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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I didn't feel like cooking tonight, so I just ordered Korean food, which I haven't had in a while (other than snacking on some frozen beef bulgari mandu I picked up at Costco when it was in the coupon book) -- an appetizer serving of samgyeopsal (pork strips basted with ssamjang and grilled, scooped into lettuce cups along with perilla leaves, onion, and kimchi), plus jjamppong (seafood and noodle soup) and Nakji bokkeum (spicy stir-fried octopus and vegetables). Yum; I can't wait. I need to make/order Korean food more often. I should have gone with the soup OR the stir fry, since seafood doesn't reheat very well, but I couldn't decide so got a half order of the soup. Oh well.
  2. Yeah, Clue presents their (the characters, the U.S. government, society at large) fear of communism and homosexuality as ridiculous (there's a ton of delicious social commentary in that silly movie), but does a far better job skewering the red than the lavender scare.
  3. That $2000 clue was the only song I didn't know, and I sang my answer to all the others except the John Mayer song as I don't like that one.
  4. Given the context of the conversation about the need for a font to indicate sarcasm, I assume this refers to a shorthand for [/sarcasm] -- a notation at the end of a sentence, paragraph, post, etc. indicating that the preceding text was "said" sarcastically.
  5. Yeah, while I have three pairs of glasses all with different style and color frames, my three are for three different purposes, not to have three different aesthetic options. I have my regular glasses, sunglasses, and then a pair for staring at a computer monitor - same Rx as the other two, but with something added to cut down on glare.
  6. Yes, there are several shows I've watched the first one to three seasons of, when there was enough of a proper documentary series there to teach me something about an unfamiliar experience, e.g. Little People, Big World (little people) and Born This Way (people with Down Syndrome). But soon there's no more education to be found, and it's just manufactured-for-the-show antics and adventures.
  7. My parents' mattress has that, too, and their cat Chester had a knack for stepping on the remote; once when I was kittysitting, he activated the massage feature, and it made me feel seasick.
  8. Well, yes, I meant the whole thing in mentioning his self-indulgent fit since he killed off Sharon in order to indulge his Rusty vs. Stroh fantasy as the final storyline, but I'd be upset however he annihilated Sharon Raydor from this world, since he lied after Taylor was killed and said no one else - other than the victims of the week - would die ("This isn't Game of Thrones"), killing off Sharon contributed to the "expendable woman" problem on TV, and it perpetuated the notion the only interesting thing for female characters to do is suffer (since one of his half dozen reasons for his decision was that he realized he'd given a two-time Oscar nominee precious little to do for five years and ought to give Sharon a meaty personal storyline).
  9. But on the flip side, Sharon's reaction to coming home to find her living room filled with Provenza's stuff in "Personal Effects" never fails to make me laugh; she can roll with the craziest shit at work, but when she's hit with something totally unexpected in personal situations with her guard down, she can have these delightful little flustered moments and this is one of the best. Mary McDonnell nails the tone of voice and hand gestures. Everyone's reactions to those hideous duck lamps amused me from the beginning, but once I learned they belonged to James Duff and everyone - including his husband (the actor playing Buzz, of course) - hated them, so he "gave" them to Provenza and wrote everyone else as wanting no part of them, I've laughed even harder. I mean, fuck him with a chainsaw eternally for killing off Sharon in a self-indulgent fit, but he has a good sense of humor (thus why, across all writers, there are consistently funny moments in serious episodes, and some of the best comedic episodes of dramatic shows in all of TV).
  10. In a new thread I assume will be merged with this or another existing one, it was asked why Mark refers to Jackie as Aunt Jackie: She's not his grandma, she's his great aunt. I called all my great aunts and uncles "Aunt" and "Uncle". It would make sense for Mark to do the same; although I'm sure it happens, I've never heard anyone say "Great Aunt So-and-So", but have heard plenty of people say "Aunt So-and-So" or a special nickname for a great aunt. Everyone else in the family - other than Dan, who just calls her Jackie - calls her Aunt Jackie, so it wouldn't be unusual for Harris, Mark, and Mary to follow suit. Certainly more logical than "Grandma" which is wholly inaccurate and doesn't reflect the nature of their relationship (Jackie is much more a fun, crazy aunt who dispenses occasional good advice than a grandma type). Also, we've heard Bev referred to as Grandma Bev in relation to the great-grandkids, so it isn't uncommon within the Conner family to leave off the "great".
  11. I've always had a laugh at how every age-appropriate gay/bisexual/pansexual guy Rusty encounters (the kid from his chess club, Lina's friend in "Do Not Disturb", T.J., Gus) - plus poor Kris and her twice malfunctioning gaydar - is attracted to him, but a Lifetime marathon tonight just reminded me how particularly stupid that is when Dr. Joe immediately picks up on T.J.'s attraction based on Rusty's totally benign storytelling in "Snitch". I know he's supposed to be a great psychologist and I love him, but come on. Rusty is on about the latest development in his hunt for Alice's identity, the discovery of her voicemail messages and his thoughts about what revealing those to the police/DA will mean for his project. He says, "Thank God T.J. was there to give me the security question for her pass code, otherwise --" and Dr. Joe cuts him off to ask who T.J. is. Rusty explains he started off as a source - no one at any of the other cell phone stores wanted to help, but T.J. was interested in what he was doing - and now is "kind of a friend". Dr. Joe asks how old T.J. is and jumps right to, "And he took a real interest in Alice or in you?" and it escalates from there. Seriously? That is some tremendously clunky writing to establish T.J.'s feelings for Rusty and Rusty not being ready (period, and especially with a dude who's in the closet), setting up the scenario where Rusty uses and then discards him (with a dramatic swerve by T.J. into stage five clinger territory that gets shrugged off); there is no reason for Dr. Joe to have jumped to that assumption when he did, and it happening to be true doesn't excuse that leap.
