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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I was putting stuff away as the show started, so only half paying attention to the intros and missed hearing what everyone did for a living. What did each of the four of them do, so that in both houses it was the husbands' money? Wasn't it a concrete floor? They probably put down the epoxy paint a lot of people with "finished" garages use on the floors; it's sparkly.
  2. Bastet

    Book Club (2018)

    I hope this movie is a lot better than it sounds - 50 Shades of Sexist Crap as inspiration for anything, really? - because this is a great cast. Fonda's Grace and Frankie (on which she's an exec producer, not just actor) handles sex and romance for older women fantastically, so I want to think she, especially, wouldn't sign up for dreck.
  3. At which point she got a serious look of doom on her face and said something along the lines of, "Sorry to hear that." There was also a point at which she acknowledged he hates purple and doesn't want a Prince room. I think that's what annoyed me most about the stripper pole -- it was so "outdated" as these decorating shows like to proclaim things. The stripper pole as exercise equipment trend was about 15 years ago. The only use it will get now, beyond the occasional sexy times between the couple, is drunk guests swinging around on it and falling.
  4. When Clinton described it to the homeowner, saying the whole word wouldn't fit on one piece of glass so they'd do one saying "cock" and one saying "tails," I fully expected some sort of reaction. But nothing (at least as was shown). And nothing at the reveal, other than a continued objection to the existence of color. It's not as if this show has shied away from innuendo, especially this season. That project came out a lot better than I expected based on what it looked like halfway through. I'm sure everyone who comes over will channel their inner adolescent and snicker about it, though, so it's down to whether that amuses or bothers them. Assuming she can live with blue existing in the world, and doesn't get rid of it just for that reason.
  5. There wasn't really drama, just strong reactions during the reveals. From the promos, I was afraid they were going to go really offensive with the editing, playing up the Angry Black Woman stereotype, but they wound up being presented as reasonable to work with, completely uncensored in the initial shock of a reveal (which meant being negative disproportionate to the rooms), and then pretty good natured when they settled down from that emotional moment. They just shouldn't have gone on the show; they both have very definite, very narrow, style desires, and money to burn. They should have done to the basements whatever they did to the rest of their houses (hired decorators, done it themselves, whatever) if they were going to "oh, hell to the no" the inevitable reveal they got something different out of TS, so hopefully they did it for kicks, 15 minutes of fame, whatever, and happily accepted the experience for what it was and redid their rooms to their tastes. There was some "Our friendship is over" talk from one of the HOs, and she sounded right bitter when she said it, but by the time she came over to her friends' house, she was mock strangling her and joking around, so I give her the benefit of the doubt she was not another Brown Jesse. If Clinton dishes more on The Chew on why he disliked the whole experience so much, hopefully that will be reported here.
  6. You guys have the Blue right, but it's the Blue Swan (both the motel and the restaurant). They went back to celebrate the anniversary of their first time. What did they order at the restaurant both times?
  7. "Happy wife, happy life" and turning her shirt into a tutu made me think she was going to bug me, but I wound up liking her and thought it was really nice when Hildi said she and her husband were two of her favorite homeowners to work with. I liked the other couple, too, right up until the reveal. By the time they came over to the other house, she was a lot more relaxed, so I think I'd like everyone in person. When Clinton talked about faux brick, to be painted white, I thought that was going to be hideous, but it wound up being one of my favorite parts of the room. Hildi's walls sounded terrible to me, but I wound up thinking they worked for the room. They wouldn't for any other room in a home, but for a big ol' basement rec room, those crazy painted sticks somehow worked. Those strung balls, though? You have to be kidding me. Not quite as bad as a stripper pole and disco ball, and even easier to remove, so no big deal, but there's no way Hildi thought those looked good! Half of them had deflated.
  8. I’ll tell you who’s "cray" in this episode, and it’s the Prince woman. I thought she was fine while they were working together, but seeing her in the reveal, I'm starting to understand why Clinton said he fought with his HOs and found the experience miserable. But, on the flip side, he got short with her early on in day one, so I'm not sure he comes out smelling like a rose, either. Both these couples obviously have money coming out of their asses, and if she wants a room to spec, she needs to hire a damn designer, not go on this show. Same with the one who only likes white, grey, and black -- don’t go on the show, then. I wouldn’t have chosen either room, but I could make Hildi’s work really easily; it was far from "disgusting." Clinton's would take more change to be something I'd want in my home, but it had some nice elements.
