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Everything posted by WearyTraveler

  1. Ever since Bran said to Robb, about Sansa, "she lost her wolf", I've felt that she is in danger. Robb having Grey Wind locked up didn't do him any favors either. So, I think that the implication is that the closer a Stark is to his/her direwolf the better chance he/she has. If anything is going to bring Arya back to herself, it's Nymeria.
  2. I agree. Plus I think she would take into consideration the possible negative impact on her career if she did sue. Look at how bad things went for her ex in the entertainment industry and how he had such a hard time to get a new job (which wasn't even close to the status he had before) and he didn't even sue anybody. I have the impression that even if a suit is settled out of court, studios would be reluctant to hire someone who sued another studio. Maybe not, but I do think Carol would consider such a possible consequence before she called a lawyer.
  3. I stand corrected on the class. Thank you for the new information. Always good to learn new things. I still think she got perks and they were noticeable. She could skip work, she was invited into major decisions, she got clothes and presents, she was practically living with the boss, etc. I'm not saying she would legally win, but she has enough to go to court. Lord knows people have gone to court with a lot less. The power relationship was there. Had any other employee but Carol been there, he/she would not have been asked to step off. She was asked to step off because the boss was basically exerting her power at work over Carol in order to influence their personal relationship. That's sexual harassment. And I think there probably are plenty of lawyers out there willing to take the case with the intention of settling out of court, which a studio might do in order to avoid the media controversy that would ensue with a trial, even if they think they can win it.
  4. While I agree that Carol's case is one of harassment and not discrimination, there are a few errors of fact in your post. Discrimination is not only for a class segment, there can be sexual discrimination (a person who is treated differently because of his/her sexual preference), age discrimination (someone doesn't get a job because he/she is too old), gender discrimination (a woman is paid less than a man for doing the same job), religious discrimination, racial discrimination, social discrimination, and so on. Also, there's no such thing as a protected class. Everyone is protected under the law; even criminals on death row have rights. The system may not always work or live up to the ideals that set it up, but that's for another day. As for Carol's case, harassment cases are almost always highly circumstantial, but she does have enough to prove a pattern. Some of her co-workers had noticed the perks she was getting for sleeping with her boss, and Beverly can testify to the weird behavior she observed (the boss showing up in their hikes, Carol having to speak to her in secret, the boss' out of control jealousy, etc.). Lawyers can argue that it's circumstantial, or hearsay, but, generally, a company would rather settle than go to court over these things; so Carol could still benefit from suing them. What that would do to her career in Hollywood is something else. She might end up not being able to get another job because she was the woman who sued the studio, and although no other studio would admit it, they would not want to hire a person who could end up being litigious, and they wouldn't know any of the details we, as the audience, know. They would just see her as a woman who sued a studio once and could do it again.
  5. Hanmiao said that she used to watch Project Runway in China, before she moved to the US, so, she probably knows that Mary Kay is a brand of cosmetics, but she probably doesn't have the pink Cadillac Tupperware party image people who know US culture (or live there) do. I'm going to guess that Mary Kay is trying to update its brand image and sponsoring PR is a part of that. I live outside the US and don't watch shows with your commercials or see your magazines (unless I happen to travel there, which I do, but then I only see what's out for that week), so, I don't know what else they are trying to re-invent themselves. I gather from the comments here that whatever t is they are doing, in addition to sponsoring PR, hasn't been successful. -------------------------------- I didn't like Blake's dress either, and when he got called as top three I was surprised, I don't like his personality, either, but I try to put that aside when looking at the clothes, because it shouldn't be a personality contest. That said, the thing with the collar and the blood. Some people here think that he said he'd gotten blood on the dress and covered it up with a necklace, when in reality he was trying to cover up a neck which had not been sewn. So, he was a liar. But you guys must have missed his explanation on the runway, he said he'd gotten blood on the dress and had to cut it out of the neck (thus resulting in a neck without a seam) and that's why he put the necklace over it. As much as it pains me to say it, he wasn't lying. He's annoying, but not a liar. __________________________ I liked that KS (the guest judge) actually knew one of the main problems with Amanda's dress and told her so: the waist was too high. Wrap dresses are not meant to be empire dresses because they wouldn't flow the same way. Smart kid!
  6. Now, now, I never said Tom would shed his skin and be revealed as an alien. Only that since it's possible the Espheni had been to Earth before, it's possible that the Mason family has some alien DNA and this would be the reason why Lexie was half and half, and why the Espheni, despite having several opportunities to kill Tom (like when they had him captive on their own ship), never did. But, didn't the show say in season 1 that something like 90% of the human race was gone? If so, that's a pretty stupid way to get soldiers. They killed over 7 billion potential soldiers before they even started harnessing humans!
