sure even going into the hole means that that Amy is this Autumn. The show is wild and messy trip but i very much enjoy it.
  5. The ladies (and audience) were appalled by her lack of compassion, it was never about legal culpability it was about her moral culpability, and I maintain she was Carmela Soprano about the origin and amount of her husbands spending, the one thing I know about her is that she is no dummy, especially about money. Usually people that learn they lived off blood money for years feel bad about it, she remains without a shred of shame. This season I think she merely finally realized with the loss of Rinna and other distractions she should at least pretend not to be a snarling callous bitch. And at times she has reminded me of when i did used to more or less like her, but naw she is still trash. And I still more or less like Kyle event though the whole Morgan/Mo thing was contrived, and I'm glad she and Sutton got to a good place. Seeing the women hang out and not screaming at one another, merely side eyeing and shading is nice.
  6. I think she had processed her own abuse so differently than her daughters, as she and the brother said, the dysfunction felt normal. Debi was gaslit and assumed to soldier on and "survive" was all she could do. She didn't have a lot of good choices as young single mom trying to leave a physically abusive marriage. And she made a terrible calculus that she'd rather her child had a home with SA than a home where she's potentially battered, the other alternatives were probably just as distasteful (unhoused, unemployed). Once she made that calculus she told herself she was watching and protecting v. endangering and ignoring. When Amanda did call out her denying the abuse occurred, she did admit that it happened and she did feel responsible/culpable. It sounds like she was finally able to admit that to Angie I hope they continue to heal. I thought this was really good example of restorative justice, focusing on the victims and how they confronted and came to terms with their abuse.
  7. blixie

    S05.E05: The Tiger

    She's a girl tho, even if a gender non conforming one, which will only anger him more. It seems like she has to be his kid, in the sense that Nadine being under his thumb as just her was bearable but knowing she was pregnant would be a huge motive to leave and the timing seems to match up tho Scotty could be 9/10 but for her sake I hope she's not his kid. I loved seeing Lorraine give the banker a what do you hate more choice, as then it's turned around her when Hamm's smug fuck shows up to barter for Dot, someone she has longed to be rid of. I also think she's smart enough to have done the math and figure it out even if he doesn't and she and Dot are probably on the same page of protecting Scotty/Wayne and that she ultimately doesn't care if Scotty isn't blood which puts her quite a few rungs above Roy. JJL deserves an emmy for her delivery of Pipe Down Ponyboy and the whole scene with Hamm I also suspect that Gator's own abuse/disrespect with dad will factor in his arc w/re: Nadine. She was probably more a sibling than a step mother and they're shared look felt very empathetic. The only thing disappointing me so far is how Lamorne has faded out.
  8. I am not having the editors or the audience shade Denise for, over the course of four years on this show off/on, getting blasted exactly once on camera, and due to justifiable nerves and illness making it one for the books. It was super clear she was anxious about returning, as she said to Camille before they went in maybe they should skip it and go to In and Out. Camille also seemed drunk but just not locaciously so. And as usual she was great tv, "is yours upside down?!" LOL.
  9. I am not sure why the editors are out to get to Denise but what they showed in the preview and what played out was very different, she is hammered, but I think Garcelle is correct that she was nervous about going back into the breach, she even said to Camille let's just go to In and Out instead or something. I would love to have her back full time but I think it's better for her mental health to stay a friend of. I'd also love them to add Cynthia, this other lady ain't it! I have always been a fan of Kyle or more less, but it's pretty clear she IS going through a mid life crisis and if she and Morgan aren't actually an item she certainly is acting like she's twitterpated by her. And it's hard convo to have with someone who is changing for what is obviously the better in some ways, not drinking and exercising are both good things, but its all of that taken together with the new friendship and the tattoos it's all Puck at a 11, like she certainly doesn't read as actively happier or at peace, I've never seen the veins in her neck so stressed in the whole history of the show. I do like that she is trying to figure out who she is and wants to be in the next phase but like go to a therapist and stop being a huge bitch to Sutton. Sutton and Garcelle continue to slay. "it's not selling houses" was next level burn territory. Still love Crystal she doesn't bringa ton in her own right but is a good audience stand in to side eye the bs. Dorit is making me laugh in the latest video package re Morgan/Kyle, she is leaving FFF in her dust. LOL
  10. Cirie currently madder at Americory than the people who have been relentlessly reading her for filth/doing misogynoir for a week. IDGI. I get her desire to decompress disengage but like lady I know you did your research how were you not prepared. Please wait to see how your son behaved. I wouldn't blamer her generally but given how Jared acted like I hope there is some reflection vis a vis the other players feelings about Jared. My family is my family but if they act a fool I will say so.
