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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. The above is a great one; it fits both when a character didn't behave very well AND when an actor could have been better. I love Betty White, but thinks she's awful in the "In my mind, they're still here" breakdown. W is for the wandering eye (and other body parts) Stan refused to keep control of.
  2. Seinfeld, the show about nothing? If I take the general premise right, that light, frothy shows that don't much delve into the various hardships and downsides of life but instead concentrate on breezy laughs or simple mysteries have a place on TV, I agree. It's a type of show that can easily be awful, sure, but it can also be an enjoyable way to spend a half hour/hour and thus I'm disappointed it seems to have fallen out of favor to such a degree; I think there's room for it in the television landscape.
  3. I prefer Sharona, but I was surprised by how well I took to Natalie, and how quickly. That switch was pretty difficult to pull off, but I think they did it. If I'm going around the dial and come across this show, I will almost always watch it if it's a Sharona or early Natalie episode, and may or may not watch if it's a later Natalie episode, but that's just because of the show as a whole by that point, not the character. I do wish they'd paid Bitty Schram to stay on, though.
  4. For the second time. I hope that poor dog finds the right home. I was surprised they even considered the sibling adoption; I have cats, but my best friend has both cats and dogs and I frequent a pet forum, so I hear about "littermate syndrome" all the time. Maybe it's different when they've been raised apart and come back together when they're older? Tia did mention that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Quite frankly, I was a bit put off by that owner - but trying very hard not to judge based on the brief overview we get of the situation - so it was definitely not a favorite episode. I was out last night so missed the latest one; I'm glad to hear it's a happier one.
  5. I'd never even heard of Jensen Ackles prior to this, so this has been enlightening reading. My Blue Bloods UO: In general, my UO is this is a show I tried to like as a "have on in the background police procedural," but could not stand because I hate pretty much every member of the Reagan family. But my particular UO is I hate with the fire of a thousand suns the beloved grandfather and think his attitudes are the reason that family is so loathsome. The only one I have any hope for is Nicki, but only if she gets the hell out of town, at least for college.
  6. I'm still blown away by the cooking two different dinners every night thing. Your family should kiss your feet daily. Last night I went to a restaurant I love but hadn't been to in a while and noticed some changes to their menu, but thankfully their Cajun pasta - my craving for which was the reason we picked that restaurant - was still being offered. My friend had an Italian chicken pasta that was really good, too, so we ate out of each others' bowls half the time. Some calamari to start, a goat cheese and spinach salad to split for our side salads, a terrific seasonal ale, and leftovers to boot -- I can't wait for lunch. Right now I am having a Bloody Mary for breakfast.
  7. One. I'm a lazy baker, so I use a boxed cake mix as often as I make a cake from scratch. It says on the box it's for either two round layers or one sheet.
  8. R is for Dorothy and Blanche reading Rose's diary.
  9. I hear you. I had a freezer bursting with chicken carcasses and veggie scraps, so I went on a stock-making rampage recently - the finished product takes up less room - but we've had maybe half a dozen soup days this month, so I've only made two soups. One of the primary reasons I live in Los Angeles is for the weather, but I could do with some rainy days right about now! Especially because I just picked up two whole chickens at the farmers' market and will thus have even more stock fixings next week. Alas, it's forecast to be 80 tomorrow.
  10. I'm not sure I've ever seen more than a few minutes of it. I'm not generally a fan of musicals; I can count on one hand the movie musicals I've seen and loved (Chicago, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, and Love Me Tonight), could count those I've seen and either disliked or, more often, had very little reaction to on both hands, and then there's the lengthy list of those I've never cared to watch. It's just hard for me to get past people randomly bursting into song, and dance numbers generally bore me, so ... yeah, not my thing. Now, it is on my list of films to watch some day to see how I feel about it since it's such a classic, but I have yet to be in the mood.
  11. M is for the marriage between Max and Sophia. At least the two of them wound up acknowledging it was stupid, and that they were too old to be that stupid, but that whole thing - the marriage, the business, staying in the house - was so dumb it wasn't particularly fun to watch.
  12. That reminds me of several years back when I finally realized Jamie (central figure) of Halloween 4 and 5 was Danielle Harris, who played Molly Tilden. Only four years had passed between projects and she looked very much the same, but despite how many times I'd seen the films and the Roseanne episodes, it took years to dawn on me. While on the subject of cast members in other roles, I love Boys Don't Cry, and think Lecy is quite good in it. You can tell she's breathing in the shot when Candace is supposed to be dead, but I blame that on the low budget rather than her -- it's a long, panning shot, and they were limited in takes, so they'd have to go with what was best overall even if one can see the actor breathing in that one. She's also good in Love, Ludlow. I haven't truly enjoyed Sara Gilbert in anything outside of the show. She was fine in Poison Ivy and an episode of Law & Order: SVU (Lecy also appeared in the latter and did a good job), and I haven't seen most of her other credits, but of those I've seen, Roseanne is the only one where she had moments that really made me sit up and notice.