  9. That one is especially horrible, because his final giant auto is pitched to a ridiculously large family -- not three kids, but FIVE kids (plus two dogs and a cat). It's bad enough to present it as a given that every one of these random couples will wind up having kids, but to act like it's a good thing to shit out that many new people into a world already suffering an overpopulation crisis (one of the downsides of which is needing an oversized gas-guzzling vehicle)? Sure, they could stay within the replacement rate with biological children and adopt the rest, but that's hardly the vibe the ad is going for. It's gross.
  10. I don't think so, because all the clues in that category were pretty much on that same level of easy, and the plumber one was later in the category, so they were used to it.
  11. I've never read (or seen) Around the World in 80 Days (I know!), but the clue made it obvious that was the book, so it was easy, but I had a moment of, "Crap! Who wrote that?!" before it came to me. That was the worst English accent I have ever heard on the Beckham clue. It sounded more like Ahnold, so it was funny for Schwarzenegger to pop up in a later clue in that category – it’s like Alex forgot which one he was reading when he decided to do the accent on the Beckham clue, because he can do better than that. I liked the Quick Fix category, and cannot believe plumber was a TS. I know I’m handier than the average person, but come on. I got one of the regular biblical clues, and the DD in that category, which means both were way too easy.
  12. I don't think she thought The Simpsons is set in L.A., or thought the clue referred to a show that is set in L.A. I think, because that was the first clue in the category, she still had the traditional definition of show runner (executive producer) in her head, didn't really pay attention to the clue before ringing in, and wound up guessing Los Angeles since that's where most shows are produced. I've only seen the episode Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny did in the '90s, and barely remember it, but the show has been ubiquitous enough in pop culture over the 173 years it has been on the air that I recognized one of the characters as being from The Simpsons and knew it was set in Springfield.
  13. Thank you, and I don't mean to derail the thread; when we have a better handle on things, I can post in Small Talk (hopefully with a good update!). I just know you all relate to being interrupted during J!, even when for a good cause. You have your mind clicking away, a nice little nightly exercise for it, and then - ring. And I really wanted more mayonnaise clues.
  14. I was interrupted by a phone call a short bit into DJ, so I missed almost half the game. From what I did see: I know I complain about this every time, but answers like that for the factoid clue irritate me – the clue sought the suffix Mailer added to fact, so the correct response is, “What is –oid?” not “What is factoid?” I know stuff like that is always accepted, but it also always bugs me. I like that the Show Runners category wound up being about TV characters who run, not executive producers. I didn’t know The Runners existed, but two actors + Boston made it easy to guess Affleck and Damon. And, yes, on one hand, on the Seinfeld clue, the contestant should have received a BMS prompt as to which marathon; it didn't say "this kind of race," it said "this race," and he was competing in the NYC Marathon. However, I don't think when conceiving the clue they were going for that level of specificity, so what really should have happened was them writing it better. I love wordplay categories like “Put a Lid On It,” and a category devoted to mayonnaise is right up my alley; if it was healthier, I’d eat it by the spoonful. I was on my way to a great game, and then had to take a call from one of my mom's doctors (the spinal fracture is actually the least of her recent problems; she's in treatment for metastatic cancer, and a recently-doubled dose of one drug turns out to be kicking her ass on multiple fronts, so we have a real balancing act to decide on now). This is supposed to be my half-hour nightly break to lose myself in other thoughts! I checked the archive, but it's not yet updated, so I decided to go ahead and read tonight's posts. I did first look up the FJ clue, and got it; it was one of the first films that popped into my head, and seemed to make sense, so that's what I went with.
  15. There was a blueprint. That's what started the conversation between Dan and Mark - Mark picked up the blueprints and asked about it, and Dan explained the guy whose house he was working on was having him make a birdhouse, too. At the end of that talk, Dan said he'd cut the pieces and then Mark could assemble it.
  16. Only Alex would start the show by pointing out how paltry the champ’s winnings were. A picture of Albert Einstein, seriously? And the Braille clue as a DD? What the hell has happened to this show? I loved the huddled masses category, though, so once they got going on that one, I was less cranky. I was pleased by the Asian capitals category, too; that’s the area of the world in which I’m weakest on capitals, but I ran it. The Islamabad clue seemed a bit too easy for a DD, though. Descartes was a surprising TS. I think there was only one TS that also stumped me, but that’s the one I was surprised to see no one get. FJ was an instaget, but I don't think I'd have even known it had I not seen Hamilton.