  7. LexiClone also said the Espheni had been to Earth before a long time ago. Off course, that could have been done on purpose to confuse Tom or it could be sincere (remember that SoldierClone said, as she was dying, that the experiment retained some of her earlier memories and feelings, so, LexiClone could have said something that she wasn't supposed to say). I think they are setting it up so that the big reveal is either that the human race is a direct descendent of the Espheni or that the Espheni have been breeding with humans for a long, long time. That would explain why their bioweapons (harness, eye bugs, etc.) worked so well, how Lexi came to be and maybe why Tom is so special. And also, one of my biggest issues with the show, which was why would an alien super-race want to come to Earth. I never thought they gave us a reasonable enough explanation for that.
  8. I only mentioned the weaving because you said this: So, I was asking how the character we saw had that weaving included. In any case, I'm not saying his make up was bad. I'm just saying the mash-up aspect of the challenge doesn't make sense to me, given that the judging was supposed to be only on the face makeup, which makes it practically impossible to say, just looking at the face, that the character is supposed to be Sancho Panza, or King Arthur, or anybody. Also, all the explanations for stripping the character of its humor come from you. The contestant himself never explained why Sancho was Frankestein-like or how that came to be within a horror-infused Don Quixote world. I get it that you liked it, so did I and I'm not trying to dent the artist. I think they all failed to some degree because to see the makeups as part of the literary world they were supposed to represent, one had to look at the entire character, not just the face, plus we probably needed a verbal explanation as well, and the challenge wasn't about that. That's my point.
  9. Wouldn't Nick know that the head he saw wasn't his own mother? I don't know. It seems cheap if Nick can't tell his mother from someone that looks like her. Unless it's a twin situation, I find that hard to believe, Then again, this is a show where people turn into beasts, so, I suppose I can't ask it to be realistic.
  10. How was the origin of Sancho weaved in the make up? He was a servant, but a cursory look a wikepedia tells us that as Quixote's squire, Sancho "provides comments throughout the novel, known as sanchismos, that are a combination of broad humour, ironic Spanish proverbs, and earthy wit". I didn't see any humor, irony or wit in the makeup, and I don't think the model was instructed to portray any of that physically. He was rather serious and stoic. IIRC, the artist explained the technical aspects of what he was doing, having patches of skin of different colors and ages, but I don't think he explained how that fit into the world of Don Quixote. What were the patches supposed o represent? A fragmentation of reality? Because that was Quixote's thing, not Sancho's. I thought the makeup was the best of the bunch and deserved the win, but I'm basing that on the technical aspects and execution of it. I don't think anybody actually managed to weave the story in the actual face makeup (not the costumes or the props, as those were not supposed to be the focus of the challenge). I think the woman who did the dragon face (sorry, can't remember her name just now) was probably the closest. I'm curious, what are some of your (everybody on the thread) ideas on doing the different mashups with face make up alone? Other than turning the protagonist into the monster requested? I mean going further than "zombies + King Arthur = zombie with a crown", which, as someone pointed out on this thread before, was done for LOTR and I could point to GOT's Night's King as another example. If we take a random person who hasn't seen LOTR, GOT or Face Off and showed them the three photos of these zombie Kings (faces only), what would the King Arthur makeup need so that it's instantly recognized as King Arthur?
  11. To be fair to the artists, some of these were very difficult to convey. How can you make a vampire fit into Holmes' world when the challenge is supposed to focus on the face? Holmes is a private detective, and there are some things that are distinctly his: the pipe, the looking glass, the hat, the turn of the century clothes, a walking stick... A vampire using any of that would just be a vampire dressed up as Sherlock Holmes, plus they were not being judged on the full character, just on the face. Even the winner (which I liked, FTR); how is that Sancho Panza, other than he tried to make the model look like a stocky guy? There wasn't another model, thinner and taller to portray Don Quijote and give us a reference. The guy wasn't riding a donkey. What, specifically, made him Sancho and not a run of the mill monster dressed as a peasant in medieval Spain? If you saw a picture of this guy outside the context of the show, would you think it was a FrankenShancho or just a Frankenstein-looking monster? Honestly, given that this was supposed to be a Focus challenge where only the face would be judged (or would at least be the most important aspect of judging), I think they should have done away with the literary characters and just tell them to do their best monster face (vampire, zombie, Frankenstein, etc.). I don't even know how you're supposed to design a poltergeist, let alone a Scarlet Letter poltergeist. My best approximation would be to have the model wearing a red hood and a beautiful human mask and when she removed the mask, all we see is a black hole under the hood, perhaps two points of blue-green lights where the eyes would be. But I don't know that you can do that with makeup alone and not using some special effects digital technology. I mean, the paint job would have to be spectacular to totally erase the face, and it would have to be done in such a way that it would work under the harsh lights of the reveal stage.
