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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. This episode is dizzying. There's even a troll that lives in the basement.
  2. Yes she was another feeder. Crying about not wanting her husband to die all the while killing him.
  3. Ah yes the oranges🤣🤣. I'm pretty sure that was a patient at Brookhaven.
  4. TLC must keep Brookhaven DEEP in the vault. I haven't seen so much as a rerun since it went off the air. Was there any controversy around the program? Seems weird they wouldn't even have it on the app. Brookhaven was my gateway into this obesity obsession.
  5. This woman has no interest in getting any kids back. Leave them wherever they are and let her enjoy her burgers and fries.
  6. Nuh uh! That is bout the nastiest cough. I want to give Dr. Now a Silkwood shower after being in that room.
  7. Wait. That's the same ratty wig? She doesn't even have a going out wig? Shameful shit.
  8. Have we ever seen one eat in such a gross manner? I am so bothered.
  9. Is this a performance piece? Can she really be this gross eating chicken?
  10. Ugh! These are some of the rattiest wigs I have seen in quite some time. We might need to call Lola in early this week.
  11. Whatever happened to Amber's plan to open a halfway house? Maybe she'll re-ignite that idea as well and outfit the residents in Forever Haute clothing.
  12. TLC has always played fast and loose with its editing. Knowing Jerry never left gives so much clarity to the situation. Tammy may want to stop eating in such volume but I think she was afraid Jerry would leave if she didn't continue to eat. Tammy wants love more than she wants to live.
  13. And she really fancies that she'll be called on the babysit? Holding him for this picture is probably the extent of what she can do with this child.
  14. I doubt the TLC would film Jerry without him testing for Covid. That would also put the camera crew at risk.
  15. In the Midwest. During a pandemic. 🙄 Cate has to stay pregnant. She's not smart enough for anything else.
  16. Of course Cate would open a studio. It would make too much sense to work at an established salon and gain experience about running a business.
  17. What's bugging me most? If this asshole says "ok Paige, let's do this marriage thing", she'll be right on board. Girl!!! Find some self esteem. Check your pocketbook. Paige is dumb. She's gonna sleep with him tonight.
  18. Jerry is certainly sending her food but I doubt he can afford to send her enough to cause a 50 pound gain. Someone in the Slayton compound is responsible for supplying Tammy that kind of volume. Where they are looks pretty rural. Is DoorDash delivery available in that area? Food would have to be coming in non-stop. Amy lives next door but she acts baffled as to where Tammy is getting food. Wouldn't she hear the pizza guy coming up the driveway 4x a day?
  19. I dont think that was a spider bite on Tammy. Just going by her lack of dental hygiene, I'm calling it a staph infection from a lack of hygiene. It was in a fold or crevice that looked a little hard for her to reach. If she ain't brushing then she ain't bathing.
  20. Alright Todd! Making it plain that he is not here to play Whitney's fondle toy.
  21. Neshi looks like a pretty low energy dog, did they really have to hold his leash while they were in the pool? Actually why is she always holding his leash? Even in the house she didn't let Neshi walk off leash.
  22. Come on with it Buddy! We're all waiting for the confirmation.
  23. Yes! She spoke up quick quick to shut Buddy down before he dropped that truth bomb. Buddy's face said he was about to blow the whole lid on that storyline.
  24. Does Amira have some sort of spine issue? I've never seen anyone sit so erect. She doesn't seem to be able to turn her head either.
  25. I feel I missed something in this Amira/Andrew saga. WHY is she so pressed about losing this man? I'm befuddled.
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