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Everything posted by gameoff

  1. OMG, you're not kidding! I wanted Rachel to tell Jaime to just hush so she could give the clues. So much flustering and physical attributes clues which weren't very helpful --although they did get Salma Hayek from something like "Big boobs, Latin actress".
  2. Speaking of scars people want to keep --wasn't this the episode where Jimmy noticed his own scar from cutting himself on the fence the night he proposed was gone?
  3. I didn't realize there was a marathon of this today and wasn't even planning on watching it anyway. Decided to check it out around the end of episode 4. Now, halfway through episode 5 I'm really digging it. I love the Police Squad-like humor. The only problem is with that kind of humor I really have to pay attention and can't do things like play computer games and post in forums while I watch ;)
  4. And the sound you just heard was the fandom's heads collectively exploding. Well, at least the anti-Juliette people. I figured she'd be back at some point, she never bothered me too much. But this is probably Juliette Hexenbiest 5.0 to the 8th power so we'll see how it goes. It was an okay episode. Wish Trubel was well enough to go out with them. Loved her showing Nick the bike.
  5. I thought at first perhaps Chanel #1 was staging a mass suicide near the end when they all drank their purple prune juice. It felt very much like a "drink your Kool-aid and follow me" moment and when she was walking past them all sleeping I thought they were dead. I enjoyed the show overall and will watch again if it comes back.
  6. I agree with all of this. And yes I think those were milk stains because when Nick asked about Kelly throwing up on her Adalind said, [paraphrasing] "Something like that." Glad Trubel is back, hope she is going to be okay. I figured it was the daughter when the "boyfriend" henchman got killed. I guessed she was killing them off herself so she wouldn't have to deal with any of them. Frankie was a jerk. Loved that they said his girlfriend called the cops from the burger joint down the street after he told her they couldn't go get a burger.
  7. Yeah, I noticed last night that it said "recorded today" or "recorded earlier" when the opening credits were rolling. And also if there were no editing I think there would be a lot more of Carson hurrying them along to make a decision. I think it was Pharrell who took a reaaalllyyyy long time (other than Adam) last night. I thought he was going to flat-out refuse to choose at one point.
  8. Reba just sang "Why Haven't I Heard From You." The nostalgia is high! I saw her 20-ish years ago (with Brooks and Dunn) probably singing this same song. The lyrics about a phone on every corner and the back of every bar did make me laugh though. Now it's more like "There's a phone in every pocket, and a charger in your car."
  9. The Catherine looking dead and then being alive scene made me think that it's Catherine that Caleb asks Michaela about during the flash forwards. This show is so twisty, it hurts my brain ... in a good way.
  10. OMG! I did not see that coming. I was so surprised I yelled at the TV.
  11. A couple years ago I finally turned the brightness setting up on my TV because it was so frustrating watching a show and missing half the details. So many shows love to shoot in that semi-darkness moody type lighting and while I get that there's artistic merit for doing so I'd rather see what's going on and lose a bit of the "it's so dark and creepy" vibe. That said, the monster of the week was terrifying. Between the contortions of its body and the stop-start of the camera, I'm glad I watched in the daytime. And also I'm very glad that (barring any horrible future dental issues) I should not be having any more tooth fairy visits :)
  12. I think this was the best episode yet. I laughed quite a few times. I think the show is finding its footing.
  13. I'm sad that Matt lost, I was interested to see how far he would go. I guessed FJ was the Space Needle, only because the word "galaxy" gave me a weird stream of conscious thought process from galaxy, to space and the movie Men in Black and the movie MIB always makes me think of the Space Needle. IDK. The mind works in mysterious ways.
  14. I came running to the forums right after this episode went off to see if anyone had anything to say about this. My dad even called me about it during the game. I guess Alex assumed he meant $5,000 (and so did I) but I'm surprised there wasn't some kind of clarification made after the commercial break.
  15. Ha! Yes, I noticed that, too. The other semi-nitpicky thing I noticed was when the guys were in the dressing room looking at who was most popular the Stamos character said something like "You know how I roll." I didn't think that expression was being used in that time period. I rather enjoyed it which surprised the shit out of me because I didn't really like the original TV show because of the cutesy/schmaltz content.
