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Everything posted by WearyTraveler

  1. I think they discussed several risks to the operation in previous episodes. Anything from leaving Herman paralyzed, deaf, blind or mute if Amelia cut too much. From what I gathered during the episode, Amelia was not expecting blindness because she was sure she had cut out the tumor and nothing else. I thought they implied the stroke, and not the tumor, was the cause for Herman's eyesight problems before the surgery, in which case it wasn't anything Amelia did during surgery. Herman was going to end up blind or with a diminished eyesight anyway. Also, I think another implication might have been that because of the stroke, parts of the brain were not receiving enough blood during the surgery. But I'm not sure about that last one.
  2. I have never followed the BTS on this show. What started this feud? Does anyone know?
  3. Yes, it was, but I think the show is heavily hinting that Caleb is someone else. Someone who also existed 30 years ago, and for that to pay off to the audience, it has to be one of the children we meet in the present timeline. So far, we have two possibilities: Soren and Sarah's baby. Soren makes sense because he survived the virus as a child, silver eyed fetus makes sense because we've been hearing about this baby the entire season, and with Julia's comment that the immortal baby's stem cells could be the solution to whatever is killing the immortals in the future, there's a strong chance that Caleb = Sarah's baby. Aren't they doing that right now? The reason Julia is on the island is because she's one of the immortals dying from a virus. She's there to find a cure. I think that Julia has indeed done some dumb things. And I think we're supposed to think she went to the immortals as a way to try to stop them from within. At the end of season one it was clear that Ilaria was developing a virus to kill non-immortals, as a way to do their cleansing. They wanted a virus and a cure, so they could stop the spread when it had achieved their population culling goals and that's why they called the CDC (to speed up development of the cure). We're supposed to think that Julia went with them to stop them from doing that (releasing Narvick into the world) and this season we saw her voice her disagreement with that option and talk to the French immortal girl who told her Michael had been working on a better solution to over population (infertility). It might be confusing because Julia has two agendas: one in the present timeline (stop Ilaria from committing genocide), and one in the future (find a cure to the virus that is killing the immortals). Given the female soldier's comment that "I don't want another Narvick". I think Ilaria did start their genocide plans. The immortals were created hundreds of years ago in a single event that turned 500 people immortal. Michael is one of those. When he finds out Sarah is immortal, he says that it's impossible because "she wasn't there". But we know that it is possible to make someone immortal, as Julia and Sarah were made so last season.
  4. I guess one possibility is that Kalinda dies protecting Bishop's son. After all he didn't hire her just because of a bully.
  5. I thought it was interesting that Julia mentioned to Michael that she had come looking for him before. I think we might be getting Julia in the present timeline next episode, stirring the pot between Peter and Alan again. In other news, who do we think the mysterious guy who sliced Michael's head off is? Soren (the boy who survived the disease and was left outside the compound) or Sarah's baby all grown up?
  6. I think the parameters of every challenge get explained in more detail off camera or the editors cut some requirements away or a combination of both.
  7. I don't think they put that in a contract either. Maybe Disney has some provision on their contracts about acting in ways that would negatively affect the brand, but I don't think FOX is the kind of network that would do that. After all, it was Married with Children that put them on the map. As far as I know, acting contracts have the type of billing the actor will get (regular, guest star, etc.), salary, and length of the job. It probably also has clauses that protect the actor in case of injury (or death) on set, stipulations about how much stunt work the actor will do, royalty payments for syndication and merchandise, and whether the actor is willing to do nudity. As for the show itself, they probably put in confidentiality clauses and copyright clauses to ensure the actors don't spoil the show in interviews or profit off of the material unduly. I think most actors are very careful when criticizing their shows; not only because it's the hand that currently feeds them, but also because other potential employers might not hire them in the future if they think that the actors are going to go off badmouthing their show. They will put up with some actors, if they are insanely popular and bring in the money, but that also has a limit (see Charlie Sheen). Orlando walks a fine line and he does it smartly. I think one of the problems is that the TV business hasn't still grasped the full implications of the internet and Social Media and it has been very slow to adapt to these changes. They still want to do business the old-fashioned way and they forget how much of what they do is scrutinized in real time.
