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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Making two different dinners every night is not something I would ever do, so I hope your family appreciates the extra work, Mountainair. I'm having salmon and Brussels sprouts tonight, too. I haven't yet decided how I'm going to prepare the salmon, but salmon, Brussels sprouts and enough greens for one more side salad are about all that's left until I go to the market, so I know that's what I'll be fixing.
  2. I saw an old episode this morning from their time in the Los Angeles area, in which Tia laughed at her fear of bees, saying she'll stand around 100 pit bulls with no fear, but one little bee can chase her half a mile. Now I like her even more as I, too, have an irrational fear of bees and mock myself for it. (And have been chased; as she said, those little suckers sense fear.) It was endearing.
  3. Thanks to discussion here, when there was a Jeopardy! clue about Epiphany last night, I got it. It didn't mention sheets - it was about some cake with a baby Jesus inside it (the category was religion and food) - but it included January 6th, so I got it. (In this same game, none of the three contestants could identify star anise, even though there was a picture of it up on the screen in addition to the written clue!)
  4. It's a kind of entryway, with tile or similar floors, a place to sit down and take off wet boots, coats, etc. and storage space for all that wet/dirty outerwear. We don't have them in my area, because there's no need for them, but in places where coming directly into the house's main living spaces from outside would make a big mess many months out of the year, they're more common.
  5. Seriously. And so were the editors, using presumably every piece of footage they had of her talking about their relationship versus just a couple of clips of him, plus that little "we dated for two years and remained friends" vs. "we dated for a year and then she annoyed me by having a [mind of her own]" juxtaposition. I was never a regular viewer of this show - it has always been something I watched if it happened to be on while I was plopped in front of the TV - but I've become even less interested as time goes by because of the stupid storylines they insist on putting forward. Battle of the Exes was a new low.
  6. The daughter and husband had been in a legal battle over conservatorship for years.
  7. Yep. We don't do season threads for this show, so just make sure you're in the right thread for the type of episode you're discussing (depending on whether it's a "regular" [in the US] episode, a HH International episode or a HH Renovation episode) and ramble away.
  8. "Hey, Puh-feiffer, how would you like a punch in the puh-face?" V is for the Very Special Episode about homelessness. It's an issue much of the media - and the country - was happily ignoring, so I certainly appreciate the sentiment, but it is so clumsily executed at every turn that I just hate it.
  9. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Including a full-scale Parthenon replica. It - and the nickname - have been around for a very long time, so Titans makes sense to me.
  10. I loathe the "Values. Pass it On" commercials, and this one is no exception (although I've always liked that song). I'm not glued to my phone the way he is - in fact, I hardly ever use mine - but if I dropped it in the sink, I'd be pissed. And if I'd scooped it out quickly, possibly salvaging it, and someone tossed it back in and then prevented me from getting to it? Hell, no. This is not the time for her to address their problems, period, and certainly not the way to go about it. What a stupid ad. As usual.
  11. I haven't seen that particular spot, but the ones I have seen have all been done with celebrities and pro athletes, so if you think it's Jennifer Garner it probably is.
  12. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    My best friend (a huge Steelers fan) and I were just saying last night that we'd probably really like Joe Flacco if he played for another team. I don't hate the Ravens the way she does, but I certainly don't like them. I will, however, be rooting for them against the Patriots. And I'm not in the habit of rooting for the Packers, but obviously I will against the Cowboys. Seattle is the only team I'm rooting for in these playoffs; everything else is the lesser of evils (or lesser of "I don't care one way or the other about this team").
  13. Yes, I've cooked on one of them quite often, as that's what they have at my parents' house (and I'm there cat-sitting when they travel), so I'll be pre-versed in the tricks if that's what I go with. I didn't see that one, but agree on general principle that turning "Hawaii housing is expensive" into a storyline is pretty stupid.
  14. That kid was awful; over the top, even for a sitcom. I had these episodes on as background noise the other night, which is kind of what the show has become for me -- It's not good, but it's not bad, so if I happen to have free time when it's on, I watch, but, otherwise, I don't. I'm not very interested in Nina's love life, so I prefer the scenes of her in court or at the office, but it's a decent little show I'd be happy to half pay attention to again next season so renewal would be nice.
