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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. And why didnt she have this "how much money do you have" convo before she left the States? Idiot.
  2. Put me down for Not This Hospital!! All poor Karine gets is an office chair and idiot Pol for comfort? I hope this keeps her ass from having a 2nd one.
  3. I'm about to pick one from Wayfair. One that heats the water of course!
  4. I've never given birth but I would bet good money Pol would be aggravating AF in the delivery room. I wouldn't want that idiot within 10 feet of the hospital.
  5. Missed you guys today😥. Glad we're back in time for the live chat!!
  6. About those treats. Why did dumb dumb order them so early? The chocolate and fruit would have been a lukewarm mess by the time he had gone to the airport to receive his disappointment and got back to the room.
  7. Are Jennifer and Zied sharing hair care products?
  8. That's Tim's secret? He dated a Colombian before? Seriously Grinch? Thats all you wanna tell us??
  9. Which leg of Maria's flight was canceled Caesar? Didn't he go as low rate as he could and get her on a 30 hour 8 layover trip?
  10. I gotta give it to her. She jumped right on out there guns blazing!
  11. This idiot is 19yrs old! What is everything to her? Starbucks? A nearby MAC store?
  12. And they’re always the ones that want to go nonstop.😒
  13. Is this a common thing? I can't imagine my old trainer watch me being RE-trained by a new trainer. Is Whitney Jessica's only client? Shouldn't Jess be at her own home gym working? TLC can't be paying that many people to be Whitney's flunky.
  14. Raven has certainly been privy to Amber's Klingon style of being in a relationship and who would knowingly want to be a part of that?
  15. Matt's buddy was totally giving Matt an alibi for why he was shitty to Amber. "OH YEAH, LIKE WHEN YOU WOULD FORGET TO TEXT AMBER!" 🙄 Boy Bye. It was a good attempt at a save, but no. Matt was not sharing a basket of wings with any of the fellas, so wrapped up in the game that he forgot to text his wife and they both know it.
  16. Oh Amber. Matt DID say he didn't want to be with you. Each and every time he didn't come home.
  17. Ugh! Amber's bedroom looks like Vera Bradley upchucked all over it.
  18. She probably told Paul to go look for a purple grapefruit to be sure he stayed out of her hair during the birth.
  19. Pole skeeves me out with the way he crowds Karine when she is telling him to go away. She needs to haul off and give him one swift kick. Respect people's boundaries.
  20. Preach!.Not for nothing, I would be pissed if someone was holding my wallet so I couldn't shop and then with a smirk tell me they forgot the cards. Tiff is a bit of an asshole.
  21. Whose money is Ronald trying to spend? Is Tiffany hiding his credit cards or her own? I'm a little lost.
  22. Since we're talking about fixing, how many seasons in are we that Tasha's wig game is still so terrible? I gave them the first season thinking maybe they didn't want it in the budget if the show didn't stick, but damn. Why can't she get a better lacefront? Or have the mesh professionally dyed? It's all I can focus on in her scenes.
  23. Who is better than you??? Nobody! That's who. Thanks much.
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