  12. I have a Sleep Number mattress (and instantly became a fan for live about ten years ago when I got it - I can dial up whatever firmness I want, which is generally quite firm [hard to find in traditional mattresses] but the specific varies sometimes based on circumstances), as do my parents, and theirs is a fancier version where the head and/or feet can be elevated. When I stay at their house cat-sitting, I choose a pre-set position that elevates the head and the feet into the perfect position for watching TV. It creates a nice dip for my butt/hips, and their cats LOVE sleeping in that dip, presumably because they feel cradled by it. You can't properly see the dip here, but here's what Bandit looks like when I dare disturb his nap in it:
  13. I liked it, too. Same here, and I also correctly guessed Fresh Off the Boat, since, sadly, there aren't many shows about Asian families to choose from. I missed another three in novels, and one each in ash tree and souvenirs; I only ran oceanographic terms and unsafe words in the first round. In DJ, knowing what year things happened was my terrible category; I missed three. But I ran ancient symbols, old synonyms, and G places, and only missed one each in the other two. I had no idea on FJ, though; I've never read Harry Potter, so salazar didn't help me (to me, it's a Sonoran restaurant in Frogtown [L.A.]) and all I know about snakes is I'm afraid of them, so trimeresurus didn't help me, either.
  14. You can still get them from AT&T, too; with the 5G rollout, my 3G flip phone was no longer going to work, so they automatically sent me a 4G replacement.
  15. If the Sony execs who hired him didn't know, it was only due to gross negligence in vetting him; he only signed the Sony deal in August of 2019, and the three lawsuits (for discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination) had been filed in 2010 and 2011, with one settled in 2013 and the other two I'm not sure when. So, yeah, if they want to claim ignorance - which I would never believe in a thousand years; they (and quite possibly Alex, too) knew, and didn't care, which is what almost always happens - they'll have to claim gross incompetence in not even doing a cursory background check.
  16. The various portrayals (by white men) of Charlie Chan were indeed horribly racist, and this was a parody of them - an exaggerated version of an already ridiculous character, made even more broad to show how simplistic and repetitive the original character was. But in the same way all the others were parodied; there was never an acknowledgement of the racism on top of the broad storytelling all the other originals were subjected to by unimaginative writers.
  17. No one knowing Deb Halaand's name saddened me. Same with Amanda Gorman (I'm assuming - hoping! - most of them could picture her, knew it was that fantastic young woman from the inauguration, but couldn't remember her name in time). I love the word reconnoiter (yet I don't know why), so I was tickled to see that clue in the etymology category. I also found the stalag clue in that category fun to figure out (I was unfamiliar with "stammlager", but looking at its letters with a word referring to a type of camp in mind, I got it). I ran cooking, etymology, Interior, and outside. I'm happy to have only missed three in the first round, as recent pop culture and war history are two of my weak subjects, but I only missed one in the former and two in the latter. In DJ, I blew movie kings; I've never seen any of the films, and only came up with Boleyn = Henry VIII, but I cannot believe "knight" didn't clue me - or any of the contestants - in to Arthur! I only missed four others in the round, though. And FJ was pretty much an instaget, so I had a great game.
  18. Notice the common thread of who is most often victimized by cultural/religious traditions.
  19. If family ties are so important, why isn't someone obliged to treat her sister with respect, especially while staying in her home? While one sibling is being lectured, "Eh, she's your sister and it's just once a year, so let it go," is the other one also hearing, "She's your sister and it's just once a year, so stop picking on everything she does"?
  20. I'd never seen that one before; it's cute. The little girl just looks like a conductor to me - imitating what she's seen them do.
  21. You don't need to have a smartphone to prove you have a seat; I don't, and I have no problems flying. Each airline's website has information on check-in options, but generally you can check in online at home and print out a boarding pass, or check in at an airport kiosk and print a boarding pass there (or, of course, go up to the check-in counter to really kick it old school).
  22. Taking airline boarding discussion to small talk ...
  23. I thought the same thing about Nicole's changed answer - being the only one to get FJ, especially when one of your opponents is a dominant 11-day champ who'd only missed three FJ prior to this, would have been a nice consolation prize.
  24. The Keith Richards TS surprised me. Matt's "What's ..." habit didn't bother me until he used it on Dolly Parton. I don't require "Who is Her Majesty Dolly Parton," but "What's Parton?" is just wrong. 😉 His facial expressions when he was trying to get something from his brain to his mouth entertained me, though. I suspect my cat would say, "You look like that a lot during this game." Speaking of my cat, I watched in the bedroom while cuddling with her (I needed some kitty cuddle therapy that couldn't wait until 7:30), rather than in my office, so I didn't keep track of my gets and misses. I know I blew the entire 16th century category and missed a handful of others in the first round, so did worse than I normally do in that round, but I think I was a little above average for DJ. FJ was an instaget, then I second-guessed myself with Dutch, before remembering what Pennsylvania Dutch really means and going back to German.
  25. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Well, the youngest is two now, and they only have the nine - they're due for another one, since they churn one out every couple of years on average. As for the Giants, all I can do is laugh at the image of Joe Judge making them do 100-yard sprints, then push-ups, then more sprints, then more push-ups, all while screaming cuss words at them in between blowing his whistle. It's like the R-rated version of the training camp scene in Remember the Titans.
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