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Everything posted by Ava

  1. How old are Jamie and Claire at this point? OOh, I love math! Claire was 27 when she went back to 1743 from 1945. Jamie was 5 years younger, so was 22. This is now 1776 and 33 years have passed, so Claire is now 60 years old and Jamie is 55.
  2. It was great seeing the callback to Season 2, Episode 13 (where Lucifer has to go back to hell to help Chloe with the poisoning sitch and gets stuck in his hell loop, stabbing Uriel over and over). In that episode, he was lured into his hell room after hearing a piano playing the opening notes to "Killing Me Softly (with Your Song)" and in this episode, Chloe almost opens the door to the same hell room after hearing the same notes, but Lucifer stops her. It's very quick and I just noticed it! This is the good part of re-watches...picking up previously missed details!
  3. I'm not a particular fan of Every Breath You Take, but what I was impressed with was the lighting in that scene. The blue filter in the interrogation room combined with the warm yellow light for Dad and having Ellis being half in the dark and half in the light was a terrific choice, along with the camera work going back and forth. Amazing!
  4. I watched a fascinating video on You Tube of the cast rehearsing the dinner scene. It was early in the process, I think. Everyone was still working from the script and making suggestions for improvements (well, mostly Rachael and Tom). The director walking around, watching from all directions, the cast working out how best to serve the writing. Really interesting...check it out.
  5. Acheron, in Greek Mythology, was one of the five rivers of the underworld, known as the "river of woe". (Thank you, Google)
  6. Jessica Pare directed this episode. Has she directed any others? Does anyone know?
  7. I got "Antietam" as Final Jeopardy, but only because I used to date a guy who claimed that in a past life he was killed at the Battle of Antietam (on the Confederate side). He also claimed that in another past life he rode with Quantrill's Raiders. Unfortunately, he didn't see the problem with that, timewise...not a history buff so much...
  8. Ha! On pain of getting the side-eye from my cat again, this is the relevant stanza. Intery, mintery, cuttery corn. Apple seed and apple thorn. Wire, briar, limber lock. Three geese in a flock. One flew east and one flew west, And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.
  9. Shoot, I could even recite the rhyme. Which I did while I was listening to the Final Jeopardy music! On a side note, my cat thinks I'm weird...
  10. I think SimoneS has it right about Thingamajig. There is a mention in the clues about being "on pace" and there is a cupcake with a 4 on top. Victor Oladipo is #4 on the Indiana Pacers. He apparently has done some singing in the past.
  11. Ennis Esmer also has roles on YouMeHer and Private Eyes as well. Busy guy!
  12. Re: Sebastian Raine...Francois Arnaud also starred in Midnight, Texas (NBC).
  13. I know, right? I was sitting there, watching this and thought to myself "Well, that's just stu..." and there she goes, slicing her hand!
  14. Those are very good questions...wish I knew the answers! It's going to be very interesting to see how they cope with extreme cold. I noticed that other than 2 men from Colorado, the others seem to be from the Pacific Northwest and Texas. The guy who didn't bring a farro rod so he could bring a gill net instead may regret that. I can't even imagine how difficult it will be trying to make a fire in -20C using the friction method. I'm looking forward to seeing the others. I think this season could be interesting. Hope they last a long while!
  15. Another lovely little moment was when Patrick went off with his parents and David went over to Stevie and they both exhaled in relief. That was so sweet.
  16. There's been some questioning recently about Scarlett's sudden interest in equine therapy. I've been doing a re-watch on Netflix and in an episode in Season Two, she mentions that whenever her mother was sent to a mental hospital to deal with her bipolar disorder, Scarlett referred to it as "Mama's gone to the Horse Farm." Apparently, the institution used equine therapy. Maybe this interest is a call back to this earlier episode. Or not.
  17. Being Canadian, I started to giggle when I saw the Mounties in their formal red uniforms. Particularly since Frank would be entering Ontario, which doesn't have Mounties, it has the Ontario Provincial Police. I'm enjoying Ian's storyline and Lip's as well. This season is not the best, but not the worst, either. Always fun to watch, though.
  18. Thanks, but unfortunately, I don't get W. Here's hoping it comes back to CMT.
  19. Does anyone here know if Nashville is returning to CMT Canada? I've been checking but haven't seen it on the schedule for this month at all.
  20. No, Matt advised him to find a doctor as well. Zach just apparently hates doctors so he's reluctant.
  21. Ummmm...that Instagram was from last December. Is it the same incident or from a different time...the convo with Amy was post-Sully (March) so the illness more recent, I think. Or maybe not. It gets confusing sometimes.
  22. I'm not positive, but I think this is "The Science in the Physicist". Season 4, Episode 18.
  23. Enid lived with Olivia in her apartment when Enid first arrived in Alexandria. That's why Olivia was concerned. I think later she moved in with Maggie and Glen?
  24. It's storyline dictated. At the beginning of the season, Jamie is still traumatized by his rape and trying to recover from that. Every time he attempts to make love to Claire he sees BJR's face. Off putting to say the least. They got past that hurdle but then have to deal with how dirty Jamie feels about lying and pretending to everyone. Again, not exactly a good atmosphere for the sexy times. Then there was the whole Faith situation and a long separation. By the time they get back to Scotland, their emotional connection is back. We don't need to see them making love all over the place. The emotional connection is what's needed. There was a bit much boobage etc in season one, yes, and maybe not quite enough in season two. Maybe in season three they'll find the right balance.
  25. I believe that was episode 14, "The Man on the Fairway". Seasons One and Two for me are almost perfect, there's not a single dud episode in the bunch.
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