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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. No, the lactose content is the same if you're drinking "regular" (milk that has the A1 protein) or A2 milk. The difference is in that protein; they're very similar, but there are claims the amino acid that's different in A1 increases the risk of several health conditions. I think the A2 protein is what cows used to produce, then factory farming/breeding practices led to A1 cows, but I don't drink enough milk to have bothered looking into it.
  2. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If the time comes that you want a long-term relationship with the potential to turn into a permanent one, and you're repeatedly unable to make that work and it's bringing you down, then, yeah, you need to take a good hard look at yourself. But if the situation is simply that you don't want that kind of relationship right now (or ever), that a series of short-term couplings that are good while they last and then amicably let go of once they've run their course is what makes you happy, that is totally healthy. Especially at your young age, but any time; so long as you're honest with yourself and your partners, do what works for you.
  3. Also, while there are some things you know exactly what you want before moving in, there are a number of things you need to live in the house a while before you know the specifics you want to change. That's what I have - a "breakfast nook" in the kitchen with a round table and four chairs, and then a separate dining room with a six-person table. If the kitchen didn't have such a space, I could easily just eat in the dining room (and, quite frankly, when I'm just eating a bowl of pasta or something, I eat plopped in the recliner), but I would hate not having a dining room - I am not "entertaining" guests across the room from the detritus of meal prep!
  4. Holy shit, there is literally nothing about this person that isn't annoying. And she's supposedly a real employee? That her coworkers haven't tossed her into the meat grinder just to spare themselves is an act of restraint so admirable they should all be given bonuses.
  5. When she went to the singles dance where she met Fisher, and she was dressed similarly to the Booker date scene you're describing when she went out with Roseanne, Dan, Chuck, Anne Marie, and Roger - who showed up with Nancy. She was dressed pretty nice on her date with Timothy Carhart's character, too ("Oh my god, you guys were just about to, like, do it. I'll just wait out in the hall -- holler when you're done!"). We didn't see what she wore on her first date with Fred, but they had sex for hours, so it must have been pretty good.
  6. Well, great minds do think alike. :-)
  7. Exactly! "Baxter Adam, get off your sister!" was a common refrain around here for his 13 years. Maddie hardly ever got full named, but she still knew that when "Madeleine Alice" came out, it was time to do whatever Mommy was saying. Riley is Riley Alexandra. I purposely gave Maddie and Baxter middle names starting with the same letter, and, while I wasn't deliberately thinking of A names, when I liked the sound of Alexandra with Riley, I decided to continue the tradition. So far, so good on Knox - yay! I hope the pathology report continues the good news.
  8. Yeah, well, you're right and he's a paranoid conservative. I'm glad you moved in with him and your sister-in-law when you did, and appreciate what a difficult time this is for him emotionally, but this is your life and death. This is probably fear manifesting as anger/denial/a desperate grasp at control on his part, so he has good intentions, but it's your money. He'll be thrilled if you're wrong and you outlive it.
  9. Try, because her outfit as a whole is a sight to behold (not to mention her moves). She has on ankle weights and aerobics sneakers, so she's not purporting to just add the prancing moves while walking home from lunch in order to burn more calories and use additional muscles -- that is what she donned to exercise.
  10. Knox's mom - hey, stranger! I'm sorry to hear all that Knox has been through lately, and hope the lump that gets removed tomorrow turns out to be harmless, or at least is removed with clear margins and requires no further treatment or worry. You are both quite due for a break. I know how stressful and draining it is to wait and worry, and then just when you catch your breath, bam, something new. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a good update from you. I'm sorry those in your life don't understand the depth of your feelings about this, but you know we do here, so pop in whenever we can help.
  11. Riley had a name I found rather stupid, but since she was about six years old, I wondered if it was fair to change it. She didn't seem to respond to it, so I figured it wouldn't really confuse her to begin with. And, yeah, I call her so many things I'm not sure she really knows her name is Riley any more than she knew her previous name. I have a mental list of names I like for cats (almost all are people names), and then I see which one seems to fit the cat. They all live the Life of Riley with me, but her "before" was the worst among any I'd ever adopted, so I knew she was the right one for the name. And since the little princess gets fed breakfast in bed every morning that I'm home, I'd say it fits. (Left to her own devices, she only eats at night. But if I bring her food in the morning [wherever she may be once the food is thawed, which is usually still in bed but sometimes on my desk], she'll eat it. Now, if I don't bring her breakfast, while she won't eat anything until 5:00 at the earliest, she will generally eat a full day's worth of food over the course of the night, so when I'm gone it's not a problem; she still gets the right amount of food. But she seems more energetic and playful when she eats twice a day, so, as long as I'm home, I bring her breakfast. Which she prefers to eat off my hand, rather than her plate. So, yeah - Riley.) Like Riley, Chester was an owner surrender, so he came into the shelter with a name. He was eight when my parents adopted him, and he knew his name, so we were all thankful we liked the name and it seemed to suit him. When my friend adopted my nephew Sherman (Shermie), also an owner surrender, he was twelve, but his name was just awful (I won't list it in case someone gave their beloved pet that name, but we both hated it), so she decided screw it, he's getting a new name. Plus, it seemed he'd had a crappy home, so we though it might be nice for him to associate the new name with the new and improved environment. I picked Sherman because he was the size of a tank, and Oscar for his middle name because he was a grouch. (Yes, Auntie Bastet named him - she invited me over his first night home, and we kicked around names and it wound up being my suggestions that stuck.) In short time, he was neither. So he's just Shermie.
