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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Lettuce wraps are common here, but I want some bread, so I never get them that way.
  2. Oh, I'm not rooting for Peter! Roger has every bit as much of a connection to Reese as Peter does, and, more importantly, Reese has just as much of a connection to Roger as he does to Peter. Neither one is his biological father, and while Roger came into his life later than Peter did, a) Reese was quite young when he did, so he doesn't remember the time before him, and b) Roger's house was Reese's primary residence. Peter was unequivocally wrong in refusing to work with Roger on a visitation schedule, and when you won't act like a reasonable person and make your decisions in the best interests of the child, family court will do it for you.
  3. You're ahead of me -- I won't even eat the yolks that way. My omelettes and scrambles must be egg whites only. I was so happy when people started freaking out about egg yolks and cholesterol, because then it became the norm for restaurants to offer egg dishes made with the whites only. My preference was solely about taste, not any health concerns, but it was that period of widespread health concern that made my tastes easy to accommodate; as a kid, I pretty much had to only eat eggs at home, because I got tired of servers and cooks being confused by what I wanted. Same with when people got hyper-conscious of the carbs in bread. I'm not a big bread person, so it can easily overwhelm the good stuff in sandwiches -- I like them made as a wrap or a pita pocket instead. Again, easy at home, but not offered in a lot of restaurants. Cue carb freak-out, and I could go just about anywhere and request that my sandwich be made as a wrap instead.
  4. Second choice of the four (ugh, this was hard, because my next choice is not one of those four): Josh and C.J.
  5. Yep, that in the wild he'd have spent much of his time hunting for prey, so being fed dog food and treats with no work was what led to his crazy size. So when they showed him at the zoo, performing for treats, I groaned. I hope he has a very large enclosure and spends only a small percentage of his time being trotted out for the public so that in time he can get back down to a healthy size.
  6. That was my first thought, too, and I also knew it couldn't be right. I did come up with the answer before it was revealed, but not in the time the contestants had. I said Archbishop of Canterbury as a joke guess, not at all believing it to be right, so I laughed at Nan's joke guess of "Archbishop ... of ... the world," and was stunned to find out my "I have no idea so I'll say something stupid" answer turned out to be right. Alex did a nice job concealing his disgust at how bad they did in the category about Canadian national parks. Not even a snarky comment.
  7. I haven't captured a picture yet, but Riley sometimes sleeps like that, or with her front legs tucked somewhere, but also manages to arrange her back legs so that her rear is even more elevated -- she's basically sleeping on her head with her butt way up in the air like that little kid in the movie Parenthood. When I was growing up, we had a cat who'd routinely sleep looking like roadkill -- I'd have never thought the feline body could twist in that many directions at once, but hers did. In the meantime, here is the version of Riley as Yoga Kitty I do have captured:
  8. Carter, I still love you, but mocking the very notion that people get upset when their pets die is gross. I'm sure they put it in to segue to the Gamma revelation, but I found it off pitch for him to make a point of bringing it up after the fact (and then continuing to tease, even when Susan shared her own experience). It seems more likely to me he wouldn't have registered it all, but if he had it would have been a passing thought that it's nice Susan took a moment to acknowledge the patient's grief and calm her down so everyone could focus on her medical care.
  9. I've seen no evidence Malucci ever respected anyone at the hospital. Maybe Mark, or at least he didn't disrespect Mark. He was an unprofessional asshole, and I'm glad to have him off my screen. If the job was so important to him because he had a kid to support, maybe he should have taken it seriously any one of the other however many times he got written up. Kerry fired him when she did in order to make him, as Romano said, a good old-fashioned scapegoat, and that was an asshole move. But based on his record, the review process they talked about would likely have resulted in termination being approved. And given the way he spoke to and about people in the past, I thought his parting shot at Weaver was sadly characteristic. It was, however, cheap storytelling to focus on him for that episode, complete with elevator heroics, and toss in a throwaway line about a kid, all because it was his last episode.
  10. "Elizabeth, if I ever needed surgery, or Reese did, I'd come to you." Aww. I love their friendship.
  11. Ree Drummond is straight-up creepy to me, between that demented clown smile and a voice I'd stick my head in an oven to escape from. Good thing I'd rather eat my cat's food than hers, so I'm not missing anything by not being able to watch her show. And whenever I read something about how she lives her life (sometimes posters in forums for cooking shows I do watch will make reference to her), I invariably think, "Of course she does." So, yeah, she's on my list, too.
