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Everything posted by Oosala

  1. THEAJW, I rather like the out-of-town trips because it shows us what these southern "stars" are like when they're taken away from their natural habitat. Once they leave Charleston, they fail.
  2. Chelsea and Cameran also eat with their mouths open. Who taught these people table manners? Wouldn't that come under the heading of Southern Charm? It's so disgusting.
  3. This 100%. My ex was an habitual liar. He would even lie when telling the truth would be the better option. He manipulated both of his therapists so artfully it was actually quite impressive. And yes, it was all about telling people what they want to hear. That's how these criminals are able to bilk the elderly out of their life savings. I hate it.
  4. [Kathryn and Danni] It's simple. Kathryn is the alcoholic/addict and Danni is the co-dependent.
  5. Did anyone else notice the sly, "ka-ching" grin on the face of the sales associate working at the outdoor store? Those guys spent thousands of dollars buying stuff that another poster wisely noted they would never use again. Hope she works on commission. Austin is such a goober, the way he was sitting there all pissed off because the camping trip was supposed to be about helping HIM get over Madison, and instead it wound up being yet another episode of the "Shep is a Dickhead" show. Also, I really pray that wasn't salt that Craig was shaking onto those hamburgers. GOD. Hopefully it was one of those all-in-one seasonings packages you can buy.
  6. This reminded me of one of mine. The real words: Man you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe. My words: Man you should have seen them kick, you know your Allan phoned.
  7. If you wanted a textbook definition of what this thread is about, there it is. I believe it's one of the rarer sentences in the english language. ^^^AimingforYoko and I are usually in sync. Here we disagree.
  8. This is a good lead-in to my UO. I fucking LOVE the Gallagher brothers and Oasis. I love Noel all of the time because he's so talented (and hot) and I love Liam most of the time because he's a true Manc and a real rock and roller (and hot). There are only three Oasis songs played on American radio now but there's so much more that is amazing (Live Forever, Masterplan, Columbia, Cigarettes and Alcohol, Little By Little, Lyla, shit I could go on and on). I hesitated to post this because I didn't want to piss off my homey AimingforYoko but there you go. It's been mentioned by others but I don't like the Beach Boys except for 'Sloop John B' and I don't like Bruce Springsteen at all.
  9. Oasis! Oasis! Oasis! Oasis! West Coast Rap! West Coast Rap! West Coast Rap! West Coast Rap!
  10. Yay City!! B2B League Champions! The best part was when they showed Noel Gallagher and his two little boys and when KDB subbed in for D. Silva. Happy Mother's Day to me!
  11. Jesse - Joan Baez (or is it the same as Carly Simon's?) Liar - Sex Pistols Liar - Three Dog Night Songbird - Fleetwood Mac Songbird - Oasis Waterfall - The Stone Roses Waterfalls - TLC (close but not exactly the same) Also, there were several artists with a song called Heartbreaker. The full name of the Rolling Stones song is (Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo) Heartbreaker. Mother - Pink Floyd Mother - John Lennon Happy - Pharrell Williams Happy - Rolling Stones
  12. Can someone tell me why all of tomorrow's matches are on at the same time? Is that normal? My DVR can only handle 2 recordings at a time and I can't watch anything live while they are recording. Shit.
  13. Yeah on this one. I did finish it but I have NO idea what it was about. Did it involve a basement somehow? Anyway, it made me feel inferior because it was so critically acclaimed. I now believe that, most of the time, critically acclaimed books are to be avoided. I bailed on 50 Shades of Grey. I was visiting my home town and I always stop by the independent book store there and go on a buying spree and I was talked into buying it. Pure, unadulterated SHITE. SO badly written. After about 10 pages, I dumped it into my recycle bag and felt dirty somehow. I guess this is more of a Book I Never started but I've given up on Lisa See, and it seems she's given up, too. She keeps churning them out but they're no longer enjoyable, just formulaic.
  14. Cries. I'm recovering from a major depression and I've stopped crying every day but I did cry this day. Turns out many parts of the cathedral were saved, including FLYING BUTTRESSES. I always like saying that because it sounds like "flying butts" and I'm 12 years old.
  15. I just LOVED this book. It's been at the top of the best seller list that appears in the L.A. Times for several weeks I think. The ending is perfection.
  16. Yes to this. It seems the only child she had any sort of feelings for was Bonnie Blue (because Rhett forced her to), and then of course that's the child that dies. When I was a young girl, I read GWTW every summer. I say this with mixed feelings because of the whole KKK BEING THE GOOD GUYS thing.
  17. But was it bad parenting or merely extreme poverty? I know the father was a raging alcoholic and spent money on drink, but I think the mother did the best she could with what seemed like depression.
  18. Looks like a United win would ace out Arsenal. I hate Chelsea and my son and I like Arsenal. It's all so exciting. I love it. I like Tottenham but I don't like Son. Son + Pogba = Divers.
  19. City beat United and I'm THRILLED. If Liverpool and City each win the rest of their matches, City will win the Premiere League for 2 years in a row (I don't think that's common). Then it's on to the FA Cup Finals to complete the trifecta. And, ONCE AGAIN, De Bruyne is injured. That guy can't BUY a break.
  20. What in the name of Christ was THAT all about? I'm so glad I only have to watch it once.
  21. ^^^Wow, it really IS a lame ass charity! Thanks for that, configdotsys.
  22. Yeah, I don't like that either. Much prefer Colin's darling grin on WU. I loved the football sketch because a) Idris played a typical, entitled and dumb EPL football player and b) the team featured was Arsenal. That's my son's team. If I was there, I would have been singing the AAAAAH-se-nal AAAAAH-se-nal AAAAAH-se-nal "song." Idris would have gotten it. Edited to say HI to my EPL friend, proserpina65. I should have known you'd have something to say about that sketch!
  23. It is the WORST commercial EVER played on TV or radio. I lunge for the off switch every time it starts. Not only is the song an ear worm, the kids pretending to play instruments and the shitty singing kid make me vomit. And then the older man chimes in for a verse and it's just as bad. Finally, it finishes off with one of those treacly sweet little girls telling me to give away my mobile home. Fuck off, K-A-R-S Kars for Kids. I'd drive it off a cliff before calling your lame ass charity.
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