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Everything posted by gameoff

  1. I liked it. Doesn't take much to make me happy or suspend disbelief as far as TV goes. Plus, James Wolk is hot. I didn't know his name before this show but I remember him from The Crazy Ones. I didn't realize until after I read the forum that the reporter was the same woman from The Whispers. I thought she looked familiar --although I'm starting to think all actors/actresses look familiar which is either an indication that I watch way too much TV, or I'm getting old. Probably a little of both.
  2. I have to admit, I love this show. This is the first season I started watching it. (I've since binge-watched the other seasons.) I avoided it like the plague before just because it looked so contrived and over-the-top. And granted, it is both of those things, but it's also freaking hilarious and heartwarming. This episode had me laughing several times. Glad to read I wasn't the only one that noticed his tattoo when he was playing mechanic. And a perfectly timed 'That's what she said' joke at the laundromat when Chase said something like 'It's so small.' Well, perfectly timed for something that may've had more than one take. This show is such a great guilty pleasure.
  3. I don't even watch Downton Abbey but watched this video when I saw it on PTV's homepage. Pretty much anything that has a derivative of the word 'fart' in its headline will have me taking a closer look. I've long made peace with the fact that my sense of humor is a little juvenile. This video was funny, not as funny as some of the farting videos out there (check out the Farting Preacher videos if you enjoy that kind of thing), but worthy of a laugh or two. My main point of commenting was to say that I think even making a childish 'fart' video still takes talent and a good eye, or ear, for knowing what clips would lend themselves well to such shenanigans.
  4. Oh, brother. Even multi-tasking (by playing Facebook games, naturally) while this was on did not keep me from yelling at the screen to shut the fuck up and just play already! What a let-down of a show. It could be good, there's just way too much reiterating of rules and babbling about why they picked which categories. My most vehement STFU outburst came when the challenger was explaining why he WASN'T choosing certain categories for Adam to play. I know it's not really the contestants fault because I'm sure they are told to do that kind of thing, but really? There was like 10 minutes left in the show and he spent two of them talking about what he wasn't choosing. I guess that's something TPTB would've cut out if they needed to shave off some time. And just once I would've loved for one of the contestants to reply "No, I don't understand. Could you explain it for the 200th time?", or "Yes, for Christ's sake I understand. I'm a freakin' genius." If this gets picked up for another 'season' I don't think I'll be watching it unless they change the format. And yes, Otto, he did say geographic or geographical memory when he was originally introduced as having a photographic memory. I must've missed the part where they explained how Adam and the last dude knew each other. Did they actually KNOW each other or was it they had just gone to the same school? I didn't mention it then, but earlier in the week I thought it was a little disappointing that a couple of the challengers had already been on game shows (Jeopardy, I think). I'm sure this show could've found some people with genius level IQs that hadn't already banked a bunch of dough from game shows. In the end I guess it's a Moo (TM Joey Tribbiani) point anyway.
  5. I didn't realize this was on for two hours tonight. Still don't know how they could possibly get to 500 questions with all the extraneous chit-chat but we'll see.
  6. I just caught up with this episode. What was the deal with Savannah getting weepy when she started talking about Ruth? I thought she was going to confess that she'd accidentally killed her. Maybe she was upset because Ruth is a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs now after that whole channeling the dead thing.
  7. The cockatoo joke make me LOL. A few other parts made me laugh too although at the moment I can't recall what they were.
  8. Grrrr ... the forum keeps eating my replies so sorry if I double post. Whoa ... so they actually went there. I know a lot of the Juliette haters will probably be happy now, but I never really had a problem with her character until she became a Hexienbitch. I wanted her to be redeemable and use her new powers to help the Grimmsters. Having a part in killing Nick's mom was crossing a line that couldn't be backtracked over. I'm not sure how I feel about her being killed. Maybe I just wanted her sent away somewhere. Some other quick thoughts about this episode while I continue to process it: I thought that when Kenneth was arrested Team Grimm was already planning to pin the "Jack the Renard" (kudos to the person that came up with that title --I think in the previous episode's thread, unfortunately I don't remember who.) murders on him. I guess not though, because that idea didn't seem to occur to the Captain until he realized Kenneth's body would be useful for just that purpose. I had been hoping that some way, somehow, Nick's mom wasn't really dead and it was all a ruse so when the pilot of the helicopter threw the King out of the helicopter I nearly cheered because I thought it was going to be her with her head fully attached under that helmet. Who was it that Trubel called? When Juliette Hexened out and threw Nick against the wall my first thought was there goes the poor house getting smashed up again. There must be an open tab at the local Home Depot for their residence. ETA: 'her head fully attached under that helmet' because you don't end a sentence with 'with.' Unless you are explaining how you ended a sentence with with.