  12. I got teary right along with Hook's mom, too, but good on her for doing right by him. I'm not a proponent of zoos, but the wild wasn't an option, a cage wasn't a good option, so -- zoo it is. That was one huge opossum; I have them in my yard at night (some have lived in my woodpile over the years, including one I named - Mickey - for her/his oversized ears), and they are about half Hook's size! I've seen "my" opossum's claws, but never their teeth; I didn't realize they were so big. I watched this episode with my mom, and when Dr. Jeff was trying to get Daphne to use her leg, I told my mom, "This reminds me of trying to get you to sit with your knee in the right position [after her knee replacement surgeries]."
  13. The husband learning his wife died because she took too much of her medication (they only speak Spanish, but the instructions were in English - "once" was read as "eleven" so she was taking eleven pills per day rather than one) is brutal. When he keeps repeating that they followed the instructions, I just want to hug him.
  14. Aw, Robert Guillame. But 89 certainly ain't bad. His return to Sports Night after his stroke (which was written into the show) was one of my favorite moments of the series. "Hey, Lady - are you planning to get my show on the air any time soon?" Cue chills at hearing that voice again, slightly altered.
  15. Oh gods, it's the teenage Rachel. I have to hand it to the producers: I wouldn't have thought any version of Rachel could be more annoying than the kid version, but they pulled it off. I'm so glad to be done with Malucci, and the way he went out seems consistent to me. I laughed out loud when Carter asked Abby if they'd be wearing ski masks (to sneak the replacement fish tank into Luka's apartment). I like them together, but it sounds like that will change in a hurry. Romano signing to Reese was adorable.
  16. I hardly ever record anything, so I don't have a DVR - I'm not paying a monthly fee for something I'm only going to use occasionally. When I do record something, I record it onto DVD (sometimes onto VHS if I'm just going to watch it and record over it and I'm out of discs). It's a bit weird to me how DVD-Rs have gone the way of the dodo; I like having what I recorded on a disc, so I can watch it anywhere, plus I always hear people talking about their DVR crapping out and them losing all their recordings. No thanks. So my peeve is the move toward scrambling programming so that it can't be recorded onto disc.
  17. I dislike one large sink only, or one large sink and one tiny sink with the disposal, rather than a double sink, but that's personal preference -- my issue with farmhouse sinks on this show is designers putting them in every.fucking.kitchen lately, regardless of whether that style of sink works with the overall aesthetic of the kitchen, not to mention whether its functional pros and cons work out to a favorable option for the HHs, whose typical way of using a sink is, of course, never discussed in choosing one.
  18. Well, rest assured they are not sparing even half a thought for you. You have far more humanity towards them than they do you, guaranteed. It's a wonderful quality in you, but don't let it override reality. You did the right thing. Those of us with strong work ethics ("over-developed senses of responsibility" as a friend once described it when we were both dithering on leaving soul-sucking jobs because, but, wait, if we leave, things will fall apart and others will suffer) are valuable, but also easy targets for America's corporate culture. We need to protect ourselves in such situations; that's a time in which prioritizing ourselves and letting the chips fall where they may for others is healthy, not selfish.
  19. No, which is what brought the emotion for me - he tried every tired fairy tale there is for kids (she went away, she's sleeping and can't ever wake up, she went to be with God, etc.) and then finally said, "Mommy's dead." Not that Reese grasps that any better, but that's what was poignant; this kid's life is about to change dramatically (there's also a custody battle between Peter and Roger looming), which is horrible for anyone, but he's not even able to properly grasp why.
  20. Good for both of you, @emma675 and @Hero! I do not at all believe the "don't quit unless you have something else lined up" rule should be a universal guideline, and both circumstances were such that I would indeed classify as "get the fuck out now" exceptions. Congratulations, and I wish you good fortune in your job searches.
  21. Charlie and Josh Ainsley and Sam
  22. Ah, the infamous Malucci, Chen, and Weaver all screw up, and Weaver covers her ass storyline, I presume. Abby and Luka's argument was cracking me up in the beginning, because they sounded like every couple ever. "What, now you're mad?" And, yeah, it got a little dusty in here when Peter was trying to explain to Reese that Carla died.
  23. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    He looks almost like a different player this year, and is slipping down the draft charts fast. A bust before he even gets to the NFL? It's a shame, and I hope he gets his groove back, because he's a very good player and the kind I think could succeed as an NFL quarterback.
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