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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. She doesn't need to. The only people at The Waldorf are people with "New York values." I'm humbled and AWED that 52 of you liked this post. I totally was not sure anyone would get it!!! I'm sorry to have not trusted you all....
  2. Oakville, whose eyes are squintier, your pug's or Joe's?
  3. JILL'S RECIPE FOR TOAST: Take a slice of bread and hold it really close to an atheist, gay or woman who wants to make her own decisions.
  4. No, that's not right either. His donators spent 12 grand basically for him to be an intern for Cross Church DragonFaerie, I can start a GoFundMe for you so you can quit your job and get your PhD in Math!
  5. 8:11 Joe compares Trump asking Sessions to un-recuse himself to "a toddler smearing chocolate on the wall." W T H????? Mika is wearing an interesting dress but had to ruin it with a matronly cardigan/jacket. In the video clip, Valerie Jarrett is wearing one of Mika's non-Unitarian scarves. (XOXO--Jinx, buy me a Coke)
  6. Umm,, you're working a bit above Jill's capacity here. I was thinking more in terms of her picking up her cell and signing up for Blue Apron....
  7. After all these recent posted "recipes," please don't use the word "Cream" or the French version "Creme" in any future posts!!!!
  8. That cannot be correct. 1 CUP cornstarch??? Also, although it pains me to say this, this is one occasion where one of their cans of Cream of Slop Soup would actually be preferable as a base for this recipe.
  9. Can somebody tell me the name of the rock song played over the recap of the season done at some point (maybe at the end?) of the finale? It's something like "I'm Gonna Find Somebody to Call My Own." I didn't have my phone on me to Shazam it. Thanks
  10. I was a Tupperware dealer in the late 80s so I could stay home with my daughter. We would have these monthly dealer potlucks and the woman in charge of them was older. She had categories you would sign up for: dessert, entree, side dish, etc. and one entire category was JELLO SALADS! So we would see all these horrible wiggly flourescent gel-like things with all kinds of miscellaneous items molded in them. Yuck...
  11. If you take out the holding pins, the bunker folds and can be transported to a new location. Has Heidi P lost weight? Her face looks really different Why is Mika's daughter posing with AvenHottie? I see she goes to the same colorist as her Mom (Yes, I am a beotch)
  12. This is all a ruse to trick Jews into trying to make Liquid Smoke-overloaded brisket for Shabbat...........
  13. What came first, the need to have your own Headship, or the need to eat disgusting gloppy cream soup casseroles from 1965? Don't these folks know nutrition has been updated since the Protestant Reformation??
  14. This sounds like a textbook case of the things divorced parents do to placate/make sure their kids are ok with having their lives "torn assunder" by divorce. I am certain that Avenhottie would be honored to be the officiant. I am sure that he is an Ordained Minister, in addition to being the Savior of our Country.
  15. Wow, how could that be? He's so amiable. And he sings protest songs! What's not to flove? HEE!
  16. That explains why Joe skipped over the phrase. He said "Mika's attending her daughter's college graduation (one second two seconds) activities. I could see his thought process--"These people will find out she doesn't graduate till tomorrow!" I was listening to Avenhottie piped into Ari Melber's show at the last minute when _______(whatever "breaking News" it was last night--I mean does it even matter at this point?) Anyway, I think Avenhottie should run the world. He is so smooth, he doesn't miss anything whatsoever at all. I assume he's a scum lawyer, but I prefer to think that he's an angel, sent down from the heavens in disguise to free us all....
  17. I think it was LAYLA Spring? (not sure) Anyway, why was she wearing an 8 years old's Easter dress??? And yes, they did butcher the song.
  18. I'm like, "Girl you so will when you're 35 and this guy is presumably no longer in your life." Maddy didn't sing that great in the finale--so glad it didn't hamper her. my favorite performance of the entire season was her "The Bear Necessities." Just a delightful performance. Did not care for Gabby. Didn't like her hair/ hair color, her dresses were too short for her figure, and did not like her performance stylings (hand gesture and postures). I assume her Mom abandoned her or the like? If not, she was pretty harsh to her, always talking about her Dad and never Mom.
  19. 8:20 Am. Joe said 5 times in a row, when speaking about Amazon postage rates, that Trump asked HIM (the Postmaster General) to raise Amazon's postage rates. The PG is a FEMALE. Joe you are a douche. 6:00 I turn in and see a hot pink form fitting dress. 6:02: I start looking around for AvenHottie.... Finally got to watch the SNL skit. They totally bagged it, especially Kate McKinnon. the drinking thru a straw was funny, and she had the cardigan perfect! PS: 80% of the reason I buy Sirius XM is to listen to MJ (I don't have cable.) I think I should bag it and invest in some device/app that will read oakville's recap out loud to me (preferably in a Canadian accent). Thank you for your service, oakville!
  20. Shallow moment here: Mika is wearing a light blue Polo shirt with an XXL navy 3rd grade teacher cardigan. Why??
  21. Dominic Chu just said that Cambridge Analytica said they lost all their clients becuase of negative media coverage. I say 2 things: 1. Boo Frickin' Hoo 2. You lie down with dogs, you get dirty... YES! I don't know if I like it or not that he is buds with Cohen. (see #2 above) Many/Most Porn stars manage their rising careers, market themselves, treat their privates as a marketable commodity. They Know their Value, they just base their value on a different aspect of themselves other than their smarts. Mika everyday says PORNSTAR over and over and I don't think it's for the shock value. She refuses to say "Adult Film Star" or "Sex Worker." You gotta go with what you have.
  22. Buy me a Coke, suomi!! I was lying in my bathtub this Am idly wondering if Avenhottie has a professional bodyguard. He should...
  23. One minute ago I heard Mika say in the brightest voice I've heard in awhile, "Coming up SD's attorney Michael Aven(HOTTIE)atti is standing by!!!" Then they show him standing on the set, Ready Player One, bathed in the soft light of glory.....
  24. Oakville, this last post of yours is prime stuff!!! Blerrggg. I hate when they talk about Reagan. I was driving so could not see whether the speaker was a R or a D but since he thought there was nothing wrong with Trump supporting China, I assume an R. He had a Southern accent (Which to me also spells R, although that's a stupid assumption of mine) And SHS is spinning the old "Trump is a Master Gamesman" schtick." I would pay cash money for SHS to one day just drop the mic, unclasp her pearls and walk away. But she stays, her eyes becoming more and more soul-less every day.
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