  17. This refers to Monday's game, and it was. My mom was in the ER, had been for 13 hours at the time the show started, and was on a pretty good dose of morphine. (Spinal fracture; with time she should be fine.) I was closer to the noise outside her room than the TV, so half the time I didn't even hear all the words in the clue. Yet we were both rattling off answers right and left.
  18. She wasn't just answering phones, she was also sweeping up hair (and then promoted to shampooing it), making coffee, washing towels, etc. She was the low woman on the totem pole, and I can see how that felt worse in a way than the Chicken Divine job, where at least everyone but The Little Maggot was at the same level, and I also understand why she wound up staying with the salon job for a while despite that, because of how her boss and co-workers treated her. The arc made sense to me - being reluctant to take the job (especially given how beaten down she was by her post-Wellman attempts at employment), deciding to take it because she liked the camaraderie despite the job itself, and eventually deciding to move on to a server job, where she'd once again be an equal to her co-worker and would make more in tips based on volume.
  19. This old-time viewer who has seasons worth of entire episodes memorized has no need to specifically hear what happened to The Lunchbox - it's an independent restaurant; the fact no one works there anymore and statistics on long-term success make it quite clear it closed down - Jackie's house - she downsized when it was just her again, presumably - Ed or Crystal's umpteen children - they're doing whatever they're doing, and I don't care if I don't hear about it this season, or ever - Mark's death - he died young and it sent his wife and brother into a tailspin; the specifics don't matter to me - etc. I am curious, since I didn't see last week's episode and only know about it what I read in the thread here, how Bev wound up in a home rather than the place in which she had a life tenancy, so that she could be kicked out and thus now has to live with family. But, it's a sitcom thing, so I assume that was not explained, and I said when the revival was first announced I'd like to see her living with Jackie temporarily, so I'll go with that, too. I like that Becky - who always got along with Bev best of anyone - took her in and then, because Bev is still Bev, lasted half a day. Jackie pretty much has to step up; it's not her fault her mom lost her home at the same time her sister took in an adult daughter and two teens, but that's the situation, and she lives alone in a two-bedroom apartment. It's better Bev stay there than at Roseanne's, where it makes Darlene and the kids have to all share a room (what happened to the basement bedroom?). And Becky saying Bev is currently having sex in her apartment with a really old guy, Jackie objecting that it's 4:00 in the afternoon, and Becky saying, "Yeah, they went to dinner, and then they came back and went at it," was hilarious! Roseanne was hobbling on her bad knee more noticeably in this than any other episode. I guess by this point in the original line-up of episodes, she's on less/different meds? Darlene was out of her damn mind acting like it was okay for Mark to make his bird summer house -- it wasn't a school assignment or a hobby, it was an order to spec -- but I liked her telling Mark life is about figuring out when you have to follow the rules and when it's okay to break them, and then cutting him off to say her rules, he must follow. She's trying, and I think her parenting missteps make a lot of sense in light of her past and current experiences, just as the same was true of Roseanne and Dan. Crystal drove me fucking nuts the first time around, so three meaningless lines of dialogue was just about right for me. But there's still a clip of her in promos that hasn't yet appeared, so I guess we see her again. And that's fine, too; she's part of the family. But bring on Anne Marie and Chuck!
  20. It seems so: I don't know if disliking Kellie Martin is unpopular, but save me a seat at the table regardless. I disliked Life Goes On for a lot of reasons (including Corky, which made me feel like an asshole), and she was near the top of the list. She went on to bug me in the few other things I saw her in. I hated her on ER and was so glad when they wrote her off (although, holy crap, I must admit those two episodes were so well done I was as upset about Lucy as I was Carter).
  21. D is for dead, which is what Becky tells Dan and Roseanne to say she is to anyone who calls for her (it must be serious – she’s not taking phone calls)
  22. Exactly; if cats deigned to write (rather than amusing themselves by watching us learn their language), they would spell correctly, put apostrophes in the right place, and use serial commas.
  23. Human. It's an I Can Has Cheezburger? type thing, where that's the cat's version of the word (yeah, right - like cats would misspell).
  24. Well, you don't have to worry about the Reba McEntire commercials lingering around too long, since the entire premise of the campaign is an ongoing list of celebrities taking turns with the role; the next one will be around soon enough. Flo commercials have been on the air for many, many moons now, so those annoyed by them are obviously not causing any losses for Progressive. You may have to continue waiting quite a while for those to go away.
  25. It's McEntire, but, yes, she's kinda creepy as Colonel Sanders.
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