  12. I can think of a few of reasons for doing a daughter / female character in the Holmes universe (off course, I'm only speculating, to know why this particular artist made that choice, someone would need to ask directly): 1) Doing Holmes himself might be read as too literal. Many artists actually chose a sidekick or a supporting character instead of the protagonist. 2) If the artist is really a fan of the character, maybe he/she considered that changing the gender would be too much of a change. As a Holmes fan, I know it's very difficult for me to see him as anything other than Doyle's physical descriptions. Tall, gaunt, aquiline nose, etc. 3) Doing a male vampire could very easily turned into Dracula, particularly in a Focus challenge where the face would be more important than the costume. The only thing one could use to differentiate Dracula from a vampire Holmes would be to give him a pipe, and I can't see a vampire being scary if he has a pipe.
  13. In my country we have a saying that goes something like this: "One woman gives birth to one baby in 9 months, two women don't give birth to one baby in 4 and half months"
  14. Probably to Maege, or one of her daughters. My guess is he left it and the women decided that the Old Bear, having "lost" his son and being on the Wall would need it more than they did. They trusted that upon the Old Bear's death his sword would be returned to the family (as Ned returned Arthur Dayne's sword). I hope the Lord Commander sent a raven to Bear Island letting them know he was giving his sword to Jon. ETA: There's also the possibility that Jeor, upon being informed that Jorah had left the sword, went to get it himself. The NW is not a prison. They do go leave the Wall to go to other places in Westeros. The Lord Commander might not leave for a trip to King's Landing, as that might take him away from his post for too long, but Bear Island is a lot closer. Benjen, who was Head Ranger, went to Winterfell, which is a lot farther from the Wall than Bear Island (I think, but if it's not farther, it probably is about the same distance).
  15. I don't have children, but my grandparents on my mother's side had 12 (yes, twelve). So, as you can imagine, there have always been two or three babies (or more) in our family as I was growing up. Just this year my cousin had a baby girl, and last year his brother had one, and two years before that, their sister had twins. All this to say that I know what a handful they can be! :D
  16. I think your autocorrect is messing with you. It's wight, not wright. ;)
  17. Maybe because I came up with the theory of Jon actually walking all the way to the end of the WF crypts when he "dies" and finds Ned there to explain to him exactly who Jon is, I think Jon seeing Ned as a wight (which is nothing more than a dead person appearing to be "alive"), might be another little clue of what happens after Jon is stabbed. Prophecies and dreams can't be taken to literally, after all: "The dragon has three heads" seems to point to three dragon riders, rather than a freakish dragon (even for ASOIAF's standards) with three actual heads.
  18. Not so close, the Crossroads is roughly halfway between The Twins and KIng's landing. Here is a map from the books (which I consider the only official geography): The Crossroads is where the River Road and the King's Road meet. It's fairly close to Riverrun But not so much to KL. Obviously is closer than The Twins, but not so close that it would screw up military strategy. Also, when Robert started his war, he had the support of the Vale, so, his army was presumably larger than Rob's is at this point in the story. I think that once Rob had the North, the Vale and the Riverlands with him, he marched south and met Rhaegar at the Trident, which is right there at the Crossroads. Rhaegar presumably had all the houses supporting the Targs with him for that battle and defeating him there won Robert the war, even if there were more battles after that, because that's when he beat the largest force supporting the Targs. So, after that, marching down to KL's should have been a breeze.
  19. American Horror Story used black and white to show a younger version of Jessica Lange (depicting a flashback 30 years or so in the past). With digital technology, they can erase wrinkles, and do all sorts of things to make an actor appear younger. I think if they do that, plus have Bean clean-shaven with a short hair style, they might be able to pull it off. That said, and as much as I'd love to see the actor back, I don't think there's a lot of hope for it.
  20. I went to the original source of the ToJ news, a Spanish site called Los Siete Reinos (linked in the artile above), which translates to "The Seven Kingdoms". I read the report and some of the comment. One person asked the writer of the article how sure they were of this news, and if there was any possi bility it could be wrong. The author replied that the only way the news would be wrong is that someone deeply placed inside production was lied to. So, yes, ToJ is confirmed (SO excited!!!). Also they don't confirm Arthur Dayne 100%, they just say that based on all the other info they have, they believe the casting call could not be from anyboy else but Arthur Dayne. I agree. You have the ToJ, then a casting call for the best sword wilder in Europe. 2+2=4
  21. I've said my piece and agreed to disagree (see my comment above: "to each her/his own"). So, as far as I'm concerned, we can stop the (Spoiler) discussion here and move on with the book.
  22. Well, in terms of who is a better strategist between Tywin and Robb, the way I look at it is this: But, to each her/his own.
  23. I think the photos / videos on the hard drive were not obtained during the large parties. Caspere just offered very morally questionable services to some of them, which he provided in that other house where the camera was hidden behind a two way mirror, IIRC (the house where Ray got shot by Birdman)
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