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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Uh-oh. I'm 40 years older than that, and I can't tell you what it is (but I can make a good guess at pronouncing it). The pteryx part makes me think pterodactyl, so I'm going to guess dinosaur before I go look it up. Yep, a dinosaur. And I pronounced it correctly. Alas, I am apparently still not smarter than a 4-year-old. (I think I've forgotten almost everything I learned about dinosaurs in elementary school; perhaps a trip to the natural history museum is in order!)
  2. So long as they do the documents properly, dealing with the house isn't any more of a mess if they split up than it would be if they divorced. A year is a year; if it's hasty to buy a house together after only dating for a year (which, I agree), it's hasty to get married and buy a house together after only dating for a year.
  3. Maybe it just moved from on-air to off-air.
  4. I'm glad the kittens will be inside where they belong in that kind of heat! Much relief here. Sorrow here as well - @tiftgirl, my heart hurts in empathy for you on the loss of Shlamey. What a whirlwind - you think she just has bad teeth and is a little slow to heal, then, whammo, aggressive cancer diagnosis. I'm sorry for what you've been through, and for what you're now going through. Your boss sounds understanding, so I hope if you need to take some time to just lie down and deal with feeling like you've been run over, you do that. And any time you need to cry, vent, or share memories, we are here for you.
  5. She (Georgann Johnson) is Rosie O'Neill's mother (The Trials of Rosie O'Neill, with Sharon Gless) to me, but I saw quite a few of those guest shots, too.
  6. Right? A couple of years ago, my mom and I were walking through the sleepwear department of a Sears to get into the mall and she said, "Oh, I need a new robe." I took once glance over at the sea of nursing home attire and said, "Not from here!"
  7. You may need to wet them down with cool (not cold) water to speed up the cooling process. Cats can get heat stroke, and these are just little kittens; they're vulnerable, so take a look at these signs of heat stroke in cats to see if they are exhibiting any in addition to the panting and lethargy. Better safe than sorry!
  8. Can you bring them in the house? If you're seeing panting and lethargy, they're too hot.
  9. Oh gods, do I have to go buy a robe for this damn wedding, too? (I don't own one, silk or otherwise.) I'm kidding, I just like to reflexively grumble every time being in a wedding is mentioned. I remember seeing robes at the bridal store - yep, short and silky (satin, I assume) - with "Bride," "Maid of Honor," or "Bridesmaid" emblazoned across the backs. It was in a little section of the store we decided should have a sign above it reading, "If you purchase anything in here, you are too immature to get married."
  10. Not at all, but if the other funeral home is in your area, you should still be able to go with them directly (rather than to the other one through your vet), so if you'd prefer them, you don't have to go with the other. If you want to do that, you could check with them in advance about how to make arrangements, so you don't have to think about it when the time comes. Choose whichever one you'd most like to look at. I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis. It's okay to smother her with love a bit; of course you don't want to upset her by crying into her fur all the time and transferring your worry to her, since to her she's just home and happy right now, but you can disrupt her routine for a few extra hugs, pictures, and I love yous. I'll be thinking of you and Shlamey.
  11. It's bonkers how much was going on in the world of sports at the same point in time that year. I'd have never thought to make an episode about it, so it's good I don't produce this series and others do, because it's an interesting one.
  12. I don't know. Saturday was my dad's birthday, for which he wanted steak, and for Father's Day he wanted crab cakes. So Saturday he grilled ribeye steaks, my mom baked potatoes for the two of them, and I made sauteed spinach and mushrooms and a mixed greens salad with cucumber and avocado. Sunday, my mom made crab cakes, and I made roasted asparagus and a dill slaw. Tonight, I'm home and lazy, getting hungry, but not in the mood to make anything. I don't want to order in since we also had cake and ice cream both those nights and I thus don't need the extra fat and salt in restaurant food tonight, but nothing is speaking to me.
  13. I rarely sell anything anymore, but when I do I use Craigslist and, after weeding people out at the response level, I hardly ever have an issue. I give a fair bit of stuff away on Freecycle, and they're still few, but I have more flakes there -- and I'm giving them something for free! The worst ever was just a couple of weeks ago. I had posted quite a few things after helping a friend sort her closet, and one person wanted three of those things (a duvet cover set and then a couple of little things). We scheduled pick-up for the next morning (Saturday). It hadn't been picked up when I checked Saturday evening, at which point I'd just go on to the next person on my list for the duvet set, but it was really tempting to get rid of the little things, too, so I emailed her. She responded that she'd pick up the next day. I said fine, but she had to pick up by noon. Crickets all day Sunday - no pick up, and no response. So I went to the next person on the list, who by then had asked for one of the two little things as well, and scheduled pick-up for Tuesday evening. Just a couple of hours before she was due to arrive, the first person suddenly popped up in my email with, "I'll be by sometime today." Seriously? I wrote back, "No, you won't. You were scheduled for Saturday morning, didn't show, rescheduled for Sunday morning, and didn't show or even email. It's Tuesday afternoon. I'm giving it to someone else, and don't bother asking for anything else I offer." She replied with a vague apology, but come on.
