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Everything posted by Gharlane

  1. I enjoyed this one. I was amused by the strangely specific lesser gawds and wondered why Jinx was something good. Now we know. So, did they ever fill the missing position? Chekov's snake came into play in the number two story.
  2. Oh, is THAT whose face was blurred out?
  3. I didn't notice the first time, but Schwartz invited Jax to drop by and join them, so it wasn't a random driveby insult.
  4. I watched last night after my workout but have no memory of what I watched. I think I zoned out or am experiencing suppressed memories.
  5. Did the entire cast of VR make guest appearances?
  6. THANK you! 😉 What did Sandoval expect to do if he had been successful?
  7. Peter begins with a Bond spoof, Quagmire talks about how Jane Fonda stole his aerobics concept, and Cleveland and Joe do a Lethal Weapon spoof. Excellent!
  8. I just realized what they did with this ep's title...
  9. In the previous episode, Schemer said Summer broke her arm while playing at home. Naturally, Schemer seemed more concerned about the color of her cast. 🤷‍♂️ Any goodwill Katie gained was lost by her being a bitch. I'm not sure who acts more aggrieved , Katie or Arianna. Sandoval, dear sir, is a MACTORSICIAN! I'm bored with it too, but have to remind myself this filmed six month ago, when it was relatively recent.
  10. I refer to it as "dry heaving".
  11. They should have used his advice. That show was rotten.
  12. But but but it's true! Ally's horrorscope said so! 😈
  13. I am beyond tired of seeing that commercial!
  14. They did the same shit with Stassi suddenly being in a new ep of Summer House. I gave up after 5 minutes or so. Were we sppsd to recognise anyone other than Jax, Britney, and Kristen?
  15. Jax: Hello! I was walking by this bar when I heard you talking and decided to come in and start a fight with Sandoval! Nice to see you all, now it's time to walk home to ... THE VALLEY". OMG, I totally misparsed that as something TMI! 😲 Like Billi Lee, mugging for camera time... [eye roll]
  16. At Sandoval and Arianna's house, Tom returns from Tahoe while Anne is leaving, claiming she's going out to see the Barbie movie. Arianna bitches about Tom again. Meanwhile, at Vila Rosa, magnanimous animal-lover Lisa Vanderbucks is trying to train her newest dog or something when Schemer shows up and unloads about her grieving for her relationship with Sandoval and whines about all the dance lessons for Dancing with the Stars being wasted. Yeah, you were at best a candidate if they couldn't get Arrianna. Heh, Arianna was one of Schemer's backup dancers 12 years ago. Arianna shows LaLa her photos for her book. Arianna claims she never gets angry, followed by several clips of her blowing her top. Heh. LaLa chides her for not defending Schemer, who was standing next to Sandoval in a photo. Arianna makes a lame excuse about not wanting drama. Yeah, right. OK, what the hell is LaLa wearing in her confessional footage? It looks like a chainmail bikini. Arianna interviews that Sandoval is trying to ice her out by befriending Schemer. I think she's doing that fine on her own with Katie. Katie and Kristina goto a cafe. Who the hell is Kristina? LaLa and Schemer join them. They make a joke about wanting "one of everything" that I am sure the waiter has heard a gazillion times. Schemer tells her friends that her daughter broke her arm and she had to choose a color that matched. Jebus. Katie makes faces while they talk about Lake Tahoe, then she and LaLa drop hints about Jax sleeping around, and worse! Katie keeps making faces and demands they quit talking about Sandoval, then starts badmouthing him. Katie fumes that he made people think she's a bitch. Heh. Successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks arrives at Tom Tom, which is apparently where she dumped a bunch stuff from Pump, including staff, to make a mini-Pump on the patio. Charlie, a new waiter who resembles Ryan Gossling, chats her up and poses like he's auditioning for next season. Sandoval arrives and interviews that he resents not being consulted about the Pump stuff being moved to Tom Tom, followed by successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks saying she doesn't think 2.5% business partners don't need to be asked. Heh. Charlie returns for some more posing and auditioning. Tom Tom offers her ice cream (how is not totally melted?). He tells her he hasn't heard from Rachel and professional pudding-stirrer Lisa Vanderbucks casually