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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Joey Lucas and Al Keifer Sam and Lisa - I don't even remember her. I remember that Lisa is the name of his ex-fiancée, but not a thing about actually meeting her. Toby and Andi - They were interesting as exes, and then the stupid pregnancy and remarriage harassment came along and ruined both of them
  2. The first trailer is out. I'm sure I'll hate with the heat of a nova the William stuff, and the overall tone of this isn't doing anything for me, but there are some individual moments I'm interested in, so we'll see.
  3. I like Madam, as it's the equivalent of Sir, rather than Ma'am or Miss, because I find it ridiculous to differentiate based on age for women. But for some reason only Ma'am and Miss are in widespread use; people seem to think they need to choose from those two. Maybe because of that, I've reached a point where I don't get annoyed by Ma'am, despite its offensive history, unless the person is actively making an age-based insult by using it (rather than trying to be respectful, unaware they're using a word many find to be the exact opposite). Miss can easily sound incredibly patronizing, like a verbal pat on the head (in fact, to me it almost always does), so I actually hate that one more. But, as with Ma'am, I try not to reflexively react to the word alone, because for whatever reason Madam largely disappeared, people are choosing from two bad options.
  4. Joey Lucas and Al Keifer - Because, ew. And because it was done solely to give Josh that Hallmark movie moment where he goes to the door of his dream girl, only to have it opened by his nemesis. Get this kind of crap off my show! CJ and Marco - So random and weird Donna and Jack Reese - This made every episode in which it appeared worse
  5. Hmm, which of the many awful options to pick today? Toby and Rhonda Sam and Laurie - Patently offensive, where a man's refusal to take no for an answer is presented as charming. CJ and Danny - More of the same. This was briefly a cute flirtation that both parties knew couldn't ever be anything else, and then it was him refusing to acknowledge her very obvious concerns and objections. Then he blessedly disappeared, and then suddenly he's back and they're dating and then the finale revelation that I didn't even see and yet will never get over.
  6. Welcome to the forum, Bilgistigirls.
  7. For old shows that just have one "All Episodes" thread, the site policy is no spoiler tags. If it's a forum for an old show that has season threads, though, you have to use spoiler tags mentioning in an early season thread something that doesn't happen until a later season. I tried watching this show recently when I was cat-sitting at my parents' house (it comes on a station they get but I don't), and I found myself annoyed with a lot of the characters, even though I'd liked most of them the first time around. Add in the normalization - or even celebration - of police brutality that always bothered me, and I couldn't get drawn in. One thing that I still laugh remembering, though, is when Sipowicz meets new partner Simone for the first time, nothing much happens beyond Bobby asking, "How's it going?" or something like that, and next thing Andy is in Fancy's office saying, "This isn't going to work." Andy as the asshole you nonetheless love to watch turned into Andy the insufferable asshole after a while, but in the beginning he amused me a lot.
  8. I don't think they had romantic chemistry at all; whenever the show tried to go down that road, it felt horribly forced to me. They had a number of amusing moments as boss/assistant, but as a romantic pairing they have not one redeeming feature to me, which is why they got my vote over pairings I just found uninteresting. My votes may be all over the place this game - with only four options I actually like, I've got a lot of voting off to do.
  9. Not remembering if you locked your car is one of those things where something is so routine you do it without forming a specific memory of pushing the button/turning the key, so you walk away and think, "Wait, did I lock it? Yeah, I did. Or do I just think I did, because I always do?" So I don't understand how if one is prone to thinking, "I don't remember if I turned the key/pushed the button" they aren't with one of these annoying devices just going to change to thinking, "I don't remember if I heard the horn."
  10. Thirty three couples/potential couples and I only like four of them. Josh and Donna - I think this is the only time I've simultaneously found each person too good for the other and not good enough for the other. Just awful. CJ and Simon Donovan - You have to write a really bad storyline to make me want Mark Harmon off my screen, but Sorkin managed it. Congratulations, Aaron. Toby and Officer Rhonda - Pointless, rather than actively annoying like the above, but it occured in the midst of an offensive storyline, so it ranks lower than it should.
  11. Oh, yeah - if we were going to include all of them on the list, that would be unworkable. I was thinking of other games I've played, where we compile a list first and then play -- basically, relationships no one cares about don't clutter up the list in the first place, because they never get nominated; you're just voting on relationships that have been nominated, to see how they wind up ranking.
