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Everything posted by icandigit

  1. I guess this is the closest one that fits me. I think at most she can move back to the indifference category for me. But, honestly I'm in it for the hate watching. Between the horrible character and some of the acting choices this character is a hate watcher's dream. After 2 seasons I really don't think any of the involved parties (writers, directors,ep's) have a grasp on this character. I can't wait for the train wreck in season 3 and will be kinda disappointed if she moves back in the indifference category for me. The warmth and vulnerability will never be there to get me invested.
  2. I posted on facebook asking him to do it. I can't believe it happened.
  3. I'm embarrassed that this is more important to me than the mythology. Their whole relationship is the thing I'm trying to figure out.
  4. I'm pretty easy to please. Nathan and Duke scenes automatically equal good episode to me. Mara went from entertaining to insufferable in this episode. I could listen to her mock Nathan all day, but the viciousness with Dwight made me ready for her to go. Dwight's response to all the who Audrey loves stuff was priceless. It's kinda nice to have a male character who is not in the I love Audrey club. I think they've been doing a really good job with the brothers Teague. Last week I couldn't connect with Jody's trouble because it was so off the wall. Sadly, Mara mutating it helped bring me in the story. I couldn't really enjoy the gibberish trouble as much as I should have because everything that happens with Duke now just makes me sad. The gibberish was supposed to lighten up the dark episode. It was funny that it was barely a hindrance to Nathan and Duke interactions. Still enjoying the season.
  5. I can actually buy Nathan saying all of those things. I'm still dying at the thought that pancake mix and 2 types of syrup are important supplies. But, then Duke is serious about his maple syrup. Poor Jodi, the force is strong in her. I'm a Nathan and Audrey shipper. But, what I've been enjoying the most about these episodes is the hate fest between Nathan and Mara. I find it entertaining. I can't wait for more Duke and Mara. I think that should be interesting.
  6. I really loved this episode. I love creepy cabin Nathan. The whole set up was so bizarre and I loved it. I did get thrown off because the Jennifer Hudson song 'Spotlight' kept playing in my head. It doesn't really fit the mood of the show. I'm really curious about how Dwight and Duke will handle Nathan going forward. They previously have let him get away with so much. I gotta watch again. I love everything about how fricken crazy Nathan is.
  7. On recasting Laurel. I'm not a comic book aficionado so I don't know what Dinah Lance is supposed to be like. I'm really of the mind that the creators should have worked with what they had. Don't try to force her to be sweet. Let her be entitled and a little bitchy and let other characters respond how they would respond. I think Diggle/Laurel is the only honest thing they got going.
  8. Her entrance in the Arrow cave was a real screw up by the writers. This was a real opportunity to rehabilitate her and they screwed the pooch. Oliver wakes up, Diggle is ticked at him and then Laurel appears. Diggle came off to me as having this yeah, we brought Laurel, now what you gonna do. So I'm watching like ok, Oliver's mom was just murdered and he tried to sacrifice himself. Laurel has known him for years so she's going to comforting and inspiring. Instead it was awkward and off putting and she was withholding critical information. It was another moment like the ice cream scene in S1 where I was hoping for something genuine and it didn't happen. Even if it didn't happen with acting, the dialogue should have been tighter.
  9. I desperately need some resolution of Thea/Oliver. They need each other. Its killing me. I'm actually curious about Ray/Oliver and where they end up by the end of the season. I think Thea/Felicity would be interesting. Spoilers have me excited for Roy/Felicity, can't wait to see how that plays out. Also, Oliver/Salmon Ladder/Sara love triangle.
  10. This is still one of my favorite Haven episodes. It was interesting seeing Audrey being at odds with Duke instead of Nathan. And really seeing more of Nathan's concern for Duke's well-being. Audrey got really us against the world with Nathan in this episode. They set up this whole thing with Nathan v. Rev as early as S1 so I didn't expect it would be Audrey's fight. That she would be the one to deal with the threat. I guess it makes sense since she's the heroine and protector of the troubled.
  11. It's not really about character making mistakes or not making mistakes. It's about the ability for the audience to connect with the character. And often times that comes from the ability of the actor to help you connect. My sister and others I've witness were turned off before they even knew a storyline, character trait anything. And honestly that's just what happens sometimes. Things just don't work. People get miscast. Fans and the creators celebrate the chemistry between SA/EBR because it doesn't happen all the time. Its rare. Now how the show has handled this situation is their fault.It's such a waste of time for me to actually invest in Laurel when the people who create her don't take the time to. Laurel's kidnapping by the Dollmaker was one of the most horrific things I'd seen on the show. If it had happened to Thea it would have moved me. I have no investment and have been given no reason to invest in Laurel so I didn't care. I could sit here and recite all of Oliver's flaws and mistakes pretty easily. With Laurel I have no idea, I don't even care enough to think about it or go find out. It's like when people forget that Laurel was actually poisioned not drunk in that one scene. Some people aren't paying her that much attention and don't care.
