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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. I've never oiled my hair down to work out. Maybe that's why i can't lose weight?
  2. Yet another swing and a miss.
  3. Whitney taking yet another opportunity to violate some man's personal space. I'm sure its been a long time since she was that close to man meat so she had to steal a sniff. I see you girl.
  4. Lack of Vitamin "D" will do that to some people.😏
  5. My brain immediately went to the scene in Airplane with the white woman talking jive. Leave all that Sharkeisha round the way girl shit alone and take your meds.
  6. Well that and because you are both unqualified to work even the most menial of jobs.
  7. So Jamie is hate- fucking Beth. He doesn't like her any more than Matt likes Amber. Why not get sex out of it for 17 days I guess. Cashing in sex coupons after calling her a "C#nt" or telling her to shut up? And Beth is unhinged so she accepts the coupon. She's as silly as Amber.
  8. I bet Iris really felt she went deep with " swallowed a quarter ". Sigh...
  9. Can we dump sand and boron on these two and be done w them???
  10. Are the experts staying in N one of the apartments?? Did Dr Viv come from a secret stairway? Maybe there's a red phone.
  11. Ya know, I'm not having fun anymore. This is the couple I would never want to double date with.
  12. Iris is putting the stiffest piece of whine I have ever seen on Keith. Loosen the hell up Iris!!! Move that waist!
  13. Yeah I have plenty of house parties and I have to be on the side of the weirdo. If you don't see it ASK ME. Dont help yourself to people's stuff.
  14. The fuddy duddy in me thinks the earrings are too darn big but Aubrey is adorable and has always been my favorite.
  15. Keke definitely has personality but sometimes her energy is just too manic for me.
  16. Teresa is a saint. She's on the phone trying to tell these two chucklefucks to skip the scrapbook and come visit the child they spend every season yammering about. Nope. They decide the better thing is to keep iCarly waiting so they can finish a book they had months to complete. And this book is filled with what exactly? The poetic stylings of Tyler? Cate's favorite quesadilla recipe?
  17. Does Caesar really think ANY woman is going to take a 32 hour flight for his Howdy Doody ass??
  18. The audacity of this broad! Her body is fabricated to the Gods and she has the nerve to be disappointed??
  19. Darcy keep petting that damn hair! I hope she loses 2 tracks.
  20. Did Tim tell the waitstaff his date is a broke down hooker?
  21. I'm off to Amazon to find me this edible body paint. I'll show Iris how to place like a grown ass woman trying to get some from a grown ass man. But really I think I just want that paint.🙄
  22. I hope she never has a girl child because man...she has nothing to teach a daughter about not being a doormat.
  23. 2:30??A.M.??? Be home by day break. That's all Amber requires. Shit, i want to be married to this idiot. She stands up for absolutely nothing for herself. This is the opposite of girl power.
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