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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Not saying she's gotta give it up, but it looks real hinky that she has an out of wedlock son but won't be affectionate w Timberland because they aren't married. I wouldn't let him kiss on my either, but she needs a better reason.
  2. The girl is desperate. That was a lot of money she lost out on the first go round. She has to cement her place w the cast again in the off chance Jersey Shore pops off again.
  3. What Tyler doesn't want is to wind up like Javi. Scrounging around trying to stand next to anybody the camera light is trained on. Hoping against hope to maintain a little bit of his fleeting H level of fame.
  4. I dunno. I'm thinking it really wasn't that much food Kreeny's brother's ate. Maybe they ate all of the Lay's potato chips and he got pissed. Paul is a prissy little thing and I think his feathers are easily ruffled. What did bother me what him saying her brother's should have asked if they could eat. Ask who? Him? Kreeny is his wife and she has just as much right to offer food as he does. What's next? Paul labels his food with masking tape and marks the juice level before he goes out?
  5. She's definitely the Brian Dunkleman of the show.
  6. Angela understands the art of the deal. She's taking Michael's dick as payment for passage to America.
  7. I don't think anyone here was calling it a sham wedding. At least I hope not. Some of us were genuinely wondering what the legal or monetary ramifications of this wedding would be. If they are legally married, is Angel responsible for medical decisions should anything happen to Christina? Are their benefits disrupted by a wedding? Inquiring minds. That's all.
  8. I tried to explain this to my dim husband about his parents. They've lived together for 30yrs but NY is not a common law state. He works, she never has. If he gets up one fine morning and decides to walk away she's screwed. And she aint staying here! Do we know if Christana's apartment was in an assisted living center? She's higher functioning and I could see her (and Angel) living independently with daily check ins.
  9. Wasn't it Newark last week? Shut up Kail. You have 3 baby daddies to get thru before you go anywhere.
  10. Or she knew Ron would never let her enjoy her time in peace. Why take a chance that he'd rage out again and have another go at destroying her stuff. Sometimes peace of mind is worth everything.
  11. I loved the scene of all 4 of them in "class". I could totally see Tommy rolling his L and passing notes ignoring the shit out of a teacher like Angela.
  12. But her dad certainly dressed for the wedding. In his finest polo shirt.
  13. My poor liver! "Just grow up"! Out of the mouths of babes
  14. I have mixed emotions regarding this wedding. Christina looked beautiful and she made a wonderful bride BUT I can't fully cheer on this wedding. Not because of their disabilities but because I find Christina to be a more than a bit controlling. I don't think Angel is equipped for standing up for himself against her. The way she steamrolls over his opinions is a little bothersome to me. But like any couple, I'm sure they'll learn how to navigate their marriage. Since we're here and they are married, I would love a glimpse into their day to day married life. Have we seen how Christina handles daily tasks? We've seen the others struggle with making the bed or ordering Chinese food but I can't recall seeing any of Christina's abilities addressed. We did see Angel learn to make pancakes which was cute.
  15. So wait. The dude that she doesn't want to have visitation, the one she has to meet in the parking lot of the police station, the one she calls an Instagram Dad, THAT'S who she wants to be the sperm donor?? That don't make no sense.
  16. Isn't that Durwin's baby momma? The Game seems like a lifetime ago. Not sure why, but this didn't grab me like I thought it would. And I'm no prude, but I was pretty surprised at the sex scenes from BET.
  17. Yeah I considered it but decided it wasn't worth it. I would only be going for My Prerogative and Roni.
  18. Ha!! I think I peed a little laughing at that.
  19. I find Dean's hard side eyeing rude as hell. Why so angry? Is he drunk?
  20. I'm pretty sure Ximena does not care that she was the 2nd runner up. She's getting paid regardless.
  21. She's staying a few days? How much is this costing Ricky?
  22. What happens if there's a power failure or a lost cellphone charger? How the heck will Pole and Kreeny deal??
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