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dubbel zout

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Everything posted by dubbel zout

  1. Or like when gunmen bust into some event. Everyone acts as if it's the first time it's ever happened. I really want someone to roll their eyes and mutter under their breath: "For fuck's sake. I'm so sick of this!" It's so silly no one acknowledges that it happens a lot in Port Charles.
  2. Other people have railed at Sonny for what he did to Karen—rightly so, and Sonny needs to hear the as often as possible—but the folks who whitewash his thuggish behavior because of Stone are pretty bad. Good for Wagger for giving it to Anna as much as he gave it to Sonny. Ava's reaction is exactly what I think it should be: Maybe she's a little appalled, but she knows she's done things that are at least as bad, and it behooves her to support Sonny right now for whatever her purposes are.
  3. It cracked me up that the previews showed Olivia asking Sonny if he had anything to do with Dante getting shot. Of course he did, Liv. Don't be an idiot. Yes! The physical resemblance was rather striking, though the show has always been very good at that sort of casting in general. I feel like MB at this point in his career isn't all that interested in being creatively challenged. He's sort of like SBu in that respect: Say the lines and get the paycheck, though I think MB tries to put more effort into things, as ineffective as that effort can be.
  4. This happens on the show way too often. They get a good actor to be a bad guy and then have no idea what to do with him after the initial story, so things drag on. (Though Papa Z and his hand puppets were infinitely more entertaining than Cyrus and his Man of God shtick, genuine or not.) I miss the days when "story-dictated exit" was a regular occurrence. Heather is also long past her freshness date. All she does is escape from custody and shriek at people about how they done Esmé wrong and Ace shall be hers. Zzzzz. Too bad this won't change how anyone sees Sonny. Geez, it took forever for the paramedics to arrive. Good thing Jason knew how to keep Dante alive, heh.
  5. If Jason never got grief for being a deadbeat dad when he was living in Port Charles, I can't see him getting any (or much) just because he was presumed dead. He's always been very hands-off as a father, and I think he'd have been just as happy if the kids had never been born.
  6. They always have Jason whine about it, which I find so tiresome. Oh, poor baby has to throw on a tie for a couple of hours because he's going to an event where his stupid black T-shirt isn't appropriate. Ugh.
  7. As if. We'll be lucky if Danny is even peeved. Ugh. Maybe Aidan can shoulder that burden, despite the entire town telling him he's wrong and Jason must be forgiven, since he's the town savior.
  8. Same; I think if it were fake, we'd have had some indication of that by now. (That doesn't mean the new regime won't change that.) It continues to amuse me that Cyrus is still amazed Portia wants nothing to do with him. Dude, not everyone is going to forgive you as easily as Laura did—and even Laura isn't entirely sure about you. It's also getting a bit old to see him try to make peace with Portia and she threatens a restraining order. We get it.
  9. Ugh, Heather. Her usefulness is long past, IMO. Color me surprised that Jason's return was immediately revealed, instead of us having to endure the "suspense" of someone creeping around Port Charles unseen for days. Well, it sure didn't take long for John to become totally stupid when it comes to Sonny. I'm certainly not outraged on Sonny's behalf, but this sort of thing doesn't do anyone any favors. John looks incompetent, and Sonny's posturing is, as always, laughable. Portia can shove her "everyone is entitled to proper medical care." Where was that when you decided to wake up Oz from his coma so he could testify against Esmé? Did anyone else find the sound a little off? I thought some of the women's voices—FH, GF, and AS in particular—sounded higher than usual.
  10. Just so no one gets the wrong idea, my dislike of MW/Ava has nothing to do with her appearance.
  11. I don't think that's what Shaw wanted from Riley there. Racism is a daily occurrence for too many people. Shaw was saying that while he didn't agree with how the guy dealt with it, he certainly understood his frustration and anger at how he and his wife had been treated at the hospital. ETA: I have no doubt Riley meant well and was trying to be genuinely supportive. But sometimes that means you need to keep quiet. I can't imagine there is anything is Riley's past that comes close to being racially profiled and then basically blamed for it by your own department. That's a fundamental betrayal that's hard to shake off.
  12. How does Shaw meet him partway? Riley would never be mistaken for a perp by other cops simply because of the color of his skin. Riley should have simply said he was sorry that happened to Shaw and left it at that. Some experiences are never going to be understood by outsiders. This I definitely agree with. Also, I think it shouldn't have come as a surprise to Shaw that Price would ask him to testify, and that he knew Shaw would be reluctant so had the subpoena ready. But the show always seems to have at least one "gotcha" moment connected to the trial side of things, even if the "gotcha" is stupid and entirely predictable. Same. I thought it was needlessly awful.