mentions that she spoke with Rachel on the phone, who said Sandoval made her miserable and was tired of him making her lie. Sandoval complains in a confessional that he wasn't good for her if he disagreed with her doctors. When Sandoval says he tried to call Rachel but his call was blocked, relationship expert Lisa Vanderbucks told him "It's over". Successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks visits LaLa's "office", where LaLa tells her she is "rebranding" for some reason. Is that a professional wrestling title belt on the shelf behind them? LaLa announces she's looking for a sperm donor because she wants more babies, then interviews in that chain mail bikini thing that she doesn't want to share or lose her children. Hmm. Schwartz and Jo arrive at SUR, where Sandoval just happens to arrive while going on a random walk in the neighborhood. Yeah, right. He gives DJ Muppet Baby some ugly sunglasses as a gift (or bribe). Shwartz and Jo later go to Chicas Tacos for lunch. Schwartz was conveniently wearing a "Shwartz & Sandies" t-shirt. Looks like a fun place. The guys go out for dinner at HH Brazilian Steakhouse dressed to the nines. The waiter gives Sandoval a dirty look. Heh. Sandoval whines about Rachel ghosting him and the others tell him to start dating again. Meanwhile, the girls have an astrology party at Ally's house. Schemer brings in two bigass boxes for Con(?) next week. Ally interviews that she used to want to be a singer but decided to be an astrologer instead. Reach for the stars, Ally! Once LaLa arrives, the astrology begins! Ally gives incorrect readings (Schemer is "selfless"? ORLY?). Arianna opines that Sandoval was suppressing her good luck and once he left, it was unbound. No, you got those opportunities only because of Scandolval. LaLa points out that Arianna is behaving like she did after leaving Randal. Katies says something and makes a gesture, but it was blurred out and muffled in post-production that sets off LaLa.
  17. Oh yes! I had forgotten about that! LOL
  18. I enjoyed this one greatly, with all the science jokes and gawd jokes.
  19. I don't remember if the cancer scam was ever brought up again after it was exposed, but I quit watching when Vickie wasn't booted from the show and the producers were obviously forcing the others to forgive her. Vickie was upset that no one gave her a casserole while Brooks had "cancer".
  20. I watched the first part and it ended past my bedtime. Is it on late to avoid children from seeing it?
  21. Slogged thru another ep. Sometimes, being a completist has its drawbacks. The happy married couple rehash what happened last week, namely that Ethan decided to visit his family and return with Micah while Olivia was out of town. I kept wondering about the logistics of two people driving two cars back. After hearing what Ethan told Olivia, I am surprised she stayed with him. It sounds like she has matured while he has regressed. I suspect that Moriah couldn't figure out how to get into her account, panicked, and then told everyone Olivia "stole" her "music" and "money". I had totally forgotten Moriah still lives in Tampa, so seeing the establishing shots there confused me. How is Lydia able to visit her so often? For that matter, how can Olivia and Ethan afford to move to a new place every two or three years? I found it amusing that Amber had already figured out what Kim was about to tell her. She probably knows Kim was seeing Ken before the separation/divorce. I did enjoy seeing the footage in which she made Kim squirm when she asked Kim why she thought she expected Barry to move out when she's the one leaving him and their kids? I bet Kim gave her an earful about that! Ethan tells Micah his side of the "Olivia stole Moriah's music and money" story. Apparently, Olivia gave Moriah the account information so she wouldn't have to deal with it while she and Ethan were in Europe. Moriah didn't know how to navigate the site with her "music" and blamed Olivia. How the hell are they transporting two cars with that U-Haul truck? I have my doubts there's a car inside of it!
  22. I think Brittany had one, or at least downsized her implants.
  23. We've seen Katie on a couple dates but they don't seem to stick around for more than one episode. I am guessing she's a real joykill and attracts famewhores who decide it's not worth the ordeal to be on this show.
  24. I noticed legitimate soap and deodorant companies are jumping on the "genital deodorant" bandwagon. 🙄
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