  9. I really enjoyed this show. Yes, I rolled my eyes so much at Ben's various accusations I think I sprained one, but I still found the story interesting. I hope they have another season. What did it say at the end about it not being over? My DVR kicked on and flipped to another channel.
  10. I also hope this gets renewed. After watching the first episode I didn't think I was going to like it, but have found myself making sure to watch every episode. Like another poster said above, I really care about these characters.
  11. Oh, this is fun. All right, my headcanon is that this was some kind of arranged marriage that she wasn't into from the very beginning. Her dad says "I'm proud of you" because in his mind she's doing the right thing and marrying this man to further a family business (or something). The dude in the helicopter is the true love of her life and by not marrying the first guy she's taking a stand against everything she's been force-fed her whole life. I've got no explanation for the song used though. Unless ... it's directed loosely at this unknown thing I've made up that she's rebelling against. As an aside, I thought the man playing her father was Patrick Stewart at first glance. And it seems odd that the groom has his back to her while she's being walked down the aisle.
  12. Okay, in real life I'd agree with all these statements but for the sake of it being a commercial I give it/her a pass.
  13. This is one of those commercials I don't fast forward through. I know it's mostly the song that got me in the beginning, but it's got some beautiful cinematography in it as well. And any commercial about people throwing caution to the wind and doing crazy things usually appeals to me.
  14. Jessica had some funny lines in this episode, but the only characters I am finding likable are Louis and the two younger sons.
  15. She reminds me of Neve Campbell. Not really in the linked pic, but on the show. By the time the reveal came through I was suspecting everyone, but really thought it might be Bonnie. I still am not sure whether that conversation between Annalise and Frank with the "I didn't," ... "Well, neither did I." was in reference to Sam's or Rebecca's death. Before we saw Rebecca's body I thought that Annalise had been the one to let her go (based on her 'I'll just ask her nicely' comment) and was just throwing the others off by pretending she had escaped on her own. Now I wonder if Annalise knew already that Rebecca was dead. It sucks about Oliver and I hope Connor stays with him. Michaela and Laurel's more evil --or manipulative -- sides are fun to watch. Asher's bro-dude attitude makes me want to smack him, but it's obviously a front.
  16. Good idea. They were all in the other room and that was just too far right then. I'm feeling much better, thankfully.
  17. I happened to have the stomach flu earlier this week and it made me realize that there are hardly any commercials that don't pertain to the cooking of food, the eating of food, the selling of food, food going bad or something that is disgusting and dirty and needs to be cleaned, or somebody being sick and being chased after by a ball of mucus. On a normal day none of that is a big deal and I just take it all in stride but I felt so bad I couldn't even watch television. Even an innocent innocuous commercial for cereal was enough to make me cringe. It's interesting how the frame of mind you are in determines how you feel about things. I finally wound up putting the golf channel on because it was the only one I could find that I could tolerate.
  18. I'm catching up on the thread, didn't realize I hadn't been here in so long. Somehow I hadn't seen this commercial until yesterday and that's really cool to know it started as a real video. This commercial made my non-existent allergies act up. I know they were using it as advertising but I like when companies show solidarity to the community / nation / whatever. It gives me that 'we're all just a little connected feeling'. This is one of my favorite commercials. The best part of this commercial for me is how the mom has a little scream when she sees the disaster in the bathroom and then the dad comes in behind her and does his own gasp, which scares her again. That part makes me laugh. Love this commercial. These commercials crack me up. Isn't this the same company that did had the grandmother telling her grandchild about naked ziplining and then the parents realized what she was saying and cut her off? At the end they hugged a tree. I only saw the version that mentioned naked zip lining once or twice and after that only saw a shorter version. I wonder if they'll cut this one down too? Pretty much any commercial that shows someone just not GAF and being themselves makes me feel good.
