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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I had Reba re-runs on as background noise one night this week, and the episode in which Peter Scolari guest starred was on; as soon as I heard his voice, which I like, I wondered what he was up to lately (the last time I'd seen him was in the Murphy Brown revival). It's sad to read of his death. Like so many, I first saw him on Bosom Buddies, which was a silly show but watchable due to the terrific chemistry between Scolari and Tom Hanks. I love that they remained friends. I liked him on Newhart, too, and have read he remained close with Bob Newhart and Julia Duffy from that show.
  2. Simply based on the norms of production (meaning not knowing anything specific at this time just going off how a prop gun is typically handled by all involved), the odds are Baldwin didn't do anything wrong. But, of course, that only speaks to a statistical likelihood; if he was behaving negligently or recklessly, I hope he'll be held accountable despite his privilege. But if he is another victim in this - as the emotional injury of causing a violent death, even through no fault of his own, will likely be severe and long-lasting - I'll feel sorry for him; that's a hell of a thing to be made to live with due to someone else's actions. He's a volatile dude whose family grossly exceeds the replacement rate in the midst of a global overpopulation crisis and has an appalling act (his vitriolic voicemail to his oldest daughter) in his history. That's pretty much the extent of my knowledge -- there are better people out there, there are worse people out there. If someone else's mistake caused him to unknowingly shoot two people, killing one of them, he'll have my sympathy; none of his flaws and misdeeds mean he deserves that fate. Regardless of Baldwin's role, my heart goes out to the surviving victim, the dead victim for whatever suffering she was aware of between shooting and death, and those whose lives are forever altered by her death. I also feel for them about how public this will be, and how most attention will be paid to Baldwin.
  3. I'm going to give myself credit for that one, then. But, nope, definitely wouldn't have come up with that one. Thank you both.
  4. I'll be watching football tonight, so it's an archive game for me - so, of course, there's an entire word puzzles category I can't see/hear. Two I got on my own and I'd have recognized "around the clock", but I might have missed two of the them; unless the puzzle really clued me into "night", I'd have probably said "bumpy ride" instead of "bumpy night". And I've never said "criss-cross applesauce" in my life, so if it needed to be that specific due to the reference to kids, I wouldn't have received credit, because I'd simply call that position "cross-legged". The chemotherapy TS surprised me. The Pat Summitt TS made me sad; she was fantastic. I loved the Familiar Sounding Trios category, but that's definitely the sort of thing that's harder to do under game conditions than at home. Other than possibly those two word puzzles, I got everything in the first round other than the horse racing clue in Sports Books. I did very well in DJ, too; I ran foods (giving myself credit for honey, as I figure I'd have known it from the picture), history, and epidemiology. I missed three books, but other than that just one each in OI (the picture would not have helped me get quoits, as I've never heard of it) and songs (I only recognize a few Beatles songs, and that wasn't one of them). FJ took some thinking, but I got in time, so I had a great game.
  5. His comments seem to be aimed at deflecting attention away from social justice issues in America. Between his previous remarks, use of the word "bandwagoning", and the show on which he chose to have this discussion, I'm not giving him any credit for championing LGBT rights with this:
  6. Two more Wilhelmina is human moments I love: inviting Betty to share a beer with her on the roof when they both strike out with their crushes, and making an absolute fool out of herself trying to talk casually to Connor after he turned her down. The Suarez family continues to spike my blood pressure. Yes, Betty can act a martyr and be judgmental and controlling (like a lot of people, especially people her age - but also especially people who were forced by circumstances to step up and be a third adult in the family before she actually was, and who thus tends to still see her family the way they were for years). But good fucking gods, all the guilt-tripping every time she has to work rather than help them with something, no matter how important and/or time sensitive either task is; this stupid family has a full-time job engaging in false equivalencies. And when Hilda has the nerve to claim she lives and works at home as a "sacrifice" equal to all the time Betty spends running back home to help?! Fool, you live at home because you decided to have a baby as a teenager and sell Herbalife for a living. You work at home because your shitty attitude made you unemployable, so you decided to run an unlicensed business out of your dad's house and then get pissy about the fact that's not allowed. Hilda is indeed getting her shit together with this business, and she doesn't need Betty making daily checklists of what she's supposed to do for their dad. Betty needs to see her responsibility and capability now, not keep treating her like the flighty sister she used to be. But, as I said above, it's natural for Betty to need that drilled into her head a few times. And that doesn't extend to cause to give Betty hell for, the horrors, accepting the offer of a free consultation and complete testing with a renowned cardiologist rather than relying on the opinion of a family doctor - given over the phone, mind you - in the aftermath of a heart attack and quadruple bypass.
  7. I called that Will This Wife Eat Shit? because the advice was so sexist.
  8. For a while, I resorted to only writing forte, avoiding saying it, because I will not pronounce it incorrectly but when I properly pronounce it I get people "correcting" me. I've started using it again, though. When people don't say anything and walk away from the conversation thinking I'm wrong, so be it. But when people try to correct me, I get to share about the difference between the two words.
  9. Well then I won't feed his ego by echoing the sentiment.
  10. I've let go of being irritated by nauseous used in place of nauseated. But I'll rise from my death bed to grumble if I hear someone say less when it should be fewer or literally to mean figuratively; I'm well aware language evolves, but there are some instances of it's been used incorrectly by so many people for so long, the wrong way is now considered an alternate definition I'll never stop kvetching about no matter how petty it makes me.
  11. Tonight's game had half the TS as last night, so that's good. Eastman surprised me a little, but that was it. Speaking of TS, I correctly guessed Lake Superior, but had no idea that many rivers fed into it. I wonder if that's a tidbit which will stick in my mind (most of the time when I learn something via J!, I've forgotten it by the time it pops up again). I had a terrible first round, only running E. I missed the entire drafts category, and one each in the rest. I did about the same in DJ (although that's not terrible for me in DJ); I only ran the blood sucking category, missed all but one in mythology (shocking, I know), and missed one each in the rest. But FJ was an instaget, so that cheered me up.