  11. Okay was saving the finale for Halloween night, given how production was interrupted this did feel a bit all over the place as an episode, Chucky and Tiff's arcs felt complete or at least tied off as cliff hangers but our three-ros barely had anything to do, this season is just bit more awkward as usually it was our three main characters v Chucky/Tiffany and Sawa and the supporting characters were in the main characters world. This year we have the first family separate from our main three and I'm a little less invested. Still enjoying it over all though. I had speculated about Chucky killing Joseph, but that's on his list of no no's, just seems too convenient that Chucky needs an evil house and they have a tragedy he can exploit. I am not familiar enough with the film mythology to know why Chucky has that rule, is it really Damballa's rule? Or maybe if that is a rule it was Chucky killing Nadine that made Damballa say GTFO. Also interesting that the Nanny survived the chandelier massacre, lots of interesting loose threads, including ghost Joseph, that I hope we do get to see followed up on when SAG gets the contract they want. ETA: Ha I forgot the Nanny did die when her face fell off LOL
  12. But her not being likely to win comps is a limitation she was aware of, given that, she should have told Matt while she had the influence over him to not use the fuckin power. It was fun a moment to watch for sure, precisely because it made no sense for her to do it, and Jag was so clueless at the time his threat level seemed lower, but nah get all the mens out when you can, no woman should have any other strategy unless the dude is Cory and even then boot him too if given the chance.
  13. Yup the decision to not convince Matt not to use the power was baffling at the time. Generally she let her and her son being big mad at Cory ruin her game, she kept picking Matt over him if it were Cory and America here instead of MattnJag, she might still be targeted but they sucked enough at comps where she would have had a chance to protect herself and be in the cat bird seat still. But I think she never gave much of a shit about winning for herself and the length of the season ground her to dirt. I think had she truly be in it to win it she would have played differently over all and even at sub Cirie level played pretty damn good.
  14. Okay I was a teeny bit disappointed in the first couple of episodes new setting, but this episode is an all timer, so freaking good and I love that they filled in all the blanks from the end of last season, though I guess we still don't know for sure if he and Caroline killed Joseph. From the opening death by umbrella to the Witch Doctor diagnoses (bad case of Catholicism) to Tiffany explaining how many times she's transferred her soul and still professing her love to Nica. My favorite line was"being adorable is my superpower" as indeed one of the reasons I love the show more than the movies is that movie doll was always kind of actually hideous, while TV Chucky is legitimately fuckin cute upping the overall comedic irony. The cuter he is the funnier a mass slaughter in a Dutch Colonial is. And I love that this season SyFy said fuck it you can go as dark and disgustingly gory as you want with the kills Mancini. I am also interested what will happen between Chucky's padewans Caroline. and Henry. There is something up with Caroline insisting she observe, I'm not sure what she read in Voodoo for Dummies but I have a feeling she understands something Chucky doesn't about his path back into Damballa's good graces.
  15. Yeah her early coasting just wrecked her game, as she shifted into hard gamer mode and showmance mode at the same time and if no one trusted her before they for sure were never going to after she became part of a strong duo. I do think she had some control/influence, people would listen to her, but almost always discounted her in the end, even fucking Jag it took him grilling the whole house over and over and over again about "the seven". I can say with all finality with America's exit I'm done till the finale, of whose left I only like Cirie even a little bit so... I will be happy when it's over and America and Cory learn their actual portmanteau and how fun they were to watch, his sister has a whole ass shirt ready.
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