  12. And now this is stuck in my head. There's also a Never Surrender by Don Felder; it's on the Fast Times at Ridgemont High soundtrack.
  13. I've probably used mine ten times at the most in the twenty years or however long it has been around.
  14. That's how I am - I use a credit card for convenience, but like a "charge card" in the days of old (only it's nice to just have one, instead of one for each store), so it's paid in full every month. A mortgage is the only debt I've ever had; I'm not comfortable with it other than that (and no longer have one, yay) and have been both fortunate and diligent in avoiding it. But I don't agree that bankruptcy should only be available to those who've had a medical disaster or similar. Medical expenses are the main reason behind bankruptcies in this country, but I'm glad it's not limited to that. Even where people get in the hole largely due to their own irreponsible spending, if they're trying to dig their way out and can't, I don't think they should be forced to live in that hole the rest of their lives. It's not as if bankruptcy is without consequences; if they've tried, via payment plans and altered spending habits, to deal with the debt their choices created, can't get out from under it, and are willing to accept those consequences for a fresh start, I certainly don't want them told, "Nope, sorry - you got yourself into this, you get yourself out." Bankruptcy is sometimes a necessary part of getting themselves out. Current qualifications are adequately onerous for me; better some twits who don't learn their lesson and go right on spending foolishly be granted bankruptcy than those for whom bankruptcy could have been a life-changer be denied because they didn't pass some high-minded worthiness test on top of everything else.
  15. There have also been Rain songs by Terence Trent D'Arby and Uriah Heep (among others, I'm sure; that sounds like something that would be a popular title).
  16. Griffin incorporates, and well, a wonderful blend of genres/sounds/traditions into her music; she's one of those artists who is truly interesting to listen to, as well as simply pleasing to the ear. The Dixie Chicks are one of my favorite bands, so put them on a Patty Griffin song and it's almost certain to please me, but Top of the World is the one I'll immediately stab the "repeat" button to listen to multiple times before moving on.
  17. I didn't see tonight's game, but read the clues via the archive. I apparently don't watch very many Jeff Bridges movies. The "What are the cows' cows?" wrong answer cracked me up. Since I like the game Clue, and have the film memorized, I liked that category. None of the TS stunned me tonight, but Dutch Boy, Styrofoam, and oysters did surprise me a bit. It did (per the archive, and confirmed via an internet search that it is indeed how the governor's proclamation read).
  18. The tassel made it look like a room in a museum that you're only allowed to look into, not enter, on the tour. Dumb for a craft closet. And I agree the size makes it impractical to actually work in there, but by the inclusion of the wall-mounted table, how things were arranged to be reachable from that table (rather than organized bins), and leaving the doorway open, I think it was intended as a work space, not a storage space. There certainly wasn't any place to work in the rest of the room (not even on the floor, since the room is so small), so if it was storage she'd have to grab what she needed and take it someplace else in the house. Nice-looking room, but not practical for either of its stated purposes (what guest, over the age of 25 and not passing out drunk, wants to sleep on a futon, especially one looking at a wall with an ultrasound picture?). That was an inherent quality of the room, though - the size and layout make it impractical for just about anything, including their request of guest room.
  19. Cher. According to Jackie and Roseanne, why is Kathy Bowman eligible to be called the ice pop lady?
  20. Yes, a lemon and two orange (one Valencia, one navel) trees. When I redo the backyard, I'd like to add an avocado tree (dwarf; the regular ones get way too big for the space I have). Maybe a lime tree. My parents have two peach (one white, one yellow) and two nectarine (same) trees, so I get plenty of fruit from those and don't need to plant my own.
  21. That depends on whether you ask Dan or Roseanne.
  22. I guess I picked a tough one. "My name is Roseanne Barr Pentland Arnold Thomas. Or, as I like to call me, Roseanne." Speaking of Arnold and Thomas, what is Arnie's middle name?
  23. W is for Little Warren, D.J.'s partner in animal abuse and signatory to Roseanne's Valentine's Day card.
  24. I'll take an option one, please. And then an option two. I've never liked lemon meringue pie other than my mom's, but I'd happily give yours a try. The basil is overflowing here, too, so I'm going to make pesto later. I'm not sure whether I'll use it on pasta or pizza; I think I might be in a pizza mood (and I have some pre-made wheat dough in the fridge). My next-door neighbors used to feed me from time to time; if they were grilling in their backyard and heard me in mine, one of them would show up at my gate with a plate. And whenever I give them some of my lemons or oranges, they bring me something made with them. Lately, I have not been hanging out in the backyard as much (Riley is an indoor-only cat, so I spend more time inside than I did when I had Maddie and Baxter, who'd chill in the backyard with me), so that hasn't happened in a while. Next time I smell them cooking, I'll have to go out back and make some noise. :-)
  25. They did that for a while, in the later years of the series -- as part of the segment in which Paige and the designer talked before the room was revealed to the homeowner, there was a budget recap showing X dollars spent on fabric/upholstery, Y on lighting, Z on furniture, etc.
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