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Everything posted by icandigit

  1. That's the issue I'm dealing with now with all this. She may be evil, but that is who she is. There's a part of me that misses and wants Audrey back. But, my brain keeps going back to the fact that she is Mara and Audrey was something imposed on her. I hope they deal with all of that in a satisfying way. I wasn't really excited about watching the episode at first, but I ended up loving it. I thought I would get annoyed with Nathan's quest for Audrey but I didn't. But, the season is still young. I think Dwight is the character I'm really excited about now. Nathan is still my favorite but I can tell I'm going to be bored by his storyline. I feel a little fatigue from all the hell they put Duke through. I know he can take it, but can't the guy catch a break.
  2. That scene was so weird. She came off judgmental but, for no reason. Why did she have a judgmental tone? It didn't fit the plot. It was like she was a parent who found out they were doing something wrong. You guys are in trouble now. But my favorite Laurel gems will always be her staring off into the distance saying go save the city and her crazy eyes she had when hunting the arrow. I should be rooting for things to get better, but part of the fun is waiting for what crazy acting/directing choice would come next. You'll be watching a scene and then all of of a sudden your like WTH? I don't know if I've ever experienced anything so jarring. Or maybe it's been a long time. They can't be serious at this point. They are just playing these moments for laughs, right?
  3. But if they title it Arrow v. Flash and there is no real fight or competition between them as heroes, then that would be a let down.
  4. Everyone's so gossipy on this show. I can't wait to see how this all transpires. Did I miss remember Barrowman saying Oliver/Malcolm/Thea would be this bizarre family unit at comic con? Or do I just have odd hallucinations of Barrowman? I'm really curious about thist. Just seems like he would be another voice in Oliver's ear when Oliver is trying to figure all this Oliver/Arrow stuff out.
  5. Tommy and Oliver 4 ever. Arrow crack. http://sssssssim.tumblr.com/post/96803096641/arrow-crack
  6. I can't choose.They are all so good.Torn between Slade in the lair,mayor fight and LOA clock tower.
  7. I'm starting to think it was a bad idea seeing all these spoilers before the show. I'm starting off with a negative bias when normally I would just watch and go with the flow. Oliver has never been interested in QC. So a storyline about him losing it or getting it back is not interesting to me. And Ray Palmer mad me wish ghost Tommy would come back and comment on him being a ginormous tool. I guess since he and Felicity struggle in the beginning, maybe he comes off differently later. It doesn't help that the only thing I know about Brandon Routh is that I shouldn't watch his superman movie. Pimping him is not enticing me to watch. Also, I need TPTB to let me be the one to make comparisons to Ray/Felicity/Oliver to old school movies. They shouldn't do that. Set the bar low so I'll be like wow this is good.Like when I started watching the show, thought it would be lame and it wasn't. I want to tweet the TBTB about Oliver living in the foundry, but I don't want to be enraged if they give me an answer involving Oliver and no money. Because I will never buy it, ever! I would prefer it to be something psychological, logistical, anything else but money. Maybe Oliver finds it comforting being near the salmon ladder during this time of uncertainty. I'm still not happy about daddy Diggle. It could be salvaged for me if Dig and Deadshot move in together, raise the baby and have wacky adventures. And Laurel, I actually don't even care enough to comment. Hong Kong is making me anxious. Stories about people being trapped the way Oliver is with Waller make me uneasy. Its not bad storytelling, I'm just sensitive. I had to remind myself that there are actually more positive things going on than negative. Felicity backstory, DIggle/ARGUS/HIVE, action scenes, Black Canary/NYSSA, Lance lives,BAMF Oliver Queen,hero/sidekick dynamic w/ Roy and Thea/Malcolm. And I really hope they deal with Oliver and Thea. I've been dying for her to be in the know since the pilot. They need each other.
  8. I'm kinda curious. I'm hoping since SA was talking about a more smiley Oliver and the fact they are moving him towards being more green that it sticks. I just wonder how that would happen. Like someone mentioned earlier with all the loss how do we get an upbeat Oliver. The only precedent for sucky life fun Oliver is island Oliver. I'm curious to see how they pull this off and also how they deal with Oliver and Thea.
  9. Shhh. Don't say anything they might change their minds. It is something to look to forward to now every season. Lol.
  10. Lmao.I'm indifferent to Roy but this comment about Roy was hilarious.
  11. more on 2.5 http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2014/09/01/arrow-season-25-comic-book/14925127/ I should buy the comic instead of reading the articles about it.
  12. I think that's the confusion the show has been desperately trying to clear up. Is it truly a confession of feelings if its a ruse?
  13. Thought this Mtv article would be encouraging for future storylines in 2.5. Spoilerry? http://www.mtv.com/news/1917121/arrow-season-2-5-marc-guggenheim-keto-shimizu-interview/
  14. Thought this Mtv article would be encouraging for future storylines in 2.5. Spoilerry? http://www.mtv.com/news/1917121/arrow-season-2-5-marc-guggenheim-keto-shimizu-interview/
  15. I keep wondering what show she thinks she's on. It's not the same one I see everyone acting in. But, if the directors keep letting this happen, there's not much that can be done.
  16. My head cannon is that she is that good now but also protected by ARGUS and Oliver contacts/money. I think they should address it. Maybe in her episode.
  17. Olicity gif stuff Pepper and Tony, Oliver and Felicity http://oliver-and-felicity.tumblr.com/post/95950808271/i-fell-in-love-with-him-but-i-dont-just-stay
  18. Right now I'm watching various scenes from the Felicity and Oliver stairway of love.Next up clips of Laurel and Oliver in the hallway of doom.
  19. Moira:But if any member of my family so much as gets a paper cut, I'll burn your entire world to ashes. Moira:I'm truly sorry for what's happened to your family, Quentin. But could you kindly get the hell out of my house?
  20. Felicity "In the Air Tonight" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OApVbrvCoZE
  21. http://nowyouknowthis.com/30-awesome-arrow-memes-will-make-lol/ 30 arrow memes
  22. Finally found it. I love this scene so frickin much. http://a-torvs.tumblr.com/post/95470432141 Arrow with bow staff. Canary with bow.
  23. I don't think so. I ship often but I don't ship or support every couple. There are couples that are ok with me but I'm not some huge supporter (i.e Roy and Thea). Do they have chemistry, I have no idea, don't care? I don't dislike them. I've watched shows before where I wasn't heavily invested in the relationship but still enjoyed the show (i.e. Fringe). I don't think most couples I've supported have necessarily had explosive chemistry or seemed to have chemistry at all by some viewers account. I think Laurel not being an interesting character in her own right and the non-entertaining acting would cause problems for me being interested in Laurel being with Oliver. Tommy and Laurel were ok, but that was more because Tommy was interesting. But, if they put him with some other girl the next day, I wouldn't have cared. If Laurel were interesting and the acting was interesting there's a possibility I would be ok with Laurel/Oliver without chemistry.
  24. He could just get other friends. I think there are some available in Central City. They won't know him like their own name in their bones, but could still be useful. He has a little sister he could reconcile with. I assume he and Lyla are good.
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