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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. I love the movies but find it very entertaining that people use them as glorified example to diss a series they've only seen a trailer for. Peter Jackson has taken quite some liberties and he was very lucky that Social Media wasn't around when he was working on the films. He wanted to have Arwen at the battle of Helms Deep ffs. They even shot those scenes. There are a couple of shots in the movie where you can clearly see her in the background. PJ also let Aragorn leave Rivendell without THE sword. Back then only a couple of fan sites got wind of it and complained, but if it had gotten out at the same scale the Amazon stuff has, the keyboard warriors would've CAPS-LOCKED themselves hoarse.
  2. I quite enjoy the routines at the jiggle joint - were those really that creative back then? Those performances, plus Shy singing, as much as I enjoyed them, went on a bit to long I thought. As someone who has shared an office with a loud chewer, I appreciated the tip Susie got for hiring an assistant 😄
  3. Gilmore Girls' very own Max Medina ... Maaaaaax Medina. The character did mention a wife though. Between him and Chris Eigeman (aka Digger Styles) as Abe's newspaper editor, I wonder why (and am glad that) out of all the guys on GG the Palladinos never hire David Sutcliffe for any of their other shows. Joel's parents are only a minor annoyance this season (or maybe I've just gotten used to them). His father stopping by the club to talk about the mysterious Rachel (aka Mei) was actually quite sweet.
  4. That is some unfortunate timing on the 'when the red light goes on the Russians are invading' joke. How annoying for Rose to get a chance like that just to be knocked back by the bitter 'small business council'. I really want her to stand up and fight for her business. I hope the writers aren't just a repeating of the Oklahoma story here. Why doesn't Susie just sell all the stuff from Sophie? That car alone would be great for her bank balance. I know, I know, because its TV ... Midge and Sophie working on the same show was never going to go well. I assume she got fired. With 2 episodes left, what are the odds of the TV guy catching Midge at the nipple palace and getting her on the talk show (kudos to everyone who already had that TV/Late Night Show story on their Maisel bingo card before the season kicked off) and give her career a big push. It might be overshadowed by Shirely having a heart attack over Joel having a kid with a non-Jewish girl. I like Imogene, but whats the point of her popping up for a few seconds in every other episode? Why have we never seen her watch and support her friend at the club?
  5. Am I the only one watching this? You lot are missing all the good stuff. Homegrown week was great. I enjoy the bakers using proper Australian ingredients I've never heard of and they didn't disappoint. The episde also highlighted what I said in bread week - that Matt and Maggie just light up and dig in when they get to judge bread.
  6. Apart from the snogging at the end that was a pretty poor episode imho.
  7. Indeed. There is a chance that Mazepin will get the boot before this year's F1 season starts because his father is an oligarch with very close ties to Putin. At the test runs in Barcelona last weekend Haas removed all Ural Kali branding (rememer that Nikita only got the Haas cockpit because his father's company is the head sponsor) from the car and Mazepin did not partake in any press conferences. There is a meeting of the World Motor Sport Council tomorrow where they will discuss, among other Russia related things, whether Mazepin will be stripped of his super license. Update: The FIA will allow Russian and Belarusian drivers to compete under a neutral flag. However, F1 team Haas (whose owner is US-American millionaire Gene Haas) has let Mazepin go and also cut ties with Rusian agro-chem company UralKali.
  8. Is it gonna be bidets next year, isn't it? Granted, I am not their target audience, but I've never seen unconventionally shaped urinals like that. Even the good ones seemed a nightmare to clean. Having a Wedgewood crew on the show must've been a real treat for the potters, really aspirational. Jasper ware doesn't do it for me and I remember that on shows like Antiques Roadtrip or Bargain Hunt the experts often try to steer clear of it because nobody wants to buy them at auction (at least the standard stuff). The modern Japanese design was quite good.
  9. I did enjoy sassy Saint Conchita, but the way things turned out with Christian Vilanelle was very predictable. About 5 minutes into the first episode I realised how little I remember from the previous seasons. I'll swim along to see how they decide to wrap this up.
  10. It took a while for this episode to become available to viewers outside of Australia (if you get my drift). I am rarely tempted by Pavlovas and the steamed pudding didn't tickle my fancy either. The task for the showstopper - combine two traditional Australian bakes into something new - was a bit weird and not really nostalgic. Lots of Lamingtons and sprinkles, which really are timeless treats. Javin's Vienetta was by far the most nostalgic thing in the showstopper.
  11. Why would Amazon only give the critics the first two, subpar, episodes to review when the second batch is SO much better. I'd even say that they could've covered everything from last week in one episode and then go straight to the good stuff. During the final good bye from the strippers, right at the end, there was one covered in Tupperware which was hilarious 😅 (maybe she was also on in the first episode, but I didn't notice her). Lenny is like a rash, appearing unannounced and then suddenly gone again. I hope Suzie can turn her mob-backed business into something and gets to work with more people, so she isn't stuck with babysitting just Midge's career. Abe's life keeps exploding like a clusterbomb. For someone with a background in mathematics, which requires rational thinking, he acts quite rash and not considering consequences, especially consequences that affect his family. Is Rose's matchmaking business over after the outrage over the musical review??