  13. This was the first game I had a chance to see all week, and what a disappointment. The DJ round in particular was just awful, and I was almost disappointed to see the returning champ pull it out in the end because he'd pouted his way through it. I'd be frustrated as hell had I dug myself a hole as he did, and my natural comportment would probably be just as off-putting. Which is why, knowing that about myself going in, I'd have made a conscious effort not to let it show.
  14. I picked up a ribeye steak at the butcher shop Monday (it called my name while I was waiting for the tri-tip I went in there to get to be packaged), so I'll be grilling that tonight. The steak is too big for one serving, yet I know I'll eat the whole thing anyway, so I think just some roasted Brussels sprouts and a side mixed greens salad with it.
  15. I don't think there was any ulterior motive to Melissa's comment, either. She and Tom were discussing what this challenge was like for her given the fact she'd already been guaranteed advancement and she said she was going to enjoy herself and see if she could help the others, then offered as an example of that the things she and Mei were doing together (which seemed to be based as much on the fact they were stationed next to each other and using some of the same ingredients as on their friendship). She just does not give me an underhanded vibe at all (which is why I was surprised she took all the clams), so I don't think she thought of the potential negative implications (e.g. Tom quizzing Mei on how much help she had with her dish should things be neck and neck at judging) when she said it. That Mei and Melissa each want to win, but in the interim really want to go to the finals together, makes me like them all the more. I like all the remaining contenders as chefs and as competitors, but I'm hoping either Melissa or Mei emerges victorious.
  16. Yes, Y was skipped over. F is for all the fat jokes made about Rebecca and the reactions to them.
  17. No, it always worked the same: they used Lecy when she was available to film (she was away at college) and Sarah the rest of the time -- and had several "wink, wink" references to the switching back and forth.
  18. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    "Once there was this prince, and he came from, like, Syria, okay, and he lived with some peaceful monkeys outside his aunt's boyfriend's cabin and had an old sheepdog named Paco Sinbad" for the win, but I loved the whole thing. Bravo!
  19. But they'll compete against each other, so that only one LCK contestant joins the three existing finalists in the final four, and then we'll whittle down to the last two? (As opposed to there being a competition among the final three plus both LCK contestants.) It seems so unwieldy at this late stage, but maybe this is how it has always gone once LCK was introduced; I can't remember.
  20. I love red onions in any form. So do we not yet know who is going to be plopped back into the competition? (I don't have my TV hooked up to the internet, and there is no way I'm watching programming on my little 19-inch monitor, so I rely on commentary here to know what happened in LCK.)
  21. Yeah, 8 avocados = my standard week. A friend gave me some spinach and cheese (I'm not sure what kind of cheese, but whatever it is I'll be happy) ravioli she made a big batch of, and I have a defrosted chicken breast I didn't wind up using when I thought I would and thus need to cook tonight, so I made an oil and herb marinade for the chicken and stuck that in the oven. When it's done, I'll add it to the pasta and use more of the oil/herb mixture as a sauce.
  22. Just about anything involving the word bitch is a peeve of mine, and this is definitely one of them. That said, the "this is Mei's face when ..." interstitial was entertaining, because she was in on the joke. On another note, it was obvious Mei had made the finale well before JT, because we saw commentary (about her parents) from a talking head that was clearly filmed later. Lazy editing.
  23. How is Wylie Dufresne qualified to comment on what is and isn’t outside Melissa’s comfort zone? If one of the people who have been eating her food all competition say that, I’ll believe it, but from him? Please. (Full disclosure: I think his food is among the most overrated I've ever eaten.) I thought Mei was going to get the innovative edge over Melissa, but also thought they were pretty close, so the winner didn’t surprise me. Melissa has certainly come on strong at the right time. I’m not one to be easily repulsed by bodily fluids, but George’s sweat as he was plating and then as he served the judges made me cringe. He couldn’t take two seconds to wipe a towel over his face? Gross. However, I’m not sure I’d have sent him packing based on this challenge. (On the whole, given the fact he didn’t have to compete in most of it, sure, but that’s not how they set things up.) Greg played the odds, figuring a dish that wasn’t remotely innovative (he’s not even kidding himself with that texture nonsense) but was perfectly executed would be the third place dish and thus earn him a ticket to Mexico. George abided by the challenge parameters and tried to win rather than just place. Greg had the better strategy, and is probably better qualified for the finale, but I'm a little sour on it.
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