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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Damn. A divorced virgin. How will Iris work that into her Match.com profile?
  2. I'm not really digging this coat dress on Iris. And I don't see how those shoes play a part in this outfit at all.
  3. Whatever Deonna. Her frigid ass is gonna keep a good man off the market while she feeds him nibbles of affection. Hmph.
  4. I hope Deonna says no. She doesn't deserve Greg and I think she knows it.
  5. Now who in the hell would admit to that?? Todd flails about like a dying chicken.
  6. Yess!! I'm no dancer and all of my dancing info comes from videos on Youtube, but have we ever heard Whitney in front of one of her classes giving proper direction? I would take a FOSSE, FOSSE, FOSSE! MARTHA GRAHAM, MARTHA GRAHAM!. I can't recall any technical terms from her or a simple 8 count. As a dancer and supposed teacher of the art, I would expect more technique.
  7. Bless her heart, she did try. Sadly she came off looking like a little girl who was playing dress up in her older sister's closet. The way she clunked out in those heels, tugging at the dress as if she had never worn one before. Amber just doesn't do sexy very well. No shame in that, but it did fail as a last ditch attempt.
  8. I dunno. Things were different when I was coming up. We had crackheads, junkies, dope fiends, etc. Rarely did I hear " he's a kid and he's sick" but I am noticing different drugs bring different levels of compassion. Poor Timmy from the suburbs is an addict and let's shower him with all the sympathy we can muster. I'm pretty sure Jen from Teen Mom tried that angle and now she has 30 year old father of three Ryan who still can't focus his eyes. Max lost my sympathy when he became a thief. He puts everyone around him at risk. What happens to Chloe if she should happen to be pulled over by the cops when Max is holding? The people around him do him no favors pussyfooting around the issue.
  9. I know that. YOU know that. Do you think Max knows that? And it's my experience that most druggies like to have minimal contact with law enforcement. If his dad was stronger he should encourage Max to call the cops. "And officer while you're here, could you check his pockets?".
  10. I was already banned for asking how many calories one could really burn doing a 15min (once you subtract time for breaks 🙄)Full of BS workout.
  11. 🤢And seriously going to pick a bidet this weekend!
  12. I can't see dead behind the eyes Max having the fortitude to go thru legal channels if his dad did put him out. Max doesn't seem to have much fight in him at all.
  13. I wonder if that's what his friends were trying to tell us with "That Jenny?!"
  14. This would have to be my line in the sand. If nobody else is eating, then I ain't eating. Serve me your "delicacy" and I'm the only one digging in?? Nope. Let's all eat the sheep brain, fish brain or chicken feet if not the Girl Scout in me has a turkey sandwich in her pocketbook. Call me a rude American later.
  15. Could Liam be higher functioning on the spectrum? And maybe his rudeness was just him being socially awkward? I feel it was on Laura to nudge Liam into saying hello to Aladdin's family if only for a few minutes.
  16. Let's think about this one. Sumit imported a senior citizen to be his "sidekick"? I'm baffled.
  17. Fucking Finally!!!! I want Sumit's wife to show up to the Tell All Jerry Springer style!
  18. So even after finding out he had no intention of giving her a promise ring, Jenny is STILL going to give SomeMeat 2 more months.
  19. Liam is rude a little bit. I understand he's had a long flight but take 5 minutes to say hello to your host family.
  20. I have a birthing question. Does the pain stop immediately once the baby is out? Is there residual pain? Women seem to be all smiles as soon as the baby is placed on their chest.
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