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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Other than Lutheranism, I ran the first round. I wasn't quite as sharp in DJ, but it was still a good game for me. Poacher and three-point landing were the only TS that surprised me tonight, especially the former. (Sandra Cisneros disappointed me, but didn’t surprise me). Two of them not knowing Robert Kennedy was Attorney General (or maybe knowing that but not knowing Attorney General = Justice Dept.) also threw me for a loop.
  2. I don't think so. Kids called by juvenile-sounding variations on their name often switch when they become adults (e.g. a Robert called Bobby switching to Bob or Robert), but going by initials doesn't sound inherently child-like. He got called David Jacob only a handful of times, David just once, and while those are only the instances we heard, I think they're probably representative of his life -- he was called D.J. over 95% of the time, so that's probably how he thinks of himself. Especially among the family (because even some of those Bobs are still Bobby when they're with their parents/siblings), and especially in this family, where everyone hearing "David" will automatically think David Healy, not David Jacob Conner.
  3. I found Doug and Carol's absence far more distracting than their presence would have been; they wouldn't have caused any different reaction in me than did seeing Benton, Cleo, or Dr. Swift. I think my favorite guest appearance at the funeral is Dr. Swift (Michael Ironside) - it had been several years since he'd been at County, he wasn't there very long, and they weren't overly close, but "Jester" still showed up for "Goose's" funeral out of professional respect and that tickles me. The Letter and On The Beach were on today, and I watched parts of both. Carter reading the letter, and everyone else moving on but Susan catching his face when he reads the addendum from Elizabeth - I love that moment when she knows what it says from his reaction. Also Kerry reading the letter, and later her watching Romano read it.
  4. I frequently make an asparagus salad, with red onion, pecorino cheese, olive oil and either red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar. But I've never had asparagus that has been frozen, so I'm not sure if it would be good raw. Cooked, asparagus is great in stir fry, pasta dishes, omelettes/scrambles, etc. You can add some stuff to it when you roast it if you want to just change things up a bit - I usually just drizzle with olive oil and season, but sometimes I like roasting it with garlic and rosemary, or topping it with gremolata. And asparagus soup is great; the usual cream of asparagus, or a lemon asparagus soup. And, of course, asparagus wrapped in bacon or prosciutto is delicious.
  5. I certainly remember Crying Pam, but I don't have a clue about the Brown Jessie episode, so I'll try to catch that one. I don't know when I quit watching, but I only ever remember one carpenter; two makes a lot more sense, so if they're actually reducing manufactured drama this time around, I'll be happy - stunned, but happy. I would love that - a "What Does It Look Like Now?" segment on some of the most notorious rooms. Some of the homeowners have undoubtedly moved out, and many who remain to show today's look/explain the process wouldn't have taken video of the process of fixing the mess the designers left them with, but it would still be feasible.
  6. One more and then I promise I'm done for the night. C is for the chicken water Roseanne gave Dan
  7. Next round ... A is for the Allens, who are out of spice
  8. I watched the black and white episode last night, and I wouldn't have wanted either room in my home, but at least the couple doing the black room knew their friends were actually going to dig it, and they did. Their friends knew they were going to hate the white room. I know they're pretty much stuck, by having signed up for the show, and the designer is going to do what he wants no matter what they say (well, certainly if the designer is Doug, because he's an asshole), but they could have at least told Doug, "If you want this window molding they spent untold hours sanding painted, you are going to have to do it yourself. I'll paint the walls, I'll even paint the floor since you've protected the wood underneath, and I'll paint all this white furniture, but I am not personally going to be responsible for the windows or the fireplace." Because Doug would never put in that much work.
  9. No, all the clues sought who one person was in relation to the other person, not who they were to each other. So the answers were "mother," "nephew," etc. and thus "brother-in-law," not "brothers-in-law."
  10. Well, I don't like that one, either. I'm sure it has slipped out, but I like to say, "I searched for/looked up" rather than "I Googled."
  11. Despite finding Shelby a selfish twit, I love this movie. One of my favorite little moments is at the house after Shelby's funeral, when Ouiser pauses to lightly touch Drum on his back before walking on behind him. That (and his smile in response) is the perfect gesture between two people who spend a good amount of their time antagonizing each other.
  12. I thought when the revival was announced, her kids banned her from Twitter and years worth of her tweets were scrubbed. Now she's posting her lunatic shit again? Shut up so I can just enjoy the show!
  13. I can't believe none of them knew the Richard Nixon quote! (At least Alex didn't say it was before their time, but of course he couldn't help himself when they also were stumped by The Carpenters.) The champagne and elder/senior TS surprised me, too. I like that it was the two women who ran the baseball category. I love word puzzle categories! I ran that one. I lucked into Colorado for FJ just like Emily did; I figured it was one of the states in that area of the country, and randomly picked that one as my guess.
  14. No, he took the deal to avoid the possibility of a life sentence, which was on the table because it was a third strike.
  15. U is for The Ultimate, where Becky and her friends shopped for dresses.
  16. As a "third striker," he's not eligible for early release (via work credits, good behavior, etc.); he has to do the full fifteen years. And then he'll have to serve his parole period in CA.
  17. My peeve is that this discussion somehow placed a curse upon my printer, and I had to clean the nozzles in order to print tonight. (I'm also peeved that I'm working at 9:00, but at least it's on personal stuff; I'm piecing together into completion some investment stuff I'd let slide beyond what I needed to know for taxes - first world problem!)
  18. I know that, and have no idea how my fingers typed David instead of Mark. Thanks for pointing it out; I'll edit.
  19. I usually don't like or dislike contestants - they're just vessels for the clues to be revealed - and, continuing that trend, I didn't notice Emily last night, but tonight I quite liked her for some reason. If anyone had missed FJ, I'd have thrown something at the TV. The mortgage TS was my surprise for the night. The Lone Ranger and lynching, too, but that's the one that had me saying, "Really?" aloud.
  20. Yes, Mark being the oldest Healy child (they also have two younger sisters, Lisa and Nikki; when the dad left, he took them with him). Mark and Becky started dating first, then David and Darlene.
  21. When I watched soaps, it was the opposite -- SORAS (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome), where a character was born one year, was a kid just a couple of years after that, a teenager in another few years, and then suddenly an adult running their parents' company. Since they're playing a bit fast and loose with what was real and what was the book, maybe Harris wasn't really born when we thought she was, maybe she didn't come along until later -- when Roseanne wrote the book, she wrote Darlene and David having a baby when they were really young (although why on earth you'd do that in a book that is supposed to be fixing what was bad about real life, I do not know), and named it Harris, and then later when they did have a kid, Darlene thought that was a really cool name and used it. Because if season nine didn't happen, then Harris wasn't born, at least not then. I'm sure they just want us to ignore the discrepancy and go with it because having a mini-Darlene teenager in the mix is one of the best things about this revival, and I will. And I don't think they want to touch the book thing ever again - they dispensed with it in the first episode to explain Dan's existence, and just want to move on. But if I really felt compelled to make sense of Harris's age, the book would give me a way.
  22. She's always been nutty, and, while it has become extreme, the inconsistent opinions and conspiracy theories have always been there with her; this isn't hitting them entirely out of left field. They all became very close while filming those nine seasons, and stayed in contact all these years since, so there's a strong connection that is somehow withstanding this major test thus far.
  23. Yes, it was the champ; Alex commented on it.
  24. L is for the Little Maggot, Roseanne's boss at the fast food restaurant.
  25. Moline is where her parents were living at the time, and she was explaining that she got her new haircut there while visiting. No flying.
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