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Everything posted by Tosia

  1. Someone upthread said Cyniah had a "stank" attitude which I totally agree with---along with entitlement, arrogance, and lack of grace. Her voice is strong, but not pleasant or sweet. I would like to see her do a slow song with no yelling. I like Grace over Lauren, whose old boyfriend squicks me out. He's almost twice her age. Ewwww. Lauren needs to tone down the makeup also. Grace seems more real, natural. Olivia? the teen with the dreads is also too full of herself and her laughable dance moves. She needs a few years of growth. LOVE Arthur. LOVE Just Sam. Genevieve really leaned on her dead sister too much, as did the blonde English guy about his friend. I guess Gen and her sister had a popular podcast or something, so I expect to see Gen again somewhere, somehow. Her voice was ok. I liked her looks too. I really liked DemiRae. She was different and beautiful as well. Too much nerves? Same with depression sunflower girl. She sounded just like Adele which is not great for making your own mark. I realllly reallly like Kimmy Gabriela, the girl with the "famous" father musician. She's beautiful sings awesomely, and seems unaffected. Again, natural and nice. She did need to do a better uplifting song.
  2. It's not her microphone, Ontime . It's her natural volume. You need to shut your windows. 🙂
  3. Well said, GHScorpiosRule. I agree 1000%.
  4. Again, Me-again shows her hypocritical core.....re openly hating attention on British issues and now lauding the Queen. Megaphone's brainpan is a hollow shell. As is her soul.
  5. It's the accompanying health issues that obesity brings...diabetes, limited mobility, high blood pressure, heart problem.....etc.... that would limit Twit's chances of adopting. Obesity, in and of itself, is not a singular disease or issue. Like smoking or drinking, t affects other organs. Not even going into psychological issues for overeating.
  6. April Fools too late. 😞 Maybe it will give Me-again an idea....Arizona v. NY. Hmmmm. Go for it, Megaphone!
  7. Sorry, I was trying to add onto the last paragraph and it copied everything again.
  8. Yes, your stats are correct. There are too many children in the system and not enough people who qualify to be parents. I fostered kids for several years with the hopes of adopting. They wanted to give us an11 year old fire starter, a physically violent 4 year old, and a very severely disabled 10 year old. They try to unload the hardest cases first I apologize for the sad language, and for the lack of care for the kids. The system is not bursting with white, healthy babies..newborn to 2 years old. The foster system is replete with many children who are older...7-17 years... and mentally, psychologically and physically handicapped... and children of color.... and 99% have been sexually, physically, and mentally abused. We would have taken a child from newborn to 8 years old with mild/moderate disabilities, any ethnicity or gender, and abuse background. Not to be. Maybe I didn't play the game humbly or whatever enough. I became a special ed teacher and cared for kids that way. I do have a 30 year old bio son who is awesome. And many nephews whom I can dote on. Good news though. My neighbor, who got me into foster care, had 4 bio kids and adopted 5 foster kids. NewbornTwins from same family and older brother and sister from another family. She, and hey hubby are saints. Years of heartbreak though when the newborns bio dad... not the mom... wanted kids back. He was alcoholic but bio, so judge ruled for him. so it took 2-3 years to get those twins back to neighbor when abuse was found. The boy has psychological issues; the girl is ok. The older brother is in a group home due to increasing mental issues; the older girl is fine. Another boy is doing ok.... really into pot though, but a sweetheart. I love those kids. I was neighbor to those kids since they were tiny and now they're young adults. Wonderful family. Twit is not physically capable of caring for a child.
  9. Good idea about saying, " over" when done talking. I am online zoom and other Skype type meetings and it's hard to tell when people have completed their thoughts. Except we know Megaphone would never comply, because she loves to hear her nonsensical, wordoftheday, nonsense voice drone on and on. I know zoom abs even hospitals have been hacked. Damn. Can't these lowlifes take a break?
  10. Foster care adoption are very restricted as well for the child's best chances of a forever home. I don't see Twit taking this unselfish route. Private adoption? Twit would have to pay beaucoup bucks for a baby. Glenn and Babs might fund her, but they would be fools to do so. Then again, they raised Twit, sooooo........ 😧
  11. One thing I am so grateful during this quarantine is that Megaphone cannot tout her pregnancy progress ad nauseum as though she is the only one ever to experience it.
  12. I didn't say morbidly obese could adopt. I said overweight folks could and do. I agree though that there are all kinds of loopholes and adoption agencies. About 35 years ago, i knew a therapist whose hubbie brought home a baby one day with no questions asked. The child was then 11 years old when she told us this story. There was nothing in the news about a baby missing, so idk....... However, I believe Twit's "relationship" is totally fake so it's a moot point to figure out where the baby will live, or be named " Buddy" or "Henschi" after Twit's favorites. Or Glenthorea. Or Pizzarina. Or Frappe. Hey, new plot point: Fake pregnancy...oh wait........
  13. Such beautiful $ signs in his eyes. Sure, he doesn't have to do anything but wait on her. And he will... for the rest of his life. Lol.
