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Everything posted by FuriousStyles

  1. Yep! Last night on his show Don Lemon held up a graphic about the total number of both Republican and Democrats who voted since 2008. It was so striking. Basically the Republican voting block remained unchanged since 2008. If anything, it went DOWN a few million this year. The Democratic voting block on the other hand? It Crashed. Like you said, over 6 million didnt vote Dem this time around. So yeah as much as we may want to blame the Republicans for electing that twat they did what they were supposed to do for their Party. Dems didnt do what we were supposed to. And by Dems, I dont just mean us voters who didnt vote for her or those who didnt vote at all. I mean the Dems at the top who didnt present a worthy enough candidate. They were all so caught up in making sure Hillary (the first woman) got elected they sabataged one of their own in Bernie Sanders. Assuming Dems were going to come out in droves for her like they did for Obama. They took for granted the type of candidate Barack Obama was. How inspirational and transcendent he was. I just thank God his coalition was powerful from the jump, because I have no doubt the DNC would have tried to crush him in 2008 just like they did Bernie to clear the way for Hillary.
  2. How about ex-cons and people currently in prison? If anyone thinks its a coincidence that half the prisons are filled with black people and other minorities and convicts arent allowed to vote I dont know what to tell you. I was watching a Michael Moore doc over the weekend. I forget the name of it, but he traveled to various European countries looking at policies that could do wonders for us here in the US (free higher education in Slovenia, rehabilitation focused prison culture in Norway, decriminalization of all drug use in Portugal, etc) anyway...while in Norway they showed footage of candidates having their debates INSIDE the prison because their votes still counted. The GOP has a long history of disenfranchising people. That is how they think. Only their vote (voice) matters. Everybody else just needs to shut up and deal with whatever they do. Which is why it saddens me when so many people dont exercise their right to vote.
  3. I agree I think a lot of Trump's supporters fell into one or more of the "deplorable" categories: racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc. But the rest? They're just as bad. Selfishness and greed built this country and I always believe its whats going to bring it down. The whole GOP Establishment should be ashamed of themselves. The last 2 people they've nominated were George Bush and Donald Trump. THESE two jokers are the best you could do? Not surprisingly, neither won the popular vote. And Ive never been one who believes that just because you have a college degree means you're automatically smarter than someone who doesnt (Bush graduated from Yale afterall) but I think its very telling that Trump won such a huge number of the non college educated population. I would actually like to know what the percentage is of non educated people who identify as Republican vs Democrat. The GOP IMO have found a way to get people to vote against their own well being. Nobody in the GOP really gives a damn about factory workers, or healthcare for the uninsured. Its only a big deal because its one of the things Obama tried to put his stamp on and since the day he stepped foot into Office they've tried to obstruct any and everything he's tried to do. Its been one of the worst displays of partisanship in history...which I believe has a tinge of racism to it. Lowering taxes (or if you're Trump not paying any taxes at all) and whatever lobbyists can pay them the most (NRA, Big Pharma, etc) are whats important to them. I think one of the things besides doing away with the EC is doing away with unlimited terms for those in Congress.
  4. I live in NYC and work for the state thru which I get my medical coverage and the other benefits you'd typical get with a gov't job. I thank God everyday for this job and after the results of the election I'm even more grateful. However, the one thing that has been worrying me (if only in the abstract) is terrorism. I imagine the leaders of Isis or whoever licking their chops at a chance to carry out 9/11 levels of attacks. Trump's idiocy, complete lack of awareness and yes his TEMPERMENT I fear is going to cost us lives. I was watching the news last night as they spoke about how Trump will start being briefed about sensitive foreign policy information and the like and one person who's familiar with the process said that once the president-elect gets a hold of information it often sobers them. As much as I would love for Trump to fall flat on his ass just to teach all the idiots who voted for him a lesson (because how do you vote for someone you think is unqualified for the job you're voting him for)...on THIS topic I hope he's on his game.
  5. They did what? Ill just put them in the camp with the other idiots who voted for Harambe. Prevent a landslide? WTF. I believe a lot of people probably did vote for Trump...like as a joke. Never thinking he would actually win. Stupid stupid stupid. Its like playing with a loaded gun. Someone is gonna get hurt.
  6. Wait...so ALL of the Trump brats will be moving to the White House? I get Barron and the other daughter...I think her name is Tiffany...because they're young. But those grown fools Eric, Trump Jr. and Ivanka plus their spouses and kids? No....just no. Curious question: When was the last time a President went into the WH with grown children?
  7. Im watching all the protests going on and im just thinking you guys are wasting your time. Go home. The time to be passionate and make your voiced heard was YESTERDAY (Im sure these are the same people who actually did vote yesterday). I know its such a cynical thing to say, because normally I LOVE seeing people protest. But Im just so freaking depressed about what happened. It really feels like someone died.
