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Everything posted by Aulty

  1. In your book, what would Otis have to do to make things OK if a heartfelt apology and remorse aren't enough? (leaving asside what a lame trope that deleted voicemail was)
  2. This was a lovely episode with reasonable challenges that didn't require a Masters in structural engineering - plus, almost everything looked and sounded delicious. The only thing I didn't understand was Juergen's choice of terrine filling because topside is a very lean piece of beef and I assume a terrine filling needs to be rather fattier/juicier. Kudos to the sound team who have to filter out the sound of wind and rain on the tent.
  3. Maybe compared to 90/00s romcoms. While it may not be the norm, its not that uncommon on TV anymore - Big Bang Theory's Leonhard and Penny are a pretty prominent example and that was 10 years ago. By the time Otis and Maeve actually did have their long awaited kiss, they were pretty much on even footing. You can even argue that, emotionally, Otis has matured a lot more than Maeve over the past 2 seasons.
  4. Have they mentioned which part of Germany Juergen is from? Germany is a decent sized country, bigger than the UK in fact, with several distinct areas. They wouldn't expect a Cornish baker to excel at black buns, why act as if Juergen is master of every tradtitional German bake? At the same time, the biscuits are more or less variations of short crust with complicated German names and the yeasted dough is just a sweet bun dough that needs less kneading - the playing field really wasn't as uneven as the producers wanted us to think.
  5. I really didn't want to give the impression that I think of non-penetrative sex as something sub-par or unfullfilling. Both characters, at some point, were really keen on sleeping with a guy that I wonder if the curiosity will push them towards it - either as something they can do together (maybe they already do?) or with someone else. Also with it playing such a big part in Lily's art. Not sure if Lily is already over her vaginismus, all we got on that front was that she managed to get the 2nd largest dummy in in the season 2 finale.
  6. To some degree, and at times rather reluctantly, Aimee and Steve are the only exception. And even though we only got a glimpse of their breakup, it was heartbreaking. I read an article/interview that was raving about the sex scene and the Isaac character, explicitly stating that for once the disabled person finds love and is not cast as a villain ... Excuse me, did they watch series 2??? Do you lot think we will see Isaac again in season 4, especially now Maeve has left the trailer park? Me neither.
  7. This season showed some severe cracks opening between the two girls. I've been wondering what will happen to Lilly and Ola once Lilly and her vagina are ready to ... you know ... Not that this means they will break up, but they've both been so curious about sex that I wonder whether the writers (you can never be sure with that lot) will it move towards a strap-on scenario or a thruple or split them up because their desire for boy on girl sex is bigger than the feelings the have for each other.
  8. I really hope you get to see it. I watched the first episode and its a pretty decent programme. Having Mel and her incredibly soothing voice back hosting a show like this is just lovely. She started it off with some trademark innuedo (Morning wood ... workers), broke something, slipped in a few decent jokes and happily tested the beds (the main challenge for this episode) during the judging.
  9. He wasn't the last to be judged in the signature, they switched it around in the editing. You can catch a glimpse of his already cut cake in the background while Guiseppe is being judged. They probably edited it for some drama. Exhibit A:
  10. Amanda really saved herself with her showstopper, didn't she? I was surprised that they kicked Freya out and not George, but it was pretty tight between them and George did decent biscuits. Whoever edited that episode should've cut down the bits where everyone was trying to pronounce the German terms and then cutting to Juergen saying it properly to two at the most. That got annoying really fast. I liked the signature challenge with the cookies - speaking as someone who has eaten their fair share of Christmas biscuits - because there was a nice variety and the decorations weren't over the top. One thing about Christmas cookies though is that you'd usually make them well in advance and let them sit for a few weeks to develop the crumble. The showstopper was a bit stupid in my opinion. Make yeasted cake, but make it 3 layers because non-German reasons? It didn't add anything visually, just increased the of toppling bakes. Giuseppe, bless him, basically made 3 basic Guglhupf cakes in simple Guglhupf tins and piped custard down the middle. Keep it simple, get star baker. Extra points for the small cake that Matt caught looking like a Skyrim sweet roll. Chrystelle's looked very tempting, both visually and from the flavour description. I tried to google the most popular traditional cakes and bakes in Germany and I am not surprised they went with the Prinzregententorte because that seems to be one of the few things that's reasonably compliated and hasn't been done on the show before.
  11. Glad this show is back too. Bruno is the best Bake Off judge in the whole franchise at the moment. Honest and pleasant at all times.
  12. Former Bake Off presenter Mel Giedroyc will host a woodworking competition, Handmade: Britain's Best Woodworker. It starts on Thursday, 21st of October on Channel 4. Couldn't find any information on whether it will come to Netflix.
  13. Judging by the flurry of Tweets princpal photography started today:
  14. Derry Girls fans in a spin as Fatboy Slim to appear in final series Filming seems to be well underway, there are a few pictures in the article.
