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Rick Kitchen

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Everything posted by Rick Kitchen

  1. The announcers were talking about it the other day. Plus she has increased her times in her mid-20s which already had people raising their eyebrows. This article talks about it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/olympics/katinka-hosszu-swimmings-iron-lady-is-raising-all-kinds-of-eyebrows/2016/08/07/3221c0be-5ccf-11e6-9d2f-b1a3564181a1_story.html
  2. All she had to do was to take her drug tests.
  3. Because she missed attending three mandatory tests.
  4. Yeah, the woman who should have been drug banned.
  5. Why is that a problem? :D
  6. So healthy that he got a medical deferment from the draft.
  7. Is that "referral service" Angie's List?
  8. No, the shows that were available on Hulu's free tier are now available on Yahoo! View.
  9. Who thought that Bad Santa 2 was a good idea?
  10. There have always been problems with the Olympics. From the Greek marathoner getting help to win in the first Olympics, to Hitler refusing to greet black gold medalists, to Avery Brundage just being Avery Brundage.
  11. I had to laugh at the defendants with the pregnant lady and her husband wearing matching coral pink - her maternity dress, his wrinkled dress shirt buttoned up to the top button with no tie.
  12. Oh, good, we're getting live action updates on Michael Phelps getting cupping therapy on the sidelines.
  13. I love how NBC gets all nervous about showing the divers in their skimpy speedos, so they superimpose the scores over their midsections, making them look like they're naked.
  14. That's interesting, because I saw complaints about people having to stand in line for three or four hours to pick up tickets they had already paid for.
  15. Even Fox is calling NBC out for their coverage. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2016/08/09/tarnished-olympics-nbc-blasted-for-blunders-as-ratings-tumble.html#
  16. Four-sport athlete decommits to Texas A&M after a sexist incident involving assistant football coaches.
  17. After the Diamondbacks asked for millions of dollars in upgrades to their stadium, a county supervisor told them, "Take your stupid baseball team and leave."
  18. Not that I swing that way, but Boudia's sync diving partner, Steele Johnson (and yes, that's his real name), looks like the boy next door:
  19. Wasn't there something about having to stick to the announced lineup and not being able to make changes at the last minute?
  20. It was a very controversial loss that to this day, most Americans think the loss was undeserved.
  21. Nadiya had a plastic spatula that she was using, oddly, to polish her butter in the tart, it seemed to me.
  22. Dammit, Flora, back to the overdecorating again. smh Uhoh, peanut butter. Paul won't approve. Man, all of those chocolate tarts looked really delicious. Tamal has the greatest smile. Ooh, the handshake from Paul. He liked the peanut butter. Chocolate souffle seems easy enough. I'm surprised they haven't made souffles before. There were specks in Flora's souffle, but they didn't mention them. What was Nadiya doing, polishing her butter with a spatula? Was Flora using marshmallow fluff? What are cinder biscuits? Tamal's tower was a mess. Psh. Ian should have made his bucket out of chocolate. :D Aw, Flora. She was having problems towards the end. It's too bad her showstopper didn't taste as good as it looked.
  23. Did Paul tell Nadiya, "Don't lose your egg"? "Don't lose your rag"? What is strong flour? Sue's pronunciations are so odd to my American ear. She rhymed moan, horn, and gone, and then she pronounced mocha as "mocker". Wow, that thing (mochateens?) that Mary had them making looked absolutely delicious. Mango and passion fruit is classic? Raspberry and basil? I'll bet the lights in that tent were really hot, therefore making things soft. I didn't really enjoy this episode, too much stress and things I've never heard of. Nadiya's layers were the same size. She needed to graduate them. Paul's purple frosting looked gray. I could see Paul was on borrowed time.
  24. Christian Borle coming in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in the spring.
  25. They don't sound very encouraging.
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