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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I just don't understand how in a country with three to seven million (exact numbers are hard to come by given the way city/county numbers are collected nationwide) animals euthanized annually in shelters due to lack of space, someone can aim their ire at the municipal (open intake, "kill) facilities who take in any and all pets people within that jurisdiction turn in and then do their best and make calculated judgments on who to retain once capacity is reached*, rather than at the people who, you know, fail to take responsibility for their pets in the first place. *Clearly, there are issues with this evaluation process in many shelters, and we need to address those, but let us also not lose sight of who created the homeless pet overpopulation crisis in the first place.
  2. I've only seen it once, but that's the point, isn't it? That he spent all those years promoting the "Can you hear me now?" company (Verizon?), but has now realized this other company (Sprint?) is the real deal.
  3. I adopt (as a cat mom, not a rescue) from "kill" shelters and have enormous respect for what they accomplish with the meager resources and the open-intake mandate they must work under. I'm also someone who - while I absolutely take the points in objection to this sentiment - "could not do what they do" -- I'd wind up in jail. Latest example: During the brief time it took me to fill out Riley's adoption contract and wait for her to be microchipped, one guy came in to dump his dog and another to have his cat put to sleep. I'll skip the details, but these were not loving but desperate people making the best of a bad situation, as happens; these were assholes not wanting to be inconvenienced. I would punch a fucker in the mouth daily in that job, except I'd be fired and arrested the first day. My hat is off to those who work within a flawed system, refrain from choking uncaring people, and put themselves through shit I can't even imagine because they're willing to endure the horrible aspects of the job in order to facilitate the wonderful parts. Over a lifetime of cat ownership, about half have just shown up as what turned out to be dumped strays, and the rest have been adopted from the municipal shelter. I would not have had the utter joy that is/was living with those cats were it not for the people who made it happen. And I mean zero disrespect to those who, as part of a rescue organization, pull animals from shelters; moving one from a shelter cage into a foster home frees limited space. But those who don't get to cherry pick, who labor over the animals with the deck most stacked against them -- you're the people I most admire in this regard. I couldn't be you, and I apologize for the negative ways in which that can be interpreted, but I am so glad you are.
  4. Bibimbap is great hangover food.
  5. Huddleston guest starred on The West Wing, and his character's scene with President Barlet is something that pops into my head at random times and makes me smile. He was also the sheriff in the so-bad-it's-good Angels in Chains episode of Charlie's Angels. But, yeah, he'll always be Grandpa Arnold to me.
  6. Yeah, when I saw this thread my first thought was, "Ross Geller." But then I realized that while he was a truly awful boyfriend to Rachel, he wasn't with other girlfriends (from what I remember; I lost interest in that show for a variety of reasons). Gregory House (House M.D.). Unlikable as he was, there was much about the character I enjoyed watching. But the idea anyone who knew him would want to get involved with him was something I just couldn't wrap my mind around.
  7. Ever since this post, those veneers are all I can see when I watch TV. It's not that I never noticed it before, but now I'm fixated on the ubiquity.
  8. Pretty much every time Brenda and Sharon share a scene is a favorite moment for me, and I have a positively irrational degree of affection for the scene in Dead Man's Hand where they demonstrate how Allie Moore and Sgt. Dunne switched gun barrels to make it look like he was the one who'd shot her husband. They're synchronized, and I adore it. Also, the "we don't like each other" scene at the end of that episode. And Raydor's little wave when Brenda comes into Pope's office in the beginning. Plus everything in between, really. But those moments especially.
  9. When it comes to speakers, size matters. This small speakers trend is one that can happily pass me by.
  10. I haven't seen Claire Danes in much since My So-Called Life, and I continue to adore her as Angela Chase, but fucking around with someone while his long-term partner was pregnant was bad enough, but then even many years later talking about it like, "Oh, oops, I was young and that was a hard time for me" rather than "I was part of something really shitty, regret it, and wouldn't do that again" has made me glad I haven't seen her in much of anything since then. I remember reading she turned around and cheated on Crudup with her now-husband, but I've never seen that confirmed. Jared Leto, by multiple personal accounts over the years, has always been an asshole. And presumably will always be an asshole; it's quite the consensus. I still have a MSCL marathon every couple of years, but, yeah, it is a little hard to preserve those two in amber as their teenage characters.
  11. I don't take a bath without candles - or wine - but I've never mastered the TV art of creating a layer of bubbles a foot thick that strategically covers my private parts no matter how I move or how long I'm in the tub. I guess you buy that bubble bath the same place you buy the L-shaped sheets.
  12. The Faux News crew, yeah. Helen Hunt. I know it's been a while since she's been on TV, but I just cannot stand her. She's just one big collection of repetitive tics to me rather than an actor playing characters. Whoever hosts that Pioneer Woman cooking show. The food looks like hot buttered ass anyway, so I'm not sad I can't watch the show because of her, but she comes off as incredibly annoying and slightly deranged -- her smile is creepy. David Caruso. I like his voice, but something about the whole package just makes me want to punch him. Scott Conant (Chopped judge). The man once through a temper tantrum because a chef with an injured hand use tongs to hold her fish while she filleted it, huffing that she disrespected it. Disrespected. The dead fish. Apparently, bleeding on it would have been more honorable. And there's the fact he screws his employees out of proper wages, of course. See, also, Geoffrey Zakarian from the same show. Skip Bayless (bloviating ESPN host). He can't successfully argue a point, so he just shouts down those who can. Dr. Phil. Do I even need an explanation for this one?
  13. Doesn't the cash register do the math for them? I never carry coins anymore (I just keep some in my car for parking meters), but I used to have cashiers stare at me in confusion when I'd hand them coins along with bills in order to get back a nice even amount, rather than more coins or a bunch of one-dollar bills, but then when they'd punch the amount tendered into the machine and see my change due pop up, they'd have a light bulb moment.