  12. That's my winner. My vote is for just a Favorite Relationship game, rather than separate games for romantic relationships, friendships, working partnerships, familial bonds, etc. But I'll play whatever gets posted.
  13. I think if making a character pregnant wasn't in consideration before the actor playing her got pregnant, it shouldn't suddenly become a storyline just because of that pregnancy. Baggy clothes, big purses, standing behind things, carrying things, etc. -- yes, the audience can tell the actor is pregnant, but can grasp the concept that the character is not. Julia Louis-Dreyfus was pregnant twice during Seinfeld, and the audience completely rolled with the fact that Elaine was not. This "Well, we had to write the pregnancy into the show" thing that crops up as a defense when the pregnancy/baby is a bad storyline is hogwash; no, you chose to. And if it makes no sense for the character, or drags the show down, that's on you, not the woman playing the character.
  14. Same here; this thread has been a good perspective check for me. It doesn't mean the things my parents do that aggravate me aren't annoying or wrong, just that those actions from people who have always made clear they love, value, and are proud of me should be dealt with in that context. I think I usually do, but it's a good reminder.
  15. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    From the linked article, when she followed up with him after the press conference, and he allowed maybe he should have said it was funny to hear “reporters” talk about routes and that, if she actually did know about them, then she knew more than most reporters, she ended by asking Newton – whom she had introduced herself to on the first day of her employment with The Observer in October 2016 – if he knew her name after she had covered the team almost every day for the past year. Newton said he did not. “Jourdan Rodrigue, Charlotte Observer,” she said, and then walked away. Go ahead, Ms. Rodgrigue.
  16. The Allstate (?) guy who leaves the toilet seat up in retaliation for his family ignoring him as he drives is back, and I'm not sure whether this is a new commercial, or a shortened version of the first commercial focusing on something I didn't notice the first time around, but this time he's talking about the discount (or maybe cash back thing) he gets and doesn't share "with Mom." And then he glances at his wife (who, of course, has headphones in her ears and is ignoring him) and asks, "Right, Mom?" I find that FAR more creepy than his passive-aggressive toilet seat revenge. Referring to your wife/husband as Mom/Dad when talking to your children is completely harmless to me - e.g. saying "Go tell Mom dinner is ready" rather than "Go tell your mom dinner is ready" - but referring to them that way when talking to anyone else, and, especially, directly addressing them as Mom or Dad makes me shudder.
  17. Yes! While non-verbal, it's a quote in its own right.
  18. While the person using it might not have these intentions, "ma'am" has a history of ageism. Like the sexist nonsense where men just got to be "Mister," but women were "Miss" until they got married, and then they were "Mrs," men were simply "Sir," while women were either "Miss" or "Ma'am" depending on their age.
  19. Maybe if they didn't have so damn much on the screen at once, someone would have noticed sooner.
  20. Celestial Navigation by a mile. Doing a comedic episode of a drama well is harder, and they nailed it on every level.
  21. I cannot stand hearing women referred to as girls. One must ignore a whole lot of history to do so, and I'm unwilling. I think adults using cutesy euphemisms for genitalia was my first post in this thread. And I've complained about saying vagina when talking about the vulva in other threads. Both habits bug me.
  22. Voting off Bartlet for America 1. Celestial Navigation 2. In the Shadow of Two Gunmen
  23. I was driving to the airport as his hospitalization on life support was announced, and just as I arrived it was announced that he'd been taken off life support. I - possessing a basic understanding of science - took this to mean exactly what was said: life support had been removed, and thus extrapolated that natural death would inevitably follow. As I got back in my car to drive my parents back to their house, it was reported he'd died, and I thought that was quick. Then by the time I got them home, the media had entered the "Wait, not dead yet" phase. What an unnecessarily muddled mess! I don't know many of Tom Petty's albums, and know even less about him off-stage, but I like almost all of his singles. I don't need to know more than that to say he was a true talent, and to die days into retirement (especially at his age) is a shame.
  24. Back when you made such things on VHS and shared via snail mail, a friend of a friend made a fan video of our favorite soap opera couple set to that song, and I have loved it ever since.
  25. What drove me nuts about that was she'd always immediately go on to say it properly. "Add in about two tablespoons of EVOO, extra virgin olive oil." So her stupid little initialism didn't save any time, which is generally the point, since she always explained what it meant.
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