  16. I haven't read through the thread yet (although I searched for 'rat' to see if this subject was already talked about) because I don't want to spoil myself on shows I haven't seen. The reruns of this show on CNBC in the evening have become my go-to show to watch at night. I ignored it all 6 seasons it was on in prime time before now. I didn't think I would be interested in it and boy, was I wrong. I really enjoy this show. It's possible that Robert being on Dancing with the Stars is what made me decide to check out Shark Tank but I'm not entirely sure if that was my thought process. Maybe it just happened. Funny enough, I never watched DWTS either until this past year with the exception of a few minutes of an episode here and there. Anyway ... what I came to the forum to say is I'm watching episode 7 of season 4 which is the one with the dog ice cream. I was watching as Robert lured the little rat terrier over so he could pet him and thinking 'Awww.' That "Awww" went to "Oh my God, that's not good" when RH picked the dog up and the poor thing started to turn circles in his arms which ultimately led to the dog escaping/being dropped and Robert looking horrified, along with the owners. The dog seems to be okay luckily, and I must admit that the shenanigans had me laughing and I had to rewind a time or two. And Boo! to Mr. Wonderful for bringing up that the 14 year old dog might not be around to be the face of the company in a few years.
  17. I enjoyed this episode. The children (especially the girl) with the paper plate mask was some scary shit. I see nothing of Kristen Connolly's (sp?) Zoo character in Lena and vice versa. That's a good thing. Neither character is my favorite on their respective shows but I like TW's character a little better.
  18. Tonight was my first time watching this show. I saw episode 2x01. I thought the funniest one was the last lady with the space crabs. "They were crabs now they're cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  19. Yes! When Kira acted surprised that Mason was curious about Kitsunes I just rolled my eyes. I mean, why the hell would she not want to do more research? And the lying -- I don't like it. The pack is better when they are truthful with one another.
  20. I really enjoyed this episode with the whole team working together, nobody going behind the other's backs. I liked the black and white shots with only certain things being colorized too. Kind of sad that Colby got offed. On a purely shallow note: Mike is looking super-hot this season with his scruffiness and crazy hair.
  21. Just finished the episode and haven't read through the comments yet. I went from kind of annoyed thinking that the whole thing was a figment of Ben's coma and then slightly okay with that because then at least Ethan would still be alive --not that he was the greatest character ever, but I did like him sometimes -- to back to annoyed when it was revealed the First Generation was running things with an iron fist. As far as I know this was a one-shot show but the 'ending' leaves room for more. I think it should've ended on the shot of the monitor with Pam and Kate talking by the containment units. Overall, I don't know how I feel about this show yet. I think I wanted the whole thing to be a big experiment in the present time, not really in the future. Oh, and go Pam for taking down her brother!
  22. I found it very WTF-y that there was no adult following Emma up on the roof when she went up there after seeing Riley's body sprawled on the skylight. I know a lot of the cops were tracking 'Tyler' but shouldn't someone other than a 16 year old go up and see if they could, I don't know, help? Someone could've been coming behind her I guess but I kept expecting her mom to come up to the roof as well. Especially because she has medical training.
  23. So from reading Tara's recap, (Thanks, Tara, parts of it made me laugh!) it seems like old pervy white dude (who I thought was neither old, nor pervy looking, -- can't disagree with the white part though) could have just been a lookalike stock photo ... What about the profile pic though? Was it just a huge coincidence that this James Sloan guy used to have Daffy duck on MySpace and now has a duck on Facebook? Or was the James Sloan on MySpace the same James Sloan from Facebook and Trez was using him as a front the whole time? I think I've confused myself, and I'm putting way too much thought into this. James Sloan = name Trez gave Tiana Klassified TipsyTwist (snerk.) = the pictures Trez used when he was being 'James' James Sloan from Facebook = Probably just some random guy whose name Trez 'borrowed' that had nothing to do with any of this In the beginning did they say Nev was celebrating his 50th birthday? Obviously that's not true, was there a joke I missed?
  24. I wanted Lena to cover her hand up with a towel and then ask Drill how many fingers she was holding up. If I were her I'd think hidden camera before I thought all-knowing-entity. Although I guess taking into account the other weird shit that's gone down would make it more plausible. And I hope the name 'Drill' has some kind of significance. Maybe Drill's family consists of a complete set of power tools!
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