  8. One of the saddest things to come out of this election is the idea that the President is not someone to admire or someone who should be a role model. That is so shameful. As if the person holding the most powerful position in the world cant also be compassionate, and honorable and all the things a good and decent person who can be admired at the same time. We've already heard what Trump's candidacy has done to the self esteem of young girls who see Trump degrading women based on their looks. But Im also afraid for what his presidency will do for young boys. How many will look at Trump and say its better to be a SOB who disrespects women, and who lies at every turn (a media outlet noted that on statements that could be fact-checked,Trump lied 76% of the time...Hillary was something like 30%...which is average for a politician) because hey you can still be President!
  9. Ok so Im clearly grasping at straws here but for the longest time I thought Trump's candidacy was a ruse cooked up by both Trump and Hillary (they were friends at one point) to ensure her victory. Now I think the ruse was to ensure HIS victory. Like wouldnt he be the perfect Trojan Horse. Use the worst parts of the Republican Party to get himself elected and then actually work from within to help the common man. No? Ok yeah that was the wishfullest of wishful thinking ever.
  10. Is there some kind of law that says the President HAS to live in the White House? Trump said, win or lose he'll be on Pennsylvania Ave. He just opened his brand new Hotel there, so I think he and the rest of them can live there. Leave Michelle's garden the hell alone. I'm also down for Trump crashing and burning. Its such a shame his failures cant be targeted just to the idiots who voted for him.
  11. Lol.... not at all. Ive been reading this thread all day long and Ive seen various posts from white women saying they feel ashamed or embarrased. Then I came across this Huff Post article basically saying the same thing. Like I said....we ALL can take a big piece of the blame pie. No demographic is immune this time around. We all fucked up. What bugs me is...I can kind of understand not voting for Hillary. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, I thought about not voting for her too (but thought better of it eventually). But what I cant understand is how any black, hispanic or woman could vote FOR Trump. I think something like 13% of black men voted for Trump. Why? The article I linked said 53% of white women voted for Trump. Why? How can you vote for someone that doesnt even respect you on a basic human level.
  12. For the white women feeling terrible today....just came across this Huff Post article that might sum up the feeling of shame. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_582341c9e4b0aac62488970e Though, personally I think we're all to blame. Blacks didnt come out in the numbers we needed to. The hispanic vote....IDK where they were. I didnt hear about them all night and they were the ones that was supposed to drive Trump out of town. Young people....must have gotten sidetracked with the latest challenge on instagram. Hillary got 5 million less votes than Obama got in 2012 and 9 million less than what he got in 2008. Hillary can take some of the blame too. Last night CNN said she had not stepped foot in Wisconsin since her nomination because the campaign was soo sure they had it in the bag. Not saying a visit or 2 would have changed the outcome but thats just the sort of arrogance that cost her (much like setting up a private email server against the advice of top level people).
  13. This was actually one of the funnier moments on CNN one night when they were debating whether Trump was saying bigly...or big league. My vote is for bigly because I mean, of course he'd say bigly. I hope making America great again starts with education and using words that actually exist.
  14. And my point was that all of that happened before Obama was elected. Since his election race relations havent changed. One could argue they've gotten worse. Obama getting elected was a huge moment for this country. No doubt. But so far thats all it was, a moment.....not a movement. And short of a miracle, everything he's done for race relations and just people in general will be undone if the GOP have anything to say about it.
  15. LMAO....and your point in bringing this up is to say what exactly? Clearly Obama being elected did NOTHING to strengthen race relations in this country. Black people came out in droves to get him elected in 2008. He received over 95% of the black vote....and similar numbers in 2012. Yes of course many whites voted for him too but it was the black and young vote that carried him. And has there ever been a president so openly disrespected as him? I think about the Congressman who screamed "You lie" while Obama was giving a speech, I believe it was a State of the Union Address. I read an article a few years ago that said America is more segregated now as its ever been during the 50s and 60s. There is no such thing as a post racial society. America will ALWAYS have a race problem. 60 million people (and some of their offspring) proved that yesterday. Frankly Im getting really sick and tired of people talking about progress. We've made so much progress? I suppose if the alternative is waking up in chains and working the fields then YES I'm thrilled at the progress we've made as a country. But when is the time going to come for actual equality? I remember during one of the recent protests seeing John Lewis stand infront of the cameras calling for peace and protesting one of the many black lives taken this year. I thought to myself, damnnn this man was doing this 50 years ago! 50! And he's still fighting the same fucking fight. We're having the same conversation over and over and over and over again. Somehow saying Black Lives Matter is offensive to some. Somehow not standing for the National Anthem (which has racist content in it) is more offensive than the reasons people might not be standing. The election of Donald Trump means we're moving backwards. When the KKK can crawl out from under the rocks they live under and celebrate THEIR candidate being elected, we have a HUGE problem.
  16. Yep...saw the demos on CNN. White women both educated and non educated voted for Trump at a very high clip. Both over 65% I think.
  17. At this point the wall wont be there to keep Mexicans out...it'll be there to keep Americans in. The Canadian Immigration website crashed last night and thats just the beginning. Unfortunately my job doesnt allow to me to kick up and leave but if I had a couple million stashed away I would be moving asap.
