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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Jennifer keeps calling Tim a pussy but...he's kinda acting like a pussy🤷🏾‍♀️
  2. Father Jennifer is jealous?? Of what?? She's already has a kid pops. The bloom is off that rose.
  3. So no one in this cab notices how completely uninterested Omar is in if this wedding takes place or not? They're looking straight past the vacant look in his eyes.
  4. Stacey is pissed that Darcy got the spot on 90 Day and she didn't. So what's the next best thing? Make Darcy look like a fool on her own show.
  5. She WAS weirdly proud of that. The new banner is already in the works at the print shop.
  6. I predict Amber will try her "Indiana Badass" routine against the right person and get the shit knocked out of her. She rages against people that are on her payroll and men that know the masses will come down against them if they hit her back. A monkey knows which tree to climb and Amber is smart enough to attack men that need her. The only time we see her go after women is when security is right offstage to hold her back from a fight that was never really going to happen.
  7. Damn! This Matt is ruthless. In the first 15min he knew Amber wasn't the one but he still spent 8 weeks giving her his ass to kiss. How lowdown.
  8. TLC expects me to believe there was no available Bollywood camera crew that could be contracted to run over to Jenny's apartment to catch this high drama? Bullshit on this plot twist.
  9. I would be so vexed if my mother was as pathetic as Jenny.
  10. Seriously?? We missed all this footage of this family throwdown?? There wasn't an available camera crew in India? I don't believe you Jenny. I need receipts. Quite a performance Jenny is putting on here. Go home Eeyore.
  11. Liam flew all the way to Tunisia to NOT attend Laura's wedding?
  12. Fuck Paul for not protecting Karine and insisting they didn't show her in such a state of undress. He may not be able to speak Portuguese to the doctors but he sure as shit could have asked the camera crew to not wait behind a curtain.
  13. From the manor born charcuterie boards to 2 for $5 Lunchables. Sugar to shit as my mother would say.
  14. I am also unsure, but I think you are correct. So not only should Chloe be thinking about how she is going to make the rent, utilities, car note etc. she needs to be worried about Max stealing what little money they DO have for his addiction. She also needs to be aware that Max is thinking about knocking her up again. Making her situation exponentially worse. This will all end in tears.
  15. 🤦‍♀️ oh Bubby you little scamp. Will you ever learn? Seriously, is this guy on Amber's payroll? One thing we are proud of in my family is how we call each other out on our bullshit. Amber's antics would never fly.
  16. So how would one hypothetically get in on this? Let's say I needed a new roof and maybe some new boobs since you're asking. If I could achieve these things by hypothetically responding to some texts and participating in a few vapid phone calls well then I am interested. There are more Caesars out there to be harvested and I want in. Hypothetically
  17. And! And ! There is still a possibility of Max going to jail. So this dingbat will be on the hook for the entire $1,400.! I hope her mother stands strong and let's her learn this hard life lesson.
  18. Im sure the ladies in the beauty shop would have liked some cake. Maybe the staff at the hotel. Angela is an asshole.
  19. Has Angie never heard there were children starving in Africa?? And she wastes an entire cake IN Africa?? Mykull please make this stop.
  20. Are they spending the night with him? I would insist at least the boom operator stayed. Somebody!
  21. Goof on Ben for praying. He's gonna need the Lord to help him make it thru the rest of this stay in Fidel's house. I would lay some bubble wrap around the bed too, just in case.
  22. Tim is bugging me. The deep voice does not work with those tiny shoulders. Wait. He hasn't even tried to kiss her??
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