  14. I still enjoy flying, but I fly first class - that isn't what it used to be, no, but still - either not cramped or not bad (depending on the aircraft), no luggage fees, food and drinks are included, and there's separate check-in and, at most airports, separate security checkpoints, so the lines aren't bad. It's not as nice as it used to be, but I'm still spared most of the things people complain about when they complain about air travel. I don't get the increase in babies/toddlers on planes, either. They're too young to understand the situation and thus be expected to behave, and you certainly can't get up and take the kid outside when it starts fussing, so why put the kid, yourself, and your fellow passengers through the inevitable disturbance unless it's absolutely necessary? Is every one of these parents truly going someplace they a) must travel to b) with their child c) by plane? Hell, no.
  15. @tiftgirl, three cheers for proper information from your regular vet (and good news at that); a pox on that ER vet. I'm not positive on this one as I only dealt with it once and it was a while back, but I think the heart issue caused by too much fluid at once usually resolves itself as the excess fluid makes its way out of the system. So I hope with some quality rest at home, Shlamey will be back where she started in just a day or two. Fingers and paws continue to be crossed here for the biopsy results. @bmasters9, kitten pics are the perfect way to start the week, so thanks for posting your cuties.
  16. @tiftgirl, you and Shlamey are in my thoughts. Your love for her is clear, and I know once you have adequate information in hand, you will indeed make the right decision for her.
  17. Harris being a surname, specifically Roseanne and Jackie's surname, was the entire point - she was named in honor of her maternal ancestry, a connection to the women, all possibly quite different from her, but strong in their own ways, from whom she descended. Harris Conner-Healy -- her name is one big tribute, fitting for the first child of that generation in the family. Plus, Harris is a fine name. She's female, and that's her given name. It doesn't need to be something traditional. Traditional is not really Darlene and David's thing. And it's nice symmetry that their son's name is also in honor of a family member, this time on David's side.
  18. I didn't see the episode, but when I read about painfully-sheltered people moving across the world for no apparent reason, I just assumed (and, yeah, I know what assuming does) they were there to harangue the locals. HH seems to feature a fair number of quite clearly missionaries, but we're not going to come out and say they're missionaries HHs.
  19. And those two conversations are just moments apart! Sloppy writing; he could have just realized, "Oh, she must not know; she's never seen me in cleric's clothes" when Blanche said Dorothy never mentioned he was a priest. When that episode is mentioned, I tend to think first of Rose's "He's a priest, isn't he?" bumbling conversation, and I don't know why, because Blanche making an idiot out of herself at the door is even better. "You're the hunk? I mean forgive me, Father. That is, forgive my language, not in your official capacity. I'm not even a Catholic; I'm a Baptist and you can't forgive us Baptists. Sweet Jesus, why am I babbling? I meant that in all due reverence, I never take the Lord's name in vain. God, now I'm lying to a priest."
  20. I don't understand the thought process behind challenging Bobby Flay with cacio e pepe when your version is a "variation on." A dish that lives or dies based on execution of a few ingredients in a simple preparation is a good idea if the contestant knows she/he can knock the original out of the park even while sleeping, taking the chance Bobby will attempt to do too much and muddle the result or, that even if he goes classic, his lack of repetition with the dish will push the challenger ahead. To challenge Bobby to a dish he undoubtedly has the technical skills to nail and then turn around and make something that has a shit ton of changes is just not wise. It was followed by a re-run of Fabio beating Bobby in a spaghetti and meatballs challenge, because Fabio knew Bobby would either go overboard in making it different or make a great version of the classic, but one that was slightly less great than his, made daily, and thus hung his hat on delivering a perfect execution of the classic variation. Also, bleh with the shenanigans that no one understood what Bobby was doing by cooking a batch of pasta so early. With so few ingredients, OF COURSE he's making a test batch.
  21. That's what the poster said - taking the role revived his career, and he kept on working until shortly before he died.
  22. Cheyenne had missed so many classes she didn't get credit for some of her courses, so if she didn't earn them in summer school she wasn't going to qualify as a full-time student anymore and would thus lose Elizabeth's slot in the school's daycare. So the money that Reba was going to use for Kyra's trip was used for Cheyenne's tuition instead. I love that storyline, where Reba tells Cheyenne she's afraid she's screwing up by bailing her out all the time, that what she really should do is let her fall on her ass, but because of Elizabeth she can't bring herself to do it. And when Kyra has finally had enough of coming in last in that house, and decides to go live at Brock's instead. I may have actually cheered her.
  23. I use a regular knife, and I've never had lettuce turn brown. Now, yes, I generally make salads right before I eat them. But I've made salads in the morning for a dinner party that evening, and, when my mom was sick recently, I'd even cut up several salads worth of greens to cover the days in between my visits. No browning.
  24. The first link doesn't work, but I would wear a significantly cheaper version of the heels (not the boots) in the second one to work (if I could be comfortable in high, skinny heels like that still, which, sadly, is not the case). If I had a solid color shirt in one of the colors in that shoe paired with a black suit, those shoes would be the perfect amount of pattern (the boots too much, plus I think they're ugly as hell). I'd prefer a 3-inch heel, and think the four-inchers would look more professional with a pants suit than a skirt suit, but I don't think the extra inch turns them into "Harlot! Wearing those to work?!" territory.
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