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Everything posted by TheCouchPotato

  1. I used to love this franchise; it had my undivided attention. I'm currently reading a Reddit post about a cat that licks windows and creates works of art --while RHOP plays in the background. Yes, I find a cat licking a window more interesting...
  2. I think the award for the most gracious, real and level-headed housewife should go to Garcelle. My heart broke for her when watching those four morons laugh about the incident with her son. He is a child and under no circumstance, would that be funny. Also makes me think that Diana may have something to do with those disgusting posts. Garcelle needs to get off this franchise - she's far too good for it.
  3. She's a terrible human being. Hoping her girls stay sweet and do the opposite of her.
  4. I love how everything backfired on Rinna. Fingers crossed that she's off the show and will be homeless, and maybe toothless soon!
  5. I am finding this season a bit upsetting. Gizelle is taking all the suffering that so many women went through and belittling it for the sake of a story line. Chris needs to flip the script and claim harassment. For someone that is "uncomfortable," she has no issues embracing him and discussing his private parts. It's wrong and Bravo should give her the boot for trying to destroy an innocent person's reputation.
  6. I think Taylor's anger is stemming from the fact that she could not turn Shep, and complete God's mission. Sorry, Taylor, the devil has a good grip on him and you were delusional. Perhaps she should go back to the third world countries that actually need her.
  7. I forgot about the desperate women that would actually think he's a catch.
  8. Just me or did Madison look like the puppet from Mr. Roger's? The makeup, chin, heavy bronzer - yikes! How did Shep pull a Charlie Sheen and get 300 women to sleep with him? Must be all those big words that he uses. Yes, Taylor, you are dumb for knowing that number and thinking you're the one.
  9. No, Kathy, you're one of the only ones I've liked! Please let there be a reason for why you said all those horrible things about your own sister!
  10. I really want to believe that Austin was genuine in his convo with Taylor, but I'm sure the muppet mouth is looking to shed some better light on himself and get bonus points with the female audience. Craig, eww. I always wanted him to succeed and do well in life, but he's become a Southern Asshat. Enjoying Olivia, and her sense of no BS.
  11. Is it just me or does Craig still have feelings for Naomi? He's getting upset over the stupidest of things and calling her psycho when he's the only one looking crazy at the moment. So tired of their storyline.
  12. So the only time we truly see Nina upset is over a fruitcake. The cast have called her a liar, boring, inauthentic, two-faced, all to which she remained calm, but God forbid you mess with her fruitcake business. Who in their right mind even likes fruitcake? That was the one Christmas present that we always made sure to regift to some other poor, unfortunate soul. I love how Caroline doesn't even have a first name. They just call her "Brooks," which is probably fitting given all the off putting and shady "Brooks" we've had in the franchise - RHOC (Brooks Ayers) and RHOSC (Brooks Marks). 🤮 Ayan on her own = endearing. Ayan with Lesa = over the top annoying. Be gone with this whole cast! Be gone! Stanbury can't even provide appropriate facial expressions given all the fillers.
  13. Wow, given the number of replies on this thread, this show may not last much longer. They need to switch out all of the men. None of them add value to the show. Shep is an a-hole and will die alone. Austin has a muppet mouth and I start to crash every time his muppet face comes on the screen. Craig is whiny and annoying and I can't tell his voice apart from Paige. Whitney is, well, a 50 year old man that lives with his Mom. I know times are tough but that is just sad. Bravo needs to change out this cast, and bring back SC New Orleans. For some reason, that was cancelled and it was one helluva entertaining show.
  14. Garcelle is the type of friend you want for life. I get that Sutton may not always say the right thing, but the pile on is insane and I'm glad she has Garcelle. Bring Kathy back full-time. Ah, right, she doesn't need this show.
  15. Me thinks Lesa made goat stew...Not buying it. Oh, Caroline, I don't know who is the bigger moron. A guy that thinks you can remove a baby while it's in gestation and transfer it into another woman or you for marrying a guy this stupid. I can't take these two 🤮
  16. Sergio is...what's the word? A MORON. Procreation with these two would not be good for our society. Ok, Brooks is delusional - she's overreacting because she clearly has childhood issues. I want to like this show, I really do, but it's getting harder by the epi. They've managed to put me off of Dubai. I'd rather go to Dallas, and I really can't stand those women.
  17. I give it a year, and Caroline will be done with her boy toy. She already looks so annoyed every time the dope opens his mouth. She's over the "tiki tiki."
  18. I'm in Florida as well! Haha! I get it. It's unbearably hot and I don't even leave my home from June to August. I think it was the amount of money she spent for some damn ice. Can go to a Wawas and do it for far cheaper.
  19. Shep is well beyond his sell by date - he is lucky to have any human interest. Love Craig but why is he giving advice about infidelity? Pot meet kettle. I can't with Venita. Did she say we should aspire to be Barbies!?!
  20. I've tried typing several posts and kept deleting because I couldn't think of anything from the show. That's how bad the show is becoming for me.
  21. Oh, Sergio wants another child. Doesn't he realize that Caroline already has 4 including him. Such an odd couple... I think I find this show unbearable because all they talk about is their wealth and status. They're so one dimensional, which says a a lot when you talk about Bravo housewives.
  22. I am so blown away by Sara’s plastic surgery transformation. I’ve seen so many housewives that have altered their look, but she takes the cake for being a whole new person. It’s actually quite sad because she looked like an actual person before.
  23. Sadly, I only watch to see more of Dubai. I’m not finding anyone that interesting.
  24. Wow, Caroline Brooks wasn’t exaggerating about Sara’s plastic surgery. Looks like two completely different people.
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