  15. I got home last night just in time for a repeat of the episode in which Sui's mom came to visit him, and was able to watch it in its entirety versus missing bits here and there as I had last time. So the scene of him leading his mom through the kennels and telling her about the various dogs was new to me, and such a treat to see. The way he knows those dogs' personalities!
  16. Gillian didn't even remember they'd had a baby. (Good on her; I'd like to repress the knowledge William ever happened, too.) Since they shoot out of sequence, I wouldn't expect them to master the mytharc details at the time, let alone now. But CC? That's his job. Putz.
  17. Rich Eisen in tears did it for me. I really enjoyed Stuart Scott; he loved sports, and his voice and demeanor made him a perfect fit for broadcasting.
  18. I think the easiest way is to use the ASCII code: Alt 130 (just hold down the Alt key, type 130, and you'll get é)
  19. I think Roseanne did an amazing job of tackling heavy subjects without losing the comedy. One of the best examples is the two-parter in which we learn Jackie's boyfriend Fisher was physically abusive. What's most wonderful is that, looking back on the whole Fisher arc once that knowledge is gained, one can see subtle signs that so often go overlooked in real life, too. But those two revelation episodes are just amazing on their own. The episode in which Roseanne's father dies is another terrific example. No fan is likely to forget Jackie's call to the hard-of-hearing Auntie Barbara. ( "I have some bad news, Dad is not with us anymore ... I said Dad has passed away ... Dad is gone ... Dad's dead! ... He's dead! ... No, DEAD! ... DAD!! ... He's fine, he sends his love. Bye.") But Roseanne, alone with the body, saying all the things she couldn't say to him when he was alive, is as moving as the phone call is funny. Also, Darlene having to read her "To Whom It Concerns" poem ... Really, I could be here all night listing examples. Roseanne did it better than just about anything I've ever seen.
  20. I've received mixed reviews of induction from those I know who have them (like gas and electric, it has pros and cons), so it will just depend on what's available when I renovate the kitchen (several years from now still, probably). But its existence is another reason the "Ack, no gas stove -- run away!" reaction is annoying.
  21. There are things I like and dislike about both gas and electric stoves; the ease of cleaning and lack of anything sticking up on the glass electric cooktops means I'll probably go with that when I redo my kitchen, but it's nearly a tie, and I ran a gas line to the kitchen a while back just in case. That said, I understand strong personal preferences. However, most of the houses in which a HH is on about there not being a gas stove are ones in which it's probably not much of a project to add a gas line, so I'd be a lot more open to "I hope we can switch to gas" than I am to the "The stove is electric; this house just will not do" storyline.
  22. Grand Ole Opry legend "Little" Jimmy Dickens died today after a Christmas day stroke.
  23. I had to call my dad and ask him something while reading this, so I also asked him if he knew the black-eyed peas on New Year's Day thing was a superstition about good luck (because I'd never heard the original basis of the tradition, just that it was tradition in some parts of the country). He said no, that's just what they ate. Then he said, "I guess you and your mom are screwed." Ha!
  24. Exactly. HHs going on about their desire for a stainless steel finish on their appliances would still be annoying for the repetition, but if they seemed to understand it was, in fact, a finish and not an indicator of functionality or quality it would be less so. Instead, we get people like that (Cherry Hill?) HH who didn’t even know how to cook and declared she couldn’t possibly learn unless the appliances were replaced with stainless steel versions.
  25. Oregon is a Pac-12 rival, so it felt odd to root for them so heartily, but against Florida State and Winston, that's exactly what I did. Man, that was great. I believe I actually cackled after one turnover. I don’t much care for Ohio State, but take SEC + Nick Saban + Lane Kiffin and I’ll be a Buckeye for a day. Plus, seeing a team down to their third-string QB win a game that played out for a while like it was going to be a decisive and embarrassing defeat was genuinely enjoyable.
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