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Everything posted by BitterApple

  1. Mmmm, chocolate..... I thought tonight's match was great. I always like it when it's anybody's game going into FJ. I'm a huge dog lover so FJ was an easy one for me. Newfies and Labs are such awesome dogs, they deserve their own Province!
  2. I think Hannie is too young to be a bridesmaid and Jackson is too old to be a ring bearer. Also, having toddlers in a wedding party is a risky proposition. I was in a wedding with a two year-old flower girl and she threw a massive tantrum throughout the ceremony. Why is Anna a bridesmaid, but not Cousin Amy?
  3. Personally I don't believe in piercing a baby's ears, but to each their own. I agree it certainly isn't scandal worthy. I think North spends about 90% of her life with nannies and assistants. Even for celebrity parents, Kim and Kanye are really detached and neglectful.
  4. I agree the show is strictly business for Kourtney. Despite all the crap her family gave her about Scott, she's the only K-sibling that has managed to maintain a stable relationship for a significant length of time. I think Kourtney is snarky-funny whereas Khloe tries to be outlandish and brash, and Kim is just dull as day-old dishwater.
  5. In today's culture of entitlement and "me! me! me!, I've learned baby and wedding registry tackiness knows no bounds. People can't even be bothered to send thank-you notes any more.
  6. Given how often we saw a sign that said "The Galdez" along with the twenty times Bill plugged the hotel in his TH's, I think it's a safe bet to assume the rooms were comped:) Also, I know this sounds witchy, but I doubt all those people would have attended if TLC hadn't footed the bill. Especially the families who would've had to purchase airfare for parents plus two or three kids. That stuff adds up fast.
  7. Brian just didn't do it for me. I think unbuttered toast is more exciting. Also, Doug Flutie as a Mormon? Guess Ole Brian isn't much of a football fan! I was bummed Angie didn't win. I loved that gutsy wager on the DD! Troy was a little too shmoozy on this episode, I wasn't sorry to see him go.
  8. Wouldn't it be awesome if John David is really living in Josh's old house playing beer pong and hiring hookers?
  9. I imagine sex with Josh is akin to doing it with a bloated corpse. I think Derick and Jill have a ton of physical attraction to one another, so hopefully they'll be okay once the awkward jitters wear off. Jana is the MOH, correct? Thus far she's been in Josh's wedding, Pris' wedding and now Jill's. Homegirl better find a man quick. She's starting to resemble a Fundie version of 27 Dresses.
  10. I thought Will seemed like he was getting frustrated with Jen's rapid-fire questions. You can tell he understands and knows what he wants to say, he just has trouble forming the words. I wonder how he's progressing IRT.
  11. Regarding Kim's boobs, someone should tell her wearing those extreme push-up bras every day will actually stretch breast tissue and make sagging worse. I'm not surprised Kim's only friends are vapid, fellow famewhores. Besides vaginas, sex, her body and her looks, I can't recall any other topics of conversation when Kim is onscreen. People who are so consumed with themselves are just utterly boring. Doesn't she have a baby somewhere who needs attention?
  12. Oooh, is Troy married? He'd be perfect for a nice, shy girl like Julia! Hopefully he can earn enough wins so they can meet at the TOC!
  13. God, all that sugar would make me nauseous. I remember when the Duggars made some horrid punch concoction consisting of Mountain Dew with scoops of ice cream. I felt pre-diabetic just looking at it. Speaking of which, Smuggar's diet didn't last too long, did it? He's paunchier than ever.
  14. You might be able to watch it OnDemand. Usually the new epis are available for viewing the day after their first run.
  15. Troy reminds me of a nerdy Luke Bryan. Paige and the other lady on tonight were painful to watch, they had such dull, flat affects. And yes, Paige totally said "GMC" instead of "GNC" on the previous night's show. Andrea, great games, you should be very proud!
  16. Kim looked wide and chunky in that pole dancing class. Now I understand why she always wears seven inch heels, they make her look more hourglass instead of apple-shaped.
  17. I wonder if Will got tired and someone took him up to bed and that's why we didn't see much of him towards the end. I wish we could see more of Bill's mom. I really like her.
  18. XrystalPond, one of my friends did a cocktail-party reception only and it was amazing. She had such a great selection of hot and cold appetizers you basically left out of there feeling like you'd eaten a full meal. Not to mention it also saved a ton of money. I just wish the Duggars and their ilk could get a little more creative than Ritz crackers topped with Cheez-In-A-Can.
  19. I agree Bill could have dressed a little bit better. I could see keeping the same shirt, but wearing it tucked in with some khaki pants. I think Jen knew about the vow renewal plans in advance, but not about all the friends and family flying in. She was genuinely surprised. It was nice to see her dance and have fun at the party.
  20. Wow, rehearsing the proposal? That makes it so much less special. I had high hopes for Derick, but it seems like he's jumped on board the crazy-train with eyes wide open. I knew it was all downhill when they agreed to live in one of Boob's rental properties. Enjoy life on the stink bus, Derick.
  21. The renewal was nicely done. I did panic however when I thought those hideous red and green drapes were the chair covers! I didn't realize they were only being used to protect the seating from the sea mist. I was pissed when that little boy kept running back and forth across the dance floor during Bill and Jen's slow dance. I get that it wasn't a formal affair and kids will be kids, but his parents should have put a stop to it. It irked me to see their moment disrupted.
  22. Considering this whole thing is staged and scripted to the hilt, I don't think I'll be shedding tears either. I'm happy Bill and Jen get to do something nice on TLC's dime, but they can only talk about the cancer for so long before it crosses into "milking it" territory. Right now, I'll think positive because the TLC publicity and editing monkeys are notorious for overhyping episodes that end up being completely normal.
  23. Well, Anna lucked out because we know Joshie would never get his hands dirty by doing actual labor. No third world mission trips for them!
  24. CarolMK, don't quote me on this, but I want to say Esther is around 30 or 31. Before her family moved to Africa they were living in a camper in the woods while Esther's husband scrounged for donations to fund their mission trip.
  25. Yeah, Smuggs and Anna are going to age ten years overnight when M#4 arrives. A pre-schooler, two toddlers and a nursing infant? Good luck with that one. Jill and Derick will be living in that big house Boob bought and gutted a few seasons back.
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