  14. Given her narcissistic personality, and poor treatment of her animals, I hope she will not be able to adopt. SERIOUSLY. I really believe Twit came to terms about not being able to have kids a long time ago and this fake story line will be the way she gets out of this faux engagement, while garnering the outrage and tearful sympathy of her fanatics. Plus there is no way her elderly and compromised parents could care for a baby/ toddler on their own as grandparents. They would enjoy seeing/ visiting with a grandchild, I'm sure, but that's on Twit and Hunter for waiting too long to have a child on their own, or not being able to find a significant other with whom to have children sooner. (That said, Thank God, we have choices now.) Both Twit and Hunter have seemed to focus more on career aspirations, and in Twit's case, focusing on eating junk, drinking, and smoking vs. truly working on her health via dance, fitness, or nutrition. PCOS does not preclude child bearing nor weight loss as we have seen from other celebrities and regular people. And adoption does happen for overweight folks too. I don't understand how gullible some people can be. Fake, fake, fakery, fake, fake, fake show. I can't even fathom how these fanatics believe the running theme that Buddy is her true love. Even given his sad state of addictions and ill health, he knows that even he can do better than Twit.
  15. My son told me about Tiger King a few weeks ago. The guys on the radio have been talking about it. Late night comics, too. I keep meaning to watch it, but life happens. Me-again is late to the cool kids party that she wad never invited to and desperately wants to be a part of..... some things$can't buy.
  16. Really well written, clever, funny, and so, so true, Ketzel. Thank you for bringing such a fun distraction to my day.
  17. Here's an idea: Props to Itcouldbeworse for coming up with the idea of more kids from Kevin... first. I read his/her post after I wrote this one. What if Kevin has TWO SETS of twins. The young ones we saw last week.....10 years old approximately.....are another set from prodigious Kevin's lovely loins..... with a different woman than Madison. His first set of twins from Madison are older ...say 15-20 years old...as befitting the flash forward at Rebecca's bedside/deathbed when everyone (Kevin, Rebecca, Randall, etc.) looks alot older...say 15- 20 years older...at least. Kevin's nipples have alot to answer for... and I volunteer to delve deep with him to find out the answers. 😉 🤪
  18. Love Just Sam for the win. Dillon 2d place, but close call.
  19. So true, cherenkov. I have been binging on Easter candy... one bag a week..... plus staying at home, so it's easy to pull on stretchy yoga pants and hang out. However, I weigh myself frequently, not every day, and started walking outside for 20 minutes at least four vitamin D, doing a yoga DVD, and using hand weights. I swore off the candy too. Painting my basement this week so getting tons of movement in, too. Not going to let this virus demotivated me from being healthy. Twit can go suck an egg. Too much weight is not healthy. That said I appreciate the beauty of Gayelle and other big beautiful women. Twit's personality is horrible because she is horrible to everyone around her...very passive aggressive or openly mean.
  20. I an so grateful for any NEW shows that I will put up with the ultra-cute kids for new content and jokes. I NEED the funny in any way, shape, or form. His house is ....... interesting. It gives off a vibe of an adult tree house, which isn't bad. I need calm though so I go for blander, less quirky myself. That said I'm more of a Colbert and Seth fan, but props to Jimmy and fam for staying the course.
  21. How do these 600 pounders not fall more often due to the overly long pants hems? That's a broken hip waiting to happen.
  22. So, if people are around Babs , moot point, about fake fiance coming to be with his true love in the same town. Fakety fake fake fake storyline (tm Elaine Bennis re: faking it.) I always think of Princess Bride when I hear the phrase"true love", or "twew wove".
  23. Why didn't social workers go to him? Ther are outreach workers who regularly contact homeless in my town letting them know of services, food, jobs, AA, NA, medical help, etc., although many homeless folks create their own network, but there is outreach especially during cold snaps and now due to C19. I get it if help is refused... which it is sometimes, and that is hard to understand for us who cannot imagine that level of despair. Or independence as they would say of their "lifestyle." (Yes, they call it independence even if they get assistance. Again, no intellectual logic.) I fear there will be more Dominics and his brother in the coming months.
  24. I'm wondering if Dr. Now donates any $ to help his clients, or subsidizes those apts., they live in while in Houston. With TLC $, I sincerely hope Dr. Now or TLC, goes beyond the weight loss surgery, to connect these people with social worker who can hook them up and regularly check in with basic life skills, or adulting 101, and therapy, so they can live like humans. Moral obligation, noblesse ob'lige. In addition to their ineptness at everything, except buying/ingesting bad food into their "capacious maws" ( tm PepperMostly, thank you), I'm thinking chronic depression, addictions, and self medicating. Maybe agoraphobia as in avoiding people and "the man.". Another psychosis among homeless folks is avoiding governmental control, in their own minds, by living on the streets v.shelters. (I taught adults in homeless shelters, social justice centers, plus public/private school special ed kids.) People think differently, or not--acting on animal instinct/impulse--so that it's truly hard to imagine their logic or lack thereof. Some folks don't have the brains they were born with or the wherewithal after trauma to self care. Special ed but with emotional disabilities, not intellectual, because sometimes you know what you should do, but don't. Again, depression.
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