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all fall down

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Everything posted by all fall down

  1. Nathan and his brother David have a lawn care business. Keller Brothers Lawn Care.
  2. That made me laugh my ass off! Some people, I swear.
  3. Alyssa posted on IG. She took the girls out and John met them halfway. She and the girls wore fancy dresses as a 'modern royal family'. Alyssa's post
  4. Sorry (I didn't make my statement clear). I meant speficially people employed by a grocery store (which would probably make them union). Other than Walmart of course. I'm sure other delivery companies aren't union like grocery stores.
  5. I HATE birds so that first story line was hard for me to watch. They must have cut the 8-legged creature story, I don't remember seeing that. I was glad to see Maddie get reprimanded for her 'stalking'. I hope we get to see how that story plays out with the husband and wife. The two real life stories (windshield man and the kids in the house) were decent. Glad Buck got to see some action and he and Bobby are getting back to normal. Hope he and Eddie can repair their friendship.
  6. Not sure if this applies to delivery people, but when I worked at a grocery store, we were not allowed to accept tips because we were union. That was in the 90's so not sure if rules have changed any. But that could be one reason.
  7. I gave up watching over a year ago. So boring, and the same stuff over and over. I come here to find out what's going on and for the snark.
  8. Of course she doesn't include a fun fact about how OLD the Grand Canyon is.
  9. Not to defend Jill, but YT disabled comments on all videos/vlogs that feature minors. It wasn't Jill turning them off. I think their house is ok for what they could afford, as a starter home. And I'm no great housekeeper either. My house isn't really dirty, just a bit cluttered. But you can be sure that if I was doing a video house tour, I would have straightened it up before hand, or kept certain areas out of the video, like the laundry room. Just say what's behind the door. We can all imagine what a laundry room looks like. I agree with others, if they boys are gonna share, give them a bigger room, with room to play. Or make the "guest room" Sam or Izzy's room and put the blow up mattress out only when a guest is staying over. With proper bedding. Izzy could nap in his own bed if he had his own room. He should be ready for a bigger bed by now surely!
  10. I hope Dillwad isn't that crooked though...
  11. I wonder if Jilly would still have included that Kama Sutra book in her photo if she had any idea what the real Kama Sutra was. Nothing wrong with it of course, and I would not be surprised at her posting the intimacy "games" or whatever, but the Kama Sutra is just so odd coming from them, which makes me think Jill didn't realize what that title implied, just thinking this was some sort of cute little mild intimacy book.
  12. What gets me is there's all this talk about getting her new body in heaven, and meeting her savior (or whatever), and seeing baby Asa, and not getting to meet all the new great-grandbabies on the way, but nothing about her being reunited with her husband. They really didn't like Grandpa Duggar did they? Sad.
  13. I hope Angle and Peter are making at least as much as Rob, or more, considering they led the series off, and are going into their 3rd season. Angela and Peter are both listed as Executive Producers on the show.
  14. Great episode. I figured the ladder guy was probably involved when they had his mid-episode scene. I'm sure they're not going to lock Bobby away, or they won't have a show, so there must be more to his story. And I guess Athena doesn't know what he feels his role was, or she wouldn't have asked for an explanation.
  15. The jumpsuit DOES look like a prison outfit. I thought Jill was an extra on OITNB. The top half of the purple dress looks like a bridesmaid dress, and the bottom half looks like an Amish or FLDS dress. The dress might be cuter if it was knee length. The billowy bottom half does it no favors.
  16. I'm thankful for all of you for re-capping these episodes, because like some mentioned, they are getting insufferable. I come here to get the recap and then delete the episode from my DVR. Wedding dress shopping and over the top engagements are all the same. I'll wait to watch until it's an episode that doesn't revolve around a wedding, engagement or courtship. I know I might be waiting a while ;)
  17. I predict Jinger will have baby #2 pretty quickly, but then wait a while for baby #3.
  18. Jeans under a skirt looks dumb. Just let them wear jeans! A skirt over them doesn't really add extra warmth, and just looks silly. Or if they are going to insist on skirts with something underneath all year long, get warmer leggings for the colder months. I have some fleece lined ones I wear under dresses/skirts in the winter.
  19. The carpet just looks weirdly patterned to me. I don't see massive filth. A couple bits of debris maybe.
  20. If they were teasing John David of being a Bachelor til the Rapture, it makes me wonder if they tease Jana. I truly hope not, but wouldn't put it past them. Especially Jill.
  21. Maria Doyle Kennedy (Mrs. S) is in the 4th season of Outlander as Jamie's Aunt Jocasta.
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