  8. But that's the thing. They didn't have to do either one of those things. When Clarke and the 44 first showed up, the Mountain people were all secretive and with shades of evil when they didn't need to be. The 44 were very happy to have food, a shelter safe from the Grounders (who had been attacking them back at their main camp), and other amenities such as showers. The Mountain men could have approached Clarke right then and said: "Our people can't go outside because of radiation, we have done some experiments with grounder blood and it turns out that it helps us. We think your blood is a lot stronger and we would like to run some tests. Here's the deal: all your people can come and live here, safe and sound; they can come and go as they please, with some protocols to protect our people; they can eat as much as they want and use our resources as much as they want; in exchange for all of these, we need a blood donation from every member twice a month. How's that?" If they had done that, Clarke wouldn't have escaped, and there would have been no need to jam the signal that caused the crash. Later they could have asked for bone marrow, when the rest of the people landed from space. It just wasn't this logical because they needed the Mt. Weatherites to be ev0l.
  9. So far in the books, I don't think Sansa is a threat to anybody, but she certainly seems to be learning quite a lot from LF while either losing or temporarily shutting off empathy and compassion. During the battle of Blackwater, Sansa comforted all the other ladies and prayed with them, even though these were the same ladies that presumably watched Joffrey humilliate her in court and did nothing to help her. Her internal monologue is quite interesting during that battle. She's scared too, but she's the one keeping calm and she has compassion for the fear the other ladies are experiencing. Fast forward to her latest chapters and she's shunning and actively despising Sweet Robin. Not that the child is any kind of jewel, mind you. He's definitely creepy, moody and egotistical, but a lot of that is the result of Lisa's influence. Sansa doesn't seem to feel an ounce of compassion for Sweet Robin, or at the very least, she's pushing that down. I'm not saying she should give in to Robin's demands, but her internal monologue never addresses the fact that he is still a child, innocent of many things, and very sick. Nor does she mind that LF seems to be going against medical advise and overdosing him. What we last saw on the show might be an indication of the evolution of the character in TWOW. I think it's quite possible for Sansa, under LF's tutelage, to become a scheming, treacherous player who might follow not only LF's teachings, but also Cersei's suggestions to use her body as a tool. I think Sansa's controversial chapter will be her having consensual sex with LF and becoming her partner in the game too, while secretly plotting to kill him when the time is right. In a way, I think all the surviving Stark children need saving. In the first books they needed to be saved physically: Arya from the ravages of the war-torn Riverlands, Rickon and Bran from Theon and the Boltons, Sansa from Joffrey's perverted attacks, and Jon from the Wildlings and other assorted mythical creatures North of the Wall. In the latter books, the Stark children achieved physical safety but it's their souls that are compromised now. Rickon is probably much more of a savage, Arya is a detached murderer for hire, and Sansa is (going by the hints on the show) becoming an unscrupulous player. Jon needs saving from death itself. I'm certainly looking forward to the reveals that the show is bound to make before the rest of the books are published. I think many things are bound to be different, but certain major arcs and character traits, particularly for the Stark children, who I think are the main protagonists (we started with them, after all), will probably stay the same, if not verbatim, at least in essence.
  10. Sorry, I don't see it. I think that's reading too much into things. Peter (remember him from S1?) was a straight, promiscuous, white male and he was killed too. By Frank. I agree with the poster above that every character in this story is a prop to Francis and, to a lesser degree, to Claire's stories. The series is about them, and I think we're lucky if we get to see glimpses of the lives of other characters because they are certainly not the protagonists of this particular story. The writers do try to give them some depth, so that we are not bored, but it was never about them (the other characters). Rachel's story was never about a young woman who realizes her worth, sees an obsessive captor for what he is and regains her freedom. Her story was always about the lengths Frank would go to in order to gain power, and what his loyal followers (i.e. Doug) would do for him. That she happened to be a woman or bisexual had nothing to do with it as Frank and Doug (in his loyalty to Frank) have killed and destroyed all kinds of characters in this story: males, females, straight, gay, rich, poor, healthy, sick.... you name it. I don't think there's a bias when everyone, not just the female and/or bisexual characters, is a victim of Frank and Claire's hunger for power. IMHO, off course.
  11. Yes, they know. Their guy was a prisoner in Camp Jaha and he saw the adults and the sky guards. He talked to Abbie and Kane before Clarke sent him on his way to Mount Weather with a message that she and the grounders would attack. Jr. is just being an evil little shit because it suits the plot. Personally, I think there's a glaring hole right there because he could negotiate with the adults and possibly get bone marrow from everyone and eventually get all his people out, not just in an accelerated time table as he wants. But I guess the way they are dealing with that is to have a few Mount Wheatherites dissapprove and disobey Jr by hiding the 44 and helping Bellamy.
