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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. "Dad, there's an octopus on your head" is my favorite scene.
  2. Oh, gee, maybe a witness being shaky at best means the firm should have exhumed the only piece of possible physical evidence. I've never thought anything one way or the other about Katey Sagal's acting, but Rebel's reaction to the patient explaining why he's taken the buyout, whatever it does or does not mean, was well played. Ugh, Grady. Fuck that guy. He's going to try the "We were on a break" nonsense? I mean, yeah, most of the personal relationships on this show suck (TV loving drama as it does), but he just serves to make Rebel look stupid for staying with him. I don't want to watch women look stupid over men. Lana is the best, especially when it comes to keeping his dumb ass from ruining this case, so I can't completely hate the storyline. But I can hate him, and I still do. I also still don't give a shit about Ziggy's relationship with skater dude, but I like her, and that's tough for her to find out her dad is such a jackass. The Cassidy/Luke thing remains my least favorite part of the show and something I definitely will not miss.
  3. That was never stated as an element of the challenge - it wasn't to make their dishes vegetarian/vegan, just to make them tofu-focused.
  4. Titus continues to show how growing up with a mom who worked with DV victims taught him the right approach to take in addressing such a uniquely complicated situation. He first and foremost addresses the acute physical need, and then clearly identifies the underlying psychological dynamic and offers access to resources but without ever expressly judging the victim for "putting up with it" or even going too hard and extensively against the abuser and triggering a defensive response by a victim made to feel stupid for "putting up with" such a horrible guy.
  5. Adding to the birthday wishes, and thanking you for putting an end to my dithering on whether to make shrimp something or scallops something tonight - scallops it shall be. Seared scallops with cucumber and mango salsa, since I have a cucumber that needs to be used ASAP. Served over cauliflower rice (made with a little bit of lime zest and cilantro), with roasted asparagus as the side. The salad will be arugula and endive, with some sort of vinaigrette, cheese, and roasted nut still to be determined.
  6. Whew – Dawn has been my favorite since nearly day one (in a group where I really like almost everyone, so I have several close seconds), so I was actually nervous at the end! Shota using cooking techniques he learned by watching Maria all season for his QF dish was great. “Good luck to me.” And then Jamie running over and asking Maria to taste her salsa. I just knew after all that lead-up she wasn’t going to win her round. Dawn’s looked the best to me, but I’d happily devoured all three contenders (and the three losing dishes). This EC seemed hard, prepping two dishes you hope not to have to make, so either splitting your effort three ways or rolling the dice and concentrating on the first and second. I don’t like tofu (yes, it has its own flavor), so I thought I might find a lot of the dishes visually appetizing but perhaps not something I’d enjoy eating, but I didn’t even like the look of most of them in the first round. Jamie’s was the only one I’d voluntarily eat, so I was pleased to see her as a nearly-unanimous winner after two ties. I felt so bad for Dawn in the second round, but it was indeed lovely to see others jump in to try and get enough plates done. So close! And I love one judge putting up his blue paddle in protest. She and Byron had a lot to mentally overcome in the dessert round, and her distress was fresher, so I really worried she was doomed. So did she, obviously.
  7. This was an archive game for me, since I'll be watching something else. I pre-called Mary McDonnell when Playing President was announced. I ran inventors, 8-letter words, licenses, and sports in the first round, but I missed three each in the other two. In DJ, I only ran monuments and Nobel, but only missed five across the other categories (technically six, but I'm giving myself hyacinth, as I'd have known it if I could've seen the picture). FJ took me far longer than it should have, and without the Think music I don't know if I technically got it in time. Let's say yes.
  8. Add Sarah to the list of Miami roommates I would have a hard time living with. (I don't share her interests, but I'd have enjoyed talking to her - sharing a home with her, though, nope.) "I can do whatever I want whenever I want." Flora and me, in unison: "Not when you live with six other people." But, you see, Sarah is just too cool and anti-establishment to worry about things like dirty dishes; she has so much going on in her life, and those squares who are bothered by people not picking up after themselves just need to get hobbies. One thing I like about most of these people is that when Sarah decided to build a skate ramp at 1:00 in the morning (so the noise of sawing, hammering, and a bunch of people talking out in the backyard), it was the second time roommates had objected to late night shenanigans not just for disturbing them, but because it was rude to the neighbors as well.
  9. I'm sure glad they gave four clues for each show, because I didn't/don't watch any of them, but if I could come up with at least two names, it was usually something I nevertheless knew through cultural osmosis. I only missed two (admittedly, it would have been three if not for me randomly picking the right one where I had absolutely no idea).
  10. I agree. I liked NY through London best, Miami through Chicago less but it was still appointment television, and then Vegas horrified me. I semi-followed Paris and San Diego, but then my viewership became quite sporadic, sometimes just seeing an episode or two, and the last one I saw anything of was New Orleans II. It's funny to re-watch Miami, because I found it almost jarringly different at the time, and absolutely hated the forced group job that became a permanent fixture, but watching it now it seems almost quaint in its normalcy. The nostalgia factor is strong (the late '90s were a terrific time in my life, so when I watch those seasons I am not just reminded of how I enjoyed the show then, but what was going on in my own life).
  11. I've only seen a couple of episodes, and his wasn't one of them. If it's quick to write up, can you share what he gossiped about?