  18. I stood in my polling booth for a good 5 minutes trying to decide whether I would write in Bernie Sanders name. I have been pissed at Hillary and the DNC for months because of what they did to him. But ultimately I decided to vote for Hillary....and I live in NY so me voting for Bernie wouldnt have made a difference. I cant imagine what the people in Florida, NC or any other battleground state who voted for Gary Johnson or the 10,000+ people who voted for a dead gorilla were thinking. Why waste time in line if you're going to throw your vote away??
  19. I disagree. Attitudes changed over time? Nope. Even after the Civil War we had Jim Crow for decades. To this day the justice system is skewed against black people. 13% of the population but 50% of the poluation in prison. War on Drugs was a war on blacks. Oh and lets not forget The Voting Rights Act was recently overturned. Racist attitudes havent changed...just the way they manifest itself.
  20. I wish I had known about this thread throughout the summer and beyond. Ive been dreading this day. IMO, this election was lost when the DNC had to rig the process to get Hillary the nomination. Bernie could have done the numbers Hillary did last night PLUS pick up those votes that went to Gary Johnson. That would have been the difference in a lot of those battleground states. But beyond that....I too smell a rat @hoosier80. Wouldnt surprise me one bit if the Russians or whoever had something to do with this. And I think back to all of Trump's talk about the system being rigged. Isnt there a saying when someone constantly accuses you of something its because they are doing it themselves? I never doubted there were still racists in this country. There always were and there always will be. What has stunned me is the numbers. Close to 60 million people voted for Trump. 60 million people hate blacks, Muslims, Mexicans (and most likely Hispanics at large), gays (Mike Pence is on the ticket too) and have no problem with a man who brags about sexually assaulting and degrading women...or some combination of the above. Restoring order (Trump touted himself as the 'Law&Order' president) and securing white privelege trumped (yes pun intended) everybody else and the greater good of the country. My only hope is that their selfishness will bite them in the ass....because thats the only way they'll get it. Whats funny is I'm not even worried about Trump per say. I'm terrified of Mike Pence. The career politician who knows his way around gov't. He will be the next Dick Cheney pulling the puppet strings. Then there are the rest of the deplorables Trump will have in his cabinet. Chris Christie, Rudy Guilani.....I'm shivering right now just thinking about it. Kelly Anne Conway doesnt bother me nearly as much as those complete jerks CNN was paying the last couple of months as "contributors". Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and that big headed "I graduated from Harvard Law School so I know more than you" Kayleigh Mcaniny or whatever the hell her name is. Those two are THEE worst. They were ultimately proven to be right and I'm gonna have to listen to them blovate for the foreseeable future about it.
  21. Tuned into the game just in time to see that clusterfuck of an ending (of the 1st half). Complete with douchy Richard Sherman doing something shady. I do not root for players getting hurt, but I would LOVE for someone to lay Russell Wilson out on a questionable play and then shoulder shrug back to the sideline. Oh and the refs. How the hell does the clock start running when the refs are standing literally in the middle of both teams getting everything set. And then call a delay of game on the Bills. NO you idiots YOU delayed the game. And of course the kicker missed the 2nd try. Don't know if ill stick around for the 2nd half. Uggg. Then again I'm watching Donald Trump on CNN right now drool over Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck and claim that Brady said he already voted for him. I think I'll just turn the tv off.
  22. Giants feeling themselves after the win. The whole team did the #MannequinChallenge
  23. In the redzone no less. Great win by the Giants.....speaking of NY qbs throwing 4th quarter interceptions....I swear Eli is gonna take me to an early grave. Our defense is really stepping up and earning their coins. Thank GOD the Eagles didnt make another late game comeback as the broadcast noted with the highlight package. I STILL get shivers watching that Desean Jackson return. I didnt remember it was back in 2010. It seems much more recent. Dont know whats going on in Minnesota but they need to get it together. I correctly picked all the early games except theirs. How could you lose to Detroit.....at home!
  24. FuriousStyles

    The NBA

    Well Steph was the best player on the planet last year (at least in the regular season). But that doesnt have anything to do with this year. It was one bad game. Sheesh. I dont think Steph is gonna put up crazy numbers this year anyway simply because KD is there and he's going to be the focus of the offense. The Lakers were one of the 9 teams who beat the Warriors last year, so not surprised they won this game. They've got a decent team, and without the ghost of Kobe hanging over them they should have some freedom to improve. They could make the playoffs too.
  25. Congrats to the Cubs and their fans. Incredible year and incredible comeback. Soooo......can Theo come GM for the Knicks? Im kind of not joking about that. The man is a genius and instant Hall of Famer. To have his hand in breaking 2 of the longest most memorable droughts in baseball history is amazing. And just like in Boston, I dont think its going to be long before the Cubs win again. This team is so good it overcame Maddon doing everything he could to throw the game away. i mean there were so many wtf is he doing decisions that could have drowned any lesser team. But those guys are so mentally tough. I tip my cap to the players for sure for never giving up.
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