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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. You put a patient in restraints when they are a danger to themselves or others; they are patients, not inmates. He was a danger when he was undiagnosed and untreated, but he was not a danger when he was brought in that second time (which is why he had been released). He should not be forcibly restrained for no medical or safety reason. I understand why Abby and others who went through that horrible experience reacted the way they did, but I'm also quite glad Susan did not cater to it.
  2. Triple Stumper; a clue none of the contestants got right. There is a glossary here.
  3. If I'd already said I'd be home around 6:00, the only reason I would text (well, call in my case, since I don't text) would be if I was going to be significantly late; otherwise, it would never occur to me to send updates along the way, or that my lack of doing so would cause worry. It's weird he waited so long to tell you he'd been delayed, since you live together (just in case you had something planned based on the 6-ish arrival time). And he should have answered when you called -- is it possible his phone went to voicemail because he was in an area without cell service at the time (since you said he's coming back from the wilderness)? Anyway, at least you know he's okay and he knows that in the future a text or two along the way would keep you from worrying. If he does it again, he's in big trouble!
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    The Rams played like shit, yet the Giants still can't manage to pull out a win. Sigh.
  5. He was never in Robbery Homicide; he's been heading SIS (which, on the show, is part of SOB, even though in the real LAPD it's under Robbery-Homicide) ever since we were introduced to the character. A rage-inducing campaign ad had me switching channels during a break in NFL play, just in time for my favorite scene in "Trial By Fire": Sharon and Rusty in the living room when she comes home and finds him on the couch because he has invited Jeff to spend the night in his room. The way Rusty smiles when he says "That's how we met" when Sharon explains she's so late because she was trying to identify an anonymous 911 caller is cute, as is the way he says Jeff and his boyfriend "totally broke up" so he has nowhere to go for the night after his flight was canceled. Plus the Beck'n/Mom stuff. Fundamentally, I love the way Sharon handles Rusty's crush on Jeff. This is her third rodeo; she knows if she says he's too old for you and just got out of a relationship, so let it go, she makes him even more attractive. Jeff has done the right thing in the past, and it's healthy for Rusty to have such a normal adolescent crush given his history, so instead she encourages him to ask Jeff out and - figuring Jeff will let him down easy - reminds him there is a whole lot of life ahead after Badge of Justice, especially since he's getting ready to start college.
  6. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I'm right there with you. I'm annoyed because I have no morning game on FOX, so I'm stuck with this stupid game until Rams/Giants -- and that I'm sitting here actually rooting for the Chargers in order to root against Tom Brady is rather weird. But, yeah, easier without Rivers.
  7. I work from home (even pre-pandemic) and start around 10:00, so I get up around 10:00 -- a 7:00 a.m. wake-up time is a nightmare to me, not sleeping in. I definitely did not inherit my sleep cycle from either of my parents; they wake up between 6-7 (sleeping in; pre-retirement it was something obscene like 4:30). So Thanksgiving (when we go camping in their motorhome) is not fun in the mornings; when they come out into the living area, I shuffle into the bedroom, but it takes me a while to fall back asleep. In other first world problems, my peeve for today is that I have no morning game on FOX, so I'm stuck with Chargers/Bucs until the Rams/Giants game. I guess I could go get some yard work done instead of sitting here with my Bloody Mary watching a game I don't care about, but that's just crazy talk.
  8. Yes, $18,000! I heard it, thought, "No, she must have said $8,000," and realized, nope, I heard it right the first time.
  9. Malucci was an offensive jackass, so I was happy to see him go. I've mentioned before that I've seen the actor in a handful of roles, and he played the same type of jerk in each one - he's quite good at it, whatever his own personality, as I always wind up hating his characters.
  10. I don't think these OMG, my kid's wedding cost! movies are feasible anymore; I don't know any grown-ass folks who didn't pay for their own weddings in the last 15 years. Parents may offer "we'll pay for [the dress/the rehearsal dinner/some other specific thing] as our gift", but the sexist days of the bride's family footing the bill (other than the rehearsal dinner) seem to have thankfully gone the way of the dodo. Annie and Brian were too young and definitely too immature to get married (especially her, but that's just because she was focused on more); that still happens, of course, but thankfully it has decreased to the point it's not relatable to a wide audience - parents and "kids" will call bullshit. And their wedding extravagance was utterly ridiculous. Only the acting saved the remake -- this was always a movie better suited to 1950 than 1990 (even though - despite the storied cast, writers, and director - it turns out I like the original less than the remake, the original makes more sense as a product of its time) -- and it basically squeaked by; in 2020 it would need a total overhaul to be about wedding costs in general, spread out among all the parties. The whole "father of the bride" concept is outdated in so many ways.