  12. The scene with Midge and the strip club owner - she takes away the cup of coffee (?) because its a safety risk? You'd think the lit cigar to be the more pressing issue. Otherwise the episode was a lovely and very sad tribute to Jacky. Loved Zelda getting worked up over almost everything; how are they still able to afford her? And great to see Lenny again. I was on board with Abe's story, and his cape, but I am not sure where they are going with the FBI. I enjoyed the colourful visuals at the strip club, and Midge trying to sell Tupperware in a sea of pastels.
  13. I actually thought the pump day story with Jesse, Sid and the birds was pretty close to a Ted and Marshall thing. Good to have the old bathroom featured in another animal related story. This time round even I thought that Charlie and Ellen sucked. The story was alright and sweet, but their delivery is SO robotic. As was the woman's who hired Sophie for the party. They all sounded like SIlicon Valley's Laurie Bream. I still don't get Charlie and Valentina's relationship. Sophie felt very Kelsey again this week. I am no expert in photography, but was that small camera what a professional would bring to an event like that? And as her assistant, Valentina should've had a sizeable bag with additional equipment? Please correct me if I am wrong, but if they go for something like photography as a profession they need to do it properly - like Hank on NBC's Parenthood. Re the kids thinking they took Valentina's drugs - I hope they have someone eating a giant sandwich in the background in at least one of the next episodes.
  14. Keith and his waterworks - that show should come with a flash flood warning. Rich is such a well-spoken judge. He is like the Nigella of pottery. Bake Off could do with a judge like that. And his sensual fondling of Lucinda's sulpture surely got a few viewers' minds wandering somewhere that has very little to do with clay. They were only in one shot together this week, but now I am shipping AJ and Rose. Loved Rose's outfit with the wee bow tie. To be fair, Christine was very close to the bottom a few times, and we've had her down as a candidate for the chop last week. But that sculpture, even without the story, was pretty good. Well done.
  15. I am glad this time round we're only getting 2 episodes a week. Based on the first couple of episodes, which did very little for me, I'd have skipped throught most of the rest of the season. I understand why so many of the reviews for this season were only lukewarm. Joel, the knight in shining armor is wearing a bit thing. And him still calling Midge his wife, while his gf sleeps in the other room. I really enjoy the dynamic between him and Mei and the rest of her family/his landlosts QUESTIONMARK. And the bouncer. By all means, make Midge the comedy madame of the burlesque club. It'll probably take the return of Lenny to then get her out of there and zip her right back into the proper spotlight. Anyone else think Midge's speech about her being better when she is riffing was a bit cocky? Surely you need to be able to do both if you want the occasional TV gig? Last but not least: that insurance fraud story with Suzie and her sister was just to deny her the cheque for one episode? I don't know where I stand on her sister basically getting herself a new life off blowing the insurance guy, but the telephone call was amusing.
  16. My favourite line was from the opening sequence, about taking revenge: I will introduce your daughter to a poet 😅 I also enjoyed the ensemble scenes on Coney island. Otherwise, I feel like I am still trapped in one of the earlier seasons. I hope they can give Midge a nudge into a slightly different direction and make Suzie work towards being a proper manager, with a proper roster.
  17. The new season drops on March 11th on Netflix. And a bit of news from F1: Michael Masi has been fired as race director. He'll be replaced by former DTM race director Niels Wittich and former rally race director Eduardo Freitas, who will take turns to oversee the F1 races.
  18. Still waiting for something memorable to happen before the season finale. Its all perfectly nice, and that moment between Sophie and Sid was cute, but they can only get by for so long with the watered-down premise of HIMYM. The girls Ellen meets or hooks up with are all super cute. And I like the energy between her and Charlie (aka Pub Rachel). Drew is boring.
  19. So many tasty buns and focaccias, and Australian Bake Off is always good for some new flavour combinations. I am so hungry now. My favourite thing about this episode was Matt and Maggie really goetting into all those buns and breads - not just the Prue Leith nibble - proper bites, and keep in mind there are still 10 bakers left, so thats a lot of carbs. Even Mel and Claire had a few bites.
  20. Awww, what a lovely set of challenges. I am glad that they went for 'realistic' animals instead of the always disastrous human form (remember those poor nude models?). Loveld the badger, otter, crocodile and lantern fish. My only issue with Jenny's was that it needed a smaller lightbulb and fitting, it just hang too low. Congratulations AJ, their 2nd challenge was cracker too. As I've hinted at last week, I am not sure how happy I am about bringing back Siobhan for the last 3 episodes, especially if she is still on crutches.
  21. Just got round to watching the frist couple of episodes. Cake week is always one of my faves because I like my treats moist, large and not too fussy. LOL love the boobies cakes. Don't know what to make of the rabbit lady, but glad there is some rugby paying eye candy in the mix. The slice&bake biscuits are what the Canadians called fridge biscuits, aren't they? The technical bake - can't remember the name - but my mom does those with jam and slivers of almond instead of coconut. Biscuit chandeliers are pointless.
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