  19. I DVR'd the original episode and watched it yesterday and from there went into watching the 40th anniversary special. I always enjoy commemorative / recapp-y type shows anyway and SNL always brings me fond memories. Watching the original was really interesting as I've seen quite a few of the older ones but I don't think I'd seen that one. I came along a few years after SNL started and probably my 'heyday' of watching was the mid to late 90's ... Fallon, Ferrell, Sandler. Now when I catch it I always enjoy at least a couple segments and make promises to myself that I'm going to start watching it again because whether it's making me cringe or laugh it's making me do something. I read the book 'The History of SNL' last year and I recommend it if you get a chance to read it. Lots of Behind the Scenes stuff about gossip and feuds between the cast. I know some people hate when the cast breaks and laughs during the skits, but that's one of my favorite parts, and I think that's what endeared me so much to Jimmy Fallon. I feel like it makes them human, and relatable. As an aside, I like when stand-up comedians get a little giggly at themselves too. I'm off to finish watching the 40th anniversary special.
  20. I thought that the finger print Frank lifted was going to turn out to be Hannah's and then they'd somehow try to pin it on the "jealous" sister. The upcoming episodes look like they are packed full.
  21. I'm enjoying this show and I'm enjoying admiring Tommy. This was an okay episode, I figured that this would somehow tie into the overall serial killer story line but looks like it was a stand alone. I did roll my eyes when Tommy was helping Max out of the attempted room of death and the crowbar fell. Because, of course it did. When TV shows see a chance to have an explosion and create OMG!-a-main- character-might-be-injured-moments, they take it. Snarkiness aside, I may not have been surprised if Tommy bit it in the explosion because I was shocked that Ben was killed off so quickly.
  22. As far as the whole anal sexcapade goes, I was under the impression that they are saving that particular act for next time they rendezvous. I think Noah was getting touchy feely with her in that area and that's when she said she'd never done that before --which contradicts what she told the tarot-card reading friend/in-law or whatever she was --and the way he said he had done it before implied that he was quite familiar in doing it that way. That's what I got out of that scene.
  23. I thought one of the biggest inconsistencies in this episode was the finding of the pregnancy test. In Alison's version she found it, and I'm assuming put it back in the trash can, then Noah comes into the kitchen, and she's giving him the semi-cold shoulder, then they leave to look at the apartment. In Noah's version he finds it and sticks it in his back pocket and that's about the time that Alison comes into the kitchen in a towel because she's looking for her shirt. In Noah's version there wouldn't have been any time for Alison to find it. I guess when they are thinking back, now that they both know Whitney is/was pregnant they each remember being the "finder". That seems like one of the more important details that wouldn't waiver. I guess whoever found it could've told the other one and the other person's memory skewed it that they found it. That sentence made my brain hurt. Sometimes this show makes my brain hurt ... but in a good way. I think. Also, I agree with the others who said it was dumb to throw the test into the kitchen garbage of all places. And it's not like Alison dug far down into it either, so it wasn't even well-hidden in the not-smart trash can. I'm sure Whitney could've wrapped it up and disposed of it at a better time and place. I plan to rewatch the whole series once it's over and see if more things fall into place. I tuned into this show for the Josh Jackson, and while I'm disappointed he's not featured more, I am interested in the premise of how people remember the same things differently. And hopefully there will be more focus on Cole and Helen's character's in season 2. I did wonder how on earth Alison forgot her bra. Maybe that lends more credence to her version because that's the one she was upset in. I also thought it was feasible possibility that she brought a change of clothes with her since I'm sure she was expecting they were meeting for sex and maybe she was under the impression already worn one in her bag. She very well may have left it on purpose. At this point, who knows.
  24. And not only that, the cop that locked him up referred to him as 'Sarge' or 'Sargeant' for all to hear. I actually made a comment out loud about that when it happened. I see someone else mentioned that was only a holding cell he was in, so I guess that makes more sense. Until they ran through all of Wu's flashbacks I had forgotten he had seen that much stuff. I always think of him seeing the Wendigo*, but damn, there were a lot more than that. *ETA: I meant Aswang, not Wendigo. At least I think that's what I meant, all my monsters are getting mixed up.
  25. I thought the very last shot of Carver walking with a purpose would end with his heart giving out, thus the epiphany he had would die with him and Tom's involvement in the crime would stay covered up by Ellie. It's too bad there won't be another season.
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