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Everything posted by BuckeyeLou

  1. I heard Jonathan Alter read that Lenin quote and say that is Bannon's goal "Chaos and the destruction of existing government"...SCARY! I always like hearing David Gergen's comments, he worked for 5 Presidents and he seems seriously alarmed by what is happening now.
  2. Rachel is now following up her show tonight with an appearance on Lawrence's show...discussing the firing of the Acting Attorney General, reminds everyone of Nixon's "Saturday Night Massacre". Now we have a Judicial Crisis...what is next?!
  3. Rachel Maddow just called into Ari Melber's show....she has been keeping up with all the weekend events...she says this whole 'exercise" by the Trump Administration is just political 'theater" and that his people are just testing how far they can go. They want to see how far they can push the boundaries of what the American people will accept. Rachel says the protests are very important and show that a lot of Americans are not going to allow Trump(and his people) to do whatever they want, without considering legal precident, and citizens opinions.
  4. Ugh, every time I see Jeffrey Lord on-screen, I want to scream. He said Nothing about the photo of the dead child, he totally pivoted to talk about Trump and other nonsense. The man is Heartless!
  5. And the way he signs his name SO Dramatically! Like he's the KING or something, sheesh. And then he holds the paper up for everyone to see...I never remember any other President doing all this dramatic name signing.
  6. I think Poppy Harlow is doing a good job of trying to mediate among her guests, she just had a young man on who had served with the US Military in Iraq & Afghanistan and who was speaking about the Iraqi Interpretor who had been detained at JFK airport. He said how outrageous this is! This man had helped the US Military for 10 years and his life was in danger by remaining in Iraq. CNN is showing the crowd getting larger at JFK and now protests are breaking out at other airports around the US. UGH...Trump knows nothing about the vetting process, like this young man said, for this Man to work for the US Military he had to be carefully vetted, and yet now they act like they are dangerous.
  7. Ugh! I have watched the TODAY show for over 40 years...it is how I start my morning. Some anchors I have liked better than others, but I dont think I can stomach Megyn Kelly!
  8. Wow....all I can say about Megyn Kelly is "ugh", I saw her Co-host with Kelly Ripa one morning and she was terrible. She thought she was so "cutesy and hip", and kept giggling, it was annoying. I like Tamron on MSNBC, but on "Today's Take" she too kept giggling and tried too hard to be "fun and hip"
  9. Exactly! WHY didnt the Press ask the tough questions of Trump & his people while he was campaigning? Trump was saying ridiculous stuff while campaigning but nobody said anything, Trump just got lots of free air time.
  10. Wow....this is more & more like a spy thriller...sheesh, and Donald and his people think we can just ignore this?! Why oh Why arent Congress investigating the Russian ties?!
  11. That is what I thought! Sen. Franken has always been an energetic spokesman for progressives, but on Rachel's show, I thought he seemed "low energy"(to borrow from the Donald), he seemed like he had just given up. This worries me, have the Democrats in Congress just 'given up" and figure they can not do anything against Republican plans?!
  12. Yikes, Rachel is explaining this tonight! Scary stuff, the Russian guy who was in Cyber-Intelligence had a bag thrown over his head & he 'disappeared"...like a spy movie, only this is real life! Was he the one who fed info to our Intelligence people? And now Trumputin is going to lift sanctions against Russia?! This needs to be investigated!
  13. Truly we are living in an Orwellian world! Tell a lie often enough and people believe its the Truth. I feel like I've fallen down the 'rabbit hole" into Wonderland.
  14. I just saw that Kellyanne 'brouhaha" with Chuck Todd! Gads, the woman is delusional! She was yelling and getting all heated when Chuck kept trying to pin her down to get a straight forward answer & she kept talking about other stuff, yes she was just throwing out "Alternative Facts".
  15. ITA, not only did Trump insult President Obama, he insulted ALL the former Presidents on the dais! And I agree with you, this whole idea that its poor white people who voted for Trump, I think lots of people are just full of hate for all minorities are the ones who are cheering
  16. I know: Really?! People 'out in America" thought that was a terrific speech!? I thought it was scary!
  17. Watching CNN for the Parade, and David Gregory pops up on-screen! Ugh...really? When did he join CNN?
  18. Yea, I had to mute Kate's interview with those guys, and what was with Trump's raised Fist at the end of his speech?! Did not strike me as a "peaceful" gesture...
  19. I am so sad....watching the Obamas fly off....it was raining, Heaven was crying
  20. I dont know where to put my thoughts...watching MSNBC and other Networks as well, commentators dont even know what to say about Trump's speech, calling it 'dark & stark". Yikes, Trump;s speech scared me even more...the whole "American First"..the heck with the rest of the world. Gads!
  21. And what was with the over the top remark that his Cabinet had the Highest IQ in history?! And were the smartest people ever?! Why does Everything have to be so over the top & stupendous with Trumpster?! Gads, he sounds like a crazy person
  22. I feel like I am living in an "upside down" topsy-turvy world! We have a President to be who is making the most insane statements & yet the "Press" feels like they have to be "Fair" and non-partisan and act like it is all "Normal" when they should be shouting from the rafters "This guy is NUTS"!
  23. Thats what I thought too. Makes me sad. And do we really need Another talk show?!
  24. Good Grief, rolling my eyes! Who are these people?
  25. ITA....Melania has no intention of leaving NYC...why leave that gold-plated apartment in the sky? And no, its not right that American taxpayers have to pay for extra security for staying at Trump Tower. And it really makes me mad that Ivanka "the golden child" will get to 'play" at being First Lady while hawking her fashions on her website.
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