  12. You can just let them play while you do something else, no?
  13. After seeing that video, I guess we need to watch from the Fox site and on Hulu to signal Fox that we want the show to be renewed.
  14. Sansa is fond of needlepoint... But, honestly, I don't think any other Stark kids will die. Maybe I'm an optimist.
  15. That's my theory too, the whole thing with Longclaw and how important it has been to Jon feels like the author telling us to pay attention to this sword. Plus, it belongs to the Mormonts, a family that is so far North, it's practically beyond The Wall. My guess is that the sword has been in the North since Azor Ahai defeated The Others way back when and that it was entrusted to the Mormonts for safe-keeping. But, since so much time has passed, the history and significance of the sword was lost. I also think that Longclaw will regain its Lightbringer qualities when Jon is "reborn" as Azor Ahai. The prophecy says: I think it's quite possible that in the chaos that ensues after Jon is stabbed, there will be fire, Longclaw will be tossed or fall into a fire and Jon will get it out. Melissandre will see this and her eyes will finally be opened. For such an old soul who has served R'hllor for so many years, she sure is blind to all the signs that point to Jon being Azor.
  16. I think the story of NissaNissa will not be repeated in the book. My take was that the sword was forged then, and the sword has been around since it was forged, the right guy has to discover it, that's all. The way I understood it, we don't need to forge a new sword because the sword already exists.
  17. Well, Ichabod vanishes after he's chased by the headless horseman and Katrina does marry Brom Bones, but during a party before Headless chases Ichabod, he and Katrina are all into each other. It's only 30 something minutes and very funny. For a 1949 animated Disney film it's not that Pixie. :)
  18. Twitter wasn't as popular during the Lost years (I think it actually came into being during the last year or two of the show), but yeah, I got a death threat and I wasn't even a shipper, just a fan of one of the characters in one of the ships. Killing their own cat, though, I never saw anything like that LOL! But plenty of crazy threats to cause physical damage to property, the network, etc.
  19. You guys have not seen crazy unless you saw the flame wars between Jaters and Skaters during Lost. I have yet to see that level of crazy hit the web again :D
  20. I don't know, as much as his writing pace frustrates me, I think he's not one to change something if he personally thinks it's good, or where the story should go. I've read articles that stated he said he knew of fans who had guessed upcoming twists and he's not changing those, anyway. He said he put the clues in the books for a reason, and if we have guessed them, we sort of earned that guess and that if he changed it, then the flow wouldn't make sense with what he had already written. There's also all the stuff with editors. He's notorious for not doing certain changes the editors have asked him to do, sticking to his guns. He's been asked, for example, to stop using certain phrases, or at leas to reduce the number of times he uses them, and he refuses. He says that's how these characters speak, that's what they say in this world, and so, that's that. If he's not willing to change regular, inconsequential little phrases in the text, why would he change major things because of fan pressure? Fan pressure has not caused him to change his writing habits, and that has been some serious pressure applied for years. I don't see him caving now.
  21. The 7 things article says that the death evens out the playing field. Given the past episode where Frank told Jenny he was basically becoming evil and Katrina had that ominous dream sequence, I'm thinking Team Evil will have: Henry, Headless, Frank and Katrina; while Team Witness will have: Ichabod, Abbie and Jenny. So, my guess is that someone from Team Evil dies.
  22. Did you talk to your father? Yes And? He gave me three names he most definitely NOT recommend LMAO!!
  23. I have to say I feel like a freaking fashion Maverick. My mom is a seamstress and when I was in my 20s, I used to look at pictures in magazines and ask her to make me those clothes, and she would. I once came up with a design for a cocktail pantsuit where the pants were made of sheer black fabric with some tasteful and delicate embroidery, and a black tailored jacket that went past my butt, so it would cover my lady parts with sheer long sleeves made of the same material as the the pants. The top part of the pants were black shorts (not sheer) integrated into the whole thing, in case I raised my arms or something and the jacket raised up over my butt. I was the success of that party but I was in my 20s and had legs to die for. That was in the early 90s though, so, yeah, either I was way ahead of my time or just crazy. I can't pull that off right now, but the 20 somethings I know today who could wear something like that successfully are not interested in clothing like that. Cocktail parties are more informal now (if they even exist), and only the rich and famous throw ones where you would be required to dress in such a way. Yeap, she did. She said she wanted it.
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