  12. I love when they're looking at Dan's modeling pictures and realize he's listed as "Dan Richardson" rather than "Renzi" - Cynthia once again speaks the truth, saying, "They done made him into who they want him to be." I can't imagine living with Dan or Flora, let alone both - the attention seeking and drama would be so exhausting. Nicole's baby voice when she talks to Joe physically pains me.
  13. I just started on this season as my latest RW re-watch, and I do not remember a single thing about Mike other than he was part of the infamous threesome Flora broke a window with her breasts trying to get a look at. But since, in the first episode, he, heading to a Latinx part of town to pick up a female roommate (Melissa), says he hopes she's smaller than him, has all her teeth, and speaks English. Oh, dear. No wonder he was not a favorite. I love Cynthia every bit as much as I did back when this first aired. Her excitement over the house and this whole opportunity is impossible for me to watch without smiling.
  14. No, that's the kind of thing they don't point out (which was one of Alex's arguments against board hopping, since contestants wouldn't notice when clues built on each other from top to bottom, or when there was an unstated pattern providing an additional hint, like in this case), but when it would become clear the contestants had caught on, Alex would say something like, "Sensing a theme here?" I loved John's "I'm also disappointed" when Shakespeare was a TS and Mayim said she was a little disappointed. I did not have a good first round. I only ran trees. I missed three in film trilogies, two each in European history and the Bible, and one each in I'd Like to Buy and vowels. In DJ, I managed to run a whopping two categories - Pop Psychology and It's All About Her. But I only missed six clues across the rest of them, so this was one of the unusual games where I did better in the second round than the first. And FJ was an instaget, so I definitely got better as the game went on.
  15. That was my first thought, too, but the page for this episode does not include the tote bag.
  16. Great film. And John Sayles has nice things to say about Tighe (and about him playing a bad guy for the first time) on the DVD commentary.
  17. I'm not keen on hearing from Glenn Gordon Caron, but this is one of my favorite shows (I'm glad I have the DVDs, although I don't think I ever bought season five [and I think season four may still be shrink-wrapped]) and I would like to hear what the rest have to say (bummer things didn't work out with Bruce Willis). I'm sure my friend who's an even bigger fan than I am will buy the book, so I'll read it when she's done.
  18. I enjoyed Mayim Bialik as host (tonight was my first game with her behind the podium), and she definitely seems to be enjoying herself; I love what a thrill this opportunity has been for the guest hosts. Lots of TS in this game! Amazon was quite surprising, as were Geiger and Gettysburg Address. The wind also surprised me. I had an easier time with this game than they did. I ran Peru, scientists, and brands in the first round, but missed two each in TV pairs and fetch, and one in animal expressions (I'd never heard "One swallow does not make a summer"). In DJ, I ran history, wisdom, and directors and only missed one each in the rest. I got FJ.
  19. I mostly thought that was mean, since I assume she's under-educated due to initially being raised by a neglectful mother and then bounced around the foster care system, but I freely admit to laughing my ass off at her version of north, south, east, and west.
  20. Aw, this season was back when I'd still tear up at everyone saying goodbye on the last day. Poor Genesis; she was unhappy to be there, and then so unhappy to leave. I hope life worked out well for her, and she found a place where she felt like she fits in. Boy, watching Sean say he realizes his insular environment affected how he interacted with Genesis and Kameelah, and if the Sean who's leaving the house had been the Sean who walked into it, things would have been different, and he's sorry it wasn't, I bet I had hope for him back in the day. I wonder if Montana and/or Syrus still have any sort of relationship with him.
  21. I had forgotten all about this song. I think it's one of her weakest hits from the Capitol albums.
  22. I just have the finale still to go, but it's been interesting revisiting this season, because of how divided the house is by the end, and how I like most people on both sides of that divide, and understand most of why those who are irritated with/don't care enough to make time for someone feel that way. Jason is probably the one I like least, but he's harmless. Even Sean isn't bad. Really, the biggest flaw any of them have is needing to grow up. Which is more a fact of life than a flaw at that age. Anthony needs to check himself, rightly calling out unprofessional behavior of the roommates but then turning around and talking about them to each other and in front of the kids. And then out to lunch with Kameelah and Genesis, sitting there asking questions about house dynamics like a junior high gossip.
  23. I just read the archive for the rest of last night's Oh, yeah, today was Monday, so I missed a game, but I'm too tired to look up anything but FJ episode. The horseshoe TS surprised me at first, but I think they forgot the category since they'd just gone back to it after over a dozen clues elsewhere. Not being able to see the pictures had me a little worried about the souvenirs category, but I was able to get them all just from the text. I ran everything but Hats in Books in the first round, where I missed two. I had a good game in DJ, too - I ran Oscar winners, geography, first & last letter. I missed three in horse cents, but other than that just two in all in the past and one in philosophy. Some friends and I periodically discuss the things we used to watch on Bravo back in the beginning, so I enjoyed Mayim's dig in FJ.
  24. I don't particularly care for marshmallows, but if I was with people who were sitting around a fire roasting them, I'd eat one - a 4.5.
  25. She even has hosting experience. Granted, of a really bad pandemic production called Celebrity Show-Off and a version of Candid Camera, but she has well over 100 more credits as herself in addition to her acting roles - she's very comfortable in front of the camera, whatever the extent of the script. I missed tonight's episode, but I look forward to seeing the rest of her time as guest host.
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