  12. I agree; Alex dying doesn't mean I've forgotten the things about him that bugged me. Sometimes his snark was funny, sometimes it was unearned - and of course where that line was drawn for me was in part subjective (based on my own sense of humor and/or personal bias for or against a contestant). "I like [another contestant's] story better" is exactly the kind of thing that would come out of Alex's mouth, and some might find his droll delivery made it better and some might find it made it worse.
  13. No, but looking at how often women like them - or women like Tyne Daly, who seek on camera work more than they do - are cast compared to women who have utilized procedures to diminish the physical evidence of aging, I don't think poorly of the latter group of women. I prefer aging naturally - in terms of what I choose for myself (hell, I don't even dye my grey hair) and what I most respond to in famous women - but my frustrations with the prevalence of and push for "anti-aging" cosmetic procedures are not focused on the women who opt in. Like you also said, it's anyone's business what to do with their face, but women in entertainment (most obviously, although it's not exclusive to that industry) don't make these choices in a vacuum; it's not pure vanity, there are also practical and resulting economic considerations to looking younger. The problem is with a sexist, ageist society and an industry which takes that to the extreme; women merely take their best shots at navigating it.
  14. It's interesting to see Jonathan rack up wins with conservative wagering - as used to be common, and then James came along and succeeded with his explosive strategy, Emma deliberately employed the same to have a chance at taking him out and succeeded, and then Matt forced himself into this strategy that wasn't natural to him (unlike professional gambler James) but worked. For people far more interested in the numbers than I am, Jonathan's streak slots interestingly into this ongoing case study.
  15. I'm often off making a drink during the interview segment, but I heard last night's, and I smiled when Mayim said she'd like the cat and Olivia replied "Yeah, I feel like you two would get along." I was rooting for her after that little cat person to cat person exchange.
  16. Reba McEntire has a boxed set out, Revived Remixed Revisited: Here's the new "Does He Love You". I like the original a good deal better, and didn't like this one at all at first, but it picked up as it went on. I do love Dolly referring to the original video by asking "Don't I get to blow something up?"
  17. Gods, that movie. The performances are fantastic, there's delicious chemistry among the cast, and there's wonderfully snappy dialogue. But the central premise that Tracy is a judgmental snob who needs to be knocked down a dozen pegs - which, of course, was an extension of the notion Katharine Hepburn needed the same - is profoundly wrong, and the whole thing about being the reason her dad is a philanderer is just plain bizarre.
  18. I respect Lucille Ball's talent and business savvy, but I cannot stand I Love Lucy and don't have any particular interest in their messy marriage. So I am not the target audience for this, and have no idea if I'll ever get the eh, why not urge one night after it's on Prime and watch it. So I don't have any protective or other strong feelings about this project, and still think that trailer looks incredibly meh. Kidman doesn't sound anything like Ball, and that can be fine if over the course of the film itself she comes across with the spirit and presence of Ball. But if you're going to cut a trailer that's just an actor speaking in first person as an entertainment icon, and the voice isn't even close, and I wouldn't have even known Javier Bardem was supposed to be Desi Arnaz if I just saw his clips on their own, I'm skeptical. On the plus side, J.K. Simmons and Clark Gregg, but on the uh-oh side, it's Aaron Sorkin writing a female character, so that's an inevitable minefield. My hunch is this will wind up being okay. Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. Holy cow; lots of TS this game (15, as noted)! The most there have been in quite a while. But the only one that surprised me was no one knowing Chevy = GM. How times have changed. I missed the first three clues revealed (the bottom three Monopoly clues), so my game was not off to a good start. I went on to join the contestants in being stumped by 1862, rad, and Balaam, and missed one more in burros. It turned out to be one of those weird games where I did better in DJ; I only ran political nicknames and 20th century, but only missed two each in Did I Miss Anything? and historical figures, and one each in the others (the Lucerne and Feynman TS stumped me, too). I instantly knew FJ had to be "the Hannibal Lecter guy", but it took me some time to remember Harris's name. I doubt I'd have done so under game conditions.
  20. Thank goodness (that he won't do a Homecoming season, not that he intends to inflict himself on the public again). Hopefully that means if there is a SF season, Rachel won't appear. Okay, I know the reason why is he didn't respond and they didn't want to keep spamming his phone with something he wasn't part of, but this still makes me laugh. That's sweet.
  21. There's one with Melvin Gregg (the two of them being driven to the Wynn), and then a longer one (where they go inside) that also has Shaq in it - and apparently J.Lo's mom is the woman at the slot machines.
  22. I still do that out of habit. If a court requires filings to have only one space, I'll change it, but that's rare. Otherwise, it's not worth me thinking about.
  23. I saw one where the sketch came out looking like Ted Kaczynski, and every potential witness they did the "Have you ever seen this man?" routine with asked, "Isn't that the Unabomber?" It cracked me up.
  24. I'm all for calling people by their chosen name, but I'm going to go ahead and pronounce this one "Jackass".
  25. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    This is why I love football despite the myriad issues; tonight wound up being a hell of a game between two teams I don't give a shit about. I was rooting for the Titans just because a) I enjoy visiting Nashville (Buffalo was perfectly fine the one time I was there, but I used to travel to Nashville on business semi-regularly and really liked it) and b) I want no good things for Cole Beasley. But I wasn't invested in it like when one of "my" teams is playing or I hate one team and will thus root for almost anyone against them. So I didn't expect to get so caught up, but that was a good match.
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