  12. I'm becoming an arrow tv nerd. I just remember Felicity did comment about her pay."My take home pay is not even that good considering im rarely at home, as i'm with him every night". I remember that line made me mad. She should be compensated properly.
  13. That's was funny. When watching the show I'm usually thinking joking that Oliver is a killing addict. But, I never saw that supported by the narrative. I thought his problem was when he or loved ones are in threatening situations his go to move is to kill. He was all kill or be killed. Seemed like a byproduct of five years of trying to survive. So much of what they put out about what is happening on screen doesn't make sense. I really don't understand their Sara comparison in the show either. Sara was beating up not killing guys in the glades when she got back. The only reason why she went after Roy was because of her experience with Slade and the fact that he was an immediate threat. I still don't think she was wrong.
  14. A couple of months I tried to get my sister into Arrow. I didn't tell her anything about Laurel because I was trying to get her to actually watch the show. We were watching some courtroom scene with Laurel early season one she was already like WTF? Mind you I didn't say anything negative or reactive negatively towards Laurel. I need my sister to watch so I can talk to someone about the show. My dad watches occasionally but he only watches the Oliver shoots arrows in people car chase show. I actually envy him. But, my sister was barely antiquated with Laurel and was turned off. I don't think she even made it to the Felicity episode. She did leave the trip addicted to Orange is the New Black so, not a total bust.
  15. I think with genre shows if you don't see the body, speculation continues. Heck even if we do see the body.
  16. I think Laurel's level of involvement in Team Arrow would cause me to stop watching the show. Seeing her in the arrow cave moved me from gleefully hate-watching to blind rage. I remember someone posting about the idea of a first meet in regards to romantic relationships. Laurel first intro to team arrow was horrible. I binge -watched the show on Netflix and Amazon this spring. I was indifferent in season one until she hooked up with Oliver the second her and Tommy broke up. I hate watched her most of season 2 because the level of bad acting was a thing to behold. And then Laurel in the arrowcave = blind rage. As a Olicity/Felicity fan I find the whole thing of equating being a fan of one and hating the other hilarious. I just don't get how Laurel sucking has anything to do with Olicity/Felicity.
  17. Duke's "I'm sad" almost gave me wet eyes. I think I'm still in denial. I keep picturing Jennifer waking up in the woods and heading straight to Boston. Then in the series finale Duke goes to Boston to find her. Yes, I'm still in deep deep denial. Mara finding Nathan attractive is pretty interesting. They seem to be developing that I hate you let's sleep together vibe. The only character I'm really excited about this season is Dwight. I'm glad someone is finally doing and saying what needs to be said. Also, Duke called Nathan tiger, aww. I feel a little better about Nathan's storyline since at least, for a second, he was willing to let go. And, I can really appreciate after hearing Audrey in peril him being determined to help her.
  18. I guess Laurel could disappear and come back in the series finale as the BC. And intermittently during the prior seasons have them show her away somewhere life threatening. Maybe someone kidnaps her because of Sara or something. Her family can't find her, something something that I can fast forward through.
  19. Here's a great master post of why Oliver/Laurel don't work. Tumblr drops the mike and walks off stage. http://stilettoroyalty.tumblr.com/post/97734404644/when-i-read-that-slade-tells-laurel-that-oliver
  20. Since they think Laurel is so awesome, give her a storyline away from my favorites So I can fast-foward easily. If she is the BC she can have her on thing. Then I can pretend she's on another show.
  21. With fall premieres just around the corner, what shows are you most excited about (other than Arrow of course)? Haven, Grimm, Sleepy Hollow, Real Husbands of Hollywood What new shows are you planning to check out? Flash, Gotham, How to Get Away with Murder, Blackish
  22. Is that the you are not alone, I believe in you speech? I thought it was a complement to the speech DIggle gave in an early episode. I think it was only Diggle who was talking to Oliver though Felicity was there saying you are not alone. And then in this later episode she adds to Diggle's previously expressed you are not alone, with her own I believe in you. It felt like an example of how both Diggle and Felicity help Oliver.
  23. I hope they give us more on Nathan's adoption and his mom's death.I feel like the chief was put in a situation he was ill equipped to handle.As Dave said he did the best he could. But, seeing the way Nathan turned out I think he was good father and did a good job. I'm really curious about what the chief knew about all of this. He had to know from the moment Nathan met Audrey that he could fall for her. Then his ghost is all you guys can't be in love. Maybe he was caught between a rock and a hard place. He needed Audrey and he needed Nathan to hold the town together in his absence.
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