  13. This is exactly how I feel about Maura West and Ava. MW knows exactly what she's doing, and I enjoy watching a pro at work. But I don't like Ava and never really have. Part of the problem is the writing for her has been all over the place (and we got stuck with that godawful Denise Denucci character for a while), but most of it is that MW/Ava just don't strike any sort of chord with me.
  14. I'm pretty sure she would like to be creatively challenged when she comes to work instead of saying the same lines over and over.
  15. A plea bargain is pretty standard, though I hope she gets some sort of punishment—house arrest, community service, court-ordered therapy, etc. I hate that DUIs have so few consequences for the drivers. That's the fault of legislatures, of course, not the DAs. And of course the civil suit is a separate problem for her.
  16. I don't think that testimony would have been useful—Shaw isn't a mental health professional and can't speak to it. Even Nolan would have objected and gotten it sustained. This, though, would be more useful, I think. A black detective isn't immune from racial prejudice from his own department. (Sidebar to that: I liked how Shaw put Riley in his place when Riley tried to be sympathetic to Shaw.)
  17. Who, though? I honestly couldn't think of someone close enough to Danny that he'd feel comfortable talking to. No man connected to Sam save for Dante is anyone Danny should be looking up to. They're all terrible in one way or another.
  18. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Carly had to remind Drew that it was Scout's birthday. He talks about how much time he's missed with her, but we still never even hear about them spending time together, much less see it. OMG, Drew, if Nina had turned you and Carly into the SEC because she was a concerned citizen, would you still be hellbent on revenge? I CANNOT with him. And really, his firing of Nina says more about him than her. He's a petty, vindictive asshole who can't see past his bruised ego. And speaking of ego: "I wish whoever's targeting me would get in my face, but I get it; they're too scared." LOL. Clearly Sonny has never heard of the long game. Why don't Felicia and Spinelli understand why Maxie is so hurt? Maxie made some excellent points about honesty and autonomy and they pooh-poohed them, saying they acted from a good place. Good motives don't erase Maxie's legitimate feelings. I really don't like how those feelings are being ignored. Dante is too close to being a parental figure. I get that. But Drew isn't the alternative. Previews: Ugh, more shrieking Heather.
  19. Even if SBu never returned, I wouldn't presume Jason was dead.
  20. I was legit surprised she was on the ball enough to bring up any CCTV for the exterior of the hospital. She'd have lost the case. I wish they'd make Maroun more capable. I got all excited when the car chase started, thinking, "Oh, no foot chase this week!" and of course that was immediately dashed.
  21. Joss's only concern is getting Dex back to Port Charles. The reason is irrelevant. She's thinking only about herself.
  22. That was sure the whiplash with the BL/Chase scenes. He blames her for how the ELQ lawyers sent him the prenup; then he says he calmed down and realized it wasn't so outrageous to have a prenup. Then why fly off the handle in the first place? Sonny is acting like a peevish 7-year-old (qual surprise), but since it's aimed mostly at Michael, I'm enjoying it more than I'm aggravated by it. News flash, Joss: Just because Sonny might not do anything to Dex if he returns to PC doesn't mean one of Sonny's enemies won't. How about you think outside of your selfish sex haze and consider the bigger picture? Finn's reaction to Violet's "wedding" was absurd. And painfully stupid. I had secondhand embarrassment for ME having to play that. Gross how everyone thinks Tracy wouldn't let BL wear Lila's wedding dress. And I still hate how Tracy is feeling guilty about not wearing it for her first wedding. If she didn't like it then, she didn't like it. It doesn't make her terrible or selfish. I will die laughing if Joss brings Dex back to Port Charles to "save" Sonny, and Jason shows up at the same time and those two end up having a slap fight over who's going to protect Sonny.
  23. Wagger will fold soon enough. They all do.
  24. Ugh, Dex. I knew he wasn't gone for good, but he could have been absent longer. Like months and years longer. LOL at how easily Joss found him. It was fun to watch Michael scramble to explain to Dante how he didn't go through with turning Sonny in, as if that mattered to Sonny. I'm glad they had the line that Lila knew her dress wasn't right for Tracy, because I think it's really unfair to guilt Tracy about that. A bride should be able to wear the dress she wants, not one she feels obligated to wear. That first dress BL tried on was dowdy, I thought. Same. As long as both parties are treated fairly (which doesn't necessarily mean equally), what's the big deal? It's protection for everyone and can save some grief later on. Why is that so offensive? Besides, prenups can always be renegotiated if/when circumstances change. But this show loves its antiquated/lazy ideas. My Spectrum service has been very spotty for the past two days, so I couldn't watch a lot of the episode, but from what I did see, I didn't miss much.
  25. (The characters in the show don't know that.) For me, Carly losing Jason isn't that tragic because the rest of the town lost him as well. Carly isn't the only one deeply affected, whereas losing the MetroCourt is specific to her.
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