  11. Planned Pethood requires spay/neuter of unaltered pets in order to treat anything else. They usually draw attention to the policy, so I didn't notice this time. This I was paying attention to - I also didn't realize he was such a squatty body until that scene.
  12. Okay, I can't stand kids, but the brother and sister who want to run an animal sanctuary together when they grow up? Fantastic. How scary for Moose's owners; he must have stepped on the window control. They need to put the child lock on (so the windows can only be controlled from the driver's seat buttons). I love how they were completely oh well about "there goes our honeymoon money". LOL at Shelley saying of her dog, "Luckily he landed on his head, so no damage done." And at Fred forgetting about his tail when he plays dead. Gunner looked so sad, poor guy. That made it all the more wonderful to see him so happy to feel better and be reunited with his dad. Did I hear correctly that Milo is not even a year old? He's enormous! I know, it's the nature of the breed, but that was still quite a sight.
  13. Since Eriq La Salle spoke out about the discrepancy between how Peter and Elizabeth's relationship was written and how his relationships with black women had been written, and even asked that the storyline be dropped and Peter have a healthy relationship with a black woman instead, he's not going to make a guest appearance in which Peter is hoping to cheat on his black partner of nearly a decade with his white ex-girlfriend (or break up with his partner in order to start dating his ex).
  14. He says yes when Kerry asks him if they're still together.
  15. He's wearing it under a sweater (that's why he doesn't realize his shirt is a mess until he sees the expression on her face; I guess he didn't look in the mirror at home until after he'd put on the sweater), but he takes the sweater off right before he sits down. There's no noticeable reason for him to do so, either; she's in a short-sleeved dress, with no sweater or jacket in sight, so it doesn't seem like it was cold outside, and there's no mention of the restaurant being uncomfortably warm.
  16. The Bissell Pet Foundation has donated millions (I don't know how many) of dollars since its inception nearly ten years ago to over 5000 animal welfare organizations (shelters, rescue groups, and spay/neuter organizations) across the country.
  17. I didn't think Susan was mean, I thought she was the only one properly regarding Sobriki as a patient to whom she had an obligation. Granted, I don't remember all the details, just Sobriki having asked to be taken to a different hospital (seemingly for his own sake and the ER staff's), Carter running into the bathroom, and Susan saying, no, she would not transfer him until she'd been able to assess him and make sure that was safe. I thought it was all pretty well done, even those behaving inappropriately, because their reactions made perfect sense.
  18. All except for Somalia. The GM, Dale Carnegie, and Standard and Poor's TS surprised me. Finish (carpentry) did a bit, too. Pippa didn't need a last name? She's not Cher. It was a pretty meh game for me; I missed probably a dozen. No blown categories, just a bunch of misses scattered across the board. At least FJ was an IG.
  19. That's how I felt at the time - it was a pretty lonely table back then. They both just plain suck as romantic partners, to each other or anyone else. So the only thing worth celebrating in them committing to each other was that no one else would be subjected to dating either of them.
  20. Yet another archive night (I was watching football), and it will wind up being an entire week of archive nights, as tomorrow's game will be preempted by NBA playoffs. Unfortunately, I can't remember the poster here who's among those responsible for the J!Archive, but let me reiterate my thanks for such a great resource. Artificial heart, tempo, and Les Paul surprised me as TS. Lots of TS in the first round; southpaws stumped me, too, keeping me from running the round. I completely blew the movie thrillers category in DJ, and missed several scattered others. I got FJ, so still a good game overall, but I hate when I bomb an entire category.
  21. Like when he'd finished reading the letter from Mark, and everyone else starts talking among themselves, but Susan can tell just by looking at his face as he continues to stare at the fax that there's a horrible addendum from Elizabeth.
  22. Can you give her subQ fluids? That will help with hydration, which will help with constipation (very common in cats with CKD). If you want to try that, swing by the Pets thread and ask for feedback - there are several of us with experience.
  23. I only have seasons one through four on DVD, so those are the only seasons I re-watch (I'm not sure when I quit watching originally; I think my viewing became sporadic somewhere in season five and I quit entirely somewhere in season six), and for the sake of my blood pressure I make sure to never, ever subject myself again to the offensive piece of crap that is "Isaac and Ishmael". (Although, that episode is how I found TWoP; co-workers and I were still complaining about the episode days later, and someone said there was a great article on some website that accurately skewered the whole thing, and that turned out to be the TWoP recap.)
  24. I love the way Noah Wyle played Carter confirming Lucy was dead -- every conflicting emotion he had about her is written on his face.
  25. So Wellman never shut down? Because there's no way it would have left, then come back. It must not be a union shop, or at least one Conner would have been working there before now.
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