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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. I can watch Alone if i want to watch folks eat insects. Gross.
  2. The look on Amber's poor idiot face as Matt blathers on about their relationship. He really has a gift for yapping without saying anything useful.
  3. Doubtful. Matt has been telling her the entire time but she refuses to hear it.
  4. Shallow question: Anybody know where I can find that grey throw Elizabeth and Jamie have? The one she keeps wrapping up in.
  5. My guess is the men Karine is catfishing (because she sure as shit isn't sending new pics) are providing the only money coming into their house now.
  6. That place is a horror show! Instead of speaking broken English, Paul should be folding clothes.
  7. Tiffany is really sticking to her story of not knowing she was pregnant with Daniel? Girl bye.
  8. I feel Chantal is in a silent battle with Darcy for worst weave.
  9. This Daniel kid gives me palpitations. Why is he so damned excitable? Simmer the hell down.
  10. Shout out to Tiffany's mom!! Hey homeless ones, you have no place to put this baby!
  11. Judging by her constant scowl, the dildos must be broken.
  12. Oh Paul, you are learning about the boy who cried wolf. You dared Karine to leave you and so she left your ass. Now you're standing at the "bodock" all alone. Sad face. Except not.
  13. The thighs are very "... I was fat but then I lost weight...and then I got fat again".
  14. After a 32 hour flight with 13 layovers, Caesar is planning on romancing Maria in that basic ass room?? There's not a beach in sight out that window and not a single frill to be had.
  15. That Daniel kid is way to excited over every damn thing. Maybe a sugar-free diet is necessary.
  16. Does Omar have parents? Any family we can meet?
  17. Benjamin needs a tutorial in a proper ho bath. No hand dryer? No pumps of cologne? Are you even trying Ben?
  18. Yeah, Tim is trans. That's my vote for the "secret".
  19. Rebecca, Zied is trying to help you. Your boobs looks terrible in that top.
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