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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. But Whitney is almost boastful about her inability to cook and we’ve seen her cats shit all over the house because she doesn’t clean up after them. Self sufficient our girl is not.
  2. Was this the teenager who jumped out of his bedroom window? I vaguely remember the doc but like you never found a forum.
  3. Shout out to Cheyenne wearing her best titty out tank top to hand off Ryder to Corey. I see you bitchπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  4. I feel bad for ole girl. A part of me thinks she was hoping Chase would buy in to the lie and make the farce a reality. He'd fall in love with her and she could really have her cute husband and 2 car garage. Instead she has egg on her face and everyone knows she can't even keep a fake relationship going. If I were Buddy I would clear out for a while. Whitney is going to go Stage 5 clinger after this one.
  5. This group session feels more like an 8th grade detention class. Clarence is an ass clown. He seems to be stuck on some pouty teenager shit and Brandie is right there w him.
  6. Catelynn's on the road again?
  7. Why are they calling it Amber's rental property and not the Gary Shirley home for Wayward Girls.
  8. Gasp! A junkie lies? Color me shocked. Good thing Cate and Tyler moved her into the house with their children.
  9. Well now we have ourselves a storyline!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  10. If I'm speaking selfishly? This quarantine is working out for me. Knock on wood I haven't had any friends or family affected. I work from home and that affords me plenty of time to exercise and watch my court shows. I have no brats so I don't have the stress of trying to home school. This lockdown hasn't been too terrible for me.
  11. Guys I really don't think Darcy has any nipple. What I'm looking at in this tank top makes no sense.
  12. He has really gone from sugar to shit as my mother would say. πŸ˜•
  13. So Dawn is still skulking around these two hoping for another white baby?
  14. Ok David. I'll sit here w you and ignore how large your wife is. 😳
  15. Oye those legsπŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ. Perhaps thats why she can't do her own shopping ? She can't risk standing on a line for too long? Look at that fat over her elbow.
  16. Wait...does this mean we're not going to Ocho Rios???πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
  17. I can't eat grilled chicken and drink water because I have to take care of my daughter πŸ™„πŸ™„
  18. They were cool. I could barely see them the way he hot stepped it outta there.
  19. She daughters asthma is kicking up because that house is damn filthy! Clean the damn house!
  20. Meka is killing it with her hair!!!! I would kill for my natural hair to pop like that.
  21. She doesn't have to do anything special to exercise. She could walk that hospital corridor 2x a day.
  22. I will give it up for Brandon's shoe game. I like nice shoes on a man. He's still a dick.
  23. Brandon is just a smug asshole. Is this what his grandma was so proud of. Bitch ass.
  24. Yes lets feed the baby crap so she can be a whopper right along with you.
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