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Everything posted by BuckeyeLou

  1. ITA about Kanye, he just got out of psychiatric hospital (apparently had a mental breakdown), so he & Trump have a lot in common! And they both want to be President :)
  2. Does Kanye's visit to Trump Tower qualify as "Entertainment"? :) He & Trump are "old friends"...good grief, I guess they can bond over their money :) Is Kanye going to show up as the "entertainment" at the Inaguaration? Everybody laughed when Kanye said he wanted to run for President, well, Trump as President is just as crazy.
  3. Thank You....good to see Katy looking well and still on-air
  4. Yep, as a Grandma, I too worry about the world my Grandchildren are going to grow up in, Sigh~~Those who dont learn from History, are doomed to repeat it.
  5. Trumpster's Father died of Alzheimer's & I wonder if he is showing early signs of it? I mean all his crazy talk and bizarre delusions of grandeur.
  6. AND: Condoleeza has a huge Oil Tanker named after her! Hmmm...she has friends in the oil business.
  7. Oh Lordy...scary thought, along with all the other folks who dare 'defy" Trumpster. And btw: whatever happened to Katy Tur? She seems to have disappeared from NBC....maybe the threats from Trump fans became too much?
  8. Ugh, so true! What a despicable guy...Lord is so smug, and yet he is so proud of being aligned with Reagan, who happened to call Russia(ie: Soviet Union) an "Evil Empire".
  9. As more & more info comes out about this Russian hacking, the more amazed & aghast I am! Unbelievable, what a topsy-turvy world we live in: the Repubs who fought against the Russians for years, are now "A-OK" with the President-elect being 'pals" with a Russian dictator...sheesh. And the Repubs just shrug their shoulders over what the CIA & Intelligence agencies are saying.
  10. Yes, Dylan has done the weather segment during the Nightly News recently, and I thought she would pop on-air! Dylan & Savannah's due dates are one day apart.
  11. I dont know about Tamron, but Hoda has said on-air several times, that her Mother buys a lot of her clothes. She knows Hoda's size & she mails them to NYC for Hoda to wear. Several of the anchor women are auctioning off some of their dresses, and Hoda's red dress was one bought by her Mother.
  12. I liked Maggie's storyline this past year, when she was paralyzed(and she remembered when she was young & the red shoes, and then Victor brought her red shoes). Suzanne Rogers was so good in her scenes, I felt emotional watching her. I like that Maggie's character loves Victor, but she knows what's up with him. That being said, I did Not like the Summer storyline, it re-did Maggie's early storylines, and was not necessary, plus the character was unpleasant & boring to watch.
  13. Glad to know you are still alive...hopefully not 'jet lagged"....but I can imagine what you are hearing from military personnel, dont know why they hate Hillary so much and think Trump, the coward who never served in the military, is so 'great"...he will be setting off more wars with his ridiculous tweets! Sigh~~
  14. My Father was a POW in WW2 and when Trump made that remark about Sen. McCain being captured, I had steam coming out of my ears! Outrageous & beyond the pale! I cant believe Sen.McCain did not come out strongly against Trump and defend the bravery of POWs. Ugh, Trumpster is a Coward as well as a hater, liar, con-man, and all the rest!
  15. Oh My! Now we will be experiencing a brain drain from the U.S., talented people who are needed in our country are now too nervous about the future to want to stay here.
  16. Oh Sheesh! I cant believe the flight attendant did not tell him to sit down & quit disturbing the passengers.
  17. Stay Strong! Sorry to hear about your health problems, (I was in and out of hospital all summer), so I am worried about the repeal of the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare"). Yes, I am feeling fearful, but Drumpf is happy hanging out in Mar-a'lago.
  18. So great to watch that! President Obama is so genuine in his feelings, has a great sense of humor, really enjoys meeting all the citizens, he really enjoys all his special events....all around a "Cool" President...he is such a joy to watch & listen to.
  19. Exactly! He comes across as such a phony! Poor speaking skills & thinking his over-inunciation makes him sound "serious". UGH!
  20. Ohhh...so funny! Rudy is truly "Ghouliani"....God help us all if he is picked as Sect. of State!
  21. Poor Katy Tur...I have not seen her on the evening news covering all things Trump, maybe she's taking a well-deserved vacation? Or maybe she asked to be relieved of her Trump beat? Seems like Hallie Jackson is doing the Trump stories now.
  22. Yes, they are a Team, friends that had chemistry on the Dance floor. Living in Indy & being a race fan, I knew about James as "Mayor of Hinchtown", and of his horrific accident, but DWTS showed me a whole other side of James, and I was amazed...not only a graceful dancer but able to show emotion & become a character...just a joy to watch all season.
  23. THIS! The MSM, including all the major news outlets, need to investigate & do serious homework on what Trumpster & his Gang are doing in DC! I hope they dont roll over & just accept whatever he says because He is the "President".
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