  14. Yes, exactly! I watch this show primarily for their friendship, and secondarily for the interaction of everyone at work (the actual cases they're working on, not so much). So it baffles me why, in our final hours with these characters, the writers have them working separately so often and especially why they keep setting up scenarios where they're both going to move on to something different professionally. It's not impossible to make the latter scenario feel natural; they did on The Closer. But there it made sense - they had to move Brenda out of the LAPD to pave the way for Major Crimes. In this typical scenario, where the show is just going to end without a spin-off, why oh why would you send the characters off to something different than what we've spent all these years enjoying?
  15. That's why the "Don't limit me" slogan doesn't strike me as the best, although I certainly understand the impetus behind it. There are limits on what these people can do. There are limits on what all of us can do. We have physical, intellectual, emotional, financial, etc. circumstances that we can overcome, and we have those we can't change. The latter limit us. So, as I said, I understand the push-back against the ignorance and bias that lead so many to treat those with DS as if they're all the same, and incapable of doing just about anything. But we can also see from the families profiled on this show that some of them have gone too far, and not been realistic with their kids about what that individual person can and cannot do.
  16. Among my immediate neighbors, we all occasionally toss stuff into each others' bins once they're at the curb (because ours is full and theirs has room). A trash-related non-peeve, I guess: Some people are annoyed when people come by after the bins have been put out and sort through the recycle bins for things they can take to a recycling center for cash. I could not get upset about that if I tried! All I care about is that it's recycled, so if someone whose life has reached a point where they need to collect cans and bottles for cash wants it after I put it out, they are welcome to it. I understand being upset if they make a mess or if they're rattling their shopping cart down the street late at night, and certainly understand being upset if someone seems to be studying papers, looking for info that can be used in identity theft, but the most-common scenario, where some person just trying to get by is pulling out cans, closing the bin, and being on their way?
  17. I dislike so many of the films on that Harper's Bazaar list (so much sexist tripe, and then so many just bland, boring films) it is clear the editors and I are not on the same page across the board, but it was particularly noticeable how white and heterosexual the list was. Accurately or not, the exceptions felt to me like tokens, as if someone looked over the approved list and went, "Uh, guys, maybe we should toss in a film with POC and one with a same-sex relationship -- can an intern Google for a list of those and pick one each?"
  18. And those in which a character, in order to set a romantic mood, lights dozens of candles -- yet somehow the room is still only dimly lit. Conversely, a single candle (easily retrieved and lit upon a power outage) readily illuminates an entire room.
  19. Maybe, maybe you'd hate them all. I live in Los Angeles, so there are plenty of good options here. I've had some faux versions of various meats that I found tasty, but they were definitely the exception and I've never had any that were an acceptable replacement (for this omnivore) of the thing they purported to mimic. If my personal rules for the ethical consumption of animal products required I give them up entirely, I'd be mostly down to vegetables and pasta. But, fundamentally, I join with all you fine people here who have said scrutinizing other people's dietary choices - or making a big production of their own - is a peeve. Just order your food and enjoy! Other shared peeves? People who don't recycle, even though the city makes it so easy to do so. It is almost the least we can do, short only of nothing! Reducing and reusing are more important, but recycling plays a role and it's quite convenient in many places. To shove recyclable materials into the rubbish bin rather than the equally-sized and just-as-frequently-collected recycle bin in my city makes me want to bop neighbors over the head. Also, dismissive doctors. I've generally had good luck over the years, but there have been a couple of notable exceptions (who, with all due credit to my insurance company since they are so often - and so often rightly - maligned, were easy to replace).
  20. I can't even bother with most of the things that were unrealistic, but -- duck a l'orange as pub food? I thought this was a boring episode, and that's probably why I kept dozing off. Maybe I slept through something scintillating, but I doubt it. This show is really limping to the finish line.
  21. Fish tacos are ubiquitous here. I don't often order/make them, but I could eat shrimp tacos several times a week and not tire of them.
  22. Presumably you can take care of a child, even a child with special needs, on your own. Megan can't now, and probably not ever. Kris can't tell her, "Do not have a baby," but she can tell her, "I will not help you raise a baby." But if Megan goes out and gets knocked up by a guy who isn't capable of and willing to do all the things Megan can't do, can Kris realistically just step back and say, "I warned you; figure it out"? Not really. It's a complicated issue, and one I like seeing explored.
  23. I came in only for the final reveal of the Torrance house, and I scared my cat laughing. These kitchen designs are just so fucking ridiculous in their repetition -- subway tile, farmhouse sink, barn door, faux beam made of "reclaimed wood," cabinets of two different colors, open floor plan, pendant lighting, Shaker cabinets, shades of grey for the paint and countertop, stainless steel finish appliances, that big arched faucet. Lather, rinse, repeat. I don't care how much of it you comped, you could not give me a kitchen that looks like everyone else's. But beyond personal preference, this makes for horribly boring TV. Which is why it's been a very long time since I made it a point to watch.
  24. One theory about roller coasters and getting older is that your inner ear fluid thickens as you age, and that affects your ability to ride a roller coaster without suffering symptoms. I pretty much lived on roller coasters during my teens, but it tapered off and I was probably about 30 the last time I rode one. I have no idea what would happen now (over ten years later); I basically lost interest, but it would be a little bit of a bummer if I lost the ability. Maybe I should experiment -- and hope not to wind up nauseated with an aching head. I never could handle the spinning rides at any age; my motion sickness kicked in big time.
  25. Sorry it took me so long to see the question, but funky-rat's answer can stand as my own.
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