  15. I assume its a nod to Bernd das Brot (Bernd the bread), a really rather weird TV show about a grumpy loaf of bread that aired during the wee hours on some German TV channels.
  16. Hope herself said it during the first assembly: I am your new head teacher, Mrs. Haddon, but you can call me Hope. It was probably part of marketing herself as this young, hip, dancing head before she took a turn into dictator-ville. But I agree, it was weird. In this context, yes. The head teacher would be in charge of managing the day to day running of the school.
  17. Starting off this week's episode of the country's most beloved baking show with a butt and fart joke ... Matt and Noel in a nutshell.
  18. Tom Allen (he also co-hosts Extra Slice) and Liam are TERRIBLE hosts and one of the reasons why I stopped watching Professional Bake Off (and Extra Slice). I don't understand why Channel 4 hired a juvenile amateur baker with no relevant TV experience to host a show about professional patisserie. They probably wanted him to be 'their' Nadiya (Nadiya was on GBBO when it was still on the BBC and now does very charming cooking and baking shows there). I've seen both on other programmes and quiz shows: Tom is a bit hit and miss, but he has his moments; Liam was a mildly entertaining contestant, but as a TV personality he just doesn't work. I don't think GBBO should be hosted by a former contestant.
  19. A Hasbro Glo Worm, it lit up when you squeezed it.
  20. If I were a contestant on this show, I would've made this for the milkbread challenge (yes, I was born in the 80s and I had one):
  21. The introduction for the first challenge, the Lord of the Loaf bit with the song, I actually found quite nice and on topic. To me it felt like something Mel and Sue would've done. Cut to the comdey bit before the technical bake, which was AWFUL and pointless and showed how hit and miss their overly scripted stuff is. Also the overwrought time calls wouldn't be necessary if the interaction with the bakers were better or they could come up with better food related puns. Anyway, I guess I will make a foccacia this week because the signature challenge had me drooling all over the couch. Chrystelle's baked grapes and feta (?) cheese bread sounded delicious. TBH all the breads looked good. I was afraid Lizzie would overdo it with the truffle, using truffle oil, truffle salt and truffle pieces, but glad she had a good week. Rochica, girl, of all things why would you choose to make a bird cage out of milk bread?? Maggie was lucky.
  22. You probably have a point. Especially with Otis and Maeve getting very little happy screen time together. And like @Paloma part of me has a hard time shipping the popular b*tch, especially when she was all or nothing - love me or leave me. Somehow Ruby's line from season 2, that she 'makes out with nerdy boys because they think they are in love with her, which feels amazing' is also still stuck in my head. There is a grain of autophobia in there somewhere.
  23. Blue it was. Blue tips, thus Hope's cookie monster comment. The first time I watched season 3 I didn't get all the remarks about the hair either because its such a dusty blue its hardly noticable if your screen settings aren't on the brighter side. Only when I watched it again on my laptop did I notice it. Probably didn't help that they shot the show in autumn instead of summer. The whole thing is a lot duskier. People going nuts for Ruby and Otis are really doing my head in. Do they only remember two scenes and a heart broken Ruby from that whole relationship? When he was with Ola, he said ILY and did not mean it (and she saw that right away), with Ruby he didn't say it because knew he wasn't there (yet), whereas If they wanted to go with Ruby and Otis at some point both characters would have to work on themselves before this can be an emotionally intimate relationship. Otherwise this will turn into some badly scripted token story like Maeve and Isaac. Anyway, I am curious what they have planned for Ruby in season 4.
  24. Austrian, actually. Linz is a city in Austria There are two types of what is known as Linzer shortcrust in traditional Austrian baking: brown Linzer dough, which contains nuts and spices, and white Linzer dough, which is very similar to shortbread dough. Both are used in a number of cookie recipes. The Linzer torte uses something similar to, but not the same as, brown Linzer dough. (I think its just a creamier version with more eggs). In Austria, Linzer cookies are known as Linzer Augen (Linzer eyes) or just Linzer. They are a Christmas baking staple and larger version traditionally come with 3 holes in the top. To us, its a Jammie Dodger.
  25. I am not a fan of biscuit week, but the cookies in the technical looked so yummy. I hope they continue that theme of traditional and oldfashioned (but not ancient pond puddings!) bakes for the technical. The show stopper in biscuit week is now the annual ginger bread construction bonanza. Its "make some 3D *insert weird topic here* from biscuits" and everyone, sensibly, defaults to ginger bread (which I loathe). Re biscuit windmill - was it Nancy who did a giant Moulin Rouge windmill for a final showstopper a few years ago? Matt singing Snooker Loopey at the mention of Snooker - thats basically the law when Snooker is mentioned on any show that does not feature Hazel Irvine. Hands down, the funniest thing about this episode was the Channel 4 livestream breaking down during a dog commercial, moments before the show was about to start, and everyone loosing their sh*t on Twitter.
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